44 resultados para Gaussian Schell-model beams

em Aston University Research Archive


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This Letter addresses image segmentation via a generative model approach. A Bayesian network (BNT) in the space of dyadic wavelet transform coefficients is introduced to model texture images. The model is similar to a Hidden Markov model (HMM), but with non-stationary transitive conditional probability distributions. It is composed of discrete hidden variables and observable Gaussian outputs for wavelet coefficients. In particular, the Gabor wavelet transform is considered. The introduced model is compared with the simplest joint Gaussian probabilistic model for Gabor wavelet coefficients for several textures from the Brodatz album [1]. The comparison is based on cross-validation and includes probabilistic model ensembles instead of single models. In addition, the robustness of the models to cope with additive Gaussian noise is investigated. We further study the feasibility of the introduced generative model for image segmentation in the novelty detection framework [2]. Two examples are considered: (i) sea surface pollution detection from intensity images and (ii) image segmentation of the still images with varying illumination across the scene.


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Direct quantile regression involves estimating a given quantile of a response variable as a function of input variables. We present a new framework for direct quantile regression where a Gaussian process model is learned, minimising the expected tilted loss function. The integration required in learning is not analytically tractable so to speed up the learning we employ the Expectation Propagation algorithm. We describe how this work relates to other quantile regression methods and apply the method on both synthetic and real data sets. The method is shown to be competitive with state of the art methods whilst allowing for the leverage of the full Gaussian process probabilistic framework.


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Projection of a high-dimensional dataset onto a two-dimensional space is a useful tool to visualise structures and relationships in the dataset. However, a single two-dimensional visualisation may not display all the intrinsic structure. Therefore, hierarchical/multi-level visualisation methods have been used to extract more detailed understanding of the data. Here we propose a multi-level Gaussian process latent variable model (MLGPLVM). MLGPLVM works by segmenting data (with e.g. K-means, Gaussian mixture model or interactive clustering) in the visualisation space and then fitting a visualisation model to each subset. To measure the quality of multi-level visualisation (with respect to parent and child models), metrics such as trustworthiness, continuity, mean relative rank errors, visualisation distance distortion and the negative log-likelihood per point are used. We evaluate the MLGPLVM approach on the ‘Oil Flow’ dataset and a dataset of protein electrostatic potentials for the ‘Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I’ of humans. In both cases, visual observation and the quantitative quality measures have shown better visualisation at lower levels.


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A Bayesian procedure for the retrieval of wind vectors over the ocean using satellite borne scatterometers requires realistic prior near-surface wind field models over the oceans. We have implemented carefully chosen vector Gaussian Process models; however in some cases these models are too smooth to reproduce real atmospheric features, such as fronts. At the scale of the scatterometer observations, fronts appear as discontinuities in wind direction. Due to the nature of the retrieval problem a simple discontinuity model is not feasible, and hence we have developed a constrained discontinuity vector Gaussian Process model which ensures realistic fronts. We describe the generative model and show how to compute the data likelihood given the model. We show the results of inference using the model with Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods on both synthetic and real data.


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Mixture Density Networks are a principled method to model conditional probability density functions which are non-Gaussian. This is achieved by modelling the conditional distribution for each pattern with a Gaussian Mixture Model for which the parameters are generated by a neural network. This thesis presents a novel method to introduce regularisation in this context for the special case where the mean and variance of the spherical Gaussian Kernels in the mixtures are fixed to predetermined values. Guidelines for how these parameters can be initialised are given, and it is shown how to apply the evidence framework to mixture density networks to achieve regularisation. This also provides an objective stopping criteria that can replace the `early stopping' methods that have previously been used. If the neural network used is an RBF network with fixed centres this opens up new opportunities for improved initialisation of the network weights, which are exploited to start training relatively close to the optimum. The new method is demonstrated on two data sets. The first is a simple synthetic data set while the second is a real life data set, namely satellite scatterometer data used to infer the wind speed and wind direction near the ocean surface. For both data sets the regularisation method performs well in comparison with earlier published results. Ideas on how the constraint on the kernels may be relaxed to allow fully adaptable kernels are presented.


