14 resultados para Front end Developer

em Aston University Research Archive


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The increasing cost of developing complex software systems has created a need for tools which aid software construction. One area in which significant progress has been made is with the so-called Compiler Writing Tools (CWTs); these aim at automated generation of various components of a compiler and hence at expediting the construction of complete programming language translators. A number of CWTs are already in quite general use, but investigation reveals significant drawbacks with current CWTs, such as lex and yacc. The effective use of a CWT typically requires a detailed technical understanding of its operation and involves tedious and error-prone input preparation. Moreover, CWTs such as lex and yacc address only a limited aspect of the compilation process; for example, actions necessary to perform lexical symbol valuation and abstract syntax tree construction must be explicitly coded by the user. This thesis presents a new CWT called CORGI (COmpiler-compiler from Reference Grammar Input) which deals with the entire `front-end' component of a compiler; this includes the provision of necessary data structures and routines to manipulate them, both generated from a single input specification. Compared with earlier CWTs, CORGI has a higher-level and hence more convenient user interface, operating on a specification derived directly from a `reference manual' grammar for the source language. Rather than developing a compiler-compiler from first principles, CORGI has been implemented by building a further shell around two existing compiler construction tools, namely lex and yacc. CORGI has been demonstrated to perform efficiently in realistic tests, both in terms of speed and the effectiveness of its user interface and error-recovery mechanisms.


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Database systems have a user interface one of the components of which will normally be a query language which is based on a particular data model. Typically data models provide primitives to define, manipulate and query databases. Often these primitives are designed to form self-contained query languages. This thesis describes a prototype implementation of a system which allows users to specify queries against the database in a query language whose primitives are not those provided by the actual model on which the database system is based, but those provided by a different data model. The implementation chosen is the Functional Query Language Front End (FQLFE). This uses the Daplex functional data model and query language. Using FQLFE, users can specify the underlying database (based on the relational model) in terms of Daplex. Queries against this specified view can then be made in Daplex. FQLFE transforms these queries into the query language (Quel) of the underlying target database system (Ingres). The automation of part of the Daplex function definition phase is also described and its implementation discussed.


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A current EPSRC project, product introduction process: a simulation in the extended enterprise (PIPSEE) is discussed. PIPSEE attempts to improve the execution of the product introduction process (PIP) within an extended enterprise in the aerospace sector. The modus operandi for accomplishing this has been to develop process understanding amongst a core team, spanning four different companies, through process modelling, review and improvement recommendation. In parallel, a web-based simulation capability is being used to conduct simulation experiments, and to disseminate findings by training others in the lessons that have been learned. It is intended that the use of the PIPSEE simulator should encourage radical thinking about the ‘fuzzy front end’ of the PIP. This presents a topical, exciting and challenging research problem.


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The aim of this project was to carry out an investigastion into suitable alternatives to gasoline for use in modern automobiles. The fuel would provide the western world with a means of extending the natural gasoline resources and the third world a way of cutting down their dependence on the oil producing countries for their energy supply. Alcohols, namely methanol and ethanol, provide this solution. They can be used as gasoline extenders or as fuels on their own.In order to fulfil the aims of the project a literature study was carried out to investigate methods and costs of producing these fuels. An experimental programme was then set up in which the performance of the alcohols was studied on a conventional engine. The engine used for this purpose was the Fiat 127 930cc four cylinder engine. This engine was used because of its popularity in the European countries. The Weber fixed jet carburettor, since it was designed to be used with gasoline, was adapted so that the alcohol fuels and the blends could be used in the most efficient way. This was mainly to take account of the lower heat content of the alcohols. The adaptation of the carburettor was in the form of enlarging the main metering jet. Allowances for the alcohol's lower specfic gravity were made during fuel metering.Owing to the low front end volatility of methanol and ethanol, it was expected that `start up' problems would occur. An experimental programme was set up to determine the temperature range for a minimum required percentage `take off' that would ease start-up since it was determined that a `take off' of about 5% v/v liquid in the vapour phase would be sufficient for starting. Additions such as iso-pentane and n-pentane were used to improve the front end volatility. This proved to be successful.The lower heat content of the alcohol fuels also meant that a greater charge of fuel would be required. This was seen to pose further problems with fuel distribution from the carburettor to the individual cylinders on a multicylinder engine. Since it was not possible to modify the existing manifold on the Fiat 127 engine, experimental tests on manifold geometry were carried out using the Ricardo E6 single cylinder variable compression engine. Results from these tests showed that the length, shape and cross-sectional area of the manifold play an important part in the distribution of the fuel entering the cylinder, ie. vapour phase, vapour/small liquid droplet/liquid film phase, vapour/large liquid droplet/liquid film phase etc.The solvent properties of the alcohols and their greater electrical conductivity suggested that the materials used on the engine would be prone to chemical attack. In order to determine the type and rate of chemical attack, an experimental programme was set up whereby carburettor and other components were immersed in the alcohols and in blends of alcohol with gasoline. The test fuels were aerated and in some instances kept at temperatures ranging from 50oC to 90oC. Results from these tests suggest that not all materials used in the conventional engine are equally suitable for use with alcohols and alcohol/gasoline blends. Aluminium for instance was severely attacked by methanol causing pitting and pin-holing in the surface.In general this whole experimental programme gave valuable information on the acceptability of substitute fuels. While the long term effects of alcohol use merit further study, it is clear that methanol and ethanol will be increasingly used in place of gasoline.


