140 resultados para APTAMER-BASED SENSORS


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The fabrication of in-fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and their application as sensors is reported. The strain and temperature characteristic results for a number of chirped and uniform gratings written into three different host fibres are presented. The static and dynamic temperature response of a commercially available temperature compensated grating is reported. A five sensor wavelength division multiplexed fibre Bragg grating strain measurement system with an interrogation rate of 25 Hz and resolution of 10 was constructed. The results from this system are presented. A novel chirped FBG interrogation method was implemented in both the 1.3 and 1.5 m telecommunication windows. Several single and dual strain sensor systems, employing this method, were constructed and the results obtained from each are reported and discussed. These systems are particularly suitable for the measurement of large strain. The results from a system measuring up to 12 m and with a potential measurement range of 30 m are reported. This technique is also shown to give an obtainable resolution of 20 over a measurement range of 5 000 for a dual sensor system. These systems are simple, robust, passive and easy to implement. They offer low cost, high speed and, in the case of multiple sensors, truly simultaneous interrogation. These advantages make this technique ideal for strain sensing in SMART structures. Systems based on this method have been installed in the masts of four superyachts. A system, based on this technique, is currently being developed for the measurement of acoustic waves in carbon composite panels. The results from an alternative method for interrogating uniform FBG sensors are also discussed. Interrogation of the gratings was facilitated by a specifically written asymmetric grating which had a 15 nm long linearly sloped spectral edge. This technique was employed to interrogate a single sensor over a measurement range of 6 m and two sensors over a range of 4.5 me. The results obtained indicated achievable resolutions of 47 and 38 respectively.


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The fabrication of in-fibre Bragg gratings, and the application of arrays of such gratings as strain sensors and as true time delay elements for the control of phased array antennas is reported. Chirped period Bragg gratings were produced using the fibre deformation fabrication technique, with chirps of between 2.9nm and 17.3nm achieved. Arrays of 5mm and 2mm long uniform period Bragg gratings were fabricated using the inscription method, for use as true time delay elements,dissimilar wavefronts and their spectral characteristics recorded. The uniform period grating arrays were used to create minimum time delays of 9.09ps, 19.02ps and 31ps; making them suitable for controlling phased array antennas operating at RF frequencies of up to 3GHz, with 10° phase resolution. Four 4mm long chirped gratings were produced using the dissimilar wavefronts fabrication method, having chirps of 7nm, 12nm, 20nm and 30nm, and were used to create time delays of between 0.3ps and 59ps. Hence they are suitable for controlling phased array antennas at RF frequencies of up to 48GHz. The application of in fibre Bragg gratings as strain sensors within smart structure materials was investigated, with their sensitivity to applied strain and compression measured for both embedded and surface mounted uniform period and fibre Fabry-Perot filter gratings. A fibre Bragg grating sensor demultiplexing scheme based on a liquid crystal filled Fabry-Perot etalon tuneable transmission filter was proposed, successfully constructed and fully characterised. Three characteristics of the LCFP etalon were found to pose operational limitations to its application in a Bragg grating sensor system; most significantly, the resonance peak wavelength was highly (-2,77nm/°C) temperature dependent. Several methods for minimising this temperature sensitivity were investigated, but enjoyed only limited success. It was therefore concluded that this type (E7 filled) of LCFP etalon is unsuitable for use as a Bragg grating sensor demultiplexing element.


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We investigated which evoked response component occurring in the first 800 ms after stimulus presentation was most suitable to be used in a classical P300-based brain-computer interface speller protocol. Data was acquired from 275 Magnetoencephalographic sensors in two subjects and from 61 Electroencephalographic sensors in four. To better characterize the evoked physiological responses and minimize the effect of response overlap, a 1000 ms Inter Stimulus Interval was preferred to the short (


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We report the implementation of a low-cost high-resolution WDM interrogation system operating around 800nm region with bandwidth up to 60 nm and resolution of 13 pm by utilising a tilted fibre Bragg grating as an out-coupling device and a CCD-array detector. The system has been evaluated for interrogating fibre Bragg grating based strain, temperature sensors, giving sensitivities of 0.6 pm/µe and 5.6 pm/°C which are in good agreement with previously reported values. Furthermore, the system has been utilised to detect refractive index change of sample liquids, demonstrating a capability of measuring index change as small as 10-5.


