17 resultados para precision of distribution seeds

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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During Cruise 49 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev in the Kara Sea (August-September, 1993) chemical-bitumenological studies of bottom sediments were carried out. Hydrocarbons were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. It was found on the basis of distribution of n-alkanes and isoprenoids (pristan and phytan) that organic matter is mainly terrigenous consisting of higher plant remains.


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Paleobathymetric assessments of fossil foraminiferal faunas play a significant role in the analysis of the paleogeographic, sedimentary, and tectonic histories of New Zealand's Neogene marine sedimentary basins. At depths >100 m, these assessments often have large uncertainties. This study, aimed at improving the precision of paleodepth assessments, documents the present-day distribution of deep-sea foraminifera (>63 µm) in 66 samples of seafloor sediment at 90-700 m water depth (outer shelf to mid-abyssal), east of New Zealand. One hundred and thirty-nine of the 465 recorded species of benthic foraminifera are new records for the New Zealand region. Characters of the foraminiferal faunas which appear to provide the most useful information for estimating paleobathymetry are, in decreasing order of reliability: relative abundance of common benthic species; benthic species associations; upper depth limits of key benthic species; and relative abundance of planktic foraminifera. R mode cluster analysis on the quantitative census data of the 58 most abundant species of benthic foraminifera produced six species associations within three higher level clusters: (1) calcareous species most abundant at mid-bathyal to outer shelf depths (<1000 m); (2) calcareous species most abundant at mid-bathyal and greater depths (>600 m); (3) agglutinated species mostly occurring at deep abyssal depths (>3000 m). A detrended correspondence analysis ordination plot exhibits a strong relationship between these species associations and bathymetry. This is manifest in the bathymetric ranges of the relative abundance peaks of many of the common benthic species (e.g., Abditodentrix pseudothalmanni 500-2800 m, Bolivina robusta 200-650 m, Bulimina marginata f. marginata 20-600 m, B. marginata f. aculeata 400-3000 m, Cassidulina norvangi 1000-4500 m, Epistominella exigua 1000-4700 m, and Trifarina angulosa 10-650 m), which should prove useful in paleobathymetric estimates. The upper depth limits of 28 benthic foraminiferal species (e.g., Fursenkoina complanata 200 m, Bulimina truncana 450 m, Melonis affinis 550 m, Eggerella bradyi 750 m, and Cassidulina norvangi 1000 m) have potential to improve the precision of paleobathymetric estimates based initially on the total faunal composition. The planktic percentage of foraminiferal tests increases from outer shelf to upper abyssal depths followed by a rapid decline within the foraminiferal lysocline (below c. 3600 m). A planktic percentage <50% is suggestive of shelf depths, and >50% is suggestive of bathyal or abyssal depths above the CCD. In the abyssal zone there is dramatic taphonomic loss of most agglutinated tests (except some textulariids) at burial depths of 0.1-0.2 m, which negates the potential usefulness of these taxa in paleobathymetric assessments.


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Expanding visitation to Polar regions combined with climate warming increases the potential for alien species introduction and establishment. We quantified vascular plant propagule pressure associated with different groups of travelers to the high-Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, and evaluated the potential of introduced seeds to germinate under the most favorable average Svalbard soil temperature (10°C). We sampled the footwear of 259 travelers arriving by air to Svalbard during the summer of 2008, recording 1,019 seeds: a mean of 3.9 (±0.8) seeds per traveler. Assuming the seed influx is representative for the whole year, we estimate a yearly seed load of around 270,000 by this vector alone. Seeds of 53 species were identified from 17 families, with Poaceae having both highest diversity and number of seeds. Eight of the families identified are among those most invasive worldwide, while the majority of the species identified were non-native to Svalbard. The number of seeds was highest on footwear that had been used in forested and alpine areas in the 3 months prior to traveling to Svalbard, and increased with the amount of soil affixed to footwear. In total, 26% of the collected seeds germinated under simulated Svalbard conditions. Our results demonstrate high propagule transport through aviation to highly visited cold-climate regions and isolated islands is occurring. Alien species establishment is expected to increase with climate change, particularly in high latitude regions, making the need for regional management considerations a priority.


