13 resultados para Behavior modification techniques

em Aston University Research Archive


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Surface modification techniques have been used to develop biomimetic scaffolds by incorporating cell adhesion peptides, which facilitates cell adhesion, migration and proliferation. In this study, we evaluated the cell adhesion properties of a tailored laminin-332 alpha3 chain tethered to a type I collagen scaffold using microbial transglutaminase (mTGase) by incorporating transglutaminase substrate peptide sequences containing either glutamine (peptide A: PPFLMLLKGSTREAQQIVM) or lysine (peptide B: PPFLMLLKGSTRKKKKG). The degree of cross-linking was studied by amino acid analysis following proteolytic digestion and the structural changes in the modified scaffold further investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. Fibroblasts were used to evaluate the cellular behaviour of the functionalized collagen scaffold. mTGase supports cell growth but tethering of peptide A and peptide B to the mTGase cross-linked collagen scaffold caused a significant increase in cell proliferation when compared with native and mTGase cross-linked collagen scaffolds. Both peptides enabled cell-spreading, attachment and normal actin cytoskeleton organization with slight increase in the cell proliferation was observed in peptide A when compared with the peptide B and mTGase cross-linked scaffold. An increase in the amount of epsilon(gamma-glutamyl) lysine isopeptide was observed in peptide A conjugated scaffolds when compared with peptide B conjugated scaffolds, mTGase cross-linked scaffold without peptide. Changes in D-spacing were observed in the cross-linked scaffolds with tethered peptides. These results demonstrate that mTGase can play a bifunctional role in both conjugation of the glutamine and lysine containing peptide sequences and also in the cross-linking of the collagen scaffold, thus providing a suitable substrate for cell growth.


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The contact lens represents a well-established important class of biomaterials. This thesis brings together the literature, mostly Japanese and American patents, concerned with an important group of polymers, `rigid gas permeable contact lens materials'. A comparison is made of similarities in the underlying chemical themes, centring on the use of variants of highly branched siloxy compounds with polymerizable methacrylate groups. There is a need for standard techniques to assess laboratory behaviour in relation to in vitro performance. A major part of the present work is dedicated to the establishment of such standardised techniques. It is apparent that property design requirements in this field (i.e. oxygen permeability, surface and mechanical properties) are to some extent conflicting. In principle, the structural approaches used to obtain high oxygen permeability lead to surface properties that are less than ideal in terms of compatibility with tears. PMMA is known to have uniquely good (but not perfect) surface properties in this respect; it has been used as a starting point in attempting to design new materials that possess a more acceptable compromise of transport and surface properties for ocular use. Initial examination of the oxygen permeabilities of relatively simple alkyl methacrylates, show that butyl methacrylate which has a permeability some fifty times greater than PMMA, represents an interesting and hitherto unexplored group of materials for ophthalmic applications. Consideration was similarly given to surface modification techniques that would produce materials having the ability to sustain coherent tear film in the eye without markedly impairing oxygen transport properties. Particular attention is paid to the use of oxygen plasma techniques in this respect. In conclusion, similar design considerations were applied to an extended wear hydrogel lens material in an attempt to overcome mechanical stability deficiencies which manifest themselves lq`in vivo' but not `in vitro'. A relatively simple structure modification, involving steric shielding of the amide substituent group, proved to be an effective solution to the problem.


