41 resultados para Recombination Suppression
A distinct feature of several recent models of contrast masking is that detecting mechanisms are divisively inhibited by a broadly tuned ‘gain pool’ of narrow-band spatial pattern mechanisms. The contrast gain control provided by this ‘cross-channel’ architecture achieves contrast normalisation of early pattern mechanisms, which is important for keeping them within the non-saturating part of their biological operating characteristic. These models superseded earlier ‘within-channel’ models, which had supposed that masking arose from direct stimulation of the detecting mechanism by the mask. To reveal the extent of masking, I measured the levels produced with large ranges of pattern spatial relationships that have not been explored before. Substantial interactions between channels tuned to different orientations and spatial frequencies were found. Differences in the masking levels produced with single and multiple component mask patterns provided insights into the summation rules within the gain pool. A widely used cross-channel masking model was tested on these data and was found to perform poorly. The model was developed and a version in which linear summation was allowed between all components within the gain pool but with the exception of the self-suppressing route typically provided the best account of the data. Subsequently, an adaptation paradigm was used to probe the processes underlying pooled responses in masking. This delivered less insight into the pooling than the other studies and areas were identified that require investigation for a new unifying model of masking and adaptation. In further experiments, levels of cross-channel masking were found to be greatly influenced by the spatio-temporal tuning of the channels involved. Old masking experiments and ideas relying on within-channel models were re-elevated in terms of contemporary cross-channel models (e.g. estimations of channel bandwidths from orientation masking functions) and this led to different conclusions than those originally arrived at. The investigation of effects with spatio-temporally superimposed patterns is focussed upon throughout this work, though it is shown how these enquiries might be extended to investigate effects across spatial and temporal position.
The problem of structured noise suppression is addressed by i)modelling the subspaces hosting the components of the signal conveying the information and ii)applying a nonlin- ear non-extensive technique for effecting the right separation. Although the approach is applicable to all situations satisfying the hypothesis of the proposed framework, this work is motivated by a particular scenario, namely, the cancellation of low frequency noise in broadband seismic signals.
Most contemporary models of spatial vision include a cross-oriented route to suppression (masking from a broadly tuned inhibitory pool), which is most potent at low spatial and high temporal frequencies (T. S. Meese & D. J. Holmes, 2007). The influence of this pathway can elevate orientation-masking functions without exciting the target mechanism, and because early psychophysical estimates of filter bandwidth did not accommodate this, it is likely that they have been overestimated for this corner of stimulus space. Here we show that a transient 40% contrast mask causes substantial binocular threshold elevation for a transient vertical target, and this declines from a mask orientation of 0° to about 40° (indicating tuning), and then more gently to 90°, where it remains at a factor of ∼4. We also confirm that cross-orientation masking is diminished or abolished at high spatial frequencies and for sustained temporal modulation. We fitted a simple model of pedestal masking and cross-orientation suppression (XOS) to our data and those of G. C. Phillips and H. R. Wilson (1984) and found the dependency of orientation bandwidth on spatial frequency to be much less than previously supposed. An extension of our linear spatial pooling model of contrast gain control and dilution masking (T. S. Meese & R. J. Summers, 2007) is also shown to be consistent with our results using filter bandwidths of ±20°. Both models include tightly and broadly tuned components of divisive suppression. More generally, because XOS and/or dilution masking can affect the shape of orientation-masking curves, we caution that variations in bandwidth estimates might reflect variations in processes that have nothing to do with filter bandwidth.
We measured the properties of interocular suppression in strabismic amblyopes and compared these to dichoptic masking in binocularly normal observers. We used a dichoptic version of the well-established probed-sinewave paradigm that measured sensitivity to a brief target stimulus (one of four letters to be discriminated) in the amblyopic eye at different times relative to a suppression-inducing mask in the fixing eye. This was done using both sinusoidal steady state and transient approaches. The suppression-inducing masks were either modulations of luminance or contrast (full field, just overlaying the target, or just surrounding the target). Our results were interpreted using a descriptive model that included contrast gain control and spatio-temporal filtering prior to excitatory binocular combination. The suppression we measured, other than in magnitude, was not fundamentally different from normal dichoptic masking: lowpass spatio-temporal properties with similar contributions from both surround and overlay suppression.
