250 resultados para tidewater glaciers

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The Cenozoic Victoria Land Basin (VLB) stratigraphic section penetrated by CRP-3 is mostly of Early Oligocene age. It contains an array of lithofacies comprising fine-grained mudrocks, interlaminated and interbedded mudrocks/sandstones, mud-rich and mud-poor sandstones, conglomerates and diamctites that are together interpreted as the products of shallow marine to possibly non-marine environments of deposition, affected by the periodic advance and retreat of tidewater glaciers. This lithofacies assemblage can be readily rationalised using the facies scheme designed originally for CRP-2/2A, and published previously. The uppermost 330 metres below sea floor (mbsf) shows a cyclical arrangement of lithofacies also similar to that recognised throughout CRP-2/2A, and interpreted to reflect cyclical variations in relative sea-level driven by ice volume fluctuations ('Motif A'). Between 330 and 480 mbsf, a series of less clearly cyclical units, generally fining-upward but nonetheless incorporating a significant subset of the facies assemblage, has been identified and noted in the Initial Report as 'Motif B' Below 480 mbsf, the section is arranged into a repetitive succession of fining-upward units, each of which comprises dolerite clast conglomerate at the base passing upward into relatively thick intervals of sandstones. The cycles present down 480 mbsf are defined as sequences, each interpreted to record cyclical variation of relative sea-level. The thickness distribution of sequences in CRP-3 provides some insights into the geological variables controlling sediment accumulation in the Early Oligocene section. The uppermost part of the section in CRP-3 comprises two or three thick, complete sequences that show a broadly symmetrical arrangement of lithofacies (similar to Sequences 9-11 in CRP-2/2A). This suggests a period of relatively rapid tectonic subsidence, which allowed preservation of the complete facies cycle. Below Sequence 3, however, is a considerable interval of thin, incomplete and erosionally truncated sequences (4-23), which incorporates both the remainder of Motif A sequences and all Motif B sequences recognised. The thinner and more truncated sequences suggest sediment accumulation under conditions of reduced accommodation, and given the lack of evidence for glacial conditions (see Powell et al., this volume) tends to argue for a period of reduced tectonic subsidence. The section below 480 mbsf consists of a series of fining-upward, conglomerate to sandstone intervals which cannot be readily interpreted in terms of relative sea-level change. A relatively mudrock-rich interval above the basal conglomerate/breccia (782-762 mbsf) may record initial flooding of the basin during early rift subsidence. The lithostratigraphy summarised above has been linked to seismic reflection data using depth conversion techniques (Henrys et al., this volume). The three uppermost reflectors ('o', 'p' and 'q') correlate to the package of thick sequences 1-3, and several deeper reflectors can also be correlated to sequence boundaries. The package of thick Sequences 1-3 shows a sheet-like cross-sectional geometry on seismic reflection lines, unlike the similar package recognised in CRP-2/2A.


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The widely accepted age estimate for the onset of glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere ranges between 2 and 15 million years ago (Ma). However, recent studies indicate the date for glacial onset may be significantly older. We report the presence of ice-rafted debris (IRD) in ~44 to 30 Ma sediments from the Greenland Sea, evidence for glaciation in the North Atlantic during the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene. Detailed sedimentological evidence indicates that glaciers extended to sea level in the region, allowing icebergs to be produced. IRD may have been sourced from tidewater glaciers, small ice caps, and/or a continental ice sheet.


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A new, high-resolution planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca-based ocean temperature record has been generated for deep sea core MD02-2496, sited offshore of Vancouver Island, Western Canada during the last deglaciation (21-12 ka). The relationship between Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS) retreat and changing regional ocean temperatures has been reconstructed through glaciomarine sediments in MD02-2496 that capture tidewater glacier response to surface ocean thermal forcing. At CIS maximum extent, the marine margin of the ice sheet advanced onto the continental shelf. During this interval, ocean temperatures recorded by surface ocean dwelling Globigerina bulloides remained a relatively constant ~7.5°C while subsurface dwelling Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s.) recorded temperatures of ~5°C. These ocean temperatures were sufficiently warm to induce significant melt along the tidewater ice terminus similar to modern Alaskan tidewater glacial systems. During the deglacial retreat of the CIS, the N. pachyderma temperature record shows two distinct warming steps of ~2 and 2.5°C between 17.2-16 and 15.5-14 ka respectively, coincident with ice rafting events from the CIS, while G. bulloides records an ~3°C warming from 15 to14 ka. We hypothesize that submarine melting resulting from relatively warm ocean temperatures was an important process driving ice removal from CIS tidewater glaciers during the initial stages of deglaciation.


