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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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In the present study, we report the results of comprehensive amino acid (AA) analyses of four Indian lakes from different climate regimes. We focus on the investigation of sediment cores retrieved from the lakes but data of modern sediment as well as vascular plant, soil, and suspended particulate matter samples from individual lakes are also presented. Commonly used degradation and organic matter source indices are tested for their applicability to the lake sediments, and we discuss potential reasons for possible limitations. A principal component analysis including the monomeric AA composition of organic matter of all analysed samples indicates that differences in organic matter sources and the environmental properties of the individual lakes are responsible for the major variability in monomeric AA distribution of the different samples. However, the PCA also gives a factor that most probably separates the samples according to their state of organic matter degradation. Using the factor loadings of the individual AA monomers, we calculate a lake sediment degradation index (LI) that might be applicable to other palaeo-lake investigations.


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To establish a natural background and its temporal and spatial variability for the area around Casey Station in the Windmill Islands, East Antarctica, the authors studied major and trace element concentrations and the distribution of organic matter in marine and lacustrine sediments. A wide range of natural variability in trace metal concentrations was identified between sites and within a time scale of 9 ka (e.g., Ni 5-37 mg/kg, Cu 20-190 mg/kg, Zn 50-300 mg/kg, Pb 4.5- 34 mg/kg). TOC concentrations are as high as 3 wt.% at the marine sites and 20 wt.% at the lacustrine sites, and indicate highly productive ecosystems. These data provide a background upon which the extent of human impact can be established, and existing data indicate negligible levels of disturbance. Geochemical and lithological data for a lacustrine sediment core from Beall Lake confirm earlier interpretation of recent climatic changes based on diatom distribution, and the onset of deglaciation in the northern part of the Windmill Islands between 8.6 and 8.0 ka BP. The results demonstrate that geochemical and lithological data can not only be used to define natural background values, but also to assess long-term climatic changes of a specific environment. Other sites, however, preserve a completely different sedimentary record. Therefore, inferred climatic record, and differences between sites, can be ascribed to differences in elevation, distance from the shore, water depth, and local catchment features. The extreme level of spatial variability seems to be a feature of Antarctic coastal areas, and demonstrates that results obtained from a specific site cannot be easily generalized to a larger area.


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There is a long tradition of river monitoring using macroinvertebrate communities to assess environmental quality in Europe. A promising alternative is the use of species life-history traits. Both methods, however, have relied on the time-consuming identification of taxa. River biotopes, 1-100 m**2 'habitats' with associated species assemblages, have long been seen as a useful and meaningful way of linking the ecology of macroinvertebrates and river hydro-morphology and can be used to assess hydro-morphological degradation in rivers. Taxonomic differences, however, between different rivers had prevented a general test of this concept until now. The species trait approach may overcome this obstacle across broad geographical areas, using biotopes as the hydro-morphological units which have characteristic species trait assemblages. We collected macroinvertebrate data from 512 discrete patches, comprising 13 river biotopes, from seven rivers in England and Wales. The aim was to test whether river biotopes were better predictors of macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition (genera, families, orders) in rivers, independently of the phylogenetic effects and catchment scale characteristics (i.e. hydrology, geography and land cover). We also tested whether species richness and diversity were better related to biotopes than to rivers. River biotopes explained 40% of the variance in macroinvertebrate trait profiles across the rivers, largely independently of catchment characteristics. There was a strong phylogenetic signature, however. River biotopes were about 50% better at predicting macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition across rivers, no matter which taxonomic resolution was used. River biotopes were better than river identity at explaining the variability in taxonomic richness and diversity (40% and <=10%, respectively). Detailed trait-biotope associations agreed with independent a priori predictions relating trait categories to near river bed flows. Hence, species traits provided a much needed mechanistic understanding and predictive ability across a broad geographical area. We show that integration of the multiple biological trait approach with river biotopes at the interface between ecology and hydro-morphology provides a wealth of new information and potential applications for river science and management.