Visual perception begins by dissecting the retinal image into millions of small patches for local analyses by local receptive fields. However, image structures extend well beyond these receptive fields and so further processes must be involved in sewing the image fragments back together to derive representations of higher order (more global) structures. To investigate the integration process, we also need to understand the opposite process of suppression. To investigate both processes together, we measured triplets of dipper functions for targets and pedestals involving interdigitated stimulus pairs (A, B). Previous work has shown that summation and suppression operate over the full contrast range for the domains of ocularity and space. Here, we extend that work to include orientation and time domains. Temporal stimuli were 15-Hz counter-phase sine-wave gratings, where A and B were the positive and negative phases of the oscillation, respectively. For orientation, we used orthogonally oriented contrast patches (A, B) whose sum was an isotropic difference of Gaussians. Results from all four domains could be understood within a common framework in which summation operates separately within the numerator and denominator of a contrast gain control equation. This simple arrangement of summation and counter-suppression achieves integration of various stimulus attributes without distorting the underlying contrast code.
Aim - The aim of the study was to determine the potential for KV1 potassium channel blockers as inhibitors of human neoinitimal hyperplasia. Methods and results - Blood vessels were obtained from patients or mice and studied in culture. Reverse transcriptasepolymerase chain reaction and immunocytochemistry were used to detect gene expression. Whole-cell patch-clamp, intracellular calcium measurement, cell migration assays, and organ culture were used to assess channel function. KV1.3 was unique among the KV1 channels in showing preserved and up-regulated expression when the vascular smooth muscle cells switched to the proliferating phenotype. There was strong expression in neointimal formations. Voltage-dependent potassium current in proliferating cells was sensitive to three different blockers of KV1.3 channels. Calcium entry was also inhibited. All three blockers reduced vascular smooth muscle cell migration and the effects were non-additive. One of the blockers (margatoxin) was highly potent, suppressing cell migration with an IC of 85 pM. Two of the blockers were tested in organ-cultured human vein samples and both inhibited neointimal hyperplasia. Conclusion - KV1.3 potassium channels are functional in proliferating mouse and human vascular smooth muscle cells and have positive effects on cell migration. Blockers of the channels may be useful as inhibitors of neointimal hyperplasia and other unwanted vascular remodelling events. © 2010 The Author.
Chemical turbulence in the oscillatory catalytic CO oxidation on Pt(110) is suppressed by means of focused laser light. The laser locally heats the platinum surface which leads to a local increase of the oscillation frequency, and to the formation of a pacemaker which emits target waves. These waves slowly entrain the medium and suppress the spatiotemporal chaos present in the absence of laser light. Our experimental results are confirmed by a detailed numerical analysis of one- and two-dimensional media using the Krischer-Eiswirth-Ertl model for CO oxidation on Pt110. Different control regimes are identified and the dispersion relation of the system is determined using the pacemaker as an externally tunable wave source.