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We demonstrate a high sensitivity biosensor by fine tailoring mode dispersion and sensitivity of dual-peak LPGs using light-cladding-etching method. The etched device has been used to detect concentration of Hemoglobin protein in sugar solution, showing a sensitivity as high as 20nm/1%.


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An optical liquid-level sensor (LLS) based on a long-period fiber grating (LPG) interferometer is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Two identical 3-dB LPGs are fabricated to form an in-fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and the fiber portion between two LPGs is exposed to the liquid as the sensing element. The sensitivity and measurement range of the sensors employing different orders of cladding modes are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The experimental results show good linearity and large measurement range. One of the significant advantages of such a sensing structure is that the measurement level is not limited to the length of the LPG itself. Also, the measurement range and sensitivity of the proposed LLS can be readily tailored for a particular applications.


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We have proposed and demonstrated a fibre laser system using a microchannel as a cavity loss tuning element for surrounding medium refractive index (SRI) sensing. A ~6µm width microchannel was created by femtosecond (fs) laser inscription assisted chemical etching in the cavity fibre, which offers a direct access to the external liquids. When the SRI changes, the microchannel behaves as a loss tuning element, hence modulating the laser cavity loss and output power. The results indicate that the presented laser sensing system has a linear response to the SRI with a sensitivity in the order of 10-5. Using higher pump power and more sensitive photodetector, the SRI sensitivity could be further enhanced.


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The diagnosis of ocular disease is increasingly important in optometric practice and there is a need for cost effective point of care assays to assist in that. Although tears are a potentially valuable source of diagnostic information difficulties associated with sample collection and limited sample size together with sample storage and transport have proved major limitations. Progressive developments in electronics and fibre optics together with innovation in sensing technology mean that the construction of inexpensive point of care fibre optic sensing devices is now possible. Tear electrolytes are an obvious family of target analytes, not least to complement the availability of devices that make the routine measurement of tear osmolarity possible in the clinic. In this paper we describe the design, fabrication and calibration of a fibre-optic based electrolyte sensor for the quantification of potassium in tears using the ex vivo contact lens as the sample source. The technology is generic and the same principles can be used in the development of calcium and magnesium sensors. An important objective of this sensor technology development is to provide information at the point of routine optometric examination, which would provide supportive evidence of tear abnormality.


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We present experimental results on the performance of a series of coated, D-shaped optical fiber sensors that display high spectral sensitivities to external refractive index. Sensitivity to the chosen index regime and coupling of the fiber core mode to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is enhanced by using specific materials as part of a multi-layered coating. We present strong evidence that this effect is enhanced by post ultraviolet radiation of the lamellar coating that results in the formation of a nano-scale surface relief corrugation structure, which generates an index perturbation within the fiber core that in turn enhances the coupling. We have found reasonable agreement when we modeling the fiber device. It was found that the SPR devices operate in air with high coupling efficiency in excess of 40 dB with spectral sensitivities that outperform a typical long period grating, with one device yielding a wavelength spectral sensitivity of 12000 nm/RIU in the important aqueous index regime. The devices generate SPRs over a very large wavelength range, (visible to 2 mu m) by alternating the polarization state of the illuminating light.


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An array of in-line curvature sensors on a garment is used to monitor the thoracic and abdominal movements of a human during respiration. The results are used to obtain volumetric changes of the human torso in agreement with a spirometer used simultaneously at the mouth. The array of 40 in-line fiber Bragg gratings is used to produce 20 curvature sensors at different locations, each sensor consisting of two fiber Bragg gratings. The 20 curvature sensors and adjoining fiber are encapsulated into a low-temperature-cured synthetic silicone. The sensors are wavelength interrogated by a commercially available system from Moog Insensys, and the wavelength changes are calibrated to recover curvature. A three-dimensional algorithm is used to generate shape changes during respiration that allow the measurement of absolute volume changes at various sections of the torso. It is shown that the sensing scheme yields a volumetric error of 6%. Comparing the volume data obtained from the spirometer with the volume estimated with the synchronous data from the shape-sensing array yielded a correlation value 0.86 with a Pearson's correlation coefficient p <0.01.


