18 resultados para Mass media in education

em Aston University Research Archive


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The paper explores gender relations in academia and discusses how gender is constructed within academic institutions. It is based upon the study of a business school, part of a British university. The construction of gender relations within this institution was of special interest because the majority of managerial roles were occupied by women. All female academic managers (dean, associate deans and heads of department) and a random selection of female and male academics were interviewed. The process of construction of gender relations is investigated through the analysis of the discrepancy between the ‘masculine culture’ of high education institutions and the dominance of women managers within this organization. It is suggested that the numerical dominance of women managers may create tensions between their individual identities as women and their managerial identities, due to the predominance of masculine practices and values within the organization. Additionally, it emerged that the maintenance of masculine ideals and practices is also associated with downplaying women’s achievements.


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The fluid–particle interaction inside a 150 g/h fluidised bed reactor is modelled. The biomass particle is injected into the fluidised bed and the heat, momentum and mass transport from the fluidising gas and fluidised sand is modelled. The Eulerian approach is used to model the bubbling behaviour of the sand, which is treated as a continuum. Heat transfer from the bubbling bed to the discrete biomass particle, as well as biomass reaction kinetics are modelled according to the literature. The particle motion inside the reactor is computed using drag laws, dependent on the local volume fraction of each phase. FLUENT 6.2 has been used as the modelling framework of the simulations with the whole pyrolysis model incorporated in the form of user-defined function (UDF). The study completes the fast pyrolysis modelling in bubbling fluidised bed reactors.


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The aim of this thesis is to examine the experience of time of four professional occupational groups working in public sector organisations and the factors affecting this experience. The literature on time and work is examined to delineate the key parameters of research in this area. A broad organisation behaviour approach to the experience of time and work is developed in which individual, occupational, organisational and socio-political factors are inter-related. The experience of secondary school teachers, further education lecturers, general medical practitioners and hosoital consultants is then examined. Multiple methods of data collection are used: open-ended interviews, a questionnaire survey and the analysis of key documents relating to the institutional settings in which the four groups work. The research aims to develop our knowledge of working time by considering the dimensions of the experience of time at work, the contexts in wlhich this experience is generated and the constraints these contexts give rIse to. By developing our understanding of time as a key feature of work experience we also extend our knowledge of organisation behaviour in general. In conclusion a model of the factors relating the experience of time to the negotiation of time at work is presented.


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The first investigation of this study is concerned with the reasonableness of the assumptions related to diffusion of water vapour in concrete and with the development of a diffusivity equation for heated concrete. It has been demonstrated that diffusion of water vapour does occur in concrete at all temperatures and that the type of diffusion is concrete is Knudsen diffusion. Neglecting diffusion leads to underestimating the pressure. It results in a maximum pore pressure of less than 1 MPa. It has also been shown that the assumption that diffusion in concrete is molecular is unreasonable even when the tortuosity is considered. Molecular diffusivity leads to overestimating the pressure. It results in a maximum pore pressure of 2.7 MPa of which the vapour pressure is 1.5 MPa while the air pressure is 1.2 MPa. Also, the first diffusivity equation, appropriately named 'concrete diffusivity', has been developed specifically for concrete that determines the effective diffusivity of any gas in concrete at any temperature. In thick walls and columns exposed to fire, concrete diffusivity leads to a maximum pore pressures of 1.5 and 2.2 MPa (along diagonals), respectively, that are almost entirely due to water vapour pressure. Also, spalling is exacerbated, and thus higher pressures may occur, in thin heated sections, since there is less of a cool reservoir towards which vapour can migrate. Furthermore, the reduction of the cool reservoir is affected not only by the thickness, but also by the time of exposure to fire and by the type of exposure, i.e. whether the concrete member is exposed to fire from one or more sides. The second investigation is concerned with examining the effects of thickness and exposure time and type. It has been demonstrated that the build up of pore pressure is low in thick members, since there is a substantial cool zone towards which water vapour can migrate. Thus, if surface and/or explosive spalling occur on a thick member, then such spalling must be due to high thermal stresses, but corner spalling is likely to be pore pressure spalling. However, depending on the exposure time and type, the pore pressures can be more than twice those occurring in thick members and thought to be the maximum that can occur so far, and thus the enhanced propensity of pore pressure spalling occurring on thin sections heated on opposite sides has been conclusively demonstrated to be due to the lack of a cool zone towards which moisture can migrate. Expressions were developed for the determination of the maximum pore pressures that can occur in different concrete walls and columns exposed to fire and of the corresponding times of exposure.


