em Bioline International
Introduction Utilization of orthodox health facilities for maternal health services is determined by factors operating at the individual, household, community and state level. The prevalence of small family norm is one of the identified variables operating within the community which influences the decision of where to access care (orthodox/traditional). The objective of the study was to determine the use of orthodox versus unorthodox maternity healthcare and determinants among rural women in southwest Nigeria. Methods A qualitative study was done and involved three focus group discussions. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect information from women of reproductive age group within a rural Local Government Area in Lagos state. Results Most of the women access some form of healthcare during pregnancy, orthodox, unorthodox or both. Those who patronize both services concurrently do so to benefit from the two as each has some unique features such as herbal concoctions for traditional, ultrasound and immunization of babies for orthodox. Traditional belief exerts a strong influence on decision of where to access maternal healthcare services. Actual place of delivery is determined by individual and household factors including financial resources. Conclusion Rural women utilize one or both orthodox and unorthodox maternal health services for different reasons. Ward Development Committees should be strengthened so as to reach the communities, educate and convince women to dispel myths which limit their use of orthodox care. Training and monitoring of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) are vital to eliminate harmful practices. We also recommend improved financial access to orthodox healthcare.
Objetivo: Compreender o conhecimento e o uso da voz por mulheres que cantam em coral e as repercussões para a promoção da saúde. Métodos: Realizou-se estudo qualitativo, de dezembro de 2011 a fevereiro de 2012, com 13 mulheres de 23 a 66 anos, membros de um coral de uma universidade, em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Coletaram-se os dados através de entrevista semiestruturada. Aplicou-se a análise temática para organizar os resultados em categorias, analisando-as à luz do interacionismo simbólico. Resultados: Identificaram-se dois núcleos de sentido: conhecimento sobre voz e uso da voz. As coralistas definiram a voz como meio de comunicação, identidade pessoal e forma para expressar emoções. Elas não demonstraram conhecimento consistente sobre os aspectos anatômicos e fisiológicos da voz, mas as definições apresentadas mostram que elas entendem que a voz permeia espaços pessoais, sociais e profissionais. A voz profissional e o envelhecimento destacaram-se no contexto do uso vocal. As participantes reconhecem que o conhecimento e o uso da voz podem ser aprimorados pelas atividades no coral, o que remete à promoção da saúde. Conclusão: As coralistas apresentam conhecimento limitado sobre a saúde vocal, porém, compreendem os efeitos benéficos do coral sobre sua saúde, ampliando a compreensão sobre a voz; isso estimula a adoção de hábitos saudáveis e de medidas preventivas, o que favorece o uso vocal.
Objective: To investigate the maternal perception of the experience in the first phase of the Kangaroo Mother Care Method in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Methods: Descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study, conducted in the period from August to October 2014, with 10 mothers of newborn preterm (NP) infants, who were admitted to the Maternity School Assis Chateaubriand (MEAC) in Fortaleza, Brazil, and had received skin-to-skin contact through the Kangaroo Care Method during hospitalization in the NICU. Data was collected by semi-structured interview, directed by guiding questions. Content analysis was used for processing the data, being established four categories: “The bond and the attachment”, “Maternal competence”, “The fear of losing the baby” and “The importance of the multidisciplinary team”. Results: The Kangaroo Care Method is a safe and pleasurable practice for mothers and relatives, in addition to providing social and psychoaffective benefits, found in the imagery of the method institutionalization and in the mothers’ experience when properly supported. The meanings of the maternal feelings of apprehension as a result of the first physical contact with the hospitalized child can be evidenced. Regarding the evaluation of its clinical practice, this method has provided better development of the newborn infant and a reduction in hospital stay. Conclusion: The study shows relevance, since the evidence of the maternal perception of this method supports its establishment as a mandatory practice in maternity hospitals, in view of the benefits to the mother and the neonate.
Objetivo: Identificar as representações ideativas de idosos edêntulos uni ou bimaxilares acerca das perdas dentárias e da reabilitação protética oral. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo, realizado entre janeiro e março de 2011 com sete idosos residentes em uma Instituição Pública de Longa Permanência do Recife-PE, com 14 idosos em atendimento na Clínica de Prótese Dentária da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Coletaram-se os dados através de uma entrevista semiestruturada que passou por análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Os achados possibilitaram identificar que, para os idosos, os dentes contribuíam tanto para a saúde quanto como para facilitar interações sociais, enquanto o edentulismo foi associado a uma pluralidade de sentimentos negativos. Quanto à reabilitação protética, eles enfatizaram os prejuízos para a saúde devido a próteses mal adaptadas. Conclusão: Os idosos acreditam que o edentulismo e a reabilitação protética estão associados, principalmente, a um conceito mecanicista da profissão, amplamente difundido entre os profissionais que privilegiam mais a odontologia curativa em detrimento da prevenção. Nesse contexto, para que o envelhecimento possa ser considerado uma etapa da vida com as mesmas qualidades e dificuldades de qualquer outra, sugere-se aos gestores e aos próprios profissionais em saúde que se comprometam mais com uma prática odontológica humanizadora e preventiva, a fim de proverem os requisitos mínimos para um envelhecimento com dignidade.
Background: The latest national census reports the population of Iranian children (1 - 8 years old) about 11 millions. On the other hand, the latest population policies approved by supreme cultural revolution council (SCRC) will make this population increase faster. Childhood development is one of the social determinants of health, of which “child’s play” is a part. Objectives: This study is an effort to identify difficulties and challenges of the plays influential on Iranian children’s health nationwide, in order to present enhancive strategies by utilizing the views of stakeholders and national studies. Patients and Methods: Analyzing children’s play stakeholders, main organizations were identified and views of 13 informed people involved in the field were investigated through deep semi-structured interview. A denaturalized approach was employed in analyzing the data. In addition to descriptions of the state, interventions development, and designing the conceptual model, national reports and studies, and other countries’ experiences were also reviewed. Results: Society’s little knowledge of “children’s plays”, absence of administrators for children’s play, shortage of public facilities for children’s play and improper geographical and demographic availability, absence of policies for Iranian “toy”, and little attention of media to the issue are the five major problems as stated by interviewees. Conclusions: The proposed interventions are presented as “promoting the educational levels of parents and selected administrators for children’s play”, “approving the play and toy policy for Iran 2025”, and “increasing public facilities for children’s play with defined distribution and availability”.
Purpose: To compare access to medicines in children living in poor households (income of USD1/person/day) between urbanised Klang Valley and rural East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Methods: A semi-structured interview was conducted with caregivers to determine demographics, access to medicines, knowledge, attitude and practice of parents in obtaining medicines for children. Results: There was no significant difference socio-demographically between poor households in Klang Valley (N = 58) and East Coast (N = 40). The study found that access to medicine for children (N = 325) in the households was adequate, where all households that reported illness in the children over the last 1 month and the last 6 month periods, obtained medicines and 99 % of the children were fully immunized. Qualitative analysis showed that poor households face several barriers in accessing medicines for their children such as financial, transportation, physical and attitudinal. Conclusion: Access to medicines for children living in poor households in both areas were similar and adequate. However, barriers to access remain and further studies are required.