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The ERS-1 Satellite was launched in July 1991 by the European Space Agency into a polar orbit at about km800, carrying a C-band scatterometer. A scatterometer measures the amount of radar back scatter generated by small ripples on the ocean surface induced by instantaneous local winds. Operational methods that extract wind vectors from satellite scatterometer data are based on the local inversion of a forward model, mapping scatterometer observations to wind vectors, by the minimisation of a cost function in the scatterometer measurement space.par This report uses mixture density networks, a principled method for modelling conditional probability density functions, to model the joint probability distribution of the wind vectors given the satellite scatterometer measurements in a single cell (the `inverse' problem). The complexity of the mapping and the structure of the conditional probability density function are investigated by varying the number of units in the hidden layer of the multi-layer perceptron and the number of kernels in the Gaussian mixture model of the mixture density network respectively. The optimal model for networks trained per trace has twenty hidden units and four kernels. Further investigation shows that models trained with incidence angle as an input have results comparable to those models trained by trace. A hybrid mixture density network that incorporates geophysical knowledge of the problem confirms other results that the conditional probability distribution is dominantly bimodal.par The wind retrieval results improve on previous work at Aston, but do not match other neural network techniques that use spatial information in the inputs, which is to be expected given the ambiguity of the inverse problem. Current work uses the local inverse model for autonomous ambiguity removal in a principled Bayesian framework. Future directions in which these models may be improved are given.


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Mixture Density Networks are a principled method to model conditional probability density functions which are non-Gaussian. This is achieved by modelling the conditional distribution for each pattern with a Gaussian Mixture Model for which the parameters are generated by a neural network. This thesis presents a novel method to introduce regularisation in this context for the special case where the mean and variance of the spherical Gaussian Kernels in the mixtures are fixed to predetermined values. Guidelines for how these parameters can be initialised are given, and it is shown how to apply the evidence framework to mixture density networks to achieve regularisation. This also provides an objective stopping criteria that can replace the `early stopping' methods that have previously been used. If the neural network used is an RBF network with fixed centres this opens up new opportunities for improved initialisation of the network weights, which are exploited to start training relatively close to the optimum. The new method is demonstrated on two data sets. The first is a simple synthetic data set while the second is a real life data set, namely satellite scatterometer data used to infer the wind speed and wind direction near the ocean surface. For both data sets the regularisation method performs well in comparison with earlier published results. Ideas on how the constraint on the kernels may be relaxed to allow fully adaptable kernels are presented.


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Optimal design for parameter estimation in Gaussian process regression models with input-dependent noise is examined. The motivation stems from the area of computer experiments, where computationally demanding simulators are approximated using Gaussian process emulators to act as statistical surrogates. In the case of stochastic simulators, which produce a random output for a given set of model inputs, repeated evaluations are useful, supporting the use of replicate observations in the experimental design. The findings are also applicable to the wider context of experimental design for Gaussian process regression and kriging. Designs are proposed with the aim of minimising the variance of the Gaussian process parameter estimates. A heteroscedastic Gaussian process model is presented which allows for an experimental design technique based on an extension of Fisher information to heteroscedastic models. It is empirically shown that the error of the approximation of the parameter variance by the inverse of the Fisher information is reduced as the number of replicated points is increased. Through a series of simulation experiments on both synthetic data and a systems biology stochastic simulator, optimal designs with replicate observations are shown to outperform space-filling designs both with and without replicate observations. Guidance is provided on best practice for optimal experimental design for stochastic response models. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A new generation of high-capacity WDM systems with extremely robust performance has been enabled by coherent transmission and digital signal processing. To facilitate widespread deployment of this technology, particularly in the metro space, new photonic components and subsystems are being developed to support cost-effective, compact, and scalable transceivers. We briefly review the recent progress in InP-based photonic components, and report numerical simulation results of an InP-based transceiver comprising a dual-polarization I/Q modulator and a commercial DSP ASIC. Predicted performance penalties due to the nonlinear response, lower bandwidth, and finite extinction ratio of these transceivers are less than 1 and 2 dB for 100-G PM-QPSK and 200-G PM-16QAM, respectively. Using the well-established Gaussian-Noise model, estimated system reach of 100-G PM-QPSK is greater than 600 km for typical ROADM-based metro-regional systems with internode losses up to 20 dB. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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The goal of this paper is to model normal airframe conditions for helicopters in order to detect changes. This is done by inferring the flying state using a selection of sensors and frequency bands that are best for discriminating between different states. We used non-linear state-space models (NLSSM) for modelling flight conditions based on short-time frequency analysis of the vibration data and embedded the models in a switching framework to detect transitions between states. We then created a density model (using a Gaussian mixture model) for the NLSSM innovations: this provides a model for normal operation. To validate our approach, we used data with added synthetic abnormalities which was detected as low-probability periods. The model of normality gave good indications of faults during the flight, in the form of low probabilities under the model, with high accuracy (>92 %). © 2013 IEEE.