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The carbonate shell of the bivalve Arctica islandica has been recognized, for more than a decade, as a potentially important marine geochemical biorecorder owing to this species' great longevity (200+ years) and wide geographic distribution throughout the northern North Atlantic Ocean, a region vital to global climate and ocean circulation. However, until now this potential has not been realized owing to the difficulty of precisely sampling the shell of this slow growing species. Using newly available automated microsampling techniques combined with micromass stable isotope mass spectrometry, a stable oxygen isotope record (1956-1957 and 1961-1970) has been obtained from a live-captured, 38-year-old A. islandica specimen collected near the former position of the Nantucket Shoals Lightship (41°N. 69°W). The shell's delta18O signal is compared with an expected signal derived from ambient bottom temperature and salinity data recorded at the lightship for the same period. The results show that A islandica's delta18O record (1) is in phase with its growth banding, confirming the annual periodicity of this species' growth bands, (2) is in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with the ambient seawater, (3) shows a consistent shell growth shutdown temperature of ~6°C. which translates into an ~8-month (May-December) shell growth period at this location, and (4) records the ambient bottom temperature with a precision of ~ +/-1.2°C. These results add important information on the life history of this commercially important shellfish species and demonstrate that A. islandica shells can be used to reconstruct inter- and intra-annual records of the continental shelf bottom temperature.


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We studied two deep-sea cores from the Scotia Sea to reconstruct past atmospheric circulation in the southern hemisphere and to resolve a long-standing debate on the interpretation of magnetic susceptibility (MS) records in Southern Ocean (SO) sediment. High-sedimentation sites MD07-3134 (0.2 - 1.2 m/kyr) and MD07-3133 (0.3 - 2 m/kyr) cover the last 92.5 kyr and 36 kyr, respectively. Both exhibit a one-to-one coupling of the MS and Ca2+ signal to the non-sea salt (nss) Ca2+ signal of the EDML ice core, clearly identifying atmospheric circulation as means of distribution. Comparison of additional proxies also excludes major influence by volcanic sources, sea-ice, icebergs, or oceanic current transport. The close resemblance of the dust proxies over the last glacial cycle, in turn, allows for the establishment of an age model of unprecedented resolution and precision for SO deep-sea sediment because atmospheric transport involves no major leads or lags. This is of particular importance because MS is routinely measured on deep-sea cores in the SO but the sediments usually lack biogenic carbonate and therefore had only limited stratigraphic control so far. Southern South America (SSA) is the likely source of eolian material because Site MD07-3133, located closer to the continent, has slightly higher MS values than Site MD07-3134, and also the MS record of Patagonian Site SALSA shows comparable variability. Patagonia was the dust source for both the Scotia Sea and East Antarctica. Dust fluxes were several times higher during glacial times, when atmospheric circulation was either stronger or shifted in latitude, sea level was lowered, shelf surfaces were exposed, and environmental conditions in SSA were dominated by glaciers and extended outwash plains. Hence, MS records of SO deep-sea sediment are reliable tracers of atmospheric circulation, allowing for chronologically-constrained reconstructions of the circum Antarctic paleoclimate history.


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Results of multiyear investigation of distribution and composition of suspended matter in waters off the northwest coast of Africa are presented. Large-scale circulation, upwelling, river runoff, and aeolian deposition affect distribution and evolution of biochemical composition of particulate matter. Concentrations of organic carbon, nitrogen, chlorophyll, phytoplankton and trace metals in the particulate matter are determined. Ratios of these components exhibit seasonal variations.