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This thesis describes the design and implementation of an interactive dynamic simulator called DASPRII. The starting point of this research has been an existing dynamic simulation package, DASP. DASPII is written in standard FORTRAN 77 and is implemented on universally available IBM-PC or compatible machines. It provides a means for the analysis and design of chemical processes. Industrial interest in dynamic simulation has increased due to the recent increase in concern over plant operability, resiliency and safety. DASPII is an equation oriented simulation package which allows solution of dynamic and steady state equations. The steady state can be used to initialise the dynamic simulation. A robust non linear algebraic equation solver has been implemented for steady state solution. This has increased the general robustness of DASPII, compared to DASP. A graphical front end is used to generate the process flowsheet topology from a user constructed diagram of the process. A conversational interface is used to interrogate the user with the aid of a database, to complete the topological information. An original modelling strategy implemented in DASPII provides a simple mechanism for parameter switching which creates a more flexible simulation environment. The problem description generated is by a further conversational procedure using a data-base. The model format used allows the same model equations to be used for dynamic and steady state solution. All the useful features of DASPI are retained in DASPII. The program has been demonstrated and verified using a number of example problems, Significant improvements using the new NLAE solver have been shown. Topics requiring further research are described. The benefits of variable switching in models has been demonstrated with a literature problem.


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An implementation of a Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) natural language front-end to a database is presented, and its capabilities demonstrated by reference to a set of queries used in the Chat-80 system. The potential of LFG for such applications is explored. Other grammars previously used for this purpose are briefly reviewed and contrasted with LFG. The basic LFG formalism is fully described, both as to its syntax and semantics, and the deficiencies of the latter for database access application shown. Other current LFG implementations are reviewed and contrasted with the LFG implementation developed here specifically for database access. The implementation described here allows a natural language interface to a specific Prolog database to be produced from a set of grammar rule and lexical specifications in an LFG-like notation. In addition to this the interface system uses a simple database description to compile metadata about the database for later use in planning the execution of queries. Extensions to LFG's semantic component are shown to be necessary to produce a satisfactory functional analysis and semantic output for querying a database. A diverse set of natural language constructs are analysed using LFG and the derivation of Prolog queries from the F-structure output of LFG is illustrated. The functional description produced from LFG is proposed as sufficient for resolving many problems of quantification and attachment.


