12 resultados para Duck shooting



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An experiment was conducted to study the effect of eggs shape index on embryo mortalities, unhatched egg and day old duck abnormalities of selected and control Tegal duck. A total of 1428 fertile eggs obtained from a selected duck group and a control group were divided in to 3 group according to their eggs shape index (ESI), i.e. small (ESI ,79 percent), medium ( ESI ,82 percent ) and large (ESI ,85 percent ). The ESI was measured as a ratio of wide and length of eggs and percentage. Three batches of incubation with 7 day interval were carried out as replicates. Parameter measured were embryo mortalities, number of unhatched eggs and number of abnormal day old duck. Candling of eggs were performed at 6, 14 and days of incubation and mortalities of embryo were detected by loup. Results of the experiment showed that lowest embryos mortalities was occurred on medium eggs (24 percent) and significantly ( p< 0,05 ) affected by eggs size. Abnormal DOD from medium eggs was significantly (p ,0,05 ) lower (13 percent ) than the small (23 percent ) and large (21 percent ) eggs. Similar trends on eggs from selected duck and control ducks. This may be due to short term of selection program and young age of the female duck (24 weeks ). These results conclude that medium eggs (ESI ,82 percent) were the best size for hatching eggs. (Animal Production 2(1): 25-32 (2000)Key word : duck , hatching eggs, selection, eggs shape index


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Research entitled “The effect of combination between CaCl2 dosage and length of electric stimulation on adult meat quality duck quality”. The aim was to know the effect of combination between CaCl2 and length of electric stimulation on quality. It was conducted at Technology of Animal Production Laboratory in Animal Science Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University on June 2nd up to August 30rd 2002. Materials used in this research were 27 Tegal duck adult. Experimental design with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial 3 x 3 was performed in this research. The first factor was CaCl2 was dosage (a1=50cc; a2=100cc; and a3=150cc) and the second factor was length of electric stimulation period (b1=10 sec; b2=20 sec; and b3=30 sec). Each experiment was repeated three times, and variable of this research were pH, tenderness, WHC and CL. The result of research shows that CaCl2 dosage (50, 100, and 150 cc); length of electric stimulation and their interaction were gave no significant effect (P>0,05) on pH, tenderness, WHC and CL in adult duck meat. Conclusion of this research was CaCl2 dosage, electric stimulation period and their interaction gave the same effect on pH, tenderness, WHC and CL adult duck meat. (Animal Production 5(1): 25-34 (2003) Key word: Tenderness, WHC and CL, Duck, Meat, Electrical, Calsium Chlorida


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The aim of this research are to know the effects of physiological NaCl dilution levels and storage duration on sperm motility and abnormality of  Muscovy duck. Materials which used in this research were semen that collected of 1  - 1,5 years of four Muscovy duck. Semen were treated by physiological NaCl dilution levels nol , three, six and nine and storage duration ( t0 = 0 minute t1 =45minutes and t2=90 minute). Replication was three tapping periode . The method of this research was laboratory experimental with Randomized Complete Blok Design (RBD) in Split Plot Design (SPD)  pattern ,as main plot is Physiological NaCl dilation levels and as sub plot is storage duration. Result of the experiment showed that physiological NaCl dilution levels was very significantly influences on sperm motility (p<0,01) and significantly influences and sperm abnormality (p<0,05) . The storage duration was very significantly influences and sperm motility and abnormality (p<0,01) .Orthogonal duration polynomial assayed showed that the effect of physiological NaCl dilution levels to sperm motility  had a linier regression line with the a equation as Y =69.94 - 2.65 X,  r=0,49 R2=0.24 with Y presented to sperm motility and X represented to physiological NaCl dilution levels  sperm and effect of storage duration to sperm motility had a linier regression line with the equation as Y =74.24-0.35 X, r =0.73 R2=0.53 with Y represented to sperm motility and X represented to storage duration . The effect of physiological NaCl dilution levels to sperm abnormality had a linier regression line with the equation as Y =5.61+0.34X, r=0.52 R2=0.27 with Y represented to sperm to abnormality and X represented to regression line with the equation as Y =6.74+0.01X, r=0.24R2=0.060 with Y represented to sperm abnormality and X represented to storage duration. It is can be concluded that a higher physiological NaCl dilation levels and storage duration caused sperm to motility decreased and sperm abnormality increased. (Animal Production 3(2): 45-52 (2001)Key Word: sperm Muscovy duck.