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Vertical distribution of common zooplankton species is examined on the base of two series of layer-by-layer net catches down to depth of 3400 m. Differences between the series are significant for most species only near the surface, whereas in deeper layers character of distribution remains the same. Great depths in the Sea of Japan are populated most actively by species performing intensive daily migrations, and less actively by species continuously confined to a definite depth range. Different character of nutrition of the animals apparently determines extent of utilization of deep layers, which are usual for the species.


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Drilling on the Iberia Abyssal Plain during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 173 allowed us to recover Upper Cretaceous through Paleocene sediments at Sites 1068 and 1069 and only upper Paleocene sediments at Site 1067, which expands considerably the Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene record for this region. Of these three sites, Site 1068 recovered uppermost Cretaceous sediments as well as the most complete Paleocene record, whereas Site 1067 yielded only uppermost Paleocene sediments (Zone CP8). Site 1069 provided a rather complete upper Campanian through Maastrichtian section but a discontinuous Paleocene record. After a detailed calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy was documented in distribution charts, we calculated mass accumulation rates for Holes 1068A and 1069A. Sediments in Hole 1068A apparently record the final stages of burial of a high basement block by turbidity flows. Accumulation rates through the Upper Cretaceous indicate relatively high rates, 0.95 g/cm**2/k.y., but may be unreliable because of the lack of datum points and/or possible hiatuses. Accumulation rates in the Paleocene section of Hole 1068A fluctuated every few million years from lower (~0.35 g/cm**2/k.y.) to higher rates (~0.85 g/cm**2/k.y.) until the latest Paleocene, when rates increased to an average of ~2.0 g/cm**2/k.y. Mass accumulation rates for the Upper Cretaceous in Hole 1069A indicate a steady rate of ~0.60 g/cm**2/k.y. from 75 to 72 Ma. There may have been one or more hiatuses between 72 and 68 Ma (combined Zone CC24 through Subzone CC25b), as indicated by the very low accumulation rate of 0.15 g/cm**2/k.y. The Paleocene section of Hole 1069A does not show the same continuous record, which may result from fluctuations in the carbonate compensation depth and poor recovery (average = 40%). Zones CP4 and CP5 are missing within a barren interval; this and numerous other barren intervals affect the precision of the nannofossil zonation and calculation of mass accumulation rates. However, in spite of these missing zones, mass accumulation rates do not seem to indicate the presence of hiatuses as the rates for this barren interval average ~1.0 g/cm**2/k.y. This study set out to test the hypothesis that a reliable biostratigraphic record could be constructed from sediments derived from turbidity flows deposited below the carbonate compensation depth. As illustrated here, not only could a reliable biostratigraphic record be determined from these sediments, but sedimentation and mass accumulation rates could also be determined, allowing inferences to be drawn concerning the sedimentary history of this passive margin. The reliability of this record is confirmed by independent verification by the establishment of a magnetostratigraphy for the same cores.


