8 resultados para comparison method
em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this meta-analysis was to compare the efficacy and safety of infliximab-biosimilar and other available biologicals for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), namely abatacept, adalimumab, certolizumab pegol, etanercept, golimumab, infliximab, rituximab and tocilizumab. METHODS: A systematic literature review of MEDLINE database until August 2013 was carried out to identify relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Bayesian mixed treatment comparison method was applied for the pairwise comparison of treatments. Improvement rates by the American College of Rheumatology criteria (ACR20 and ACR50) at week 24 were used as efficacy endpoints, and the occurrence of serious adverse events was considered to assess the safety of the biologicals. RESULTS: Thirty-six RCTs were included in the meta-analysis. All the biological agents proved to be superior to placebo. For ACR20 response, certolizumab pegol showed the highest odds ratio (OR) compared to placebo, OR 7.69 [95 % CI 3.69-14.26], followed by abatacept OR 3.7 [95 % CI 2.17-6.06], tocilizumab OR 3.69 [95 % CI 1.87-6.62] and infliximab-biosimilar OR 3.47 [95 % CI 0.85-9.7]. For ACR50 response, certolizumab pegol showed the highest OR compared to placebo OR 8.46 [3.74-16.82], followed by tocilizumab OR 5.57 [95 % CI 2.77-10.09], and infliximab-biosimilar OR 4.06 [95 % CI 1.01-11.54]. Regarding the occurrence of serious adverse events, the results show no statistically significant difference between infliximab-biosimilar and placebo, OR 1.87 [95 % CI 0.74-3.84]. No significant difference regarding efficacy and safety was found between infliximab-biosimilar and the other biological treatments. CONCLUSION: This is the first indirect meta-analysis in RA that compares the efficacy and safety of biosimilar-infliximab to the other biologicals indicated in RA. We found no significant difference between infliximab-biosimilar and other biological agents in terms of clinical efficacy and safety.
The aim of the paper is to present a new global optimization method for determining all the optima of the Least Squares Method (LSM) problem of pairwise comparison matrices. Such matrices are used, e.g., in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Unlike some other distance minimizing methods, LSM is usually hard to solve because of the corresponding nonlinear and non-convex objective function. It is found that the optimization problem can be reduced to solve a system of polynomial equations. Homotopy method is applied which is an efficient technique for solving nonlinear systems. The paper ends by two numerical example having multiple global and local minima.
A distance-based inconsistency indicator, defined by the third author for the consistency-driven pairwise comparisons method, is extended to the incomplete case. The corresponding optimization problem is transformed into an equivalent linear programming problem. The results can be applied in the process of filling in the matrix as the decision maker gets automatic feedback. As soon as a serious error occurs among the matrix elements, even due to a misprint, a significant increase in the inconsistency index is reported. The high inconsistency may be alarmed not only at the end of the process of filling in the matrix but also during the completion process. Numerical examples are also provided.
Pairwise comparison is a popular assessment method either for deriving criteria-weights or for evaluating alternatives according to a given criterion. In real-world applications consistency of the comparisons rarely happens: intransitivity can occur. The aim of the paper is to discuss the relationship between the consistency of the decision maker—described with the error-free property—and the consistency of the pairwise comparison matrix (PCM). The concept of error-free matrix is used to demonstrate that consistency of the PCM is not a sufficient condition of the error-free property of the decision maker. Informed and uninformed decision makers are defined. In the first stage of an assessment method a consistent or near-consistent matrix should be achieved: detecting, measuring and improving consistency are part of any procedure with both types of decision makers. In the second stage additional information are needed to reveal the decision maker’s real preferences. Interactive questioning procedures are recommended to reach that goal.
An important variant of a key problem for multi-attribute decision making is considered. We study the extension of the pairwise comparison matrix to the case when only partial information is available: for some pairs no comparison is given. It is natural to define the inconsistency of a partially filled matrix as the inconsistency of its best, completely filled completion. We study here the uniqueness problem of the best completion for two weighting methods, the Eigen-vector Method and the Logarithmic Least Squares Method. In both settings we obtain the same simple graph theoretic characterization of the uniqueness. The optimal completion will be unique if and only if the graph associated with the partially defined matrix is connected. Some numerical experiences are discussed at the end of the paper.
