16 resultados para RATION



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Abstract. The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of complete diet silage on feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion, water consumption and mortality. The materials used were 75 Mojosari Alabio male ducks, commercial diet plus rice bran (16.50% CP, 2900 kkal GE/kg), silage with 30-60% water content. Data were subject to Completely Randomized Design with five treatments and three replications. The treatments were S0 (commercial feed), S1 (silage with 30% water content), S2 (silage with 40% water content), S3 (silage with 50% water content) and S4 (silage with 60% water content). Data were subject to analysis of variance followed by orthogonal contrast test. The result showed that silage with 50% water content has significantly increased body weight gain and decreased water consumption, but there were no  effect in feed conversion. Complete diet silage was safe for Mojosari Alabio male duck. Key words : complete ration silage , duck, performance Abstrak. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian silase ransum komplit terhadap konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi pakan, konsumsi air dan persentase kematian. Bahan yang  digunakan adalah 75 ekor itik Mojosari Alabio jantan, ransum komersial ditambah dedak padi (16,50% CP, 2900 kkal GE/kg), silase dengan kadar air 30-60%. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan S0 (pakan komersial), S1 (silase dengan kadar air 30%), S2 (silase dengan kadar air 40%), S3 (silase dengan kadar air 50%) dan S4 (silase dengan kadar air 60%). Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji kontras orthogonal. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa silase dengan kadar air 50% memiliki peningkatan berat badan dan penurunan konsumsi air yang signifikan, tetapi tidak mempengaruhi konversi pakan. Silase ransum komplit pakan aman untuk itik Mojosari Alabio jantan. Kata kunci : silase ransum komplit, itik, performans


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An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of soybean hulls as a ration in twenty seven rams. The animal had a mean of live weight of 12.863 ± 1.934 kg. Levels of soybean hulls were 0, 50, and 100 %  or 0,25, and 50 % in ration dry matter basis and rations were  iso-nitrogenous. The experiment were use Completely Randomized Design, data collected was analyzed using analysis of variance and polynomial orthogonal test.  Inclusion of soybean hulls in 50% ration dry matter had no effect on daily live weight gain (90.65±20.88 g), nitrogen, calcium and phosphor balances positive. However, dry matter consumption tended to increase linearly and as soybean hulls level increase in the ration (P<0.01). The digestible energy and NDF significantly decrease linearly (P<0.01), whereas intake of the energy was similar i.e. 122±0.39, 1.44±0.17, and 1.23±0.19 Mcal/day but NDF tended to increase for ration containing 0, 25, 50% of soybean hulls, respectively. The digestible crude protein is significantly quadratic (P<0.01), due to the release of energy and N are synchronized in 25% of soybean hulls in ration dry matter. It was concluded that soybean hulls can be used as a sources of energy and substitute for corn. (Animal Production 3(1): 5-11 (2001) Key Words: Local ram, soybean hulls, live weight gain, digestibility


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Cholesterol, HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) in blood serum of broiler could can be controlled by food manipulation using different fatty acids and fiber content in ration. This research was planned to study the influence of fat i.e. cis-trans fatty acids and raw fiber content on feed to cholesterol, HDL and LDL biosynthesizing broiler blood serum. The research model was experimental and the design used was Completely Randomized Design in factorial pattern 2 x 3. The first factor was type of fat (L) : L1= cis fatty acid and L2 = trans fatty acid. The second factor was fiber content in feed (S) i.e. S1 = 5% ; S2 = 7%, and S3 = 9%. Each treatment was repeated four times, it means 24 observation. Variables observed were : cholesterol, HDL, LDL concentration in blood serum of broiler. The result indicated that the use of 5 % palm kernel oil and 5 % tallow fat in feed containing 5 %, 7 % and 9 % fiber respectively have unsignificant result (P>0.01) to cholesterol and LDL blood serum of broiler, but have significant to HDL concentration (P<0.01). The average cholesterol of blood serum was between 76.46 mg/dl (L2S3) to 99.88 mg/dl (control), HDL concentration was 21.19 mg/dl (L2S1) to 38.85 mg/dl (control), and LDL concentration was 46.83 mg/dl (L2S2) to 61.14 mg/dl (control). It can be concluded that feeding with far in the form of cis (palm kernel oil) or trans (tallow) when combined with proporsional fiber addition can be used as feed because it does not increase the cholesterol and LDL in broiler blood. The reduction of cholesterol as much as 23.53 % in control feed was found in treatment with 5 % tallow addition in combination with 9 % raw fiber content, HDL concentration was higher in treatment with palm kernel oil compared to tallow addition. (Animal Production 7(1): 27-33 (2005) Key Words : Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Cis Fatty Acid, Trans Fatty Acid