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Changes in surface water hydrography in the Southern Ocean (eastern Atlantic sector) could be reconstructed on the basis of isotope-geochemical and micropaleontological studies. A total of 75 high quality multicorer sediment surface samples from the southern South Atlantic Ocean and three Quaternary sediment cores, taken on a meridional transect across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, have been investigated. The results of examining stable oxygen isotope compositions of 24 foraminiferal species and morphotypes were compared to the near-surface hydrography. The different foraminifera have been divided into four groups living at different depths in the upper water column. The 8180 differences between shallow-living (e.g. G. bulloides, N. pachyderma) and deeper-dwelling (e. g. G. inflata) species reflect the measured temperature gradient of the upper 250 m in the water column. Thus, the 6180 difference between shallow-living and deeper-living foraminifera can be used as an indicator for the vertical temperature gradient in the surface water of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which is independent of ice volume. All planktonic foraminifera in the surface sediment samples have been counted. 27 species and morphotypes have been selected, to form a reference data Set for statistical purposes. By using R- and Q-mode principal component analysis these planktonic foraminifera have been divided into four and five assemblages, respectively. The geographic distribution of these assemblages is mainly linked to the temperature of sea-surface waters. The five assemblages (factors) of the Q-mode principal component analysis account for 97.l % of the variance of original data. Following the transferfunction- technique a multiple regression between the Q-mode factors and the actual mean sea-surface environmental parameters resulted in a set of equations. The new transfer function can be used to estimate past sea-surface seasonal temperatures for paleoassemblages of planktonic foraminifera with a precision of approximately ±1.2°C. This transfer function F75-27-5 encompasses in particular the environmental conditions in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. During the last 140,000 years reconstructed sea-surface temperatures fluctuated in the present northern Subantarctic Zone (PS2076-1/3) at an amplitude of up to 7.5°C in summer and of up to 8.5°C in winter. In the present Polarfrontal Zone (PS1754-1) these fluctuations between glacials and interglacials show lower temperatures from 2.5 to 8.5°C in summer and from 1.0 to 5.0°C in winter, respectively. Compared to today, calculated oxygen isotope temperature gradients in the present Subantarctic Zone were lower during the last 140,000 years. This is an indicator for a good mixing of the upper water column. In the Polarfrontal Zone also lower oxygen isotope temperature gradients were found for the glacials 6, 4 and 2. But almost similar temperature gradients as today were found during the interglacial stages 5, 3 and the Holocene, which implicates a mixing of the upper water column compared to present. Paleosalinities were reconstructed by combining d18O-data and the evaluated transfer function paleotemperatures. Especially in the present Polarfrontal Zone (PS1754-1) and in the Antarctic Zone (PS1768-8), a short-term reduction of salinity up to 4 %o, could be detected. This significant reduction in sea-surface water salinity indicates the increased influx of melt-water at the beginning of deglaciation in the southern hemisphere at the end of the last glacial, approximately 16,500-13,000 years ago. The reconstruction of environmental Parameters indicates only small changes in the position of the frontal Systems in the eastern sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current during the last 140,000 years. The average position of the Subtropical Front and Subantarctic Front shifted approximately three latitudes between interglacials and glacials. The Antarctic Polar Front shifted approximately four latitudes. But substantial modifications of this scenario have been interpreted for the reconstruction of cold sea-surface temperatures at 41Â S during the oxygen isotope stages 16 and 14 to 12. During these times the Subtropical Front was probably shified up to seven latitudes northwards.


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Species distribution models (SDM) predict species occurrence based on statistical relationships with environmental conditions. The R-package biomod2 which includes 10 different SDM techniques and 10 different evaluation methods was used in this study. Macroalgae are the main biomass producers in Potter Cove, King George Island (Isla 25 de Mayo), Antarctica, and they are sensitive to climate change factors such as suspended particulate matter (SPM). Macroalgae presence and absence data were used to test SDMs suitability and, simultaneously, to assess the environmental response of macroalgae as well as to model four scenarios of distribution shifts by varying SPM conditions due to climate change. According to the averaged evaluation scores of Relative Operating Characteristics (ROC) and True scale statistics (TSS) by models, those methods based on a multitude of decision trees such as Random Forest and Classification Tree Analysis, reached the highest predictive power followed by generalized boosted models (GBM) and maximum-entropy approaches (Maxent). The final ensemble model used 135 of 200 calculated models (TSS > 0.7) and identified hard substrate and SPM as the most influencing parameters followed by distance to glacier, total organic carbon (TOC), bathymetry and slope. The climate change scenarios show an invasive reaction of the macroalgae in case of less SPM and a retreat of the macroalgae in case of higher assumed SPM values.


