42 resultados para Bioengineering


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A rapid detection and neutralization method for biowarfare agents would be a great biodefense in war times. With this purpose, liposomes were developed following the lipid film formation, rehydration, and extrusion procedure as the production method. MgOCl2 was encapsulated in the liposomes and it was tested with three different bacterium B. cereus; B. thuringiensis; and B. subtilis. For specificity, the liposomes were modified with a polyclonal antibody against B. cereus and B. subtilis. The liposomes were characterized using a Malvern Zetasizer Instrument, and the study revealed stability of the liposomes stored at 4°C for a period of 15 days. A live/dead assay revealed a significant reduction of bacterium incubated with MgOCl2-liposomes. Smaller reduction percentages, but yet significant, were observed with the MgOCl2-immunoliposomes. A colony growth assay revealed a significant reduction percentage for empty liposomes, MgOCl2-liposomes, and MgOCl2-immunoliposomes incubated with B. thuringiensis.


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Characterizing engineered human lung tissue is an important step in developing a functional tissue replacement for lung tissue repair and in vitro analysis. Small tissue constructs were grown by seeding IMR-90 fetal lung fibroblasts and adult microvascular endothelial cells onto a Polyglycolic acid (PGA) polymer template. Introducing the constructs to dynamic culture conditions inside a bioreactor facilitated three-dimensional growth seen in scanning electron microscopy images (SEM). Characterization of the resultant tissue samples was done using SEM imagery, tensile tests, and biochemical assays to quantify extra-cellular matrix (ECM) composition. Tensile tests of the engineered samples indicated an increase in the mechanical properties when compared with blank constructs. Elastin and collagen content was found to average 3.19% and 15.49% respectively in relation to total mass of the tissue samples. The presence of elastin and collagen within the constructs most likely explains the mechanical differences that we noted. These findings suggest that the necessary ECM can be established in engineered tissue constructs and that optimization of this procedure has the capacity to generate the load bearing elements required for construction of a functional lung tissue equivalent.


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Older adults may have trouble when performing activities of daily living due to decrease in physical strength and degradation of neuromotor and musculoskeletal function. Motor activation patterns during Lateral Step Down and Step Up from 4-inch and 8-inch step heights was assessed in younger (n=8, 24.4 years) and older adults (n=8, 58.9 years) using joint angle kinematics and electromyography of lower extremity muscles. Ground reaction forces were used to ascertain the loading, stabilization and unloading phases of the tasks. Older adults had an altered muscle activation sequence and significantly longer muscle bursts during loading for the tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, vastus medialis, bicep femoris, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles of the stationary leg. They also demonstrated a significantly larger swing time (579.1 ms vs. 444.8 ms) during the step down task for the moving leg. The novel data suggests presence of age-related differences in motor coordination during lateral stepping.


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According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, about 15 percent of the patients with diabetes would develop a diabetic foot ulcer. Furthermore, foot ulcerations leads to 85 percent of the diabetes-related amputations. Foot ulcers are caused due to a combination of factors, such as lack of feeling in the foot, poor circulation, foot deformities and the duration of the diabetes. To date, the wounds are inspected visually to monitor the wound healing, without any objective imaging approach to look before the wound’s surface. Herein, a non-contact, portable handheld optical device was developed at the Optical Imaging Laboratory as an objective approach to monitor wound healing in foot ulcer. This near-infrared optical technology is non-radiative, safe and fast in imaging large wounds on patients. The FIU IRB-approved study will involve subjects that have been diagnosed with diabetes by a physician and who have developed foot ulcers. Currently, in-vivo imaging studies are carried out every week on diabetic patients with foot ulcers at two clinical sites in Miami. Near-infrared images of the wound are captured on subjects every week and the data is processed using customdeveloped Matlab-based image processing tools. The optical contrast of the wound to its peripheries and the wound size are analyzed and compared from the NIR and white light images during the weekly systematic imaging of wound healing.