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A research has been conducted from September 3rd until November 2nd 2002 to study cannibalism and performance of Muscovy duck. The method applied was experiment with factorial pattern of Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The first factors were debeaking (P) : p1 = control, p2 = debeaking. The second factors were crude fibre content in ration (R) : r1= 6 %, r2 = 8 % and r3 = 10 %.  Parameters observed were cannibalism mortality, food consumption, growth rate, carcass production, meat and blood cholesterol and meat fat. The duck used were 96 heads at one week old and cage in 24 pens with litter floor.  The results indicated that debeaking had no significant effect on food consumption, growth rate, carcass percentage and blood cholesterol, but it had significant effect on carcass weight and meat fat up to 8 weeks old. Crude fibre had significant effect on blood and meat cholesterol. (Animal Production 6(1): 9-16 (2004) Key Words: Debeaking, Crude fibre, Canibalism, Production Performance


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A study has been conducted to know the effect of fishmeal substitution with Squilla empusa on reproductive performance of local duck.  Randomized Completely Design was applied in this experimental. Ninety-six grower local ducks were divided into six treatments ration. Each treatment was replicated by four replications and consists of four local ducks each. The treatment was P0 = 0 % Squilla empusa and 10 % fish meal, P1 = 2 % Squilla empusa and 8 % fish meal, P2 = 4 % Squilla empusa and 6 % fish meal, P3 = 6 % Squilla empusa and 4 % fish meal, P4 = 8 % Squilla empusa and 2 % fish meal, and P5 = 10 % Squilla empusa and 0 % fishmeal.  Parameters observed was reproductive performance consisted of sexual maturity, average egg production and egg weight during 3 months of production period. The result showed that fishmeal and Squilla empusa had very significant by effect (P<0,01) on feed consumption, sexual maturity, egg production and egg weight. It was significant by (P< 0,05) on egg production and weight. It was concluded that substitution up to 4.96 % of Squilla empusa give the latest of sexual maturity (5.8 month); the lowers egg production was at 6 % Squilla empusa; at 10 % Squilla empusa egg weight tended to increase. (Animal Production 6(2): 110-117 (2004) Key Words: substitution,  Squilla empusa, reproductive performance


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A α-amylase is included in hydrolase’s enzyme (E.C., which catalyzed the breaking down of α-1,3-glycosidic bound on amylase chain and produced glucose as end product. In mammalian and poultry, α-amylase enzyme has a function as starch breaking down or changed glycogen to glucose. It was used as energy resource in the body. A α-amylase enzyme is protein that resulted in expression from one or several genes, so that has various characteristics among individual. To study the existence and the characteristic of α-amylase enzyme, therefore it has been conducted a research about the connection of α-amylase enzyme unit number  with glucose content in Tegal, Magelang and Mojosari duck blood (each of them consisted of 28 birds). This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with seven replicates for each treatment. The result research showed that either the unit number of α-amylase enzyme activity or glucose content in these local breed of duck has a highly significant different (P<0.01). This result showed that genetic factor (breed of duck) has influenced either enzyme unit number or their catalytic activity on substrate, so the capability to form blood glucose inter breed of duck also different. It was suggested that their enzyme characteristics have strong connection with the sequence of amino acid as α-amylase enzyme protein composer, which was the result of gene expression. From the result, it was concluded that the unit number and catalytic activity of α-amylase enzyme and blood glucose content in the breed of local duck was affected by genetic factor (breed of duck). (Animal Production 5(1): 50-56 (2003) Key words: Enzyme, K-Amylase, Blood, Glucose, Duck