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A 450 year spring-summer flood layer time series at seasonal resolution has been established from the varved sediment record of Lake Ammersee (southern Germany), applying a novel methodological approach. The main results are (1) the attainment of a precise chronology by microscopic varve counting, (2) the identification of detrital layers representing flood-triggered fluxes of catchment material into the lake, and (3) the recognition of the seasonality of these flood layers from their microstratigraphic position within a varve. Tracing flood layers in a proximal and a distal core and correlating them by application of the precise chronology provided information on the depositional processes. Comparing the seasonal flood layer record with daily runoff data of the inflowing River Ammer for the period from 1926 to 1999 allowed the definition of an approximate threshold in flood magnitude above which the formation of flood layers becomes very likely. Moreover, it was possible for the first time to estimate the "completeness" of the flood layer time series and to recognize that mainly floods in spring and summer, representing the main flood seasons in this region, are well preserved in the sediment archive. Their frequency distribution over the entire 450 year time series is not stationary but reveals maxima for colder periods of the Little Ice Age when solar activity was reduced. The observed spring-summer flood layer frequency further shows trends similar to those of the occurrence of flood-prone weather regimes since A.D. 1881, probably suggesting a causal link between solar variability and changes in midlatitude atmospheric circulation patterns.


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Neogene climates and vegetation history of western Yunnan are reconstructed on the basis of known fossil plants using the Coexistence Approach (CA) and Leaf Margin Analysis (LMA). Four Neogene leaf floras from Tengchong, Jianchuan and Eryuan in southwestern China are analyzed by the CA, and the paleoclimatic data of one Miocene carpoflora from Longling and three Pliocene palynofloras from Longling, Yangyi and Eryuan are used for comparison. The Miocene vegetation of the whole of West Yunnan is subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, and a similar mean annual precipitation is inferred for Tengchong, Longling and Jianchuan. However, by the Late Pliocene a large difference in vegetation occurred between the two slopes of Gaoligong Mountain, western Yunnan. The region of Tengchong retained a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest vegetation, whereas in Yangyi and Eryuan a vertical vegetation zonation had developed, which consists, in ascending order, of humid evergreen broad-leaved, needle and broad-leaved mixed evergreen, and coniferous forests. Distinctively, the Late Pliocene vegetational patterns of West Yunnan were already very similar to those of the present, and the Pliocene mean annual precipitation in Tengchong was markedly higher than that of Yangyi and Eryuan. Considering that the overall vegetation of West Yunnan and the precipitation at Yangyi and Eryuan have undergone no distinct change since the Late Pliocene, we conclude that the Hengduan Mountains on the northern boundary of West Yunnan must have arisen after the Miocene and approached their highest elevation before the Late Pliocene. Furthermore, the fact of the eastern portion of the Tibetan Plateau underwent a slight uplift after the Late Pliocene is also supported.


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New surface water records from two high sedimentation rate sites, located in the western subtropical North Atlantic near the axis of the Gulf Stream, provide clear evidence of suborbital climate variations through marine isotope stage (MIS) 5 persisting even into the warm peak of the interglaciation (substage 5e). We found that the amplitude of suborbital climate oscillations did not vary significantly for the whole of MIS 5, implying that ice volume has little or no influence on the amplitude of suborbital climate variability in this region. Although some records suggest that longer suborbital variations (4-10 kyr) during MIS 5 are linked to deepwater changes, none of the existing records is of sufficient resolution to assess if a linkage occurred for oscillations shorter than 4 kyr. However, when examined in conjunction with published data from the Norwegian Sea, new evidence from the subpolar North Atlantic suggests that coupled surface-deepwater oscillations occurred during the penultimate deglaciation. This supports the hypothesis that during glacial and deglacial times, ocean-ice interactions and deepwater variability amplify suborbital climate change at higher latitudes. We suggest that during the penultimate deglaciation the North Atlantic deepwater source varied between Nordic Sea and open North Atlantic locations, in parallel with surface temperature oscillations.


