57 resultados para Differential calculus in Banach spaces
MSC 2010: 26A33
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35G20, 47H30
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47A48, 93B28, 47A65; Secondary 34C94.
Research partially supported by a grant of Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A33, 30C45; Secondary 33A35
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 33E12, 33C60, 44A10, 45K05, 74D05,
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 33C60, 44A20
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35S05
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 46B03, 46B26. Secondary: 46E15, 54C35.
The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006
In his paper [1], Bates investigates the existence of nonlinear, but highly smooth, surjective operators between various classes of Banach spaces. Modifying his basic method, he obtains the following striking results.
∗ The present article was originally submitted for the second volume of Murcia Seminar on Functional Analysis (1989). Unfortunately it has been not possible to continue with Murcia Seminar publication anymore. For historical reasons the present vesion correspond with the original one.
∗ Cette recherche a été partiellement subventionnée, en ce qui concerne le premier et le dernier auteur, par la bourse OTAN CRG 960360 et pour le second auteur par l’Action Intégrée 95/0849 entre les universités de Marrakech, Rabat et Montpellier.
The general iteration method for nonexpansive mappings on a Banach space is considered. Under some assumption of fast enough convergence on the sequence of (“almost” nonexpansive) perturbed iteration mappings, if the basic method is τ−convergent for a suitable topology τ weaker than the norm topology, then the perturbed method is also τ−convergent. Application is presented to the gradient-prox method for monotone inclusions in Hilbert spaces.
The concept of knowledge is the central one used when solving the various problems of data mining and pattern recognition in finite spaces of Boolean or multi-valued attributes. A special form of knowledge representation, called implicative regularities, is proposed for applying in two powerful tools of modern logic: the inductive inference and the deductive inference. The first one is used for extracting the knowledge from the data. The second is applied when the knowledge is used for calculation of the goal attribute values. A set of efficient algorithms was developed for that, dealing with Boolean functions and finite predicates represented by logical vectors and matrices.