8 resultados para Duopoly

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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We determine the endogenous order of moves in a mixed pricesetting duopoly. In contrast to the existing literature on mixed oligopolies we establish the payo equivalence of the games with an exogenously given order of moves if the most plausible equilibrium is realized in the market. Hence, in this case it does not matter whether one becomes a leader or a follower. We also establish that replacing a private firm by a public firm in the standard Bertrand-Edgeworth game with capacity constraints increases social welfare and that a pure-strategy equilibrium always exists.


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This paper adds to the growing literature on endogenous timing of decisions in duopolies. We show for a price-setting duopoly game with sufficiently asymmetric and strictly convex cost functions that the less efficient firm moves first while the more efficient moves second with a higher price than the less efficient firm.


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The relationship of managerial bonuses and profit maximization is interesting both from an economic and a managerial viewpoint. Our contribution to this literature is showing that progressive managerial bonuses can increase profits in a spatial Bertrand competition, and furthermore they can help collusion.


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We use a theoretical framework to compare production-in-advance type and production-to-order type environments. Carrying out our analysis in the framework of a symmetric capacity-constrained Bertrand-Edgeworth duopoly game, we prove that the equilibrium prots are the same in case of production in advance and production to order. In addition, advance production results in higher prices than production to order if both games have an equilibrium in nondegenerated mixed strategies.


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In our investigation we are expanding a Bertrand-Edgeworth duopoly into a two-stage game in which during the first stage the firms can select their rationing rule. We will show that under certain conditions the efficient rationing rule is an equilibrium action of the first stage.


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Production to order and production in advance has been compared in many frameworks. In this paper we investigate a mixed production in advance version of the capacity-constrained Bertrand-Edgeworth duopoly game and determine the solution of the respective timing game. We show that a pure-strategy (subgame-perfect) Nash-equilibrium point exists for all possible orderings of moves. It is pointed out that unlike the production-to-order case, the equilibrium of the timing game lies at simultaneous moves. An analysis of the public firm's impact on social welfare is also carried out. All the results are compared to those of the production-to order version of the respective game.


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Vegyes oligopóliumoknak nevezzük az olyan piacszerkezeteket, amelyek esetében a magánvállalatok mellett állami vállalatok is tevékenykednek. A vegyes oligopóliumokban az állami vállalatok részben vagy egészében a társadalmi többletet kívánják maximalizálni. Olyan vegyes duopóliumot vizsgálunk, amelyben a vállalatok előbb kiépítik kapacitásaikat, majd meghatározzák termékük kínálati árát. Kreps-Scheinkman [1983] tisztán magánvállalatos duopóliumokra vizsgált ilyen két időszakos modellt, és megállapította, hogy az első időszaki egyensúlyi kapacitások megegyeznek az azonos költségszerkezetű és kínálati viszonyú Cournot-duopólium egyensúlyi kibocsátásaival. Tanulmányunkban Kreps-Scheinkman [1983] eredményét kiterjesztjük a vegyes duopóliumok - lineáris keresleti görbe és konstans egységköltségek melletti - esetére. _____ In mixed oligopolies, private firms compete with a public firm, which at least partially aims to maximize social surplus. The authors investigate mixed duopolies in which the firms first build capacities simultaneously and then set their prices simultaneously as well. For the same two-stage game with purely private firms Kreps and Scheinkman demonstrated in 1983 that the first-stage equilibrium capacities of the two-stage game are identical with the equilibrium outputs of the Cournot duopoly. This paper extends Kreps and Scheinkman's results to mixed duopolies with linear demands and constant unit costs. It is shown that quantity pre-commitment and Bertrand competition also yield to Cournot outcomes when a public firm is involved, not only in the case of private firms.


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Managerial bonus schemes and their effects on firm strategies and market outcomes are extensively discussed in the literature. Though quota bonuses are not uncommon in practice, they have not been analysed so far. In this article we compare quota bonuses to profit-based evaluation and sales (quantity) bonuses. In a duopoly setting with independent demand shocks we find that under certain circumstances choosing quota bonuses is a dominant strategy. This may explain the widespread use of quota bonuses in situations where incentive problems are relevant.