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Surface modification techniques have been used to develop biomimetic scaffolds by incorporating cell adhesion peptides. In our previous work, we have shown the tethering of laminin-332 α3 chain to type I collagen scaffold using microbial transglutaminase (mTGase), promotes cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. In this study, we evaluated the wound healing properties of tailored laminin-332 α3 chain (peptide A: PPFLMLLKGSTR) tethered to a type I collagen scaffold using mTGase by incorporating transglutaminase substrate peptide sequences containing either glutamine (peptide B: PPFLMLLKGSTREAQQIVM) or lysine (peptide C: PPFLMLLKGSTRKKKKG) in rat full-thickness wound model at two different time points (7 and 21 days). Histological evaluations were assessed for wound closure, epithelialization, angiogenesis, inflammatory, fibroblastic cellular infiltrations, and quantified using stereological methods (p < 0.05). Peptide A and B tethered to collagen scaffold using mTGase stimulated neovascularization, decreased the inflammatory cell infiltration and prominently enhanced the fibroblast proliferation which significantly accelerated the wound healing process. We conclude that surface modification by incorporating motif of laminin-332 α3 chain (peptide A: PPFLMLLK GSTR) domain and transglutaminase substrate to the laminin-332 α3 chain (peptide B: PPFLMLLKGSTREAQQIVM) using mTGase may be a potential candidate for tissue engineering applications and skin regeneration. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 101A:2788-2795, 2013. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., a Wiley Company.


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A new challenge in the field of molecular magnetism is the design of optically and thermally switchable solid state magnetic materials for which various kinds of application may be feasible. Our research activities involve preparative methods, the study of the physical properties and associated mechanisms, as well as the exploration of further possibilities. Particular focus is on heterobimetallic Prussian Blue analogs, such as on RbMn[Fe(CN)6], in which the interplay between the two different adjacent metal ions is crucial for the observation of photo-induced phenomena. Our studies revealed that modification of the preparative conditions lead to differences in structural features that allowed tuning of the magnetic and electron transfer properties of RbxMn[Fe(CN)6]y.zH2O.


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The potential of social marketing has been recognized in the United Kingdom by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) as a useful tool for behavioral change for environmental problems. The techniques of social marketing have been used successfully by health organizations to tackle current public health issues. This article describes a research project which explored the current barriers to recycling household waste and the development of a segmentation model which could be used at the local level by authorities charged with waste collection and disposal. The research makes a unique contribution to social marketing through the introduction of a competencies framework and market segmentation for recycling behaviors.


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The satellite ERS-1 was launched in July 1991 in a period of high solar activity. Sparse laser tracking and the failure of the experimental microwave system (PRARE) compounded the orbital errors which resulted from mismodelling of atmospheric density and hence surface forces. Three attempts are presented here to try and refine the coarse laser orbits of ERS-1, made prior to the availability of the full altimetric dataset. The results of the first attempt indicate that by geometrically modelling the satellite shape some improvement in orbital precision may be made for any satellite; especially one where no area tables already exist. The second and third refinement attempts are based on the introduction of data from some second satellite; in these examples SPOT-2 and TOPEX/Poseidon are employed. With SPOT-2 the method makes use of the orbital similarities to produce along-track corrections for the more fully tracked SPOT-2. Transferring these corrections to ERS-1 produces improvements in the precise orbits thus determined. With TOPEX/Poseidon the greater altitude results in a more precise orbit (gravity field and atmospheric errors are of less importance). Thus, by computing height differences at crossover points of the TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-1 ground tracks the poorer orbit of ERS-1 may be improved by the addition of derived radial corrections. In the positive light of all three results several potential modification are suggested and some further avenues of investigation indicated.


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The work described in this thesis can be broadly divided into two sections. The first being the characterisation of hydrogel polymers in both their hydrated and dehydrated states and the second some aspects of the structural modification of polymers. The characterisation of hydrogel polymers in their dehydrated state (xerogels) involves such techniques as elemental analysis, pyrolysis gas liquid chromatography, infra-red spectroscopy, density determination and surface characterisation by contact angle measurements. The characterisation of some commercially available hydrogel materials was undertaken using such techniques and the results obtained were compared to laboratory synthesised systems in an attempt to assess the value of the combination of techniques employed. In the characterisation of hydrated polymers the amoumt and nature of water present is the single most important factor. The most convenient method of characterising this water involves the use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), coupled with total equilibrium water content measurements. DSC distinguishes between non-freezing and freezing water but in addition provides some information on the continuum of states in the freezing water fraction. Two aspects of the structural modification of hydrogel polymers were studied. The first involved the incorporation of acrylamide and substituted acryamide monomers into a copolymer system and an examination of the effect of this on the amino acid interaction of the polymers. The second was the attempted synthesis of cell surface analogues by the attachment of sugar type molecules to the polymer using a variety of reaction methods.