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A research has been conducted from September 3rd until November 2nd 2002 to study cannibalism and performance of Muscovy duck. The method applied was experiment with factorial pattern of Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The first factors were debeaking (P) : p1 = control, p2 = debeaking. The second factors were crude fibre content in ration (R) : r1= 6 %, r2 = 8 % and r3 = 10 %.  Parameters observed were cannibalism mortality, food consumption, growth rate, carcass production, meat and blood cholesterol and meat fat. The duck used were 96 heads at one week old and cage in 24 pens with litter floor.  The results indicated that debeaking had no significant effect on food consumption, growth rate, carcass percentage and blood cholesterol, but it had significant effect on carcass weight and meat fat up to 8 weeks old. Crude fibre had significant effect on blood and meat cholesterol. (Animal Production 6(1): 9-16 (2004) Key Words: Debeaking, Crude fibre, Canibalism, Production Performance


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Concentrated diet based on rice bran 69%, coconut meal 30%, urea 1% and field grass (fg), parsial defaunation agent Hibiscus rosasinensis (Hr) and coconut oil (Co) was used in propotion 37,5% fg + 2,5% Hr; 35% fg + 5% Hr; 37,5% fg + 2,5% Co and 35% + 5% Co. the feed of concentrate and feed grass 60 : 40 % are evaluated in vitro for dry matter degradability (DMD), organic matter degradability (OMD) and number of protozoa (NP). Variance analysis and orthogonal contrast was applied according to Steel and Torrie (1981). The result show that defaunation agent Hr and Co 2,5% and 5% increased (P< 0.01) DMD in the order 60.20; 59.40; 56.60 and 55.60 respectively, compare with no defaunation agent (54,60%). It also increased OMD 62.20%; 60.40; 58.40 and 57.20% compare with no agent (56.40%). While number of protozoa decreased (P< 0.01) 2.456; 2.316; 2.396 and 2.286 x 104/ml rumen liquid compare with no defaunation agent (2.564 x 104/ml rumen liquid). (Animal Production 2(2): 53-59 (2000) Key words : Hibiscus rosasinensis, digestibility, and number of protozoa


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A research  has been conducted to study the effect of interaction between protein level and synthetic methionine addition in quail ration on growth rate up to 40 days. The method was used experiment with Factorial (3x3) based on CRD. The first factor was protein level (P) : P1 = 22 %, P2 = 24 %, P3 = 26 %. The second factor was methionine addition (M) : M0 = 0,00, M1 = 0,05 %, M2 = 0,10 %. Variance analysis indicated that protein level did not have significant effect (P>0.05) on feed consumption, growth rate, feed conversion, weight and percentage of carcass, but it had significant effect (P≤0.05) on IOFC. The effect of methionine addition was not significant (P> 0.05). Interaction between those treatments did not give significant effect (P>0.05). It can be concluded that the response on 26 % protein level with 0,05 % methionine addition give the highest IOFC (Rp. 342.693) (Animal Production 1(1) : 17-23 (1999). Key Words : Quail, Growing Periode, Protein Level, Synthetis Methionine.


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The research attempted to find out ratio of native grass and concentrate in the ration to the quality of milk production of Holstein cow. Latin Square Design was used with five treatments of ratio of native grass and concentrate ( 70 : 30%, 60 : 40%, 50 : 50%, 40 : 60%, 30 : 70%), applied using five Holstein cows at the third lactation periode and the third mounth of lactation. The variable measured were in the quality milk production consist of actual milk yield, the milk fat content, crude protein, solid non fat, efficiency of  energy bruto and energy netto, and income over feed cost. The best ratio of native grass and concentrate in the ration for the efficiency of energy bruto, energy netto and income was 50 : 50%. The milk fat content and actual milk yield have relationship form with the milk energy value. The best ratio of native grass and concentrate in the ration to increasing the milk fat content, crude protein and crude of solid non fat was 70 : 30%. (Animal Production 7(1): 14-20 (2005) Key Words : Native grass, concentrate, energy bruto, energy netto


