12 resultados para information security management system

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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In this paper is proposed a model for researching the capability to influence, by selected methods’ groups of compression, to the co-efficient of information security of selected objects’ groups, exposed to selected attacks’ groups. With the help of methods for multi-criteria evaluation are chosen the methods’ groups with the lowest risk with respect to the information security. Recommendations for future investigations are proposed.


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Security becomes more and more important and companies are aware that it has become a management problem. It’s critical to know what are the critical resources and processes of the company and their weaknesses. A security audit can be a handy solution. We have developed BEVA, a method to critically analyse the company and to uncover the weak spots in the security system. BEVA results in security scores for each security factor and also in a general security score. The goal is to increase the security score Ss to a postulated level by focusing on the critical security factors, those with a low security score.


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The Article suggests an approach to designing the Human Resources Intellectual Management System in order to increase Human Resources reliability, using the management methods known from the Theory of Management.. The Article examines the realization of the Subsystem of implementing management methods by the number of management procedures, executing the corresponding management method.


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The Article suggests a possible approach to creation of the Intellectual Management System for human resources and personnel (during their professional tasks solving), and that could consider personal characteristics and psychological condition of the human resources as an “unreliable” element. The Article describes some elements of the Intellectual Management System: professional activity model and “unreliable” element (human resources) model.


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Different types of ontologies and knowledge or metaknowledge connected to them are considered and analyzed aiming at realization in contemporary information security systems (ISS) and especially the case of intrusion detection systems (IDS) or intrusion prevention systems (IPS). Human-centered methods INCONSISTENCY, FUNNEL, CALEIDOSCOPE and CROSSWORD are algorithmic or data-driven methods based on ontologies. All of them interact on a competitive principle ‘survival of the fittest’. They are controlled by a Synthetic MetaMethod SMM. It is shown that the data analysis frequently needs an act of creation especially if it is applied to knowledge-poor environments. It is shown that human-centered methods are very suitable for resolutions in case, and often they are based on the usage of dynamic ontologies


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Possibilities for investigations of 43 varieties of file formats (objects), joined in 10 groups; 89 information attacks, joined in 33 groups and 73 methods of compression, joined in 10 groups are described in the paper. Experimental, expert, possible and real relations between attacks’ groups, method’ groups and objects’ groups are determined by means of matrix transformations and the respective maximum and potential sets are defined. At the end assessments and conclusions for future investigation are proposed.


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In this paper a possibility for quantitative measuring of information security of objects, exposed to information attacks and processed with methods of compression, is represented. A co-efficient of information security, which reflects the influence of the level of compression obtained after applying methods of compression to objects and the time, required by the attack to get access to the corresponding object, is proposed. Methods’ groups with the highest and respectively the lowest values of the co-efficient of information security for all methods’ groups in relation to all attacks’ groups are determined. Assessments and conclusions for future investigations are proposed.


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In this paper a methodology for evaluation of information security of objects under attacks, processed by methods of compression, is represented. Two basic parameters for evaluation of information security of objects – TIME and SIZE – are chosen and the characteristics, which reflect on their evaluation, are analyzed and estimated. A co-efficient of information security of object is proposed as a mean of the coefficients of the parameter TIME and SIZE. From the simulation experiments which were carried out methods with the highest co-efficient of information security had been determined. Assessments and conclusions for future investigations are proposed.


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This report examines important issues pertaining to the different ways of affecting the information security of file objects under information attacks through methods of compression. Accordingly, the report analyzes the three-way relationships which may exist among a selected set of attacks, methods and objects. Thus, a methodology is proposed for evaluation of information security, and a coefficient of information security is created. With respects to this coefficient, using different criteria and methods for evaluation and selection of alternatives, the lowest-risk methods of compression are selected.


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The purpose of this work is the development of database of the distributed information measurement and control system that implements methods of optical spectroscopy for plasma physics research and atomic collisions and provides remote access to information and hardware resources within the Intranet/Internet networks. The database is based on database management system Oracle9i. Client software was realized in Java language. The software was developed using Model View Controller architecture, which separates application data from graphical presentation components and input processing logic. The following graphical presentations were implemented: measurement of radiation spectra of beam and plasma objects, excitation function for non-elastic collisions of heavy particles and analysis of data acquired in preceding experiments. The graphical clients have the following functionality of the interaction with the database: browsing information on experiments of a certain type, searching for data with various criteria, and inserting the information about preceding experiments.


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According to the rapidly changing environment small and medium enterprises constantly need to adapt their strategies and activities. The transition from the industrial economy to knowledge-based economy results in the increasing of the volume of the available information. Therefore knowledge markets are needed and innovation centers have to be developed. An effective knowledge management system helps small and medium enterprises to overcome their disadvantages and compete with big corporations. The review of current developments in the field of knowledge markets is also made.


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This article describes the approach, which allows to develop information systems without taking into consideration details of physical storage of the relational model and type database management system. Described in terms of graph model, this approach allows to construct several algorithms, for example, for verification application domain. This theory was introduced into operation testing as a part of CASE-system METAS.