219 resultados para Uˆnnepi kötet Honti László tiszteletére


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The spill-over of the global fi nancial crisis has uncovered the weaknesses in the governance of the EMU. As one of the most open economies in Europe, Hungary has suff ered from the ups and downs of the global and European crisis and its mismanagement. Domestic policy blunders have complicated the situation. This paper examines how Hungary has withstood the ups and downs of the eurozone crisis. It also addresses the questions of whether the country has converged with or diverged from the EMU membership, whether joining the EMU is still a good idea for Hungary, and whether the measures to ward off the crisis have actually helped to face the challenge of growth.


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A kommunizmusnak vagy amit a XX. szzadban annak neveztek a fasizmus nem elfogadhat alternatvja. Az elmlt hsz v meghatroz ideolgiai ramlata, a neoliberalizmus ezt nem rtette meg. A baloldallal szemben tlzott mrtkben lpett fel, mg ezzel szemben a jobboldali szlssgnek jelents teret engedett. A szlsjobboldali szemllet, az anakronisztikus, barbr provincializmus felszmolshoz szksg van a nyugati tpus konzervativizmus s a szocildemokrcia egyttmkdsre, a kt elmleti irnyzat partneri viszonyra. Ehhez mindenekeltt a neoliberalizmus elmleti meghaladsra van szksg. A tanulmnyban ezrt a neoliberalizmus meghatroz tteleinek kritikjt vgezzk el annak rdekben, hogy az j vilgrendhez igazod elmleti keret kialakulshoz hozzjruljunk. _____ The acceptable alternative of communism, or what it had been called in the 20th century, is not fascism. The mainstream in the ideology of the last couple of decades, neo-liberalism, has not understood this statement. It allows too wide range for the extremists in the far right; however, in the other side it was too rigid with the left. To terminate the barbarian, anachronistic provincialism in the far right, cooperation between the neo-conservativism prevailing in the West and the social democrat movement is needed. The partnership between the two streams is inevitable. In order to achieve this goal the first step is the debate with the theoretical background of the neo-liberal way of thinking. The main purpose of this paper is to start this discussion hoping that we can contribute to the new theoretical framework in the social sciences.


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Economic behavior is multifaceted and context-dependent. However, the so-called Homo Oeconomicus model states that agents are perfectly rational, self-interest-maximizing beings. This model can be criticized on both empirical and normative grounds. Understanding economic behavior requires a more complex and dynamic framework. In the "I & We" paradigm developed by Amitai Etzioni, economic behavior is co-determined by utility calculations and moral considerations. Two major factors can explain the ethicality of economic behavior; namely, the moral character of the agents and the relative cost of ethical behavior. Economic agents are moral beings, but the ethical fabric of the economy determines which face of the Moral Economic Man predominates.


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The moral foundation of capitalism should be reconsidered. Modern capitalism is disembedded from the social and cultural norms of society and produced a deep financial, ecological and social crisis. Competitiveness is the prevailing ideology of todays business and economic policy. Companies, regions, and national economies seek to improve their productivity and gain competitive advantage. But these efforts often produce negative effects on various stakeholders at home and abroad. Competitiveness involves self-interest and aggressivity and produces monetary results at the expense of nature, society and future generations The collaborative enterprise framework promotes a view in which economic agents care about others and themselves and aim to create values for all the participants in their business ecosystems. Their criterion of success is mutually satisfying relationships with the stakeholders. New results of positive psychology and the Homo reciprocans model of behavioral sciences support this approach. The economic teachings of world religions challenge the way capitalism is functioning, and their corresponding perspectives are worthy of consideration. They represent life-serving modes of economizing which can assure the livelihood of human communities and the sustainability of natural ecosystems. Ethics and the future of capitalism are strongly connected. If we want to sustain capitalism for a long time we have to create a less violent, more caring form of it.


