15 resultados para Afrique de l’Ouest

em Bioline International


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This introduction underlies the specificities of the health transition that is underway in Francophone Africa to place the special issue in context. It also presents the different contributions collected in this issue and outlines new research directions suggested by these papers.


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Les enjeux de développement en rapport avec la santé urbaine des enfants en Afrique sub-saharienne deviennent d’autant plus importants qu’on a eu à observer dans certaines villes un paradoxe sanitaire se traduisant par une mortalité relativement plus élevée que celle du milieu rural. En outre, concilier la croissance rapide des villes africaines avec l’objectif d’un environnement sanitaire adéquat et adapté à l’ampleur et à la diversité des besoins relève du défi. Cet article propose un état des lieux critique de la littérature sur la santé urbaine, à travers une synthèse de 82 travaux scientifiques portant sur les relations entre dynamiques urbaines et sanitaires. L’étude accorde un regard particulier à la santé des enfants en Afrique subsaharienne francophone. Cette synthèse met en évidence les points de convergences et de divergences de santé urbaine, et aborde aussi, sous un angle critique, les aspects méthodologiques. Elle met en évidence une pluralité de situations sanitaires urbaines, ainsi que la complexité des mécanismes explicatifs des relations entre dynamique urbaine et santé des populations.


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There is no definition of orphans that would allow to know without confusion who is an orphan child. This article analyses the challenges and difficulties in defining and targeting the social category of orphans. It is based on a number of works, as well as the field research on the social actor's logics regarding the family support to orphans among the Mossi people in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), for my Ph.D. in sociology at Laval University (Canada). In fact, international charity organisations use orphans as a vulnerable and universal category. This has been done through the propagation of information on HIV. From the social sciences perspective, the category of orphans covers a variety of realities, and making the choice to see it otherwise would hide the diversity of those realities.


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Mungbean ( Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) is an important source of nutrients and income for smallholder farmers in East Africa. Mungbean production in countries like Uganda largely depends on landraces, in the absence of improved varieties. In order to enhance productivity, efforts have been underway to develop and evaluate mungbean varieties that meet farmers’ needs in various parts of the country. This study was conducted at six locations in Uganda, to determine the adaptability of introduced mungbean genotypes, and identify mungbean production mega-environments in Uganda. Eleven genotypes (Filsan, Sunshine, Blackgram, Mauritius1, VC6148 (50-12), VC6173 (B-10),Yellowmungo, KPS1, VC6137(B-14),VC6372(45-60),VC6153(B-20P) and one local check were evaluated in six locations during 2013 and 2014. The locations were; National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI), Abi Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (AbiZARDI),Kaberamaido variety trial center, Kumi variety trial center, Nabuin Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (NabuinZARDI), and Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (NgettaZARDI). G × E interactions were significant for grain yield. Through GGEBiplot analysis, three introduced genotypes (Filsan, Blackgram and Sunshine) were found to be stable and high yielding, and therefore, were recommended for release. The six test multi-locations were grouped into two candidate mega-environments for mungbean production (one comprising of AbiZARDI and Kaberamaido and the other comprising of NaSARRI, NabuinZARDI, Kumi, and NgettaZARDI). National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI) was the most suitable environment in terms of both discriminative ability and representativeness and therefore can be used for selection of widely adaptable genotypes.


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Sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is an economic and staple crop in sub-Saharan Africa. The genetic diversity in its germplasm is an invaluable aid for its crop improvement. The objective of this study was to assess the existing genetic diversity among sorghum landraces in the southwestern highlands of Uganda. A total of 47 sorghum landraces, collected from southwestern highlands of Uganda, were characterised using 12 qualitative and 13 quantitative traits. The study was conducted at Kachwekano Research Farm in Kabale District, at an altitude of 2,223 m above sea level, during growing season of December 2014 to August 2015. Panicle shape and compactness were the most varied qualitative traits. Grain yield (1.23 to 11.31 t ha-1) and plant height (144.7 to 351.6 cm) were among quantitative traits that showed high variability. Days to 50% flowering (115 to 130 days) showed the least variability. Results of UPGMA cluster analysis generated a dendrogram with three clusters. Panicle weight, leaf width, stem girth, exertion length, peduncle length, panicle shape and compactness, glume colour and threshability were major traits responsible for the observed clustering (P<0.001). Principal Component Analysis revealed the largest variation contributors.