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The role of the production system as a key determinant of competitive performance of business operations- has long been the subject of industrial organization research, even predating the .explicit conceptua1isation of manufacturing, strategy in the literature. Particular emergent production issues such as the globalisation of production, global supply chain management, management of integrated manufacturing and a growing e~busjness environment are expected to critically influence the overall competitive performance and therefore the strategic success of the organization. More than ever, there is a critical need to configure and improve production system and operations competence in a strategic way so as to contribute to the long-term competitiveness of the organization. In order to operate competitively and profitably, manufacturing companies, no matter how well managed, all need a long-term 'strategic direction' for the development of operations competence in order to consistently produce more market value with less cost towards a leadership position. As to the long-term competitiveness, it is more important to establish a dynamic 'strategic perspective' for continuous operational improvements in pursuit of this direction, as well as ongoing reviews of the direction in relation to the overall operating context. However, it also clear that the 'existing paradigm of manufacturing strategy development' is incapable of adequately responding to the increasing complexities and variations of contemporary business operations. This has been factually reflected as many manufacturing companies are finding that methodologies advocated in the existing paradigm for developing manufacturing strategy have very limited scale and scope for contextual contingency in empirical application. More importantly, there has also emerged a deficiency in the multidimensional and integrative profile from a theoretical perspective when operationalising the underlying concept of strategic manufacturing management established in the literature. The point of departure for this study was a recognition of such contextual and unitary limitations in the existing paradigm of manufacturing strategy development when applied to contemporary industrial organizations in general, and Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in particular. As China gradually becomes integrated into the world economy, the relevance of Western management theory and its paradigm becomes a practical matter as much as a theoretical issue. Since China markedly differs from Western countries in terms of culture, society, and political and economic systems, it presents promising grounds to test and refine existing management theories and paradigms with greater contextual contingency and wider theoretical perspective. Under China's ongoing programmes of SOE reform, there has been an increased recognition that strategy development is the very essence of the management task for managers of manufacturing companies in the same way as it is for their counterparts in Western economies. However, the Western paradigm often displays a rather naive and unitary perspective of the nature of strategic management decision-making, one which largely overlooks context-embedded factors and social/political influences on the development of manufacturing strategy. This thesis studies the successful experiences of developing manufacturing strategy from five high-performing large-scale SOEs within China’s petrochemical industry. China’s petrochemical industry constitutes a basic heavy industrial sector, which has always been a strategic focus for reform and development by the Chinese government. Using a confirmation approach, the study has focused on exploring and conceptualising the empirical paradigm of manufacturing strategy development practiced by management. That is examining the ‘empirical specifics’ and surfacing the ‘managerial perceptions’ of content configuration, context of consideration, and process organization for developing a manufacturing strategy during the practice. The research investigation adopts a qualitative exploratory case study methodology with a semi-structural front-end research design. Data collection follows a longitudinal and multiple-case design and triangulates case evidence from sources including qualitative interviews, direct observation, and a search of documentations and archival records. Data analysis follows an investigative progression from a within-case preliminary interpretation of facts to a cross-case search for patterns through theoretical comparison and analytical generalization. The underlying conceptions in both the literature of manufacturing strategy and related studies in business strategy were used to develop theoretical framework and analytical templates applied during data collection and analysis. The thesis makes both empirical and theoretical contributions to our understanding of 'contemporary management paradigm of manufacturing strategy development'. First, it provides a valuable contextual contingency of the 'subject' using the business setting of China's SOEs in petrochemical industry. This has been unpacked into empirical configurations developed for its context of consideration, its content and process respectively. Of special note, a lean paradigm of business operations and production management discovered at case companies has significant implications as an emerging alternative for high-volume capital intensive state manufacturing in China. Second, it provides a multidimensional and integrative theoretical profile of the 'subject' based upon managerial perspectives conceptualised at case companies when operationalising manufacturing strategy. This has been unpacked into conceptual frameworks developed for its context of consideration, its content constructs, and its process patterns respectively. Notably, a synergies perspective towards the operating context, competitive priorities and competence development of business operations and production management has significant implications for implementing a lean manufacturing paradigm. As a whole, in so doing, the thesis established a theoretical platform for future refinement and development of context-specific methodologies for developing manufacturing strategy.


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This research explores the role of internal customers in the delivery of external service quality. It will consider any potentially different internal customer types that may exist within the organisation. Additionally, it will explore any potential differences in the dimensions that are used to measure service quality internally and externally. If there are different internal customer types then there may be different dimensions which are used to measure service quality between these types and this will be considered also. The approach adopted given the depth and breadth of understanding required, was an action research case based approach. The research objectives were:(i) To determine the dimensions of internal service quality between internal customer supplier cells. (ii) To determine what variation, if any, there is in the dimension sets between internal customer supplier cells. (iii) To determine any ranking in the dimensions that could exist by internal customer supplier cell type. (iv) To investigate the impact of internal service quality on external service quality over time. The research findings were: (i) The majority of the dimensions used in measuring external service quality were also used internally. There were additions of new dimensions however and some dimensions which were used externally, for internal use, had to be redefined. (ii) Variation in dimension sets were revealed during the research. Four different dimension sets were identified and these were matched with four different types of internal service interaction. (iii) Differences in the ranking of dimensions within each dimension set for each internal customer supplier cell type were confirmed. (iv) Internal service quality was seen to influence external service quality but at a cellular level rather than company level. At the company level, the average internal service quality at the start and finish of the research showed no improvement but external service quality had improved. Further investigation at the cellular level showed that improvements in internal service quality had occurred. Those improvements were found to be with the cells that were closest to the customer.The research implications were found to be: (i) some cells may not be necessary in the delivery of external service quality. (ii) The immediacy of the cell to the external customer and number of interactions into and out of that cell has the greatest effect on external customer satisfaction. (iii) Internal service quality may be driven by the customer affecting those cells at the front end of the business first. This then cascades back to those cells which are less immediate until ultimately the whole organisation shows improvements in internal service quality.


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Epitopes mediated by T cells lie at the heart of the adaptive immune response and form the essential nucleus of anti-tumour peptide or epitope-based vaccines. Antigenic T cell epitopes are mediated by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, which present them to T cell receptors. Calculating the affinity between a given MHC molecule and an antigenic peptide using experimental approaches is both difficult and time consuming, thus various computational methods have been developed for this purpose. A server has been developed to allow a structural approach to the problem by generating specific MHC:peptide complex structures and providing configuration files to run molecular modelling simulations upon them. A system has been produced which allows the automated construction of MHC:peptide structure files and the corresponding configuration files required to execute a molecular dynamics simulation using NAMD. The system has been made available through a web-based front end and stand-alone scripts. Previous attempts at structural prediction of MHC:peptide affinity have been limited due to the paucity of structures and the computational expense in running large scale molecular dynamics simulations. The MHCsim server (http://igrid-ext.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/MHCsim) allows the user to rapidly generate any desired MHC:peptide complex and will facilitate molecular modelling simulation of MHC complexes on an unprecedented scale.