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Abstract. The effect of three forms of complete feed blocks (CFB) for dairy cattle was evaluated. The form of various CFB were cube, cylinder and ball.  The CFB was prepared from napier grass specific tolerance acid soils and concentrate in 50:50 ratio.  The research used experimental method with randomized block design.   Sixteen dairy cattle were used in this experiment.  There were four treatments and four replications used in this experiment.  The treatments consisted of R0= control ration, R1= cube CFB, R2= cylinder CFB and R3= ball CFB.  The treatment feeds were fed twice a day, at 6.00 am and 15.00 pm.  The amount of morning ration 34 kg of fresh napier grass and 5 kg of concentrate for the control ration, and the same amount of ration was also given in the afternoon feeding, therefore, the daily total fresh forage was 68 kg and concentrate was 10 kg.  Before feeding the forage was chopped in 5 cm length.  The complete feed block for the dairy cows was 10 kg for the morning ration and 10 kg for the afternoon ration, therefore, the daily total complete feed block was 20 kg.  The drinking water was available adlibitum.  The preliminary period was conducted for 2 weeks and data collection were conducted for 5 day of the end of study. The variables measured were dry matter and organic matter intake, dry matter digestibility and milk production.  These results showed that the control ration significantly affected with  ration all CFB form on dry matter and organic matter intake but did not significantly affect the dry matter digestibility and milk production. Key words : dairy cttle, complete feed block Abstrak.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh tiga pakan komplit bentuk cetak yaitu bentuk kubus, silinder dan bola yang diberikan pada sapi perah.   Pakan komplit bentuk cetak dibuat dari hijauan rumput gajah yang spesifik toleran tanah masam yang telah digiling dan bahan konsentrat dengan perbandingan 50:50.  Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok.  Enam belas ekor sapi perah dikelompokkan menjadi 4 dengan 4 ulangan.  Empat perlakuan yang dicobakan yaitu R0= ransum kontrol, R1= pakan komplit cetak bentuk kubus, R2= pakan komplit cetak bentuk silinder, dan R3= pakan komplit cetak bentuk bola. Pakan perlakuan diberikan dua kali sehari pagi pukul 06.00 dan sore 15.00.  Jumlah pakan  yang diberikan pada sapi perah kontrol pagi sebanyak 34 kg rumput gajah segar dan 5 kg konsentrat demikian juga pemberian yang sama pada sore hari sehingga jumlah hijauan segar yang diberikan kepada ternak 68 kg dan konsentrat 10 kg.  Rumput gajah yang diberikan sudah dipotong-potong terlebih dahulu dengan panjang 5 cm.  Jumlah pakan komplit cetak untuk sapi perah perlakuan yang diberikan pagi jumlahnya sama dengan pemberian sore masing-masing sebanyak 10 kg sehingga jumlah pakan komplit cetak yang diberikan 20 kg.  Air minum diberikan adlibitum.  Periode preliminary dilakukan selama 2 minggu dan koleksi data dilakukan selama 5 hari periode akhir percobaan.  Variabel yang diamati adalah konsumsi bahan kering dan bahan organik pakan, kecernaan bahan kering pakan dan produksi susu.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ransum kontrol beda nyata dengan semua bentuk pakan komplit cetak pada konsumsi bahan kering dan bahan organik, akan tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan  kecernaan bahan kering dan produksi susu. Kata kunci : sapi perah, pakan komplit bentuk cetak


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Cholesterol is an important component of cell membrane, plasma lipoprotein and precursor of steroid synthesis in biologically crucial bile salt and steroid hormones.  Cholesterol level in the blood exceeding the 300 mg/100 ml can result in the incident of cardiac disorder. Cholesterol, HDL (High Density of Lipoprotein), LDL (Low Density of Lipo protein) biosynthesis in the blood plasma of broiler chicken can be manipulated by the use of Pacific Menhaden Oil and Palm Oil.  Therefore, The aim of the current experiment was to investigate the effect of  long chain fatty acid from Pacific Menhaden Oil (PMO) and Palm Oil (PO) use in feed on the blood level of cholesterol, HDL and LDL of native cockerels. Four kinds of ration which contained different levels of PMO and PO were formulated.  They were R0 (control, without PMO and PO); R1 (10% PO); R2  (10% PMO) and R3 (5% PMO and 5% PO).  A total of 72 native cockerels, aged two weeks were kept in 24 pens, three cockerels in each pen.  Each experimental unit were assingned at random to receive one of the four rations in completely randomized designed with six replicates. The use of PMO and PO in feed did not significantly affect (P>0.05) the concentration of cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglyceride in the blood.  Although statistically was not significantly significant, Cockerels fed R2 had the highest concentration of HDL (39.36 mg/dl) and the lowest concentration of LDL (9.10) in the blood. (Animal Production 7(2): 67-73 (2005) Key Words: Pacific Menhaden Oil, Palm Oil, Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglyceride


