260 resultados para sociology of consumption - theories - deconstruction


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Some basic types of archiving programs are described in the paper in addition to their advantages and disadvantages with respect to the analysis of security in archiving. Analysis and appraisal are performed on the results obtained during the described experiments.


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In this article, we examine a realization of an open addressing hash table in the chained allocated memory, giving us the opportunity to decrease the number of linear probing when a given element has not been inserted in the table.


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A method for measurement and visualization of the complex transmission coefficient of 2-D micro- objects is proposed. The method is based on calculation of the transmission coefficient from the diffraction pattern and the illumination aperture function for monochromatic light. A phase-stepping method was used for diffracted light phase determination.


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The paper considers some possible neuron mechanisms that do not contradict biological data. They are represented in terms of the notion of an elementary sensorium discussed in the previous authors’ works. Such mechanisms resolve problems of two large classes: when identification mechanisms are used and when sensory learning mechanisms are applied along with identification.


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Civilization has brought us into the noosphere world. Besides physical, around (and inside of) us exist and function also mental and cultural entities. It is impossible to perform now knowledge acquisition, knowledge base creation and organizational systems management without adequate consideration of object’s noosphere statuses. I tried here to clarify basic viewpoints concerning this issue, hoping that elaboration of common methodological foundations of semiotic modeling will be useful for developers and also for users of new generation automation systems.


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The present research offers the technique of the experimental estimation of the ergonomic parameters of the computer training programs, created on the basis of the method of theoretical images are submitted.


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In the paper we consider the structure of information dialogues. Our study is based on Estonian dialogue corpus which contains two kinds of dialogues – transcriptions of spoken conversations, and dialogues collected with the Wizard of Oz method. We are using two ways for describing the structure of dialogues – a typology of dialogue acts, and a system of communicative strategies. We depart from the notion of communicative strategy introduced by Kristiina Jokinen in her Constructive Dialogue Model. The analysis of our empirical material shows that people are using similar communicative strategies in telephone conversations and computer interactions. In the same time, the structure of human-human conversation is much more complicated.


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In article the problems of mutual adapting of the humans and computer environment are reviewed. Features of image-intuitive and physical-mathematical modes of perception and thinking are investigated. The problems of choice of means and methods of the differential education the computerized society are considered.


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Beginning from 1991, Russian (initially Soviet) Association for Artificial Intelligence (RAAI) publishes the own journal ‘News of Artificial Intelligence’. The journal is founded on the initiative of the famous specialist in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the first president of Soviet Association for Artificial Intelligence, the academician of Russian Academy of Natural Science (RANS), doctor of technical sciences (d.t.s.), professor D.A. Pospelov, which from 1991 up to 2001 was its main editor.


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The paper deals with methods of choice in the INTERNET of natural-language textual fragments relevant to a given theme. Relevancy is estimated on the basis of semantic analysis of sentences. Recognition of syntactic and semantic connections between words of the text is carried out by the analysis of combinations of inflections and prepositions, without use of categories and rules of traditional grammar. Choice in the INTERNET of the thematic information is organized cyclically with automatic forming of the new key at every cycle when addressing to the INTERNET.


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The article describes the structure of an ontology model for Optimization of a sequential program. The components of an intellectual modeling system for program optimization are described. The functions of the intellectual modeling system are defined.


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A new original method and CASE-tool of system analysis and modelling are represented. They are for the first time consistent with the requirements of object-oriented technology of informational systems design. They essentially facilitate the construction of organisational systems models and increase the quality of the organisational designing and basic technological processes of object application developing.


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The paper deals with a problem of intelligent system’s design for complex environments. There is discussed a possibility to integrate several technologies into one basic structure. One possible structure is proposed in order to form a basis for intelligent system that would be able to operate in complex environments. The basic elements of the proposed structure have found their implemented in software system. This software system is shortly presented in the paper. The most important results of experiments are outlined and discussed at the end of the paper. Some possible directions of further research are sketched.


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An experimental comparison of information features used by neural network is performed. The sensing method was used. Suboptimal classifier agreeable to the gaussian model of the training data was used as a probe. Neural nets with architectures of perceptron and feedforward net with one hidden layer were used. The experiments were carried out with spatial ultrasonic data, which are used for car’s passenger safety system neural controller learning. In this paper we show that a neural network doesn’t fully make use of gaussian components, which are first two moment coefficients of probability distribution. On the contrary, the network can find more complicated regularities inside data vectors and thus shows better results than suboptimal classifier. The parallel connection of suboptimal classifier improves work of modular neural network whereas its connection to the network input improves the specialization effect during training.


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One of the problems in AI tasks solving by neurocomputing methods is a considerable training time. This problem especially appears when it is needed to reach high quality in forecast reliability or pattern recognition. Some formalised ways for increasing of networks’ training speed without loosing of precision are proposed here. The offered approaches are based on the Sufficiency Principle, which is formal representation of the aim of a concrete task and conditions (limitations) of their solving [1]. This is development of the concept that includes the formal aims’ description to the context of such AI tasks as classification, pattern recognition, estimation etc.