A cikk a páros összehasonlításokon alapuló pontozási eljárásokat tárgyalja axiomatikus megközelítésben. A szakirodalomban számos értékelő függvényt javasoltak erre a célra, néhány karakterizációs eredmény is ismert. Ennek ellenére a megfelelő módszer kiválasztása nem egy-szerű feladat, a különböző tulajdonságok bevezetése elsősorban ebben nyújthat segítséget. Itt az összehasonlított objektumok teljesítményén érvényesülő monotonitást tárgyaljuk az önkonzisztencia és önkonzisztens monotonitás axiómákból kiindulva. Bemutatásra kerülnek lehetséges gyengítéseik és kiterjesztéseik, illetve egy, az irreleváns összehasonlításoktól való függetlenséggel kapcsolatos lehetetlenségi tétel is. A tulajdonságok teljesülését három eljárásra, a klasszikus pontszám eljárásra, az ezt továbbfejlesztő általánosított sorösszegre és a legkisebb négyzetek módszerére vizsgáljuk meg, melyek mindegyike egy lineáris egyenletrendszer megoldásaként számítható. A kapott eredmények új szempontokkal gazdagítják a pontozási eljárás megválasztásának kérdését. _____ The paper provides an axiomatic analysis of some scoring procedures based on paired comparisons. Several methods have been proposed for these generalized tournaments, some of them have been also characterized by a set of properties. The choice of an appropriate method is supported by a discussion of their theoretical properties. In the paper we focus on the connections of self-consistency and self-consistent-monotonicity, two axioms based on the comparisons of object's performance. The contradiction of self-consistency and independence of irrel-evant matches is revealed, as well as some possible reductions and extensions of these properties. Their satisfiability is examined through three scoring procedures, the score, generalised row sum and least squares methods, each of them is calculated as a solution of a system of linear equations. Our results contribute to the problem of finding a proper paired comparison based scoring method.
Az egyes nemzetek számviteli szabályozásának vizsgálatánál az adott ország sajátosságaiból eredően részben eltérő szabályozások alakultak ki. Az induktív megközelítésű vizsgálatok jellemzően a szabályozási kérdések széles körét fogják át, de csak néhány tényező mentén közelítve. A cash flow-kimutatások témakörénél a legtöbbször csak azt nézték, hogy van-e előírás a kimutatás elkészítésére, de a részletekkel már kevésbé foglalkoztak. Ebből adódóan e területen viszonylag kis különbséget mutattak ki ezek a felmérések. A szerző kutatása szerint a nemzeti cash flow-kimutatások szabályozásának részleteiben eltérések tapasztalhatók, és ezek alapján a nemzetek klaszterelemzéssel hierarchikusan csoportokba rendezhetők. _____ Research has found that as a result of their particularities, different countries have established partly different accounting frameworks. Studies with inductive approaches typically encompass a wide range of regulatory issues, but based on a limited number of factors only. In the case of Statements of Cash Flows, most studies have so far only examined the existence of rules governing the presentation of the statement, without an in-depth analysis of the details. Therefore, these studies only found relatively minor differences in this field. The author’s research shows that many differences exist in the details of national Cash Flow Statement regulations, which makes it possible to classify the countries in groups using the method of hierarchical clustering.
A special class of preferences, given by a directed acyclic graph, is considered. They are represented by incomplete pairwise comparison matrices as only partial information is available: for some pairs no comparison is given in the graph. A weighting method satisfies the property linear order preservation if it always results in a ranking such that an alternative directly preferred to another does not have a lower rank. We study whether two procedures, the Eigenvector Method and the Logarithmic Least Squares Method meet this axiom. Both weighting methods break linear order preservation, moreover, the ranking according to the Eigenvector Method depends on the incomplete pairwise comparison representation chosen.