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E.F. Schumacher was one of the first scholars who recognized the crucial role of metaeconomics. In his "Small is beautiful" he writes: "The science of economics is 'so prone to usurp the rest' because it relates to certain very strong drives of human nature, such as envy and greed. All the greater is the duty of its experts, the economists, to understand and clarify its limitations, that is to say, to understand meta-economics." (Schumacher, E. F. 1973: p. 38) Meta-economics is the basic assumptions about the subject-matter, value-orientation and methodology of economics. (Zsolnai, L. 1991) The paper attempts to reconstruct the metaeconomic foundation of mainstream economics and that of alternative economics initiated by Schumacher. It shows how the emerging alternative economics transcends the erroneous metaeconomic assumptions of mainstream economics by considering the total economic process, choosing sustainable livelihood as basic value-orientation, and employing a constructive methodology.


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Despite of Martin Heideggers warning not modern technology but modern economizing destroys the Being. With its exclusive focus on profit-making modern economizing endangers the integrity and diversity of natural ecosystems, autonomy and culture of local communities, and chances of future generations for a decent life. This paper gives a critique of the profit principle and redefines economic rationality in a more holistic, substantive and humanistic form.


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The self-centeredness of modern organizations leads to environmental destruction and human deprivation. The principle of responsibility developed by Hans Jonas requires caring for the beings affected by our decisions and actions. Ethical decision-making creates a synthesis of reverence for ethical norms, rationality in goal achievement, and respect for the stakeholders. The maximin rule selects the "least worst alternative" in the multidimensional decision space of deontological, goal-achievement and stakeholder values. The ethical decision-maker can be characterized as having the ability to take multiple perspectives and make appropriate balance across diverse value dimensions. Modern organizations should develop a critical sensitivity to and empathy toward human and non-human beings with which they share a common environment.


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Az 1990-es vek eleje ta tudomnyos rtekezsek s kormnyzati tervezetek szerzi egyre inkbb a tudsban, annak ltrehozsban, hasznlatban s cserjben vlik felismerni a gazdasgi nvekeds s trsadalmi fejlds legfontosabb forrst. Mindezek ellenre az eurpai nagyvllalatok innovcis, kutatsi-fejlesztsi aktivitsa, kutatsi-fejlesztsi kltsgvetse nem tkrzi ezt a felismerst. Ugyanez vonatkozik az Eurpai Uni s a tagllamok kormnyainak politikai nyilatkozataira is: csaknem tz vvel a Lisszaboni Stratgia meghirdetse s vrl vre trtn megerstse utn az EU-tagllamok tbbsge nem tudott rdemleges elrelpst tenni az innovci, a kutats-fejleszts tern. Az Eurpai Uninak nemhogy nem sikerlt "a vilg legversenykpesebb s legdinamikusabb tudsalap gazdasgv vlnia", de az elmlt tz v sorn tovbb mlylt az innovcis szakadk az Eurpai Uni tagllamai s a globlis gazdasg leginnovatvabb orszgai kztt.


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Az rs arra a krdsre keresi a vlaszt, hogy a kt vtized utn tartss, vagyis trendd vl gazdasgi s trsadalmi eltrsek a "posztkommunista" orszgok kztt milyen okokra vezethetk vissza. Msodsorban azt elemzi, mi a jelentsge e sokrt klnbsgek modellszer kategorizlsnak. Ennek alapja az llami szerepvllals mrtke s minsge. Vgl harmadikknt azt a krdskrt vizsglja, hogy az eltrsek milyen kvetkezmnyekkel jrnak. A f kvetkeztets az, hogy a kzssgi vlasztsok ugyan jelentsek, ezek szerepe azonban a plyafggsghez kpest sokkal kisebb, mint azt a legtbb elmlet flttelezi. Az eredmny - Hayekkel szlva (Hayek [1995]) - emberi cselekvs, mde nem emberi tervezet szltte. _____ The article seeks to discover what causes can be traced for the economic and social differences that have become permanent or a trend after two decades. Secondly, it analy-ses what importance this model-like categorization of manifold differences bears. Thirdly and lastly, it examines the sphere of questions to do with the consequences of these differences. The main conclusion is that the community choices are significant, but their role is much less, by comparison with career dependence, than most theories assume. Achievement, to quote Hayek (1995) is borne of human endeavour, not human planning.


