em Aston University Research Archive


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The persistence of Salmonella spp. in low moisture foods is a challenge for the food industry as despite control strategies already in place, notable outbreaks still occur. The aim of this study was to characterise isolates of Salmonella, known to be persistent in the food manufacturing environment, by comparing their microbiological characteristics with a panel of matched clinical and veterinary isolates. The gross morphology of the challenge panel was phenotypically characterised in terms of cellular size, shape and motility. In all the parameters measured, the factory isolates were indistinguishable from the human, clinical and veterinary strains. Further detailed metabolic profiling was undertaken using the biolog Microbial ID system. Multivariate analysis of the metabolic microarray revealed differences in metabolism of the factory isolate of S.Montevideo, based on its upregulated ability to utilise glucose and the sugar alcohol groups. The remainder of the serotype-matched isolates were metabolically indistinguishable. Temperature and humidity are known to influence bacterial survival and through environmental monitoring experimental parameters were defined. The results revealed Salmonella survival on stainless steel was affected by environmental temperatures that may be experienced in a food processing environment; with higher survival rates (D25=35.4) at temperatures at 25°C and lower humidity levels of 15% RH, however a rapid decline in cell count (D10=3.4) with lower temperatures of 10°C and higher humidity of 70% RH. Several resident factories strains survived in higher numbers on stainless steel (D25=29.69) compared to serotype matched clinical and veterinary isolates (D25=22.98). Factory isolates of Salmonella did not show an enhanced growth rate in comparison to serotype matched solates grown in Luria broth, Nutrient broth and M9 minimal media indicating that as an independent factor, growth was unlikely to be a major factor driving Salmonella persistence. Using a live / dead stain coupled with fluorescence microscopy revealed that when no longer culturable, isolates of S.Schwarzengrund entered into a viable nonculturable state. The biofilm forming capacity of the panel was characterised and revealed that all were able to form biofilms. None of the factory isolates showed an enhanced capability to form biofilms in comparison to serotype-matched isolates. In disinfection studies, planktonic cells were more susceptible to disinfectants than cells in biofilm and all the disinfectants tested were successful in reducing bacterial load. Contact time was one of the most important factors for reducing bacterial populations in a biofilm. The genomes of eight strains were sequenced. At the nucleotide and amino acid level the food factory isolates were similar to those of isolates from other environments; no major genomic rearrangements were observed, supporting the conclusions of the phenotypic and metabolic analysis. In conclusion, having investigated a variety of morphological, biochemical and genomic factors, it is unlikely that the persistence of Salmonella in the food manufacturing environment is attributable to a single phenotypic, metabolic or genomic factor. Whilst a combination of microbiological factors may be involved it is also possible that strain persistence in the factory environment is a consequence of failure to apply established hygiene management principles.


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Poor water solubility is characterised by low dissolution rate and consequently reduced bioavailability. Formulation of solid dispersion of the drug has attracted considerable interest as a means of improving dissolution process of a range of poorly water soluble drugs. This current study investigates the formulation of solid dispersion for a range of poorly water soluble drugs with varying physicochemical properties including paracetamol, sulphamethoxazole, phenacetin, indomethacin, chloramphenicol, phenylbutazone and succinylsulphathiazole. Solid dispersions were prepared using various drugs to polymer ratios. PEG 8000 was selected as a carrier in the solid dispersions. The study revealed that inclusion of drug within the polymeric matrix, ratio of drug to polymer and physicochemical properties of the drug molecules enhance the dissolution rate. Characterisations of the solid dispersions were performed using DSC, FTIR and SEM. These studies revealed that all seven drugs were present in the amorphous form within the solid dispersions and there was a lack of interaction between the PEG 8000 and drug. Stability studies for solid dispersions showed that all seven drugs studied were unstable at accelerated conditions (40°C±2°C/75%RH±5%RH) whereas, they were found to be stable for 12 months at room conditions. Permeability of indomethacin, phenacetin, phenylbutazone and paracetamol were higher for solid dispersions as compared to drug alone across Caco-2 cell monolayers. From the cell uptake studies it was shown that PEG 8000 enhanced rhodamine123 uptake which suggested that PEG 8000 may increase the permeability of these drugs in solid dispersions. Gene expression profiles analyzing the expression changes in the ABC and solute carrier transporter during permeability studies.ABCA10, ABCB4, ABCC12, SLC12A6, MCT13, SLC22A12 and SLC6A6 gene expression were increased by indomethacin alone whereas solid dispersion of indomethacin resulted in a slight increase in expression. ABCC12 and SAMC gene expression was increased in case of paracetamol alone but slightly increased when exposed to solid dispersion of paracetamol.