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The absence of a definitive approach to the design of manufacturing systems signifies the importance of a control mechanism to ensure the timely application of relevant design techniques. To provide effective control, design development needs to be continually assessed in relation to the required system performance, which can only be achieved analytically through computer simulation. The technique providing the only method of accurately replicating the highly complex and dynamic interrelationships inherent within manufacturing facilities and realistically predicting system behaviour. Owing to the unique capabilities of computer simulation, its application should support and encourage a thorough investigation of all alternative designs. Allowing attention to focus specifically on critical design areas and enabling continuous assessment of system evolution. To achieve this system analysis needs to efficient, in terms of data requirements and both speed and accuracy of evaluation. To provide an effective control mechanism a hierarchical or multi-level modelling procedure has therefore been developed, specifying the appropriate degree of evaluation support necessary at each phase of design. An underlying assumption of the proposal being that evaluation is quick, easy and allows models to expand in line with design developments. However, current approaches to computer simulation are totally inappropriate to support the hierarchical evaluation. Implementation of computer simulation through traditional approaches is typically characterized by a requirement for very specialist expertise, a lengthy model development phase, and a correspondingly high expenditure. Resulting in very little and rather inappropriate use of the technique. Simulation, when used, is generally only applied to check or verify a final design proposal. Rarely is the full potential of computer simulation utilized to aid, support or complement the manufacturing system design procedure. To implement the proposed modelling procedure therefore the concept of a generic simulator was adopted, as such systems require no specialist expertise, instead facilitating quick and easy model creation, execution and modification, through simple data inputs. Previously generic simulators have tended to be too restricted, lacking the necessary flexibility to be generally applicable to manufacturing systems. Development of the ATOMS manufacturing simulator, however, has proven that such systems can be relevant to a wide range of applications, besides verifying the benefits of multi-level modelling.


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Objectives and Methods: Contact angle, as a representative measure of surface wettability, is often employed to interpret contact lens surface properties. The literature is often contradictory and can lead to confusion. This literature review is part of a series regarding the analysis of hydrogel contact lenses using contact angle techniques. Here we present an overview of contact angle terminology, methodology, and analysis. Having discussed this background material, subsequent parts of the series will discuss the analysis of contact lens contact angles and evaluate differences in published laboratory results. Results: The concepts of contact angle, wettability and wetting are presented as an introduction. Contact angle hysteresis is outlined and highlights the advantages in using dynamic analytical techniques over static methods. The surface free energy of a material illustrates how contact angle analysis is capable of providing supplementary surface characterization. Although single values are able to distinguish individual material differences, surface free energy and dynamic methods provide an improved understanding of material behavior. The frequently used sessile drop, captive bubble, and Wilhelmy plate techniques are discussed. Their use as both dynamic and static methods, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each technique, is explained. Conclusions: No single contact angle technique fully characterizes the wettability of a material surface, and the application of complimenting methods allows increased characterization. At present, there is not an ISO standard method designed for soft materials. It is important that each contact angle technique has a standard protocol, as small protocol differences between laboratories often contribute to a variety of published data that are not easily comparable. © 2013 Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists.