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A minimlbr-emels a munkapiacon kzvetlenl hat a keresletre s a knlatra. Kzvetett hatsai azonban tlmutatnak a munkapiacon, ezrt azokat egy makromodell keretei kztt elemezzk. A makromodellben hromfle munkafajta s tz gazat van; az egyes gazatok az rkpzskben s az ad- s jrulkelkerlsk szerkezetben klnbznek. A minimlbr-emels munkapiaci feszltsget generl: cskkenti a foglalkoztatst a szakkpzetlenek krben. Mivel az rszint az tlagbrnl gyorsabban n, s az aggreglt foglalkoztats is cskken, gy cskken a relfogyaszts. A vllalatok profitja s beruhzsa cskken, ugyanakkor a vllalati profit cskkense mr csekly mrtk adelkerls-nvelssel is kiegyenslyozhat. A minimlbr-emels hatsra nnek ugyan az adbevtelek, viszont a kiadsok nagyobb mrtkben nnek, gy ltalban romlik az egyenleg. Aki teht a minimlbr emelst kveteli, annak a felels dnts sorn szmolnia kell ezekkel a kvetkezmnyekkel. _____ Raising the minimum wage on the labour market has direct effects on supply and demand. But its indirect effects extend beyond the labour market. They are analysed here with a macro model that distinguishes three types of work and ten industries, whose firms differ in their price structures and the degrees to which tax and social-insurance payments are avoided. Raising the minimum wage generates tension on the labour market and reduces employment of the unskilled. Since the price level rises faster than average pay and aggregate employment falls, so does real consumption. The firms profits and investment decline, but the former can be offset even by a small increase in tax avoidance. Although the rise in the minimum wage boosts tax revenues, budgetary expenditures rise more and the balance deteriorates. Advocates of a higher minimum wage need to consider these consequences if they are to reach a responsible decision.


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Ez a tanulmny t pontban vizsglja meg, hogy a kltsgvetsi s a bankuni azonnali megvalstsra vonatkoz unis tervezetek mennyiben jrulhatnak hozz a sikeres eurpai vlsgkezelshez, tovbb hogy megvalstsuk milyen flttelrendszert ignyel. ______ The article addresses the issue if, and to what degree, the project of the fiscal and banking union in the EU, launched in June 2012 and finalized in the Council of December 2012, pre-suppose or result in a supranational arrangement. The argument suggests that severe limitations, both in terms of economics and legal arrangements, as well as of lacking democratic legitimation, result in a watered down version of ambitious projects of Brussels.


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Kornai Jnos eddigi letmvben kzponti szerepet jtszott a szocialista s kapitalista rendszer mkdsi sajtossgainak megrtse, lersa egy olyan elmleti keretben, amely sszekapcsolja az elemzs analitikus s empirikus, elmleti s trtneti vonatkozsait. Ez a munka egyszerre tette szksgess az apr rszletek gondos sszegyjtst s az elemekbl kirakhat nagy egsz tltst. Ehhez a szksges kpessgeken tl nfegyelemre, a trggyal szembeni alzatra, odaadsra s sok-sok munkra lehetett szksg. Vajon mi sztklte e fradtsgos munkra a szerzt? A kvncsisg? Az j sszefggsek felfedezsnek intellektulis izgalma? A rejtvnyek megoldsnak rme? Nos, mindezek mellett mg valami ms is: a gyakorlati vltoztats ignye. Kornai Jnos a tudomnyt a gyakorlat megvltoztatsnak eszkzeknt is mveli. Szmra a szigor tudomnyos elemzs a gyakorlati cselekvsi alternatvk kztti vlasztst is segti. Kornai Jnos szmra a tudomny fontos emberi, ha tetszik politikai rtkeket szolgl. Munkinak bels elmletilogikai koherencija a gondolkod s cselekv ember koherencijt szolglja. Kornai Jnos 85. szletsnapja tiszteletére a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, a Kzp-eurpai Egyetem s a Magyar Nemzeti Bank nemzetkzi konferencit rendezett.


