51 resultados para Nonlinear integral equations.
Sufficient conditions for the existence of bounded solutions of singularly perturbed impulsive differential equations are obtained. For this purpose integral manifolds are used.
The present paper investigates the existence of integral manifolds for impulsive differential equations with variable perturbations. By means of piecewise continuous functions which are generalizations of the classical Lyapunov’s functions, sufficient conditions for the existence of integral manifolds of such equations are found.
MSC 2010: 34A08 (main), 34G20, 80A25
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65H10.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34K15, 34C10.
We introduce a robot-safety device system attended by two different repairmen. The twin system is characterized by the natural feature of cold standby and by an admissible “risky” state. In order to analyse the random behaviour of the entire system (robot, safety device, repair facility) we employ a stochastic process endowed with probability measures satisfying general Hokstad-type differential equations. The solution procedure is based on the theory of sectionally holomorphic functions, characterized by a Cauchy-type integral defined as a Cauchy principal value in double sense. An application of the Sokhotski-Plemelj formulae determines the long-run availability of the robot-safety device. Finally, we consider the particular but important case of deterministic repair.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A33; Secondary 35S10, 86A05
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 76M35, 82B31
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 30C40
Stability of nonlinear impulsive differential equations with "supremum" is studied. A special type of stability, combining two different measures and a dot product on a cone, is defined. Perturbing cone-valued piecewise continuous Lyapunov functions have been applied. Method of Razumikhin as well as comparison method for scalar impulsive ordinary differential equations have been employed.
This book deals with equations of mathematical physics as the different modifications of the KdV equation, the Camassa-Holm type equations, several modifications of Burger's equation, the Hunter-Saxton equation, conservation laws equations and others. The equations originate from physics but are proposed here for their investigation via purely mathematical methods in the frames of university courses. More precisely, we propose classification theorems for the traveling wave solutions for a sufficiently large class of third order nonlinear PDE when the corresponding profiles develop different kind of singularities (cusps, peaks), existence and uniqueness results, etc. The orbital stability of the periodic solutions of traveling type for mKdV equations are also studied. Of great interest too is the interaction of peakon type solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation and the solvability of the classical and generalized Cauchy problem for the Hunter-Saxton equation. The Riemann problem for special systems of conservation laws and the corresponding -shocks are also considered. As it concerns numerical methods we apply the CNN approach. The book is addressed to a broader audience including graduate students, Ph.D. students, mathematicians, physicist, engineers and specialists in the domain of PDE.
MSC 2010: 26A33, 34A37, 34K37, 34K40, 35R11
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J40, 49J52, 49J40, 46E30
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35B35, 35B40, 35Q35, 76B25, 76E30.
Снежана Христова, Кремена Стефанова, Лозанка Тренкова - В статията се изучават някои интегрални неравенства, които съдържат макси-мума на неизвестната функция на една променлива. Разглежданите неравенства са обобщения на класическото неравенство на Бихари. Значимостта на тези интегрални неравенства се дълже на широкото им приложение при качественото изследванене на различни свойства на решенията на диференциални уравнения с “максимум” и е илюстрирано с някои директни приложения.