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Design and analysis of conceptually different cooling systems for the human heart preservation are numerically investigated. A heart cooling container with required connections was designed for a normal size human heart. A three-dimensional, high resolution human heart geometric model obtained from CT-angio data was used for simulations. Nine different cooling designs are introduced in this research. The first cooling design (Case 1) used a cooling gelatin only outside of the heart. In the second cooling design (Case 2), the internal parts of the heart were cooled via pumping a cooling liquid inside both the heart’s pulmonary and systemic circulation systems. An unsteady conjugate heat transfer analysis is performed to simulate the temperature field variations within the heart during the cooling process. Case 3 simulated the currently used cooling method in which the coolant is stagnant. Case 4 was a combination of Case 1 and Case 2. A linear thermoelasticity analysis was performed to assess the stresses applied on the heart during the cooling process. In Cases 5 through 9, the coolant solution was used for both internal and external cooling. For external circulation in Case 5 and Case 6, two inlets and two outlets were designed on the walls of the cooling container. Case 5 used laminar flows for coolant circulations inside and outside of the heart. Effects of turbulent flow on cooling of the heart were studied in Case 6. In Case 7, an additional inlet was designed on the cooling container wall to create a jet impinging the hot region of the heart’s wall. Unsteady periodic inlet velocities were applied in Case 8 and Case 9. The average temperature of the heart in Case 5 was +5.0oC after 1500 s of cooling. Multi-objective constrained optimization was performed for Case 5. Inlet velocities for two internal and one external coolant circulations were the three design variables for optimization. Minimizing the average temperature of the heart, wall shear stress and total volumetric flow rates were the three objectives. The only constraint was to keep von Mises stress below the ultimate tensile stress of the heart’s tissue.


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Hypertension, a major risk factor in the cardiovascular system, is characterized by an increase in the arterial blood pressure. High dietary sodium is linked to multiple cardiovascular disorders including hypertension. Salt sensitivity, a measure of how the blood pressure responds to salt intake is observed in more than 50% of the hypertension cases. Nitric Oxide (NO), as an endogenous vasodilator serves many important biological roles in the cardiovascular physiology including blood pressure regulation. The physiological concentrations for NO bioactivity are reported to be in 0-500 nM range. Notably, the vascular response to NO is highly regulated within a small concentration spectrum. Hence, much uncertainty surrounds how NO modulates diverse signaling mechanisms to initiate vascular relaxation and alleviate hypertension. Regulating the availability of NO in the vasculature has demonstrated vasoprotective effects. In addition, modulating the NO release by different means has proved to restore endothelial function. In this study we addressed parameters that regulated NO release in the vasculature, in physiology and pathophysiology such as salt sensitive hypertension. We showed that, in the rat mesenteric arterioles, Ca2+ induced rapid relaxation (time constants 20.8 ± 2.2 sec) followed with a much slower constriction after subsequent removal of the stimulus (time constants 104.8 ± 10.0 sec). An interesting observation was that a fourfold increase in the Ca2+ frequency improved the efficacy of arteriolar relaxation by 61.1%. Our results suggested that, Ca2+ frequency-dependent transient release of NO from the endothelium carried encoded information; which could be translated into different steady state vascular tone. Further, Agmatine, a metabolite of L-arginine, as a ligand, was observed to relax the mesenteric arterioles. These relaxations were NO-dependent and occurred via α-2 receptor activity. The observed potency of agmatine (EC50, 138.7 ± 12.1 µM; n=22), was 40 fold higher than L-arginine itself (EC50, 18.3 ± 1.3 mM; n = 5). This suggested us to propose alternative parallel mechanism for L-arginine mediated vascular relaxation via arginine decarboxylase activity. In addition, the biomechanics of rat mesentery is important in regulation of vascular tone. We developed 2D finite element models that described the vascular mechanics of rat mesentery. With an inverse estimation approach, we identified the elasticity parameters characterizing alterations in normotensive and hypertensive Dahl rats. Our efforts were towards guiding current studies that optimized cardiovascular intervention and assisted in the development of new therapeutic strategies. These observations may have significant implications towards alternatives to present methods for NO delivery as a therapeutic target. Our work shall prove to be beneficial in assisting the delivery of NO in the vasculature thus minimizing the cardiovascular risk in handling abnormalities, such as hypertension.