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Two distributive tactile sensing systems are presented, based on fibre Bragg grating sensors. The first is a onedimensional metal strip with an array of 4 sensors, which is capable of detecting the magnitude and position of a contacting load. This system is compared experimentally with a similar system using resistive strain gauges. The second is a two-dimensional steel plate with 9 sensors which is able to distinguish the position and shape of a contacting load. This system is compared with a similar system using 16 infrared displacement sensors. Each system uses neural networks to process the sensor data to give information concerning the type of contact.


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We present an implementation of high-sensitivity optical chemsensors based on FBGs UV-inscribed in D-shape and multimode fibres and sensitized by HF-etching treatment, demonstrating a capability of detecting chemical concentration changes as small as < 0.5%.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) ensures the structural health and safety of critical structures covering a wide range of application areas. This thesis presents novel, low-cost and good-performance fibre Bragg grating (FBG) based systems for detection of Acoustic Emission (AE) in aircraft structures, which is a part of SHM. Importantly a key aim, during the design of these systems, was to produce systems that were sufficiently small to install in an aircraft for lifetime monitoring. Two important techniques for monitoring high frequency AE that were developed as a part of this research were, Quadrature recombination technique and Active tracking technique. Active tracking technique was used extensively and was further developed to overcome the limitations that were observed while testing it at several test facilities and with different optical fibre sensors. This system was able to eliminate any low frequency spectrum shift due to environmental perturbation and keeps the sensor always working at optimum operation point. This is highly desirable in harsh industrial and operationally active environments. Experimental work carried out in the laboratory has proved that such systems can be used for high frequency detection and have capability to detect up to 600 kHz. However, the range of frequency depends upon the requirement and design of the interrogation system as the system can be altered accordingly for different applications. Several optical fibre configurations for wavelength detection were designed during the course of this work along with industrial partners. Fibre Bragg grating Fabry-Perot (FBG-FP) sensors have shown higher sensitivity and usability than the uniform FBGs to be used with such system. This was shown experimentally. The author is certain that further research will lead to development of a commercially marketable product and the use of active tracking systems can be extended in areas of healthcare, civil infrastructure monitoring etc. where it can be deployed. Finally, the AE detection system has been developed to aerospace requirements and was tested at NDT & Testing Technology test facility based at Airbus, Filton, UK on A350 testing panels.


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In this thesis, I present the studies on fabrication, spectral and polarisation characterisation of fibre gratings with tilted structures at 45º and > 45º (namely 45º- TFGs and ex 45º-TFGs throughout this thesis) and a range of novel applications with these two types of grating. One of the major contributions made in this thesis is the systematic investigation of the grating structures, inscription analysis and spectral and polarisation properties of both types of TFGs. I have inscribed 45º-TFGs in standard telecom and polarisation maintaining (PM) fibres. Two wavelength regions of interest have been explored including 1.55 µm and 1.06 µm. Detailed analysis on fabrication and characterisation of 45º-TFGs on PM fibres have also been carried out for the first time. For ex 45º- TFGs, fabrication has been investigated only on low-cost standard telecom fibre. Furthermore, thermal responses have been measured and analysed showing that both types of TFG have low responsivity to temperature change. More importantly, their refractive index (RI) responses have been characterised to verify the high responsivity to surrounding medium. Based on the unique polarisation properties, both types of TFG have been applied in fibre laser systems to improve the laser performance, which forms another major contribution of the research presented in this thesis. The integration of a 45º-TFG to the Erbium doped fibre laser (EDFL) enables single polarisation laser output at a single wavelength. When combing with ex 45º-TFGs, the EDFL can be transformed to a multi-wavelength switchable laser with single polarisation output. Furthermore, by utilising the polarisation property of the TFGs, a 45º-TFG based mode locked fibre laser is implemented. This laser can produce laser pulses at femtosecond scale and is the first application of TFG in the field of nonlinear optics. Another important contribution from the studies is the development of TFG based passive and active optical sensor systems. An ex 45º-TFG has been successfully developed into a liquid level sensor showing high sensitivity to water based solvents. Strain and twist sensors have been demonstrated via a fibre laser system using both 45°- and ex 45º-TFG with capability identifying not just the twist rate but also the direction. The sensor systems have shown the added advantage of low cost signal demodulation. In addition, load sensor applications have been demonstrated using the 45º-TFG based single polarisation EDFL and the experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical simulation.


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We report an accelerometer based upon a simple fibre cantilever constructed from a short length of multicore fibre(MCF) containing fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs). Two-axis measurement is demonstrated up to 3 kHz.