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In this talk we investigate the usage of spectrally shaped amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in order to emulate highly dispersed wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) signals in an optical transmission system. Such a technique offers various simplifications to large scale WDM experiments. Not only does it offer a reduction in transmitter complexity, removing the need for multiple source lasers, it potentially reduces the test and measurement complexity by requiring only the centre channel of a WDM system to be measured in order to estimate WDM worst case performance. The use of ASE as a test and measurement tool is well established in optical communication systems and several measurement techniques will be discussed [1, 2]. One of the most prevalent uses of ASE is in the measurement of receiver sensitivity where ASE is introduced in order to degrade the optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) and measure the resulting bit error rate (BER) at the receiver. From an analytical point of view noise has been used to emulate system performance, the Gaussian Noise model is used as an estimate of highly dispersed signals and has had consider- able interest [3]. The work to be presented here extends the use of ASE by using it as a metric to emulate highly dispersed WDM signals and in the process reduce WDM transmitter complexity and receiver measurement time in a lab environment. Results thus far have indicated [2] that such a transmitter configuration is consistent with an AWGN model for transmission, with modulation format complexity and nonlinearities playing a key role in estimating the performance of systems utilising the ASE channel emulation technique. We conclude this work by investigating techniques capable of characterising the nonlinear and damage limits of optical fibres and the resultant information capacity limits. REFERENCES McCarthy, M. E., N. Mac Suibhne, S. T. Le, P. Harper, and A. D. Ellis, “High spectral efficiency transmission emulation for non-linear transmission performance estimation for high order modulation formats," 2014 European Conference on IEEE Optical Communication (ECOC), 2014. 2. Ellis, A., N. Mac Suibhne, F. Gunning, and S. Sygletos, “Expressions for the nonlinear trans- mission performance of multi-mode optical fiber," Opt. Express, Vol. 21, 22834{22846, 2013. Vacondio, F., O. Rival, C. Simonneau, E. Grellier, A. Bononi, L. Lorcy, J. Antona, and S. Bigo, “On nonlinear distortions of highly dispersive optical coherent systems," Opt. Express, Vol. 20, 1022-1032, 2012.


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In machine learning, Gaussian process latent variable model (GP-LVM) has been extensively applied in the field of unsupervised dimensionality reduction. When some supervised information, e.g., pairwise constraints or labels of the data, is available, the traditional GP-LVM cannot directly utilize such supervised information to improve the performance of dimensionality reduction. In this case, it is necessary to modify the traditional GP-LVM to make it capable of handing the supervised or semi-supervised learning tasks. For this purpose, we propose a new semi-supervised GP-LVM framework under the pairwise constraints. Through transferring the pairwise constraints in the observed space to the latent space, the constrained priori information on the latent variables can be obtained. Under this constrained priori, the latent variables are optimized by the maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated with experiments on a variety of data sets. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.


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We explore the dependence of performance measures, such as the generalization error and generalization consistency, on the structure and the parameterization of the prior on `rules', instanced here by the noisy linear perceptron. Using a statistical mechanics framework, we show how one may assign values to the parameters of a model for a `rule' on the basis of data instancing the rule. Information about the data, such as input distribution, noise distribution and other `rule' characteristics may be embedded in the form of general gaussian priors for improving net performance. We examine explicitly two types of general gaussian priors which are useful in some simple cases. We calculate the optimal values for the parameters of these priors and show their effect in modifying the most probable, MAP, values for the rules.


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Gaussian processes provide natural non-parametric prior distributions over regression functions. In this paper we consider regression problems where there is noise on the output, and the variance of the noise depends on the inputs. If we assume that the noise is a smooth function of the inputs, then it is natural to model the noise variance using a second Gaussian process, in addition to the Gaussian process governing the noise-free output value. We show that prior uncertainty about the parameters controlling both processes can be handled and that the posterior distribution of the noise rate can be sampled from using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Our results on a synthetic data set give a posterior noise variance that well-approximates the true variance.


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The problem of regression under Gaussian assumptions is treated generally. The relationship between Bayesian prediction, regularization and smoothing is elucidated. The ideal regression is the posterior mean and its computation scales as O(n3), where n is the sample size. We show that the optimal m-dimensional linear model under a given prior is spanned by the first m eigenfunctions of a covariance operator, which is a trace-class operator. This is an infinite dimensional analogue of principal component analysis. The importance of Hilbert space methods to practical statistics is also discussed.