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Object. Craniopharyngioma is the most common childhood brain tumor and is thought to arise from embryonic remnants of the Rathke pouch. Some craniopharyngiomas are monoclonal in origin and hence presumably harbor somatic genetic alterations, although the precise molecular mechanisms involved in craniopharyngioma development are unknown. The goal of this study was to identify genetic alterations in craniopharyngiomas. Methods. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms involved in development of these tumors, the authors analyzed nine adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas by using comparative genomic hybridization. Six tumors (67%) displayed at least one genomic alteration, and three had six or more alterations. Only two tumors displayed a decrease in DNA copy number, and in all others an increase in DNA copy number was noted. Conclusions. The authors conclude that a subset of craniopharyngiomas consists of monoclonal tumors arising from activation of oncogenes located at specific chromosomal loci.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors lisinopril and ramipril were selected from EMA/480197/2010 and the potassium-sparing diuretic spironolactone was selected from the NHS specials list for November 2011 drug tariff with the view to produce oral liquid formulations providing dosage forms targeting paediatrics. Lisinopril, ramipril and spironolactone were chosen for their interaction with transporter proteins in the small intestine. Formulation limitations such as poor solubility or pH sensitivity needed consideration. Lisinopril was formulated without extensive development as drug and excipients were water soluble. Ramipril and spironolactone are both insoluble in water and strategies combating this were employed. Ramipril was successfully solubilised using low concentrations of acetic acid in a co-solvent system and also via complexation with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin. A ramipril suspension was produced to take formulation development in a third direction. Spironolactone dosages were too high for solubilisation techniques to be effective so suspensions were developed. A buffer controlled pH for the sensitive drug whilst a precisely balanced surfactant and suspending agent mix provided excellent physical stability. Characterisation, stability profiling and permeability assessment were performed following formulation development. The formulation process highlighted current shortcomings in techniques for taste assessment of pharmaceutical preparations resulting in early stage research into a novel in vitro cell based assay. The formulations developed in the initial phase of the research were used as model formulations investigating microarray application in an in vitro-in vivo correlation for carrier mediated drug absorption. Caco-2 cells were assessed following transport studies for changes in genetic expression of the ATP-binding cassette and solute carrier transporter superfamilies. Findings of which were compared to in vitro and in vivo permeability findings. It was not possible to ascertain a correlation between in vivo drug absorption and the expression of individual genes or even gene families, however there was a correlation (R2 = 0.9934) between the total number of genes with significantly changed expression levels and the predicted human absorption.


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Drug resistance was first identified in cancer cells that express proteins known as multidrug resistance proteins that extrude the therapeutic agents out of the cells resulting in alteration of pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution, and pharmacodynamics of drugs. To this end studies were carried out to investigate the role of pharmacological inhibitors and pharmaceutical excipients with a primary focus on P-glycoprotein (P-gp). The aim of this study was to investigate holistic changes in transporter gene expression during permeability upon formulation of indomethacin as solid dispersion. Initial characterization studies of solid dispersion of indomethacin showed that the drug was dispersed within the carrier in amorphous form. Analysis of permeability data across Caco-2 monolayers revealed that drug absorption increased by 4-fold when reformulated as solid dispersion. The last phase of the work involved investigation of gene expression changes of transporter genes during permeability. The results showed that there were significant differences in the expression of both ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter genes as well as solute carrier transporter (SLC) genes suggesting that the inclusion of polyethylene glycol as well as changes in molecular form of drug from crystalline to amorphous have a significant bearing on the expression of transporter network genes resulting in differences in drug permeability. © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.