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Az vek ta tart eurpai vlsgkezels lersa s a rszletek bemutatsa helyett a rgtnztt, politikai alapon hozott lpsek gazdasgelmleti rtelmezsre treksznk. Kutatsi alapkrdsnk a kvetkez: igaz-e mg a 70-es vek vgnek felismerse, ami szerint sem szerkezeti, sem szablyozsi eredet vlsgot nem lehet keresletlnktssel lekzdeni? Igaz-e, hogy a szuvern EU-tagllamokon bell brmi okbl hinyz bels elktelezdst nem lehet ptolni a kls fegyelmezssel? Ennek fnyben vizsgljuk a kltsgvetsi s a bankuni 2012 oktberben krvonalazott s jvhagyott tervezett is. _____ This paper attempts to provide a theoretical interpretation of new policy initiatives in the EU culminating in the launching of a fiscal and banking union in June, 2012. This step is reinforced by the new ECB strategy launched in September 2012. These measures were a result of a series of policy improvisations rather than of any secret master plan, still they add up to a new model of European integration. Our research question is if, and to what degrees the insights from the crisis of the 1970s hold. Accordingly no amount of easy money may remedy ills deriving from regulatory and structural inefficiencies. Second, we contend that no amount of external straightjacket/disciplining may replace domestic commitment of national governments in implementing structural reforms rather than fiscal adjustments on the margin.


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A modernkori szmvitel egyik alapvet krdse, hogy a pnzgyi beszmols cmzettjt az rdekhordozkat miknt lehet azonostani. Ez a trekvs mr a klasszikus, azta meghaladott vlt elmletekben is kzponti szerepet tlttt be s modern, posztmodern elmletekben kulcsfontossgv vlt. A tapasztalatok alapjn az azonostott rdekhordozk kre mdosult, bvlt. Ennek a fejldsnek a vizsglata sorn a szmvitel szmos olyan ismrvt sikerlt azonostani, amely segtsgvel a vonatkoz szablyok tkletesthetk. Emellett az evolci vizsglata segtsgvel kzvetlenl is megfigyelhetv vlt az, hogy a szmvitelt extern mdon szablyoz hatalom szksgessge milyen felttelek teljestse mellett igazolhat. A vizsglat sorn azonosthatv vltak olyan helyzetek, amikor a szmviteli szablyoz s kvlrl irnytott pnzgyi beszmols szuboptimlis helyzethez vezet. A cikk az rdekhordozi elmletek fejldst a klasszikus felfogsoktl indulva mutatja be. Feltrja, hogy a modern jelenleg elfogadott koalcis vllalatfelfogs miben hozott jat, elssorban miknt hvta letre az extern szablyozt. _____ One of the key problems of the modern financial accounting is how to define the stakeholders. This problem was already a key issue in the already outdated classical stakeholder theories. Research and experience noted that the group of stakeholders has widened and has been modified. Through this evolution researchers identified many characteristics of financial reporting through which the regulation could have been improved. This advance pointed out which are the situations when the existence of an extern accounting regulator may be justified, since under given circumstances this existence led to suboptimal scenario. This paper deals with the stakeholder theories, starting with the classical ones. The article points out how did the currently accepted theory changed the assertions of the previous one and how was the external regulator created as an inevitable consequence. The paper also highlights the main issues raised by the post-modern theories; those, which try to fit the current questions into the current stakeholder models. The article also produces a Hungarian evidence for the previously mentioned suboptimal scenario, where the not tax-driven regulation proves to be suboptimal.