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The major topographic features, or provinces, beyond the continental slope off the Atlantic coast of the United States are (1) Sohm Plain, (2) Hatteras Plain, (3) Nares Plain, (4) Blake Basin, (5) Blake Plateau-Bahama Banks, and (6) Bermuda Rise. The whole of the described area is commonly referred to as the North American Basin. This basin is bounded on the north by Newfoundland Ridge and on the south by Puerto Rico Trench. Topographic features of note within the basin are the divide and the area of depressions between Sohm and Hatteras Plains, the sharply crested Blake Ridge, and the Puerto Rico Ridge. Recently accumulated data on deep-sea oores has given good evidence that the silt and sand covering the abyssal plains are displaced continental sediments in a virtually quartz-free oceanic environment. These sediments were deposited on a primary volcanic bottom. The primary or volcanic bottom is characterized by abyssal hills and seamounts, and the sediment bottom is characterized by abyssal plains, which extend seaward from the continental margins. On the Blake Plateau, bottom photographs and dredge hauls in the axis of the stream show that locally sediment has been removed and the bottom is paved with crusts and nodules of manganese. Photographs and dredged samples from the outer part of the New England Seamount, Chain and Caryn Peak also indicate extensive encrustations of manganese oxide which acts as a binding agent in areas of ooze or other organic debris and thus helps to stabilize the bottom.


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Arctic lowland landscapes have been modified by thermokarst lake processes throughout the Holocene. Thermokarst lakes form as a result of ice-rich permafrost degradation and they may expand over time through thermal and mechanical shoreline erosion. We studied proximal and distal sedimentary records from a thermokarst lake located on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska to reconstruct the impact of catchment dynamics and morphology on the lacustrine depositional environment and to quantify carbon accumulation in thermokarst lake sediments. Short cores were collected for analysis of pollen, sedimentological and geochemical proxies. Radiocarbon and Pb/Cs dating, as well as extrapolation of measured historic lake expansion rates, were applied to estimate a minimum lake age of ~ 1,400 calendar years BP. The pollen record is in agreement with the young lake age as it does not include evidence of the "alder high" that occurred in the region ~ 4.0 cal ka BP. The lake most likely initiated from a remnant pond in a drained thermokarst lake basin (DTLB) and deepened rapidly as evidenced by accumulation of laminated sediments. Increasing oxygenation of the water column as shown by higher Fe/Ti and Fe/S ratios in the sediment indicate shifts in ice regime with increasing water depth. More recently, the sediment source changed as the thermokarst lake expanded through lateral permafrost degradation, alternating from redeposited DTLB sediments, to increased amounts of sediment from eroding, older upland deposits, followed by a more balanced combination of both DTLB and upland sources. The characterizing shifts in sediment sources and depositional regimes in expanding thermokarst lakes were therefore archived in the thermokarst lake sedimentary record. This study also highlights the potential for Arctic lakes to recycle old carbon from thawing permafrost and thermokarst processes.


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The dominant processes determining biological structure in lakes at millennial timescales are complex. In this study, we used a multi-proxy approach to determine the relative importance of in-lake versus indirect processes on the Holocene development of an oligotrophic lake in SW Greenland (66.99°N, 50.97°W). A 14C and 210Pb-dated sediment core covering approximately 8500 years BP was analyzed for organic-inorganic carbon content, pigments, diatoms, chironomids, cladocerans, and stable isotopes (d13C, d18O). Relationships among the different proxies and a number of independent controlling variables (Holocene temperature, an isotope-inferred cooling period, and immigration of Betula nana into the catchment) were explored using redundancy analysis (RDA) independent of time. The main ecological trajectories in the lake biota were captured by ordination first axis sample scores (18-32% variance explained). The importance of the arrival of Betula (ca. 6500 years BP) into the catchment was indicated by a series of partial-constrained ordinations, uniquely explaining 12-17% of the variance in chironomids and up to 9% in pigments. Climate influences on lake biota were strongest during a short-lived cooling period (identified by altered stable isotopes) early in the development of the lake when all proxies changed rapidly, although only chironomids had a unique component (8% in a partial-RDA) explained by the cooling event. Holocene climate explained less variance than either catchment changes or biotic relationships. The sediment record at this site indicates the importance of catchment factors for lake development, the complexity of community trends even in relatively simple systems (invertebrates are the top predators in the lake) and the challenges of deriving palaeoclimate inferences from sediment records in low-Arctic freshwater lakes.


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The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the GH76-2 Expedition in March-May, 1976 by the Geological Survey of Japan from the R/V Hakurei Maru. A total of 47 cores and dredges sites have been visited. The survey covered the whole of the Pacific side of the Tohoku Arc, the southern part of the Kurile Arc and the northern margin of the Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin) Arc. The surveyed area covered the continental shelves, slopes, trenches and Pacific basin along the trenches.


