19 resultados para Urban ecology : patterns, processes and applications


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Authors suggested earlier hierarchical method for definition of class description at pattern recognition problems solution. In this paper development and use of such hierarchical descriptions for parallel representation of complex patterns on the base of multi-core computers or neural networks is proposed.


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In a paper the method of complex systems and processes clustering based use of genetic algorithm is offered. The aspects of its realization and shaping of fitness-function are considered. The solution of clustering task of Ukraine areas on socio-economic indexes is represented and comparative analysis with outcomes of classical methods is realized.


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The paper describes cluster management software and hardware of SCIT supercomputer clusters built in Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine. The paper shows the performance results received on systems that were built and the specific means used to fulfil the goal of performance increase. It should be useful for those scientists and engineers that are practically engaged in a cluster supercomputer systems design, integration and services.


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Косто В. Митов - Разклоняващите се стохастични процеси са модели на популационната динамика на обекти, които имат случайно време на живот и произвеждат потомци в съответствие с дадени вероятностни закони. Типични примери са ядрените реакции, клетъчната пролиферация, биологичното размножаване, някои химични реакции, икономически и финансови явления. В този обзор сме се опитали да представим съвсем накратко някои от най-важните моменти и факти от историята, теорията и приложенията на разклоняващите се процеси.