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By using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and by modifying the current Somanetics® optodes being used with the INVOS oximeter, the modified optodes are made to be fairly functional not only across the forehead, but across the hairy regions of the scalp as well. A major problem arises in the positioning of these optodes on the patients scalp and holding them in place while recording data. Another problem arises in the inconsistent repeatability of the trends displayed in the recorded data. A method was developed to facilitate the easy placement of these optodes on the patients scalp keeping in mind thepatient's comfort. The sensitivity of the optodes, too, was improved by incorporating better refined techniques for manufacturing the fiber optic brushes and fixing the same to the optode transmitting and receiving windows. The modified and improved optodes, in the single as well as in the multiplexed modes, were subjected to various tests on different areas of the brain to determine their efficiency and functionality.


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Magnesium alloys have been widely explored as potential biomaterials, but several limitations to using these materials have prevented their widespread use, such as uncontrollable degradation kinetics which alter their mechanical properties. In an attempt to further the applicability of magnesium and its alloys for biomedical purposes, two novel magnesium alloys Mg-Zn-Cu and Mg-Zn-Se were developed with the expectation of improving upon the unfavorable qualities shown by similar magnesium based materials that have previously been explored. The overall performance of these novel magnesium alloys has been assessesed in three distinct phases of research: 1) analysing the mechanical properties of the as-cast magnesium alloys, 2) evaluating the biocompatibility of the as-cast magnesium alloys through the use of in-vitro cellular studies, and 3) profiling the degradation kinetics of the as-cast magnesium alloys through the use of electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization techqnique as well as gravimetric weight-loss methods. As compared to currently available shape memory alloys and degradable as-cast alloys, these experimental alloys possess superior as-cast mechanical properties with elongation at failure values of 12% and 13% for the Mg-Zn-Se and Mg-Zn-Se alloys, respectively. This is substantially higher than other as-cast magnesium alloys that have elongation at failure values that range from 7-10%. Biocompatibility tests revealed that both the Mg-Zn-Se and Mg-Zn-Cu alloys exhibit low cytotoxicity levels which are suitable for biomaterial applications. Gravimetric and electrochemical testing was indicative of the weight loss and initial corrosion behavior of the alloys once immersed within a simulated body fluid. The development of these novel as-cast magnesium alloys provide an advancement to the field of degradable metallic materials, while experimental results indicate their potential as cost-effective medical devices.


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Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an emerging non-invasive optical neuro imaging technique that monitors the hemodynamic response to brain activation with ms-scale temporal resolution and sub-cm spatial resolution. The overall goal of my dissertation was to develop and apply NIRS towards investigation of neurological response to language, joint attention and planning and execution of motor skills in healthy adults. Language studies were performed to investigate the hemodynamic response, synchrony and dominance feature of the frontal and fronto-temporal cortex of healthy adults in response to language reception and expression. The mathematical model developed based on granger causality explicated the directional flow of information during the processing of language stimuli by the fronto-temporal cortex. Joint attention and planning/ execution of motor skill studies were performed to investigate the hemodynamic response, synchrony and dominance feature of the frontal cortex of healthy adults and in children (5-8 years old) with autism (for joint attention studies) and individuals with cerebral palsy (for planning/execution of motor skills studies). The joint attention studies on healthy adults showed differences in activation as well as intensity and phase dependent connectivity in the frontal cortex during joint attention in comparison to rest. The joint attention studies on typically developing children showed differences in frontal cortical activation in comparison to that in children with autism. The planning and execution of motor skills studies on healthy adults and individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) showed difference in the frontal cortical dominance, that is, bilateral and ipsilateral dominance, respectively. The planning and execution of motor skills studies also demonstrated the plastic and learning behavior of brain wherein correlation was found between the relative change in total hemoglobin in the frontal cortex and the kinematics of the activity performed by the participants. Thus, during my dissertation the NIRS neuroimaging technique was successfully implemented to investigate the neurological response of language, joint attention and planning and execution of motor skills in healthy adults as well as preliminarily on children with autism and individuals with cerebral palsy. These NIRS studies have long-term potential for the design of early stage interventions in children with autism and customized rehabilitation in individuals with cerebral palsy.