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Groundnut rosette disease (GRD) is the most destructive virus disease of Valencia groundnuts ( Arachis hypogaea L.) in sub-Saharan Africa. Cultural, biological and chemical control measures have received limited success due to small scale farmers’ inability to use them. Use of host plant resistance provides the most effective and economically viable management option for the resource poor farmers. This study was conducted to determine heritability for resistance to GRD in Valencia groundnuts. Six crosses; Valencia C (P1) × ICGV-SM 90704 (P2), Valencia C (P1) × ICGV-SM 96801(P2), Valencia C (P1) × ICGV-SM 99566 (P2), NuMex-M3 (P1) × ICGV-SM 90704 (P2), NuMex-M3 × ICGV-SM 96801 (P2), and NuMex-M3 (P1) × ICGV-SM 99566 (P2), were made to generate F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2 populations. Data on GRD severity were collected on a 1-9 score scale. Genetic Advance as a percentage of the mean (GAM) and heritability were estimated using variance components. Phenotypic Coefficient of Variation (PCV) and Genotypic Coefficient of Variation (GCV) estimates were high (20.04-70.1%) in the six crosses, except for Valencia C × ICGV-SM 96801(18.1%) and NuMex-M3 × ICGV-SM 96801(17.1%), which exhibited moderate GCV values. Broad and narrow sense heritability estimates for GRD disease score ranged from 64.1 to 73.7% and 31 to 41.9%, respectively, in all the crosses. GAM was high in all the crosses (21-50.7%), except for Valencia C x ICGV-SM 96801 (14.67), M3 x ICGV-SM 99566 (18%) and NuMex-M3 x ICGV-SM 96801 (13.5%) crosses that exhibited moderate GAM. The study revealed the presence of variability of GRD resistance, implying that genetic improvement of these exotic materials is possible.


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The eggplant ( Solanum aethiopicum ) is the species of the Solanum genus, whose geographical distribution is broadest. It is grown throughout tropical Africa, and includes three groups of cultivars commonly called African or indigenous eggplant. Kumba group or “bitter eggplant” is an important Solanaceous vegetable crop in Burkina Faso. The objective of this study was to determine genetic variability, strength of association and level of heritability among agronomic interest traits. Phenotypic and genotypic variations and heritability of 14 traits were estimated in 61 accessions at Institut de Développement Rural (IDR), Gampela in Burkina Faso. High phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were observed for fruit diameter, number of seeds per fruit, fruit weight, leaf blade length and width, and height at flowering. In addition, genetic and phenotypic variances were high for the number of seed, fruit weight, plant height at flowering and days to 50% flowering. High heritability estimates were recorded for all traits. Fruit weight showed a positive association with fruit diameter and thickness. The fifty percent flowering cycle registered positive correlations with plant height and fruit diameter. Fruit number showed a negative association with fruit weight and diameter, and 50% flowering cyle.


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Hardpans (plough/hoe pans) are commonly believed to restrict plant root growth and crop yields under conventional small-scale agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. This study questions the notion of widespread hardpans in Zambia and their remedy under conservation tillage. Soil penetration resistance was measured in 8x12 grids, covering 80 cm wide and 60 cm deep profiles in 32 soil pits. Large and fine maize roots were counted in 8x6 grids. Soil samples from mid-rows were analysed for pH, exchangeable H+, exchangeable Al3+, cation exchange capacity, total N and extractable P (Bray 1) at six depths from 0-10 to 50-60 cm. Cultivation-induced hardpans were not detected. Soils under conservation tillage were more compact at 5 cm depth than soils under conventional tillage. No differences in root distributions between conservation and conventional tillage were found. Maize ( Zea mays L. ) roots were largely confined to a relatively small soil volume of about 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm. Root growth appeared to be restricted by a combination of low concentrations of N and P. Soil acidity and Al saturation appeared to play a minor role in root distribution. L-shaped taproots in soils under manual tillage reported earlier were not necessarily due to hardpans, but may rather be caused by temporarily dry, impenetrable subsoils early in the rain season. There is no scientific basis for the recommendation given to farmers by agricultural extension workers to “break the hardpan” in fields under manual or animal tillage in the study areas.


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Alternaria blight (AB) of sweet potato ( Ipomoea batatas L. ), caused by Alternaria spp., was recently reported in South Africa, but is common in southern and eastern Africa. Elsewhere in the world, AB is controlled primarily using resistant varieties. Twenty-five sweet potato varieties/breeding lines, from different origins were assessed for tolerance to AB. The materials were planted in fields having a history of AB disease and rated for tolerance based on a General Disease Index (GDI), with the lowest scores representing tolerance, and the higher scores representing susceptibility. Variety 199062-1 had the lowest GDI value, and was the most tolerant to AB; while W119 had the highest GDI value and was the most susceptible to the disease. Other varieties/breeding lines showed a variation in GDI values between most tolerant and most susceptible. Among the fungicides tested under field conditions, the mixture azoxystrobin-difenoconazole was the most effective in reducing AB intensity. Fungicides pyraclostrobin-boscalid, unizeb, azoxystrobin-chlorothalonil and cymoxanil-mancozeb were also effective against the disease.


