16 resultados para nonstationary subshift of finite type
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Еленка Генчева, Цанко Генчев В настоящата работа се разглеждат крайни прости групи G , които могат да се представят като произведение на две свои собствени неабелеви прости подгрупи A и B. Всяко такова представяне G = AB е прието да се нарича факторизация на G, а тъй като множителите A и B са избрани да бъдат прости подгрупи на G, то разглежданите факторизации са известни още като прости факторизации на G. Тук се предполага, че G е проста група от лиев тип и лиев ранг 4 над крайно поле GF (q). Ключови думи: крайни прости групи, групи от лиев тип, факторизации на групи.
We investigate infinite families of integral quadratic polynomials {fk (X)} k∈N and show that, for a fixed k ∈ N and arbitrary X ∈ N, the period length of the simple continued fraction expansion of √fk (X) is constant. Furthermore, we show that the period lengths of √fk (X) go to infinity with k. For each member of the families involved, we show how to determine, in an easy fashion, the fundamental unit of the underlying quadratic field. We also demonstrate how the simple continued fraction ex- pansion of √fk (X) is related to that of √C, where √fk (X) = ak*X^2 +bk*X + C. This continues work in [1]–[4].
In this paper we study a nonlinear evolution inclusion of subdifferential type in Hilbert spaces. The perturbation term is Hausdorff continuous in the state variable and has closed but not necessarily convex values. Our result is a stochastic generalization of an existence theorem proved by Kravvaritis and Papageorgiou in [6].
Special generalizing for the artificial neural nets: so called RFT – FN – is under discussion in the report. Such refinement touch upon the constituent elements for the conception of artificial neural network, namely, the choice of main primary functional elements in the net, the way to connect them(topology) and the structure of the net as a whole. As to the last, the structure of the functional net proposed is determined dynamically just in the constructing the net by itself by the special recurrent procedure. The number of newly joining primary functional elements, the topology of its connecting and tuning of the primary elements is the content of the each recurrent step. The procedure is terminated under fulfilling “natural” criteria relating residuals for example. The functional proposed can be used in solving the approximation problem for the functions, represented by its observations, for classifying and clustering, pattern recognition, etc. Recurrent procedure provide for the versatile optimizing possibilities: as on the each step of the procedure and wholly: by the choice of the newly joining elements, topology, by the affine transformations if input and intermediate coordinate as well as by its nonlinear coordinate wise transformations. All considerations are essentially based, constructively and evidently represented by the means of the Generalized Inverse.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 33C60, 33C20, 44A15
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35E45
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 34A25, 45D05, 45E10
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 45A05, 45B05, 45E05,45P05, 46E30
The main aim of this paper is to obtain fixed point theorems for Kannan and Zamfirescu operators in the presence of cyclical contractive condition. A method for approximation of the fixed points is also provided, for which both a priori and a posteriori error estimates are given. Our results generalize, unify and extend several important fixed points theorems in literature. In order to illustrate the efficiency of our generalizations five significant examples are also given.
Let a commutative ring R be a direct product of indecomposable rings with identity and let G be a finite abelian p-group. In the present paper we give a complete system of invariants of the group algebra RG of G over R when p is an invertible element in R. These investigations extend some classical results of Berman (1953 and 1958), Sehgal (1970) and Karpilovsky (1984) as well as a result of Mollov (1986).
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11G15, 11G18, 14H52, 14J25, 32L07.
MSC 2010: 33C47, 42C05, 41A55, 65D30, 65D32
AMS classification: 41A36, 41A10, 41A25, 41Al7.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65M06, 65M12.