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Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction (qXRD) analysis of the <2 mm sediment fraction from surface (sea floor) samples, and marine sediment cores that span the last 10-12 cal ka BP, are used to describe spatial and temporal variations in non-clay mineral compositions for an area between Kangerlussuaq Trough and Scoresby Sund (?67°-70°N), East Greenland. Bedrock consists primarily of an early Tertiary alkaline complex with high weight% of pyroxene and plagioclase. Farther inland and to the north, the bedrock is dominantly felsic with a high fraction of quartz and potassium feldspars. Principal Component (PC) analysis of the non-clay sediment compositions indicates the importance of quartz and pyroxene as compositional end members, with an abrupt shift from quartz and k-feldspar dominated sediments north of Scoresby Sund to sediments rich in pyroxene and plagioclase feldspars offshore from the early Tertiary basaltic outcrop. Coarse (<2 mm or <1 mm) ice-rafted sediments are largely absent from the trough sediments between ?8 and 5 cal ka BP, but then increase in the last 4 cal ka BP. Compositional unmixing of the sediments in Grivel Basin and Kangerlussuaq Trough indicate the dominance of local over long distance sediment sources, with pulses of sediment from tidewater glaciers in Kangerlussuaq and Nansen fjords reaching the inner shelf during the Neoglaciation. The change in IRD is more dramatic in the sediment grain-size proxies than in the quartz wt%. Forty to seventy percent of the variance in the quartz records from either side of Denmark Strait is explained by low frequency trends, but the data from the Grivel Basin, East Greenland, are distinctly different, with an approximate 2500 yr periodicity.


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In the Arctic the currently observed rising air temperature results in more frequent calving of icebergs. The latter are derived from tidewater glaciers. Arctic macrozoobenthic soft-sediment communities are considerably disturbed by direct hits and sediment reallocation caused by iceberg scouring. With the aim to describe the primary succession of macrozoobenthic communities following these events, scientific divers installed 28 terracotta containers in the soft-sediment off Brandal (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Norway) at 20 m water depth in 2002. The containers were filled with a bentonite-sand-mixture resembling the natural sediment. Samples were taken annually between 2003 and 2007. A shift from pioneering species (e.g. Cumacea: Lamprops fuscatus) towards more specialized taxa, as well as from surface-detritivores towards subsurface-detritivores was observed. This is typical for an ecological succession following the facilitation and inhibition succession model. Similarity between experimental and non-manipulated communities from 2003 was significantly highest after three years of succession. In the following years similarity decreased, probably due to elevated temperatures, which prevented the fjord-system from freezing. Some organisms numerically important in the non-manipulated community (e.g., the polychaete Dipolydora quadrilobata) did not colonies the substrate during the experiment. This suggests that the community had not fully matured within the first three years. Later, the settlement was probably impeded by consequences of warming temperatures. This demonstrates the long-lasting effects of severe disturbances on Arctic macrozoobenthic communities. Furthermore, environmental changes, such as rising temperatures coupled with enhanced food availability due to an increasing frequency of ice-free days per year, may have a stronger effect on succession than exposure time.


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The stratigraphic distribution, assemblage content, paleoecology and age of foraminifera recovered in fourteen of sixteen samples from the 5.63 m thick CRP-2 (Lithostratigraphic Unit 2.2) are discussed. LSU 2.2 comprises four discrete lithologic beds. The upward sequence is informally referred to as the lower sand bed, diamicton bed, middle sand bed, and upper sand bed and it is surmised that these four units are closely related in time. The lower sand bed (~1.5m), which overlies lower Miocene sediments and from which it is separated by the Ross Sea Unconformity, contains traces of recycled Miocene diatoms but is otherwise barren of biogenic material. The diamicton bed (~2.42 m) contains 21 species of benthic foraminifera, with assemblages consistently dominated by Cassidulinoides porrectus, Ammoelphidiella antarctica, Rosalina cf. globularis, Cibicides refulgens, and Ehrenbergina glabra. The overlying middle sand bed (~1.9 m) contains 13 species. with C. porrectus and E. glabra dominant and A. antarctica less common than in the underlying diamicton bed. The upper sand bed (~0.46 m) contains four species and very few tests. The diamicton bed and middle sand bed assemblages are considered to be near in situ thanatocoenoses; and sediments interpreted as marine in origin but influenced by hyposaline waters and nearby ice. Planktic taxa are absent, perhaps indicating the presence of tidewater glaciers, sea ice and/or hyposaline surface waters. The small assemblage in the upper sand bed is more problematic and may be recycled. On the basis of foraminifera in the diamicton and middle sand beds. LSU 2.2 is assigned to the Pliocene. The overlying diamicton in LSU 2.1 contains abundant Quaternary foraminifera.


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The ice thickness of 15 South Tyrolean glaciers has been surveyed with two different types of radar systems between 1996 and 2014 within various research projects. For all glaciers apart from Weissbrunnferner, the Laser scan DEMs of the South Tyrolean glacier inventories had been taken as basis for the data processing. Earlier data has been measured with the Narod Sensor using a central frequency of 6.5 MHz, later data was recorded with a GSSI SIR 3000 system. The positions have been measured with a Garmin handheld GPS. The snow height at the time of the measurement was recorded by snow probing. The majority of the glaciers have been surveyed between 2009 and 2014, 9 glaciers in the year 2013. The methods for measurements and calculation of ice thickness are described in the various reports.


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The glacier survey of the Austrian Alpine Club has been measuring the length changes of the Austrian glaciers regularly since 1891. Currently, about 20 observers annually do field surveys on about 100 of Austria's about 900 glaciers. The report is published in the journal of the Austrian Alpine Club. Since the beginning of the measurements, the distance between a landmark and the glacier margin is determined at several points. The direction of the measurements is specified and reported together with special observations in the data sheet reported to the Austrian Alpine Club. The distances are not slope corrected.