12 resultados para Eigenvalue of a graph

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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The eccentric connectivity index of a graph G, ξ^C, was proposed by Sharma, Goswami and Madan. It is defined as ξ^C(G) = ∑ u ∈ V(G) degG(u)εG(u), where degG(u) denotes the degree of the vertex x in G and εG(u) = Max{d(u, x) | x ∈ V (G)}. The eccentric connectivity polynomial is a polynomial version of this topological index. In this paper, exact formulas for the eccentric connectivity polynomial of Cartesian product, symmetric difference, disjunction and join of graphs are presented.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J70, 35P15.


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The paper has been presented at the International Conference Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics, Dedicated to Nikola Obreshkoff and Lubomir Tschakalo ff , Sofia, July, 2006.


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The polyparametric intelligence information system for diagnostics human functional state in medicine and public health is developed. The essence of the system consists in polyparametric describing of human functional state with the unified set of physiological parameters and using the polyparametric cognitive model developed as the tool for a system analysis of multitude data and diagnostics of a human functional state. The model is developed on the basis of general principles geometry and symmetry by algorithms of artificial intelligence systems. The architecture of the system is represented. The model allows analyzing traditional signs - absolute values of electrophysiological parameters and new signs generated by the model – relationships of ones. The classification of physiological multidimensional data is made with a transformer of the model. The results are presented to a physician in a form of visual graph – a pattern individual functional state. This graph allows performing clinical syndrome analysis. A level of human functional state is defined in the case of the developed standard (“ideal”) functional state. The complete formalization of results makes it possible to accumulate physiological data and to analyze them by mathematics methods.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C35.


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Иво Й. Дамянов - Манипулирането на булеви функции е основнo за теоретичната информатика, в това число логическата оптимизация, валидирането и синтеза на схеми. В тази статия се разглеждат някои първоначални резултати относно връзката между граф-базираното представяне на булевите функции и свойствата на техните променливи.


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MSC subject classification: 65C05, 65U05.


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35G35, 32A30, 30G35.


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We consider the Hamiltonian H of a 3D spinless non-relativistic quantum particle subject to parallel constant magnetic and non-constant electric field. The operator H has infinitely many eigenvalues of infinite multiplicity embedded in its continuous spectrum. We perturb H by appropriate scalar potentials V and investigate the transformation of these embedded eigenvalues into resonances. First, we assume that the electric potentials are dilation-analytic with respect to the variable along the magnetic field, and obtain an asymptotic expansion of the resonances as the coupling constant ϰ of the perturbation tends to zero. Further, under the assumption that the Fermi Golden Rule holds true, we deduce estimates for the time evolution of the resonance states with and without analyticity assumptions; in the second case we obtain these results as a corollary of suitable Mourre estimates and a recent article of Cattaneo, Graf and Hunziker [11]. Next, we describe sets of perturbations V for which the Fermi Golden Rule is valid at each embedded eigenvalue of H; these sets turn out to be dense in various suitable topologies. Finally, we assume that V decays fast enough at infinity and is of definite sign, introduce the Krein spectral shift function for the operator pair (H+V, H), and study its singularities at the energies which coincide with eigenvalues of infinite multiplicity of the unperturbed operator H.


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We consider a model eigenvalue problem (EVP) in 1D, with periodic or semi–periodic boundary conditions (BCs). The discretization of this type of EVP by consistent mass finite element methods (FEMs) leads to the generalized matrix EVP Kc = λ M c, where K and M are real, symmetric matrices, with a certain (skew–)circulant structure. In this paper we fix our attention to the use of a quadratic FE–mesh. Explicit expressions for the eigenvalues of the resulting algebraic EVP are established. This leads to an explicit form for the approximation error in terms of the mesh parameter, which confirms the theoretical error estimates, obtained in [2].


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The ability of automatic graphic user interface construction is described. It is based on the building of user interface as reflection of the data domain logical definition. The submitted approach to development of the information system user interface enables dynamic adaptation of the system during their operation. This approach is used for creation of information systems based on CASE-system METAS.


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The parallel resolution procedures based on graph structures method are presented. OR-, AND- and DCDP- parallel inference on connection graph representation is explored and modifications to these algorithms using heuristic estimation are proposed. The principles for designing these heuristic functions are thoroughly discussed. The colored clause graphs resolution principle is presented. The comparison of efficiency (on the Steamroller problem) is carried out and the results are presented. The parallel unification algorithm used in the parallel inference procedure is briefly outlined in the final part of the paper.