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We present the initial results of a U-Th-Pb zircon ion-microprobe investigation on samples from the Central Belt of Taimyr, in order to constrain its tectono-magmatic evolution. The zircon samples are from a deformed twomica granite (Faddey Massif), deformed metamorphosed gabbroic dike entrained as pods and lenses within metamorphosed tholeiitic basalts of the Kunar-Mod volcanic suite (Klyaz'ma River region), a metamorphosed rhyolite of the same volcanic suite overlying the basic metavolcanic rocks, as well as an undeformed dolerite dike which intrudes the metamorphosed Kunar-Mod basic volcanic rocks. Preliminary results on zircons from the two-mica granite suggest a crystallization age of ~630 Ma for this rock, with inheritance from assimilated crust 840 Ma to 1.1 Ga in age. In the Klyaz'ma River region, zircons from the meta-rhyolite yield a concordant age of -630 Ma. Zircons from the entrained metagabbroic dikes have so far yielded an age of -615 Ma (1 grain), as well as Archean ages (5 grains, concordant at 2.6-2.8 Ga). It seems likely that the Archean grains represent assimilation of older crustal material. Zircons from the post-tectonic dolerite dike have a bimodal age distribution. A well-defined younger age of 281 ±9 Ma is interpreted to represent the crystallization age of the dike, while older, concordant ages of 2.6-2.9 Ga likely represent assimilation of Archean crust (Siberian craton at depth). Several important conclusions can be drawn from the data. (1) The mafic and felsic lithologies of the Kunar-Mod volcanic suite are genetically related and should be the same age. Ages of-630 Ma (meta-rhyolite) and -615 Ma (metagabbroic dikes representing the latest stage of mafic magmatism associated the Kunar-Mod suite) suggest that these lithologies may be the same age, but more data are required to confirm this hypothesis. (2) The 630 Ma two-mica granite is similar in age to the time of high-grade metamorphism, suggesting that syntectonic granite emplacement accompanied obduction of the accretionary Central Belt to the Siberian craton. (3) An Early Permian age is well defined for the undeformed dolerite dike. Dolerite dikes occur across the whole of Taimyr, but are deformed to the south. If related, this single magmatic event pre-dates Permo-Triassic Siberian trap magmatism. Furthermore, it suggests that deformation was localized to southeastern Taimyr.


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Iceberg calving has been assumed to be the dominant cause of mass loss for the Antarctic ice sheet, with previous estimates of the calving flux exceeding 2,000 gigatonnes per year. More recently, the importance of melting by the ocean has been demonstrated close to the grounding line and near the calving front. So far, however, no study has reliably quantified the calving flux and the basal mass balance (the balance between accretion and ablation at the ice-sheet base) for the whole of Antarctica. The distribution of fresh water in the Southern Ocean and its partitioning between the liquid and solid phases is therefore poorly constrained. Here we estimate the mass balance components for all ice shelves in Antarctica, using satellite measurements of calving flux and grounding-line flux, modelled ice-shelf snow accumulation rates and a regional scaling that accounts for unsurveyed areas. We obtain a total calving flux of 1,321 ± 144 gigatonnes per year and a total basal mass balance of -1,454 ± 174 gigatonnes per year. This means that about half of the ice-sheet surface mass gain is lost through oceanic erosion before reaching the ice front, and the calving flux is about 34 per cent less than previous estimates derived from iceberg tracking. In addition, the fraction of mass loss due to basal processes varies from about 10 to 90 per cent between ice shelves. We find a significant positive correlation between basal mass loss and surface elevation change for ice shelves experiencing surface lowering and enhanced discharge. We suggest that basal mass loss is a valuable metric for predicting future ice-shelf vulnerability to oceanic forcing.


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DSDP Hole 552A, cored with the HPC on Hatton Drift, represents an almost complete and undisturbed sediment section spanning the late Neogene and Quaternary. Lithologic, faunal, isotopic, and paleomagnetic analyses indicate that the section represents the most complete deep sea record of climatic evolution hitherto recovered at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere. A glacial record of remarkable resolution for the late Pliocene and Pleistocene is provided by oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in benthic foraminifers. In the upper part of the section, the whole of the standard oxygen isotope record of the past million years is well preserved. The onset of ice-rafting and glacial-interglacial alternations occurs at about 2.4 m.y. ago.