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Nanoparticles are often considered as efficient drug delivery vehicles for precisely dispensing the therapeutic payloads specifically to the diseased sites in the patient’s body, thereby minimizing the toxic side effects of the payloads on the healthy tissue. However, the fundamental physics that underlies the nanoparticles’ intrinsic interaction with the surrounding cells is inadequately elucidated. The ability of the nanoparticles to precisely control the release of its payloads externally (on-demand) without depending on the physiological conditions of the target sites has the potential to enable patient- and disease-specific nanomedicine, also known as Personalized NanoMedicine (PNM). In this dissertation, magneto-electric nanoparticles (MENs) were utilized for the first time to enable important functions, such as (i) field-controlled high-efficacy dissipation-free targeted drug delivery system and on-demand release at the sub-cellular level, (ii) non-invasive energy-efficient stimulation of deep brain tissue at body temperature, and (iii) a high-sensitivity contrasting agent to map the neuronal activity in the brain non-invasively. First, this dissertation specifically focuses on using MENs as energy-efficient and dissipation-free field-controlled nano-vehicle for targeted delivery and on-demand release of a anti-cancer Paclitaxel (Taxol) drug and a anti-HIV AZT 5’-triphosphate (AZTTP) drug from 30-nm MENs (CoFe2O4-BaTiO3) by applying low-energy DC and low-frequency (below 1000 Hz) AC fields to separate the functions of delivery and release, respectively. Second, this dissertation focuses on the use of MENs to non-invasively stimulate the deep brain neuronal activity via application of a low energy and low frequency external magnetic field to activate intrinsic electric dipoles at the cellular level through numerical simulations. Third, this dissertation describes the use of MENs to track the neuronal activities in the brain (non-invasively) using a magnetic resonance and a magnetic nanoparticle imaging by monitoring the changes in the magnetization of the MENs surrounding the neuronal tissue under different states. The potential therapeutic and diagnostic impact of this innovative and novel study is highly significant not only in HIV-AIDS, Cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease but also in many CNS and other diseases, where the ability to remotely control targeted drug delivery/release, and diagnostics is the key.


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Knowledge of cell electronics has led to their integration to medicine either by physically interfacing electronic devices with biological systems or by using electronics for both detection and characterization of biological materials. In this dissertation, an electrical impedance sensor (EIS) was used to measure the electrode surface impedance changes from cell samples of human and environmental toxicity of nanoscale materials in 2D and 3D cell culture models. The impedimetric response of human lung fibroblasts and rainbow trout gill epithelial cells when exposed to various nanomaterials was tested to determine their kinetic effects towards the cells and to demonstrate the biosensor’s ability to monitor nanotoxicity in real-time. Further, the EIS allowed rapid, real-time and multi-sample analysis creating a versatile, noninvasive tool that is able to provide quantitative information with respect to alteration in cellular function. We then extended the application of the unique capabilities of the EIS to do real-time analysis of cancer cell response to externally applied alternating electric fields at different intermediate frequencies and low-intensity. Decreases in the growth profiles of the ovarian and breast cancer cells were observed with the application of 200 and 100 kHz, respectively, indicating specific inhibitory effects on dividing cells in culture in contrast to the non-cancerous HUVECs and mammary epithelial cells. We then sought to enhance the effects of the electric field by altering the cancer cell’s electronegative membrane properties with HER2 antibody functionalized nanoparticles. An Annexin V/EthD-III assay and zeta potential were performed to determine the cell death mechanism indicating apoptosis and a decrease in zeta potential with the incorporation of the nanoparticles. With more negatively charged HER2-AuNPs attached to the cancer cell membrane, the decrease in membrane potential would thus leave the cells more vulnerable to the detrimental effects of the applied electric field due to the decrease in surface charge. Therefore, by altering the cell membrane potential, one could possibly control the fate of the cell. This whole cell-based biosensor will enhance our understanding of the responsiveness of cancer cells to electric field therapy and demonstrate potential therapeutic opportunities for electric field therapy in the treatment of cancer.