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A discussion of how to promote employability within the curriculum


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Bubbling fluidized bed technology is one of the most effective mean for interaction between solid and gas flow, mainly due to its good mixing and high heat and mass transfer rate. It has been widely used at a commercial scale for drying of grains such as in pharmaceutical, fertilizers and food industries. When applied to drying of non-pours moist solid particles, the water is drawn-off driven by the difference in water concentration between the solid phase and the fluidizing gas. In most cases, the fluidizing gas or drying agent is air. Despite of the simplicity of its operation, the design of a bubbling fluidized bed dryer requires an understanding of the combined complexity in hydrodynamics and the mass transfer mechanism. On the other hand, reliable mass transfer coefficient equations are also required to satisfy the growing interest in mathematical modelling and simulation, for accurate prediction of the process kinetics. This chapter presents an overview of the various mechanisms contributing to particulate drying in a bubbling fluidized bed and the mass transfer coefficient corresponding to each mechanism. In addition, a case study on measuring the overall mass transfer coefficient is discussed. These measurements are then used for the validation of mass transfer coefficient correlations and for assessing the various assumptions used in developing these correlations.


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A theoretical model for the transport phenomena in an air gap membrane distillation is presented. The model is based on the conservation equations for the mass, momentum, energy and species within the feed water solution as well as on the mass and energy balances on the membrane sides. The slip flow occurs due to the hydrophobic properties of the membrane. The slip boundary condition applied on the feed saline solution-membrane interface is taken into consideration showing its effects on process parameters particularly permeate flow, heat transfer coefficient and thermal efficiency. The theoretical model was validated with available experimental data and was found to be in good agreement especially when the slip condition is introduced. Increasing slip length from zero to 200 μm was found to increase the permeate flux and the thermal efficiency by 33% and 1.7% respectively.


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This article assesses the impact of education reform and the new public management (NPM) on the discretion of school teachers. The focal point of the study is Michael Lipsky's theory of discretion which casts public service professionals and others involved in service delivery as 'street-level bureaucrats' because their high degree of discretionary rule-making power enabled them to effectively make policy as well as implement it. The article considers the relationship between education reform and the NPM and focuses on the increased emphasis on skills-based teaching and changes in management and leadership in schools. The literature and survey of teachers demonstrate that discretion in the workplace has been eroded to such an extent due to a high degree of central regulation and local accountability as to question the applicability of Lipsky's model. The findings are based on the literature and a small survey undertaken by the author. © 2007 BELMAS.


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Non-parametric methods for efficiency evaluation were designed to analyse industries comprising multi-input multi-output producers and lacking data on market prices. Education is a typical example. In this chapter, we review applications of DEA in secondary and tertiary education, focusing on the opportunities that this offers for benchmarking at institutional level. At secondary level, we investigate also the disaggregation of efficiency measures into pupil-level and school-level effects. For higher education, while many analyses concern overall institutional efficiency, we examine also studies that take a more disaggregated approach, centred either around the performance of specific functional areas or that of individual employees.


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Review: A commentary on Teaching statistics using dance and movement by Irving, L.T. (2015). Front. Psychol. 6:50. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00050 A case for neuroscience in mathematics education by Susac, A., and Braeutigam, S. (2014). Front. Hum. Neurosci. 8:314. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00314