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A study was conducted to determine the effect of ration and gonadotrophin hormone on the reproductive performance of breeding goat. Twenty-three does and six bucks having a similar age (1.5-2.0 years old) were exposed in this experiment. An amount of 200 gram of concentrate consisting of yellow corn (30%), rice brand (50%) and commercial concentrate CP 235 (20%) has been given to each experimental animal. The experimental animals were divided into two groups. The group was fed (12 animals) with M1 (roughage + concentrate) and the other group was fed (11 animals) with M2 (roughage). Moreover, each group were divided into four treatment namely: T1 (PGF2α), T2 (PGF2α + PMSG), T3 (PGF2α + HCG) and T4 (PGF2α + PMSG + HCG). The same treatment was applied to the other group. The data such as litter size and birth weight were collected from each experimental goat. Those data were analyzed using a 2 x 4 factorial experiment with unequal repetition. A composition between to treatment group was done using Least Significant Design (LSD). The result of the study showed that the effect of ration and gonadotrophin hormone on litter size and birth weight didn’t show any significant difference (P>0.05). The average of litter size and birth weight from roughage + concentrate treated animal (goat) were 1.92 and 1.51 kilogram respectively. However, the average of litter size and birth weight from roughage treated group were 1.58 and 1.48 kilogram respectively. (Animal Production 5(1): 5-10 (2003) Key words : Gonadotrophin, PGF2α, PMSG, Hormone, Goat


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An experiment was designed to study the effect of unconventional protein source on the essential minerals balances of growing cattle.  The experiment had been conducted by experimental method with Completely Randomized Block Design, on twelve growing male cattle of Ongole Grade.  Based on the body weight, the animal trial was separated to three blocks, as the replication.  The tested treatment was four kind of protein sources in the ration (R):  R1 = kapok – seeds cakes; R2 = lamtoro – leave meals; R3 = cacao – pod meals and R4 = goat’s faeces.  The compose of ration was 50 percent of Elephant grass and 50 percent of concentrate (DM basis).  The measured variables were: the essential mineral balances i.e. Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potasium, Chlorine, Magnesium, Sulphur and Nitrogen.  The balance – trial was conducted by the total collection method.  The data was analyzed by the analysis of variance, and that of the interaction (Synergistic and antagonistic) by the Regression Analysis.  The result indicated that the total of essential mineral balance of each protein source or each ration on growing cattle of Ongole Grade is:  Cacao – pod meals = 116.09 g/day; Goat’s faeces = 111.89 g/day; lamtoro – leave meal = 84.64 g/day and Kapok – seed cake = 78.55 g/day.  These phenomena shown that all of the animal trial was in normal growth.  The strong synergistic interaction was reached by Ca « P (P <0.01; R2 = 0.92 – 0.98) while the weak interaction by Na « Cl (P > 0.05; R2 = 0.03 – 0.05).  Among the five couples of mineral elements of the antagonistic interaction the strong interaction was N ® S (P < 0.01; R2 = 0.70 – 0.75), while the weak interaction was Na ® P (P > 0.05; R2 = 0.08).  Based on all the variables measured, the experiment is concluded that: (1) all of the unconventional protein sources are able to improve the quality of the ration, indicated by the positive essential mineral balance on growing cattle of Ongole grade; (2) based on the total essential mineral balance, the most suitable protein source for growing cattle is cacao – pod meals; (3) the strong synergistic interaction was reached by Ca <----> P, while the antagonistic interaction was N ----> S.  (Animal Production 6(2): 101-109 (2004) Key Words: mineral, protein source, Ongole, cattle