Purpose: (1) To devise a model-based method for estimating the probabilities of binocular fusion, interocular suppression and diplopia from psychophysical judgements, (2) To map out the way fusion, suppression and diplopia vary with binocular disparity and blur of single edges shown to each eye, (3) To compare the binocular interactions found for edges of the same vs opposite contrast polarity. Methods: Test images were single, horizontal, Gaussian-blurred edges, with blur B = 1-32 min arc, and vertical disparity 0-8.B, shown for 200 ms. In the main experiment, observers reported whether they saw one central edge, one offset edge, or two edges. We argue that the relation between these three response categories and the three perceptual states (fusion, suppression, diplopia) is indirect and likely to be distorted by positional noise and criterion effects, and so we developed a descriptive, probabilistic model to estimate both the perceptual states and the noise/criterion parameters from the data. Results: (1) Using simulated data, we validated the model-based method by showing that it recovered fairly accurately the disparity ranges for fusion and suppression, (2) The disparity range for fusion (Panum's limit) increased greatly with blur, in line with previous studies. The disparity range for suppression was similar to the fusion limit at large blurs, but two or three times the fusion limit at small blurs. This meant that diplopia was much more prevalent at larger blurs, (3) Diplopia was much more frequent when the two edges had opposite contrast polarity. A formal comparison of models indicated that fusion occurs for same, but not opposite, polarities. Probability of suppression was greater for unequal contrasts, and it was always the lower-contrast edge that was suppressed. Conclusions: Our model-based data analysis offers a useful tool for probing binocular fusion and suppression psychophysically. The disparity range for fusion increased with edge blur but fell short of complete scale-invariance. The disparity range for suppression also increased with blur but was not close to scale-invariance. Single vision occurs through fusion, but also beyond the fusion range, through suppression. Thus suppression can serve as a mechanism for extending single vision to larger disparities, but mainly for sharper edges where the fusion range is small (5-10 min arc). For large blurs the fusion range is so much larger that no such extension may be needed. © 2014 The College of Optometrists.
Four-wave-mixing (FWM) due to the fiber nonlinearity is a major limiting factor in coherent optical OFDM transmission. We propose to apply power pre-emphasis, i.e. to allocate the transmitted power nonuniformly among subcarriers in order to suppress the FWM impairment. The proposed technique was numerically investigated for both single channel 15.6 Gbs CO-OFDM transmissions and 7-channel WDM transmissions, showing that up to 1 dB improvement in the system's Qfactor can be achieved without considering sophisticated power loading algorithms developed for wireless communications. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
We present information-theory analysis of the tradeoff between bit-error rate improvement and the data-rate loss using skewed channel coding to suppress pattern-dependent errors in digital communications. Without loss of generality, we apply developed general theory to the particular example of a high-speed fiber communication system with a strong patterning effect. © 2007 IEEE.
A simple efficient method for stabilizing a harmonically mode-locked fiber ring laser is proposed. In this method, a linear optical filter and a nonlinear Fabry–Pérot filter in which the refractive index is optical intensity dependent are located in the laser cavity. The linear filter is used to select a fixed lasing wavelength, and the Fabry–Pérot filter introduces a negative all-optical feedback mechanism that is able to suppress pulse-to-pulse amplitude fluctuations in the laser cavity. The scheme was experimentally demonstrated using a fiber Bragg grating as the linear filter and a laser diode biased below threshold as the nonlinear Fabry–Pérot, and stable harmonically mode-locked pulses with a supermode noise suppression ratio >55 dB were obtained.
A simple and efficient method to stabilise harmonically mode-locked fibre ring laser is proposed. In this method, a linear optical filter and a nonlinear Fabry-Perot filter are introduced into the laser cavity. Stable harmonically mode-locked pulses with supermode noise suppression ratio more than 55dB was demonstrated.
We present a technique for suppressing cladding-mode coupling loss in fiber Bragg grating fabrication. Suppression of cladding-modes down to 0.2 dB in a Bragg grating of 18dB reflectivity has been achieved in hydrogen-loaded standard single-mode fiber.
We have revisited soliton transmission in the new context of coherent optical detection optimizing and comparing digital backward propagation and in-line optical filtering as a means to suppress soliton timing and phase jitter. We find that in-line optical filtering allows one to improve the reach of the soliton system by up to the factor of 2. Our results show that nonlinear propagation can lead to performance beyond the nonlinear Shannon limit.
A temperature sensor based on a multimode-singlemode-multimode (MSM) fiber structure has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. By utilizing the interference between fiber core and cladding modes, temperature measurement is exploited by monitoring the selected resonant dips shift of the transmission spectrum. A high temperature sensitivity of 50.65 pm/ºC is achieved at a certain resonant dip, accompanied by a suppressed strain sensitivity of only 0.587 pm/με. The sensor reveals the advantages of easy fabrication and interrogation, low cost and small axial strain response. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.