10 resultados para Permutation

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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In this article we discuss a possibility to use genetic algorithms in cryptanalysis. We developed and described the genetic algorithm for finding the secret key of a block permutation cipher. In this case key is a permutation of some first natural numbers. Our algorithm finds the exact key’s length and the key with controlled accuracy. Evaluation of conducted experiment’s results shows that the almost automatic cryptanalysis is possible.


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Pólya’s fundamental enumeration theorem and some results from Williamson’s generalized setup of it are proved in terms of Schur- Macdonald’s theory (S-MT) of “invariant matrices”. Given a permutation group W ≤ Sd and a one-dimensional character χ of W , the polynomial functor Fχ corresponding via S-MT to the induced monomial representation Uχ = ind|Sdv/W (χ) of Sd , is studied. It turns out that the characteristic ch(Fχ ) is the weighted inventory of some set J(χ) of W -orbits in the integer-valued hypercube [0, ∞)d . The elements of J(χ) can be distinguished among all W -orbits by a maximum property. The identity ch(Fχ ) = ch(Uχ ) of both characteristics is a consequence of S-MT, and is equivalent to a result of Williamson. Pólya’s theorem can be obtained from the above identity by the specialization χ = 1W , where 1W is the unit character of W.


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Non-preemptive two-machine flow-shop scheduling problem with uncertain processing times of n jobs is studied. In an uncertain version of a scheduling problem, there may not exist a unique schedule that remains optimal for all possible realizations of the job processing times. We find necessary and sufficient conditions (Theorem 1) when there exists a dominant permutation that is optimal for all possible realizations of the job processing times. Our computational studies show the percentage of the problems solvable under these conditions for the cases of randomly generated instances with n ≤ 100 . We also show how to use additional information about the processing times of the completed jobs during optimal realization of a schedule (Theorems 2 – 4). Computational studies for randomly generated instances with n ≤ 50 show the percentage of the two- machine flow-shop scheduling problems solvable under the sufficient conditions given in Theorems 2 – 4.


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The purpose of discussed optimal valid partitioning (OVP) methods is uncovering of ordinal or continuous explanatory variables effect on outcome variables of different types. The OVP approach is based on searching partitions of explanatory variables space that in the best way separate observations with different levels of outcomes. Partitions of single variables ranges or two-dimensional admissible areas for pairs of variables are searched inside corresponding families. Statistical validity associated with revealed regularities is estimated with the help of permutation test repeating search of optimal partition for each permuted dataset. Method for output regularities selection is discussed that is based on validity evaluating with the help of two types of permutation tests.


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In this paper a genetic algorithm (GA) is applied on Maximum Betweennes Problem (MBP). The maximum of the objective function is obtained by finding a permutation which satisfies a maximal number of betweenness constraints. Every permutation considered is genetically coded with an integer representation. Standard operators are used in the GA. Instances in the experimental results are randomly generated. For smaller dimensions, optimal solutions of MBP are obtained by total enumeration. For those instances, the GA reached all optimal solutions except one. The GA also obtained results for larger instances of up to 50 elements and 1000 triples. The running time of execution and finding optimal results is quite short.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11T06, 13P10.


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Красимир Йорджев, Христина Костадинова - В работата се разглежда една релация на еквивалентност в множеството от всички квадратни бинарни матрици. Обсъдена е комбинаторната задача за намиране мощността и елементите на фактормножеството относно тази релация. Разгледана е и възможността за получаване на някои специални елементи на това фактормножество. Предложен е алгоритъм за решаване на поставените задачи. Получените в статията резултати намират приложение при описанието топологията на различните тъкачни структури.


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Валентин В. Илиев - Авторът изучава някои хомоморфни образи G на групата на Артин на плитките върху n нишки в крайни симетрични групи. Получените пермутационни групи G са разширения на симетричната група върху n букви чрез подходяща абелева група. Разширенията G зависят от един целочислен параметър q ≥ 1 и се разцепват тогава и само тогава, когато 4 не дели q. В случая на нечетно q са намерени всички крайномерни неприводими представяния на G, а те от своя страна генерират безкрайна редица от неприводими представяния на групата на плитките.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 11A15.


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14L99, 14R10, 20B27.