13 resultados para Computer Aided Engineering and Design

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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* The research work reviewed in this paper has been carried out in the context of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research funded project “Adaptable Intelligent Interfaces Research and Development for Distance Learning Systems”(grant N 02-01-81019). The authors wish to acknowledge the co-operation with the Byelorussian partners of this project.


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Swallowable capsule endoscopy is used for non-invasive diagnosis of some gastrointestinal (GI) organs. However, control over the position of the capsule is a major unresolved issue. This study presents a design for steering the capsule based on magnetic levitation. The levitation is stabilized with the aid of a computer-aided feedback control system and diamagnetism. Peristaltic and gravitational forces to be overcome were calculated. A levitation setup was built to analyze the feasibility of using Hall Effect sensors to locate the in- vivo capsule. CAD software Maxwell 3D (Ansoft, Pittsburgh, PA) was used to determine the dimensions of the resistive electromagnets required for levitation and the feasibility of building them was examined. Comparison based on design complexity was made between positioning the patient supinely and upright.


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This paper presents the concepts of the intelligent system for aiding of the module assembly technology. The first part of this paper presents a project of intelligent support system for computer aided assembly process planning. The second part includes a coincidence description of the chosen aspects of implementation of this intelligent system using technologies of artificial intelligence (artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, expert systems and genetic algorithms).


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Projects solutions reuse methodology is offered for software development. The main idea consists in connection of the system objective with the situation using the entities which describe the condition of the system in the process of the objective statement. Every situation is associated with one or several design solutions, which can be used at the development. Based on this connection the situation representing language has been created, it lets to express a problem situation using a natural language describe. The similarity measure has been built to compare situations, it is based on the similarity coefficients with adding the absent part weight.


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The paper discusses facilities of computer systems for editing scientific and technical texts, which partially automate functions of human editor and thus help the writer to improve text quality. Two experimental systems LINAR and CONUT developed in 90s to control the quality of Russian scientific and technical texts are briefly described; and general principles for designing more powerful editing systems are pointed out. Features of an editing system being now under development are outlined, primarily the underlying linguistic knowledge base and procedures controlling the text.


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The given work is devoted to development of the computer-aided system of semantic text analysis of a technical specification. The purpose of this work is to increase efficiency of software engineering based on automation of semantic text analysis of a technical specification. In work it is offered and investigated the model of the analysis of the text of the technical project is submitted, the attribute grammar of a technical specification, intended for formalization of limited Russian is constructed with the purpose of analysis of offers of text of a technical specification, style features of the technical project as class of documents are considered, recommendations on preparation of text of a technical specification for the automated processing are formulated. The computer-aided system of semantic text analysis of a technical specification is considered. This system consists of the following subsystems: preliminary text processing, the syntactic and semantic analysis and construction of software models, storage of documents and interface.


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Methodology of computer-aided investigation and provision of safety for complex constructions and a prototype of the intelligent applied system, which implements it, are considered. The methodology is determined by the model of the object under scrutiny, by the structure and functions of investigation of safety as well as by a set of research methods. The methods are based on the technologies of object-oriented databases, expert systems and on the mathematical modeling. The intelligent system’s prototype represents component software, which provides for support of decision making in the process of safety investigations and investigation of the cause of failure. Support of decision making is executed by analogy, by determined search for the precedents (cases) with respect to predicted (on the stage of design) and observed (on the stage of exploitation) parameters of the damage, destruction and malfunction of a complex hazardous construction.


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The desire to create unique things and give free rain to one's imagination served as a powerful impetus to the development of digital art and design software. The commoner was the use of computers the wider variety of professional software was developed. Nowadays the creators and computer designers are receiving more and more new and advanced programs that allow their ideas becoming virtual reality. This research paper looks at the history of the development of graphic editors from the simplest to the most modern and advanced. This brief survey includes the history of different graphic editors’ creation, their features and abilities. This paper highlights the two basic branches of graphic editors – these that are in free use and commercial graphic editors design software. The researcher selected the most powerful and influential graphic editors design software brands like Paint.NET and GIMP among free software and commercial Adobe Photoshop. This paper also dwells upon the way digital art transferred from the exclusively professional business into the hobby for ordinary users. This research paper bears implications for those who are interested in features and potentiality of most popular graphic editors design software.


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В статье рассмотрена технология решения задачи комплектования аварийно- спасательной техники с использованием многокритериальной оптимизации, последовательного анализа вариантов и эволюционного моделирования. Разработаны модели, служащие информационно- аналитическим базисом формирования интегрального критерия.


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В статье рассмотрены особенности проектирования системы поддержки принятия решений «Безопасность», предназначенной для информационно-консультативного сопровождения процессов принятия решений руководителями пожарных подразделений во время тушения пожара.


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We discuss some main points of computer-assisted proofs based on reliable numerical computations. Such so-called self-validating numerical methods in combination with exact symbolic manipulations result in very powerful mathematical software tools. These tools allow proving mathematical statements (existence of a fixed point, of a solution of an ODE, of a zero of a continuous function, of a global minimum within a given range, etc.) using a digital computer. To validate the assertions of the underlying theorems fast finite precision arithmetic is used. The results are absolutely rigorous. To demonstrate the power of reliable symbolic-numeric computations we investigate in some details the verification of very long periodic orbits of chaotic dynamical systems. The verification is done directly in Maple, e.g. using the Maple Power Tool intpakX or, more efficiently, using the C++ class library C-XSC.


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Бойко Бл. Банчев - Представена е обосновка и описание на език за програмиране в композиционен стил за опитни и учебни цели. Под “композиционен” имаме предвид функционален стил на програмиране, при който пресмятането е йерархия от композиции и прилагания на функции. Един от данновите типове на езика е този на геометричните фигури, които могат да бъдат получавани чрез прости правила за съотнасяне и така също образуват йерархични композиции. Езикът е силно повлиян от GeomLab, но по редица свойства се различава от него значително. Статията разглежда основните черти на езика; подробното му описание и фигурноконструктивните му възможности ще бъдат представени в съпътстваща публикация.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2014