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Abstract. The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of complete diet silage on feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion, water consumption and mortality. The materials used were 75 Mojosari Alabio male ducks, commercial diet plus rice bran (16.50% CP, 2900 kkal GE/kg), silage with 30-60% water content. Data were subject to Completely Randomized Design with five treatments and three replications. The treatments were S0 (commercial feed), S1 (silage with 30% water content), S2 (silage with 40% water content), S3 (silage with 50% water content) and S4 (silage with 60% water content). Data were subject to analysis of variance followed by orthogonal contrast test. The result showed that silage with 50% water content has significantly increased body weight gain and decreased water consumption, but there were no  effect in feed conversion. Complete diet silage was safe for Mojosari Alabio male duck. Key words : complete ration silage , duck, performance Abstrak. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian silase ransum komplit terhadap konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi pakan, konsumsi air dan persentase kematian. Bahan yang  digunakan adalah 75 ekor itik Mojosari Alabio jantan, ransum komersial ditambah dedak padi (16,50% CP, 2900 kkal GE/kg), silase dengan kadar air 30-60%. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan S0 (pakan komersial), S1 (silase dengan kadar air 30%), S2 (silase dengan kadar air 40%), S3 (silase dengan kadar air 50%) dan S4 (silase dengan kadar air 60%). Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji kontras orthogonal. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa silase dengan kadar air 50% memiliki peningkatan berat badan dan penurunan konsumsi air yang signifikan, tetapi tidak mempengaruhi konversi pakan. Silase ransum komplit pakan aman untuk itik Mojosari Alabio jantan. Kata kunci : silase ransum komplit, itik, performans


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The purpose of this research is to study the effect of combination levels of methionine-lancang (Atlanta sp.) in diet on egg quality of Tegal ducks. Eighty-one Tegal ducks early production period were used in this research. The treatments were arranged in a factorial (3x3). The first factor was level of synthetic methionine supplement (M) comprised of  m1: 0,00%, m2: 0,05%, and m3: 0,10%. The second factor was level of lancang (L), i.e. l1: 0,0%, l2; 2,0%, and l3: 4,0%. The variables observed were eggshell-thickness, haugh unit, and egg index. The result showed that the average eggshell-thickness was 0,335 ± 0,002 mm, range between 0,317 to 0,337 mm. The average of haugh unit was 92,054 ± 2,906 range between 85,767 to 99,095, and average of egg index was 76,58 ± 2,91, range between 73,79-81,37%. The interaction of methionine-lancang did not have significant effect on eggshell thickness, haugh unit, and egg index during the first two months egg production. Level of methionine significantly different (P<0,05) the haugh unit, but did not affect eggshell thickness and egg index. Level of  lancang has affect (P<0,05) eggshell thickness significant, but did not significant affect the haugh unit, and egg index. It can be concluded that increasing of synthetic methionine in the diet until 0,10% can improve haugh unit, and increase of lancang until 4,0% can improve eggshell thickness. (Animal Production 4(2): 77-82 (2002) Key words : Egg Quality, Tegal Duck, Intensive, Methionine, Lancang