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A survey in the agribusiness of dairy goat smallholder had been conducted in Kaligesing district of Purworejo region at 13 rd September up to 7th November 2001. The survey studied the factors effecting the milk yield, in how the factors influence economically. Forty eight respondents (dairy goat smallholders) were used in this study and interview method was applied for collecting data. The variables were observed; lactation goat, man power, garage, and concentrate ration. Cobb-Douglass method was applied for analyzing the data. To know the economic efficiency of the agribusiness was approached by the ratio between the Marginal Product Value an input cost. From the data analysis it could be in formatted that the numbers of lactating goat and the numbers of lactating goat and the numbers of concentrate were significant influence on the milk yield, white the man power and the forage were not significant influence. For the numbers of lactating goat and concentrate, economically the efficiency was not yet reached, so the use of the factors were ought to be increased up to an appoint limited. On the other hand the man power and forage was not efficient, so the use of the factors need to be descreased. (Animal Production 4(1): 27-31 (2002)Key word : Production factors, economics efficiency, dairy goat PE


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A study has been conducted to know the effect of fishmeal substitution with Squilla empusa on reproductive performance of local duck.  Randomized Completely Design was applied in this experimental. Ninety-six grower local ducks were divided into six treatments ration. Each treatment was replicated by four replications and consists of four local ducks each. The treatment was P0 = 0 % Squilla empusa and 10 % fish meal, P1 = 2 % Squilla empusa and 8 % fish meal, P2 = 4 % Squilla empusa and 6 % fish meal, P3 = 6 % Squilla empusa and 4 % fish meal, P4 = 8 % Squilla empusa and 2 % fish meal, and P5 = 10 % Squilla empusa and 0 % fishmeal.  Parameters observed was reproductive performance consisted of sexual maturity, average egg production and egg weight during 3 months of production period. The result showed that fishmeal and Squilla empusa had very significant by effect (P<0,01) on feed consumption, sexual maturity, egg production and egg weight. It was significant by (P< 0,05) on egg production and weight. It was concluded that substitution up to 4.96 % of Squilla empusa give the latest of sexual maturity (5.8 month); the lowers egg production was at 6 % Squilla empusa; at 10 % Squilla empusa egg weight tended to increase. (Animal Production 6(2): 110-117 (2004) Key Words: substitution,  Squilla empusa, reproductive performance


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Ninety six commercial strain were conducted from 14 to 42 days of age to evaluate the affect of utilization zeolite and on performance of broiler and fecal characteristics. Birds were divided into four  treatment diets (4 replicates of 7 birds each): K (control), KB (K+ 1% bentonite),  KZ (K+ 1% zeolite), KBZ (K+ 1% Z+ 1% B). The birds were fed initially for two weeks a commercial starter ration and followed by treatment  diets 15 to 42 days of age. All the diets were formulated to have 20% crude protein and 3000 kcal. ME and 0.91% Ca and 0.69% P for control and 0.34% treatments. Body weights and feed intakes were measured on a weekly basis. The manure from each group was sampled on weekly basis and the  moisture content, pH and ammonia production was determined. The results showed the utilization zeolite and bentonite or both significant differences (P<0.05) on pH and (P<0.01) fecal ammonia content, but not on feces water content, final body weight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, and carcass. (Animal Production 3(1): 1-4 (2001)


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The waste of the broiler processing (feather) is a potential source for animal feed. However the presence of keratins cause limited of feather use. Before using, therefore, feather must be treated to hydrolyze cysteine disulfide bound dominating keratins protein. Enzymatic (biological) treatment using microbes will produce specific feather hydrolyzed and does not have negative impact on environment. The research objected to get the microbes which degradated selected keratins, improve protein quality of feather meal and find out the best ration formulation true in vitro the basic information to formulate in vivo ration. The research has been done in Laboratory of Animal Feedstuff Faculty of Animal Science UNSOED for eight months. Fermentation trial was done on liquid media with bath system. In vitro trial used of Tilley and Terry methods with parameter observe was dry matter digestibility, organic matter digestibility, protein degradation, total VFA and solubility in pepsin. Based on all parameter, on fermentation trial with Bacillus licheniformis decides broiler chicken feather had good prospect to be developed on feed protein source. In vitro trial recommended ration with formulation of fermented feather meal concentrate (15 percent), soybeans meal (5 percent), rice bran (20 percent), molasses (4 percent), mineral mix (1 percent), with forage: concentrate ratio 40 : 60 could be used as in vivo ration. (Animal Production 5(1): 19-24 (2003) Key words : Hydrolyze, Feather, Keratin, Digestibility, Ruminant