5 resultados para Coordenação (Linguística)

em Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


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Our work aims at investigating the notion of relation in Ferdinand de Saussure’s linguistic reflections. As we observe his theoretical production, we see this notion was amply worked in the elaboration of other concepts of his, for example, language, signe, value, arbitrariness, among others. However, beyond the capacity of the notion of relation to produce other concepts, the way it was conceived and the theoretical space it was placed allowed Saussure to break through the essentially historical-comparative studies of the epoch, what made a new way of thinking language to have its starting point. Taking it into account, firstly, by reading the work of Herman Paul, the one who represents the neogrammarians in our text, we examine in which way Saussure is distant from his contemporary linguistics when he distinguishes the linguistic relations and give them a new status in his investigation. Secondly, we study how the notion of relation has it own place in Saussure’s theoretical process of thinking the fundamentals which later would be considered the milestone for Modern Linguistics. For that, we analyse one of his manuscripts, Notes pour un livre sur la linguistique générale, and the Course in General Linguistics. The first is composed by sketches which would become a book, as Saussure promised in a letter to Meillet; and the latter contains the principals for the science of Linguistics. So we aim at researching how the notion of relation is treated in this corpus in order to see the way it is conceived both in the particular production of a manuscript written by Saussure itself and the book which was published and considered the turning point for Linguistics.


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This work aimed at analyzing the speeches constructed about motivation by English teachers who teach at public state schools in the interior of Minas Gerais. We aimed at delineating the concept of subject underlying the subjects’ notion of motivation and identifying the role that the English teacher attributes to himself and to the student when he/she enunciates on motivational issues, problematizing the possible consequences of these issues for some English teachers while working in public schools. In order to do so, our investigation made use of theoretical assumptions from Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. The theoretical fundamentation deriving from Bakhtin Circle as well as from Michel Pecheux’s theoretical basis were also very relevant for this research. The intersection of these studying fields entails a theoretical construction that considers the voices of those who live the social practice (MOITA LOPES, 2006), which allows one to see the subjects through their heterogeneity, fluidity and fragmentation. Moreover, it generates knowledge about language in its political, ideological, social and historical aspects. AREDA (SERRANI, 1998) was used as a theoretical and methodological framework for data collection. In our analysis, we considered the voices and the conditions of production that constitute 5 English teachers and, from some selected speeches extracted from their discursive production, some notions as intra and interdiscourse, discursive resonance, discursive memory, among others, can be seen interwoven. We hypothesize that the production of meaning deriving from these English teachers comes from a cleavage between the interdiscursivity about motivation and their position in relation to the English language. Some of these teachers’ discursive inscriptions were delineated as they follow: i) the silenced motivation, in which the teachers come up with several voices, repeating what that has already been said about motivation through silence by excess; also, through an inscription in a process of anomy, the English teachers silence motivation, as they come up with other sayings, in an anomic order, denying their identification with their mother tongue and culture because of a desire to learn the foreign language and culture; ii) the motivation in/from/ by others that resounds, in the way the teachers speak, a relation of alterity on what, in/from desire of other relations (colleagues, students, teaching materials, media, etc.), other forms and alternatives are established as a guarantee of students’ motivation; the teachers are also inscripted in in-service practice training as a space of educational development, because they imagine that the experience of the in-service practice alone, which excludes the educational instruction from the Languages course in which they graduated/were graduating at, taught them how to motivate the students; iii) the motivation as a will of power/knowledge, which means there seems to be teachers’ inscription in the relationship between power and knowledge (Foucault, 1996), disconsidering the conflicts that constitute the English classroom to say that there is a control of the English teaching and learning process and, as a result, they also sustain that they hold control over how to motivate; furthermore, the presence of a resonant voice, whose effect is given by an inscription on the (illusion of) completeness can be seen, because the English teachers believe that while motivating their students, this motivation will provide them with all the missing elements, which would mean that when they motivate students, they would be able to fulfill all the gaps in their learning process.


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Dans le contexte du cyberespace, il peut voir qu'il ya beaucoup de jeunes qui produisent des histoires de fiction en fonction de leurs univers de fiction préférés; ceux-ci sont les fanfictions. Il est remarqué, encore, qu'il ya, autour de les fanfictions, l'organisation d'une communauté discursive - constituée par des pratiques discursives de ficwriters (producteurs de fanfictions), lecteurs, betareaders (examinateurs de fanfictions) et webmistresses (administrateurs des sites ou des blogs qui publient les fanfictions). Une de ces pratiques, qui est devenu très fréquent, est le manuel de comme de faire des fanfictions. Nous cherchons, dans cette dissertation, à analyser le fonctionnement de la communauté constituée autour de les fanfictions et, plus spécifiquement, comment les ficwriters, que sont membres de cette communauté, traitent des manuels de fanfictions. Le corpus de notre recherche est essentiellement constitué par fanfictions sur Harry Potter, publiée dans les sites Floreios e Borrões et Niah fanfiction, et des textes qui se disent comme " manuel de comme de faire des fanfictions ", trouvé dans les sites et les blogs liée à fanfictions. Pour analyser ces textes, nous nous servons fondamentalement de concepts postulés par Dominique Maingueneau dans les livres Gênese dos Discursos (2008b) et Discurso Literário (2009). Notre hypothèse est que les manuels de fanfictions sont un moyen d'institutionnaliser les signes d'appartenance de communauté discursive formée autour de les fanfictions, et que cette tentative d'institutionnalisation laisse des traces dans le fonctionnement de l'instance de inscripteur: les ficwriters se positionner par rapport à ces manuels – que, dans une certaine mesure, de normaliser l'espace de l'interlangue - pour constituer le code langagier de votre fanfictions, qui affirme les signes d'appartenance dans cette communauté.