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Abstract. The aim of the study was to know the genetic characteristic and polymorphysm of Indonesian local ducks including Magelang, Tegal, Mojosari, Bali and Alabio duck based on Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis in D-loop region mtDNA. The long term aim was to set the spesific genetic marker based on SNP D-loop region mtDNA which could differentiate local ducks in Indonesia. In the future, it could be used as selection tool for local duck conservation, and refinement strategy as well as the improvement of genetic quality by utilizing the available native duck germplasm. There were 20 ducks for each duck population and were taken 3 ml of its blood as sample. DNA Isolation Kit high pure PCR template preparation (Geneaid) was uded for Genome DNA isolation.  Amplification with PCR technique used primer DL-AnasPF (L56) as forward and DL-AnasPR (H773) as reverse. Next, PCR product or amplicon were sequenced. Sequence result were analyzed with SNP technique and observed the similarity and difference of its nucleotide sequence between individual and population. The result of the study showed that genome DNA from local duck in Indonesia was successfully isolated. DNA fragment of 718 bp was amplified with primer pair of DL-AnasPF and DL-AnasPR. Nucleotide sequence was 469 nt and analyzed with SNP technique. It was compared with standard nucleotide sequence of Anas platyrhynchos (HM010684.1) in Gen Bank. The result of nucleotide sequence similarity percentage was 99.68±0.56%. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism D-loop region mtDNA Indonesian local duck was 0.32±0.56%.  Some SNP was found in Magelang duck C (Klawu blorok), F (Cemani black),  G (Gambiran), H (Jarakan kalung), I (Jowo plain) and K (Plain white) also Tegal duck 8, 1, 2, 5, 2, 8 and 2 SNP respectively. It could be concluded that polymorphic genetic characteristic similarity were existed in Indonesia local duck populations which was shown by its big standard deviation SNP in D-loop region mtDNA. Magelang duck with different feather color relatively more polymorphic to another local duck in Indonesia. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism which was achieved could be used as genetic marker that differentiate genetic characteristic of Indonesian local ducks.Key words:  genetic characteristic, local duck, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), D-loop mtDNAAbstrak.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik genetik dan polimorfisme itik lokal Indonesia yaitu itik Magelang, Tegal, Mojosari, Bali dan Alabio berdasarkan analisis Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) daerah D-loop mtDNA. Tujuan jangka panjangnya adalah menetapkan marker atau penanda genetik berdasarkan SNP daerah D-loop mtDNA spesifik yang dapat membedakan itik-itik lokal yang ada di Indonesia. Selanjutnya digunakan sebagai  alat bantu seleksi untuk konservasi, pembibitan  dan pengembangbiakan itik lokal.  Populasi masing-masing jenis itik lokal yang digunakan sebanyak 20 ekor untuk diambil 3 ml sampel darahnya. Isolasi DNA genom menggunakan DNA Isolation Kithigh pure PCR template preparation (Geneaid). Amplifikasi dengan teknik PCR menggunakan pasangan primer DL-AnasPF (L56) sebagai forward dan DL-AnasPR (H773) sebagai reverse. Produk PCR atau amplikon yang diperoleh disekuensing. Hasil sekuensing dianalisis dengan teknik SNP dan diamati kesamaan dan perbedaan urutan nukleotida antar individu itik dan antar populasi.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa DNA genom dari itik lokal di Indonesia berhasil diisolasi. Amplifikasi dengan teknik PCR berhasil memperoleh fragmen berukuran 718 bp. Urutan nukleotida hasil sekuensing sebesar 469 nt dianalisis dengan teknik SNP dan dibandingkan dengan urutan nukleotida standar dari itik Anas platyrhynchos (HM010684.1) yang ada di Gen Bank, diperoleh persentase kesamaan urutan nukleotid sebesar 99,68±0,56%. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism daerah D-loop mtDNA pada itik lokal di Indonesia sebesar 0,32±0,56%. Sejumlah SNP ditemukan pada itik Magelang C (Klawu blorok), F (Hitam cemani),  G (Gambiran), H (Jarakan kalung), I (Jowo polos) dan K (Putih polos) serta itik Tegal  masing-masing 8, 1, 2, 5, 2, 8 serta 2 SNP. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat karakteristik genetik yang polimorfik pada populasi itik lokal di Indonesia, ditunjukkan dengan adanya simpang baku SNP pada daerah D-loop mtDNA yang relatif besar. Itik Magelang dengan warna bulu yang berbeda relatif lebih polimorfik dibandingkan dengan itik lokal lainnya di Indonesia.  Single Nucleotide Polymorphism yang diperoleh dapat digunakan sebagai penanda genetik yang dapat membedakan karakteristik genetik yang dimiliki oleh itik lokal di Indonesia.Kata kunci:  karakteristik genetik, itik lokal, Single NucleotidePolymorphism (SNP),  D-loop mtDNA


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The research was carried out to evaluate the influence of breed on fat and cholesterol content of breast and thigh meat of local fowls.  Tree breeds of local fowl consist of six male kampong chickens, Tegal ducks and muscovy ducks were applied.  An experimental method was used in this research.  Nested design was used.  The breeds of local fowl were as treatment, the part of carcass was as sub treatment and sample was as replication.  The result of the experiment showed that the part of carcass (breast and thigh) influenced meat fat and cholesterol content.  Breast meat had higher fat and cholesterol content than thigh meat.  Meat fat content had positive correlation with meat cholesterol. (Animal Production 5(2): 79-82 (2003) Key Words: Kampung Chicken, Duck, Muscovy, Breast, Thigh, Meat Fat and Meat Cholesterol