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Population ageing in sub-Saharan Africa raises new concerns about mature adult mortality patterns and differentials, but little is known in this region due to the lack of data. This study examines the long term effects of reproductive history on female mortality in three local rural areas in Senegal where population have been followed up for decades. We study mortality differentials according to the past reproductive history of females aged between 50 and 70 in the period 1985-2011. We find that age at first and last deliveries impact mortality levels, as does the number of children ever born. Looking at the sex of the childrenand their vital status at age 5, we note that the number of boys is negatively associated with mortality rates, by a larger extent than the number of girls. In virilocal societies, social factors probably have a strong impact. This result opens future research avenues on the issue of the care of the elderly.


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En Afrique sub-saharienne, les auteurs cherchant à expliquer la surmortalité des enfants des quartiers informels ont rarement essayé de dissocier les caractéristiques sociodémographiques des parents, d’une part, et les effets de contexte, d’autre part, en utilisant une définition « locale » de ces quartiers. Le différentiel de mortalité entre les quartiers formels et informels de la capitale du Burkina Faso est analysé ici à l’aide des données de l’Observatoire de Population de Ouagadougou. Les analyses reposent sur le calcul des taux de mortalité, et sur le modèle de régression de Cox. Au-dedes effets de l’instruction de la mère, de l’âge de la mère, et du niveau de vie du ménage, la résidence dans les quartiers informels est positivement associée à la mortalité des enfants. L’amélioration des conditions sanitaires dans ces quartiers, et un meilleur accès aux services de santé sont deux préalables à la baisse de la mortalité des enfants.


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Au Sénégal, les maladies diarrhéiques constituent un fardeau important, qui pèse encore lourdement sur la santé des enfants. Ces maladies sont influencées par un large éventail de facteurs, appartenant à différents niveaux et sphères d'analyse. Cet article analyse ces facteurs de risque et leur rôle relatif dans les maladies diarrhéiques de l'enfant à Dakar. Ce faisant, elle illustre une nouvelle approche pour synthétiser le réseau de ces déterminants. Une analyse en classes latentes (LCA) est d’abord menée, puis les variables latentes ainsi construites sont utilisées comme variables explicatives dans une régression logistique sur trois niveaux. Les résultats confirment que les déterminants des diarrhées chez l'enfant appartiennent aux trois niveaux d'analyse et que les facteurs comportementaux et l'assainissement du quartier jouent un rôle prépondérant. Les résultats illustrent aussi l'utilité des LCA pour synthétiser plusieurs indicateurs, afin de créer une image causale intégrée, tout en utilisant des modèles statistiques parcimonieux.


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En Afrique sub-saharienne, les recensements constituent une source de données fondamentale pour estimer la mortalité, en raison de l’incomplétude de l’enregistrement des décès à l'état civil. Afin d’évaluer la fiabilité des niveaux de mortalité qui peuvent en être déduits, nous appliquons différentes méthodes d’estimation à des extraits des recensements sénégalais de 2002 et 2013, couvrant trois observatoires de population situés à Bandafassi, Mlomp et Niakhar. Les taux de mortalité des moins de cinq ans tirés du nombre d’enfants nés vivants et survivants s’avèrent plus bas que les niveaux attendus au vu des données du suivi démographique. Les estimations déduites des déclarations sur la survie des parents sont largement inférieures aux niveaux de mortalité adulte réellement observés selon le suivi. Par contre, les taux de mortalité par âge basés sur les décès récents déclarés dans les ménages sont conformes aux données du suivi, sauf pour la mortalité infantile qui est sensiblement sous-déclarée en 2002. Cette évaluation confirme que les méthodes indirectes procurent des estimations qui ne peuvent être considérées isolément mais doivent plutôt être systématiquement comparées les unes aux autres. Des études d’évaluation directes menées au niveau individuel à l’aide d’appariements sont nécessaires pour mieux identifier les différentes sources de biais.


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This article uses South African census data for 1996, 2001 and 2011 to explore the relationship between language and social mobility in the metropolitan region of eThekwini (including what was previously known as Durban). We focus particular attention on variables selected to shed light on residential segregation and social mobility, such as education level, income, race and in-migration. Data on adults at ward level (using 2011 ward boundaries) in eThekwini is used to develop a comparative spatial context for this analysis. Our main finding is that English appears in eThekwini to be the household language of the social elite as well as the language of upward mobility and empowerment.


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Poverty is a multi-dimensional socio-economic problem in most sub-Saharan African countries. The purpose of this study is to analyse the relationship between household size and poverty in low-income communities. The Northern Free State region in South Africa was selected as the study region. A sample of approximately 2 900 households was randomly selected within 12 poor communities in the region. A poverty line was calculated and 74% of all households were found to live below the poverty line. The Pearson’s chi-square test indicated a positive relationship between household size and poverty in eleven of the twelve low-income communities. Households below the poverty line presented larger households than those households above the poverty line. This finding is in contradiction with some findings in other African countries due to the fact that South Africa has higher levels of modernisation with less access to land for subsistence farming. Effective provision of basic needs, community facilities and access to assets such as land could assist poor households with better quality of life. Poor households also need to be granted access to economic opportunities, while also receiving adult education regarding financial management and reproductive health.