107 resultados para distributed feedback laser diode (DFB LD)
Multiwavelength lasing in the random distributed feedback fiber laser is demonstrated by employing an all fiber Lyot filter. Stable multiwavelength generation is obtained, with each line exhibiting sub-nanometer line-widths. A flat power distribution over multiple lines is also obtained, which indicates the contribution of nonlinear wave mixing towards power redistribution and equalization in the system. The multiwavelength generation is observed simultaneously in first and second Stokes waves. © 2014 SPIE.
Modeling of the spectrum in a random distributed feedback fiber laser within the power balance modes
The simplest model for a description of the random distributed feedback (RDFB) Raman fiber laser is a power balance model describing the evolution of the intensities of the waves over the fiber length. The model predicts well the power performances of the RDFB fiber laser including the generation threshold, the output power and pump and generation wave intensity distributions along the fiber. In the present work, we extend the power balance model and modify equations in such a way that they describe now frequency dependent spectral power density instead of integral over the spectrum intensities. We calculate the generation spectrum by using the depleted pump wave longitudinal distribution derived from the conventional power balance model. We found the spectral balance model to be sufficient to account for the spectral narrowing in the RDFB laser above the threshold of the generation. © 2014 SPIE.
We demonstrate a random fiber laser of ultimate efficiency. More than 2 Watts are generated from 0.5W of pump excess over the generation threshold. At higher power, an optical efficiency corresponds to the quantum limit.
In this letter, the polarization properties of a random fiber laser operating via Raman gain and random distributed feedback owing to Rayleigh scattering are investigated for the first time. Using polarized pump, the partially polarized generation is obtained with a generation spectrum exhibiting discrete narrow spectral features contrary to the smooth spectrum observed for the depolarized pump. The threshold, output power, degree of polarization and the state of polarization (SOP) of the lasing can be significantly influenced by the SOP of the pump. Fine narrow spectral components are also sensitive to the SOP of the pump wave. Furthermore, we found that random lasing's longitudinal power distributions are different in the case of polarized and depolarized pumping that results in considerable reduction of the generation slope efficiency for the polarized radiation. Our results indicate that polarization effects play an important role on the performance of the random fiber laser. This work improves the understanding of the physics of random lasing in fibers and makes a step forward towards the establishment of the vector model of random fiber lasers.
The longitudinal distribution of the Stokes-component power in a Raman fibre laser with a random distributed feedback and unidirectional pumping is measured. The fibre parameters (linear loss and Rayleigh backscattering coefficient) are calculated based on the distributions obtained. A numerical model is developed to describe the lasing power distribution. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental data. © 2012 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd.
Recently, the concept of a random distributed feedback (DFB) lasing in optical fibers has been demonstrated [1], A number of different random DFB fiber lasers has been demonstrated so far including tunable, multiwalength, cascaded generation, generation in different spectral bands etc [2-7]. All systems are based on standard low-loss germanium doped silica core fibres having relatively low Rayleigh scattering coefficient. Thus, the typical length of random DFB fiber lasers is in the range from several kilometres to tens of kilometres to accumulate enough random feedback. Here we demonstrate for the first time to our knowledge the random DFB fiber laser based on a nitrogen doped silica core (N-doped) fiber. The fiber has several times higher Rayleigh scattering coefficient compared to standard telecommunication fibres. Thus, the generation is achieved in 500 meters long fiber only. © 2013 IEEE.
We present the optimization of power and spectral performances of the random DFB fiber laser using the balance equation set. The numerical results are in good in agreement with experiments. © 2012 OSA.
Narrow-band generation is achieved in random distributed feedback (RDFB) fiber laser by using narrow-band filters in the center of a distributed cavity. The resulting line-width of ∼0.1 nm is 10 times less than line-width in classical random distributed feedback fiber laser. Spectral properties can be optimized further. © 2012 OSA.
The random distributed feedback fiber laser operating via the stimulated Raman scattering and random distributed feedback based on the Rayleigh scattering is demonstrated in the 1.2 μm frequency band. The RDFB fiber laser generates at 1174 nm up to 2.4 W of output power with corresponding slope efficiency more than 30%. The output radiation has the spectral shape similar to the conventional Raman fiber lasers and spectral width less than 1.7 nm. © 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
We experimentally demonstrate a Raman fiber laser based on multiple point-action fiber Bragg grating reflectors and distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering in an ∼22-km-long optical fiber. Twenty-two lasing lines with spacing of ∼100 GHz (close to International Telecommunication Union grid) in the C band are generated at the watt level. In contrast to the normal cavity with competition between laser lines, the random distributed feedback cavity exhibits highly stable multiwavelength generation with a power-equalized uniform distribution, which is almost independent on power. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
We demonstrate a CW random distributed feedback Raman fiber laser operating in a 1.2 μm spectral band. The laser generates up to 3.8 W of the quasi-CW radiation at 1175 nm with the narrow spectrum of 1 nm. Conversion efficiency reaches 60%. Up to 1 W is generated at the second Stokes wavelength of 1242 nm. It is shown that the generation spectrum of RDFB Raman fiber laser is much narrower than the spectrum in the system without a weak random feedback. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
We experimentally demonstrate a Raman fiber laser based on multiple point-action fiber Bragg grating (FBG) reflectors and distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering in a ∼22 km long optical fiber. Twenty two lasing lines with spacing of ∼100 GHz (close to ITU grid) in C-band are generated at Watts power level. In contrast to the normal cavity with competition between laser lines, the random distributed feedback cavity exhibits highly stable multiwavelength generation with a power-equalized uniform distribution which is almost independent on power. The current set up showing the capability of generating Raman gain of about 100-nm wide giving the possibility of multiwavelength generation at different bands. © 2011 SPIE.
I will overview our recent results on ultra-long lasers and will discuss the concept of a fiber laser with an open cavity that operates using random distributed feedback provided by Rayleigh scattering amplified through the Raman effect. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Researchers conducted investigations to demonstrate the advantages of random distributed feedback fiber laser. Random lasers had advantages, such as simple technology that did not require a precise microcavity and low production cost. The properties of their output radiation were special in comparison to those of conventional lasers and they were characterized by complex features in the spatial, spectral, and time domains. The researchers demonstrated a new type of one-dimensional laser with random distributed feedback based on Rayleigh scattering (RS) that was presented in any transparent glass medium due to natural inhomogeneities of refractive index. The cylindrical fiber waveguide geometry provided transverse confinement, while the cavity was open in the longitudinal direction and did not include any regular point-action reflectors.
Self-seeded, gain-switched operation of an InGaN multi-quantum-well laser diode has been demonstrated for the first time. An external cavity comprising Littrow geometry was implemented for spectral control of pulsed operation. The feedback was optimized by adjusting the external cavity length and the driving frequency of the laser. The generated pulses had a peak power in excess of 400mW, a pulse duration of 60ps, a spectral linewidth of 0.14nm and maximum side band suppression ratio of 20dB. It was tunable within the range of 3.6nm centered at a wavelength of 403nm.