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Abstract.  In Congo, waterfowl genetic resources are constituted by native population of Muscovy ducks that play an important role in food security. The present study aimed to identify and to characterize strains bred in the back yard in the households in Brazzaville. A sample of 154 households drawn over seven districts of Brazzaville was enrolled in the survey. Adults ducks found in the households were identified, pictured by a key of determination and then compared by using the multi resolution analysis image method. The survey recorded 13 strains in which four were considered as newly since they have never been reported elsewhere. These strains received temporally the name of the districts where they have been identified for the first time Makelékélé 1 (0.34%, n=6), Makélékélé 2 (0.11%, n =2), Poto poto 1  (0.28%, n=5) and in Poto poto 2 (0.11%, n=2). Finally, the survey reported nine classical  strains such as  black plumage, duclair, white, tortora, sepia, chocolate, lavender, grey and canizie. The apparent wide variation in plumage colors is an indication that the duck populations have not been ‘purified’ through selective breeding. In the context of the valorization of poultry biodiversity, this work represents a step toward a better knowledge of the production abilities of local ducks breeds in Congo. Key words: Muscovy ducks, color feather, strains, Congo. Abstrak.  Sumber daya genetik unggas air di Kongo mencakup populasi itik lokal yang memegang peranan penting dalam ketahanan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan menggolongkan jenis itik yang dipelihara di pekarangan rumah di Brazzaville. Sampel penelitian menggunakan 154 responden rumah tangga yang tersebar di 7 wilayah Brazzaville. Itik dewasa diidentifikasi dari pekarangan, dan dibandingkan dengan metode Analisis Multi Resolusi. Survey mencatat 13 jenis peranakan, 4 diantaranya dianggap baru karena belum pernah dilaporkan di studi manapun. Jenis ini sementara dinamai sesuai distrik tempatnya pertama ditemukan, yaitu Makelékélé 1 (0,34%, n=6), Makélékélé 2 (0,11%, n =2), Poto poto 1  (0,28%, n=5) dan di Poto poto 2 (0,11%, n=2). Berdasarkan survei didapatkan sembilan jenis klasik yaitu bulu hitam, duclair, putih, tortora, sepia, coklat, lavender, abu-abu dan canizie. Banyaknya ragam warna bulu adalah indikasi bahwa populasi itik belum “dimurnikan” melalui seleksi. Dalam konteks penetapan nilai keanekaragaman hayati unggas, penelitian ini mewakili sebuah langkah menuju pengetahuan yang mendalam akan kemampuan produksi itik yang berkembang di Kongo. Kata kunci: itik Muscovy, warna bulu, strain, Kongo


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A research has been conducted to investigate the performance of entik as result crossbreed of muscovy and duck as a meat producer. The method using of this research was experimental method. As the base design was Randomized Completely Design with factorial design (2x3x3) that consisted of the first factor was sex (S) comprised : s1=male and s2=female. The second factor was feed from (P) comprised: p1=mush, p2=crumble and p3=Paste, whereas the third factor was slaughtering age (U) that comprised u1=six weeks and u2=eight weeks and u3=ten weeks. The investigated parameters were carcass weight, percentage of meat weight, meat weight of carcass. Result of the research obtained the lowest average of carcass weight for male entik aged 6.8 and 10 weeks respectively was 750.26 g, 1142.69 g, and the highest was 1024.93 g, 1336.08 g, and 760.40 g, 1098 g, 1180.26 g and the highest was 985.28 g, 1378.96 g and 1390.20 g. The lowest average parentage carcass for male entik respectively was 59.63%, 60.14%  and 61.76%; the highest was 57.17%, 61.02% and 67.86%. Whereas for the female  the lowest was 57.17%, 62.30%, and  61.02% and the highest was 68.99% ,67.59%, and 67.45 %. The average of meat carcass weight for the whole treatment was 733.99±158.23 g with range around 466.15 up to 956.42 g, and the highest average was reached by female entik aged eight weeks who was feeding by mash that was 916.95±39.36 g. The average of meat carcass weight was 64.57±1.35% with the range around 56.66 up to 73.60%. Result of  the analysis of variances showed that the interaction  factor between the sex, feed form ands slaughtering age affected no significantly (P>0.05) on the carcass weight, percentage of carcass weight, meat carcass weight and the percentage of carcass weight, meat carcass weight and the percentage of meat carcass weight and the percentage of meat carcass weight. Review for each treatment concludes that the sex factor highest effect just only for percentage of meat carcass weight (P<0.01), feed form factor had a high significant effect (P<0.01) on the carcass weight and the meat carcass weight, whereas the slaughtering age factor has a high significant effect linearly (P<0.05) on  the  percentage of carcass weight. This may concluded that the female entik  give the percentage of meat carcass weight more high then the male, feeding by mash form for entik which slaughtering eight weeks old increase the percentage of carcass weight and meat carcass weight. (Animal Production 3(1): 31-39 (2001)Key Words: Entik, crossbreed, muscovy, duck, artificial insemination (AI)