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Linked Data semantic sources, in particular DBpedia, can be used to answer many user queries. PowerAqua is an open multi-ontology Question Answering (QA) system for the Semantic Web (SW). However, the emergence of Linked Data, characterized by its openness, heterogeneity and scale, introduces a new dimension to the Semantic Web scenario, in which exploiting the relevant information to extract answers for Natural Language (NL) user queries is a major challenge. In this paper we discuss the issues and lessons learned from our experience of integrating PowerAqua as a front-end for DBpedia and a subset of Linked Data sources. As such, we go one step beyond the state of the art on end-users interfaces for Linked Data by introducing mapping and fusion techniques needed to translate a user query by means of multiple sources. Our first informal experiments probe whether, in fact, it is feasible to obtain answers to user queries by composing information across semantic sources and Linked Data, even in its current form, where the strength of Linked Data is more a by-product of its size than its quality. We believe our experiences can be extrapolated to a variety of end-user applications that wish to scale, open up, exploit and re-use what possibly is the greatest wealth of data about everything in the history of Artificial Intelligence. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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A protein's isoelectric point or pI corresponds to the solution pH at which its net surface charge is zero. Since the early days of solution biochemistry, the pI has been recorded and reported, and thus literature reports of pI abound. The Protein Isoelectric Point database (PIP-DB) has collected and collated these data to provide an increasingly comprehensive database for comparison and benchmarking purposes. A web application has been developed to warehouse this database and provide public access to this unique resource. PIP-DB is a web-enabled SQL database with an HTML GUI front-end. PIP-DB is fully searchable across a range of properties.


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Semihydrogenation of acetylene in an ethylene-rich stream is an industrially important process. Conventional supported monometallic Pd catalysts offer high acetylene conversion, but they suffer from very low selectivity to ethylene due to overhydrogenation and the formation of carbonaceous deposits. Herein, a series of Ag alloyed Pd single-atom catalysts, possessing only ppm levels of Pd, supported on silica gel were prepared by a simple incipient wetness coimpregnation method and applied to the selective hydrogenation of acetylene in an ethylene-rich stream under conditions close to the front-end employed by industry. High acetylene conversion and simultaneous selectivity to ethylene was attained over a wide temperature window, surpassing an analogous Au alloyed Pd single-atom system we previously reported. Restructuring of AgPd nanoparticles and electron transfer from Ag to Pd were evidenced by in situ FTIR and in situ XPS as a function of increasing reduction temperature. Microcalorimetry and XANES measurements support both geometric and electronic synergetic effects between the alloyed Pd and Ag. Kinetic studies provide valuable insight into the nature of the active sites within these AgPd/SiO2 catalysts, and hence, they provide evidence for the key factors underpinning the excellent performance of these bimetallic catalysts toward the selective hydrogenation of acetylene under ethylene-rich conditions while minimizing precious metal usage.


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A new topology of the high frequency alternating current (HFAC) inverter bridge arm is proposed which comprises a coupled inductor, a switching device and an active clamp circuit. Based on it, new single-phase and threephase inverters are proposed and their operating states are analysed along with the traditional H-bridge inverter. Multiphase and multi-level isolated inverters are also developed using the HFAC bridge arm. Furthermore, based on the proposed HFAC, a front-end DC-DC converter is also developed for photovoltaic systems to demonstrate the application of the proposed HFAC converter. Simulation and experimental results from prototype converters are carried out to validate the proposed topologies which can be utilised widely in high frequency power conversion applications such as induction heating and wireless power transfer.


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This paper presents an integrated multilevel converter of switched reluctance motors (SRMs) fed by a modular front-end circuit for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) applications. Several operating modes can be achieved by changing the on-off states of the switches in the front-end circuit. In generator driving mode, the battery bank is employed to elevate the phase voltage for fast excitation and demagnetization. In battery driving mode, the converter is reconfigured as a four-level converter, and the capacitor is used as an additional charge capacitor to produce multilevel voltage outputs, which enhances the torque capability. The operating modes of the proposed drive are explained and the phase current and voltage are analyzed in details. The battery charging is naturally achieved by the demagnetization current in motoring mode and by the regenerative current in braking mode. Moreover, the battery can be charged by the external AC source or generator through the proposed converter when the vehicle is in standstill condition. The SRM-based PHEV can operate at different speeds by coordinating the power flow between the generator and battery. Simulation in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a three-phase 12/8 SRM confirm the effectiveness of the proposed converter topology.