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With the growth of the multinational corporation (MNC) has come the need to understand how parent companies transfer knowledge to, and manage the operations of, their subsidiaries. This is of particular interest to manufacturing companies transferring their operations overseas. Japanese companies in particular have been pioneering in this regard, with techniques such as the Toyota Production System (TPS) for transferring the ethos of Japanese manufacturing and maintaining quality and control in overseas subsidiaries. A great deal has been written about the process of transferring Japanese manufacturing techniques, but much less is understood about how the subsidiaries themselves, which are required to make use of such techniques, actually acquire and incorporate them into their operations. The research on which this paper is based therefore examines how, from the perspective of the subsidiary, knowledge of manufacturing techniques is transferred from the parent company. There is clearly a need to take a practice-based view to understanding how the local managers and operatives incorporate knowledge about manufacturing techniques into their working practices. In-depth qualitative research was, therefore, conducted in the subsidiary of a Japanese multinational, Denso Corporation, involving three main manufacturing initiatives (or philosophies), namely ‘TPS’, ‘TPM’ and ‘TS’. The case data were derived from 52 in-depth interviews with project members, moderate participant observations, and documentations. The aim of this paper is to present the preliminary findings from the case analyses. The research contributes to our understanding of knowledge transfer in relation to the circumstances of the selection between adaptation and replication of knowledge in the subsidiary from its parent. In particular this understanding relates to transfer across different flows and levels in the organisational hierarchy, how the whole process is managed, and also how modification takes place.


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The possibility to analyze, quantify and forecast epidemic outbreaks is fundamental when devising effective disease containment strategies. Policy makers are faced with the intricate task of drafting realistically implementable policies that strike a balance between risk management and cost. Two major techniques policy makers have at their disposal are: epidemic modeling and contact tracing. Models are used to forecast the evolution of the epidemic both globally and regionally, while contact tracing is used to reconstruct the chain of people who have been potentially infected, so that they can be tested, isolated and treated immediately. However, both techniques might provide limited information, especially during an already advanced crisis when the need for action is urgent. In this paper we propose an alternative approach that goes beyond epidemic modeling and contact tracing, and leverages behavioral data generated by mobile carrier networks to evaluate contagion risk on a per-user basis. The individual risk represents the loss incurred by not isolating or treating a specific person, both in terms of how likely it is for this person to spread the disease as well as how many secondary infections it will cause. To this aim, we develop a model, named Progmosis, which quantifies this risk based on movement and regional aggregated statistics about infection rates. We develop and release an open-source tool that calculates this risk based on cellular network events. We simulate a realistic epidemic scenarios, based on an Ebola virus outbreak; we find that gradually restricting the mobility of a subset of individuals reduces the number of infected people after 30 days by 24%.


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Hypercoiling poly(styrene-ALT-maleic anhydride) (PSMA) is known to undergo conformational transition in response to environmental stimuli. This behavior allows it to associate with the phospholipid, 2-dilauryl-SN-glycero-3- phosphocholine (DLPC) to produce nanostructures analogous to lipoproteins. The complex represents a new bio-mimetic delivery vehicle with applications in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. This study investigates, for the first time, the association behavior of PSMA and DLPC through the combination of different analytical techniques. The results indicate that the association is primarily driven by hydrophobic interactions and depends on various factors including the polymer/lipid ratio, the polymer molecular weight and the pH of the aqueous environment. The conformational transition of PSMA leads to the formation of discrete micellar complexes involving anisotropic-to-isotropic lipid phase transformation. As the number of hydrophobic moieties in the polymer is increased, the pH-dependent conformational transition of the polymer plays less important part in achieving this phase transition of the lipid. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications.


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Health-risk information can elicit negative emotions like anticipated regret that may positively affect health persuasion. The beneficial impact of such emotions is undermined when target audiences respond defensively to the threatening information. We tested whether self-affirming (reflecting on cherished attributes) before message exposure can be used as strategy to enhance the experience of anticipated regret. Women were self-affirmed or not before exposure to a message promoting fruit and vegetable consumption. Self-affirmation increased anticipated regret and intentions reported following message exposure and consumption in the week after the intervention; regret mediated the affirmation effect on intentions. Moreover, results suggest that anticipated regret and intentions are serial mediators linking self-affirmation and behavior. By demonstrating the mediating role of anticipated regret, we provide insights into how self-affirmation may promote healthy intentions and behavior following health message exposure. Self-affirmation techniques could thus potentially be used to increase the effectiveness of health communication efforts.