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This work is intended to investigate the saussurian notion of system. Such a notion is fundamental to Ferdinand de Saussure's theorization, since it composes the definition of "langue", as he thought it. This definition was crucial to the delimitation of linguistics' specific object of study, which granted its place among modern sciences. However, the notion of system was not created by Saussure. Not only in Linguistics, but also in other areas, this notion appeared in very ancient studies, mingling with the establishment of man in society and the development of their economic and organizational activities. Specifically, in the context of language studies, the system consists in a notion that composed the work of the first grammarians in the West, in ancient Greece. Moreover, this notion was also used afterwards, in the synonymy studies and in the comparative analysis of languages, developed by scholars of the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, although Saussure had had his formation in Leipzig and Berlim, amid comparatists studies, his notion of system is an innovation, while is also continuing. In light of this, we aim to highlight the aspects of the saussurian notion of system that allow the establishment of a relationship of continuity and rupture with other conceptions of system. For that, we will investigate four Saussure authored documents: the « Cours de linguistique générale », the « Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-européennes », and the two sets of manuscripts « De l'essence double du langage » and « Notes pour le cours III ».


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Ce travail est le résultat d’une recherche dédiée à étudier le processus philosophique de la découverte du cogitochez Descartes. Ses buts ont été : a) de préciser qu’il existe d’autres possibilités d’interprétation du cogito au-delà de celles les plus courantes et b) de montrer que, dans cette découverte, il y a un trajet qui passe nécessairement par les degrés de la sagesse. La mise en oeuvre du travail d’enquête a exigé la manipulation des sources bibliographiques primaires, constituées des principaux écrits de Descartes, avec une plus grande attention à laLettre-préface des Principes de la philosophie, aux Méditations sur la philosophie première, aux Principes de la philosophie et aux Réponses aux secondes objections. Nous avons cherché à lier ces textes traditionnels aux textes de la littérature secondaire de la modernité, prouvant ainsi la pertinence du sujet au sein du domaine de la Philosophie dans les universités brésiliennes. Pour attester nos constatations, nous nous sommes appuyés sur l’analyse linguistique de termes spécifiques au discours cartésien, en utilisant des dictionnaires de latin (langue dans laquelle a été écrite une grande partie du texte de Descartes), du français de la Renaissance et de portugais. L’argumentation s’est arrêtée dans la mise en contexte du cadre des degrés de la sagesse. Pour cela, il a été nécessaire d’expliquer les notions fondamentales de la philosophie cartésienne explicitées dans la Lettre-préface. Par exemple, le concept de philosopher qui, chez Descartes, est fortement associé à la pulsion sceptique, source commune d’inspiration pour le philosophe et pour le sceptique, étant, en outre, point de convergence entre Descartes et un autre penseur avec lequel il réalise une espèce de conversation : Montaigne. Pendant le moment du quatrième degré de la sagesse, Descartes identifie, dans la pensée de Montaigne, les traces permettant de transcender le quatrième vers le cinquième degré de la sagesse, celui-ci signifiant surtout la découverte des premières causes, des premières notions, des principes qui engendrent toute la Philosophie. La portée des premières notions ou causes, des principes est l’objectif principal du philosopher cartésien. Descartes distingue, même si de façon non explicitée, entre des notions communes et des notions primitives. Dans les deux cas, il s’agit de notions premières, néanmoins, chacun a une fonction différente au sein de la philosophie cartésienne. Les notions communes sont les règles de la raison ou les principes logiques qui confirment la découverte d’un savoir. Les notions primitives sont les principes qui engendrent le savoir. La conclusion présentée dans ce travail – la découverte du cogito passe par les quatre degrés de la sagesse, en réalisant avec excellence, dans son cinquième degré, une expérience dans laquelle il faut trouver l’instance originelle de la pensée – renforce notre constatation, ne mettant pourtant pas fin aux discussions. Puisque, dans la myriade de réflexions sur le sujet, ce n’est qu’une modeste collaboration.