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The first full water column hafnium isotopic compositions of Atlantic seawater have been obtained at seven locations from the Labrador Sea to the Drake Passage. Despite subpicomolar concentrations in seawater, a precision of the Hf isotopic measurements of <0.7 epsilon-Hf units was achieved. An overall epsilon-Hf range between -3.1 in the Labrador Sea and +4.4 in Antarctic bottom water was determined, the distribution of which broadly reflects continental weathering inputs. Within particular water column profiles, significant differences of up to 4 epsilon-Hf units occur. Combined with Nd isotope data of the same samples, it is evident that the Hf isotopic composition of seawater is too radiogenic for a given Nd isotopic composition and that the largest difference between expected and measured Hf isotopic compositions in seawater occurs near the oldest continental crust in the Labrador Sea. This corroborates the previous proposition, which was mainly based on ferromanganese crust data, that the Hf isotopic composition of seawater is controlled by incongruent weathering of continental crust and possibly, to some extent, by hydrothermal contributions. Hafnium concentrations in the ocean do not increase along the deep ocean conveyer indicating an oceanic residence time of only a few hundred years, which is significantly shorter than previously assumed. The Hf isotopic composition of past seawater can therefore serve as a proxy for short distance, basin scale mixing processes and the regime and intensity of nearby continental weathering processes.


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The paleo-oceanography of the southeastern North Atlantic Ocean during the last 150,000 yr has been studied using biogenous and terrigenous components of hemipelagic sediments sampled close to the northwest African continental margin. Variations of oxygen isotope ratios in shells of benthic calcareous foraminifers in two cores allow the assignment of absolute ages to these cores (in the best case at 1000 yr increments). The uncorrected bulk sedimentation rates of the longest core range from 3.4 to 7.6 cm/ 1000 yr during Interglacial conditions, and from 6.5 to 9.9 cm/1000 yr during Glacial conditions; all other cores have given results of the same order of magnitude, but with generally increasing values towards the continental edge. The distribution of sediment components allow us to make inferences about paleo-oceanographic changes in this region. Frequencies of biogenic components from benthic organisms, oxygen isotope ratios measured in benthic calcareous foraminiferal shells, the total carbonate contents of the sediment and distributions of biogenic components from planktonic organisms often fluctuate in concert. However, all fluctuations which can be attributed to changes of the bottom water masses (North Atlantic Deep Water) seem to precede by several thousand years those which can be linked to changes of the surface water mass distributions or to changes of the climate over the neighboring land masses. Late Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal assemblages in the cores from the northwest African continental margin can be defined satisfactorily in the way that distributions of assemblages found in sediment surface samples from the northeast Atlantic Ocean have been explained. The distributions of assemblages in the northwest African cores can also be used to estimate past sea surface temperatures and salinities. The downcore record of these estimates reveals two warm periods during the last 150,000 yr, the lower one corresponding to the oxygen isotope stage 5 e (equivalent to the Eemian proper in Europe), the upper one to the younger half of the Holocene. Winter surface water temperatures during oxygen isotope stages 6, 4, 3, and 2 are remarkably constant in most cores, while summer sea surface temperatures during stage 3 reach values comparable to those of the warm periods during the Late Holocene and Eemian. Estimated winter sea surface temperatures range from > 16 °C to < 11°C, the summer sea surface temperatures from > 22 °C to < 15 °C during the last 150,000 yr. Estimates of the winter sea surface salinities fluctuate between 36.6? and 35.5?, the higher values being restricted to the warm periods since the penultimate Glacial. Estimates for sea surface temperatures and salinities for two cores from the center of today's coastal upwelling region show less pronounced fluctuations than the record of the open ocean cores in the case of the station 12379 off Cape Barbas, more pronounced in the case of station 12328 off Cape Blanc. Seasonal differences between winter and summer sea surface temperatures derived from the estimated temperatures are today more pronounced in the boundary region of the ocean to the continent than further away from the continent. The differences are generally higher during warm climatic periods of the last 150,000 yr than during cooler ones. The abundance of terrigenous grains in the coarse fractions generally decreases with increasing distance from the continental edge, and also from south to north. The dominant portion of the terrigenous detritus is carried out into the ocean during the relatively cool climatic periods (stage 6, 4, later part of stage 3, stage 2 and oldest part of stage 1). The enhanced precision of dating combined with the stratigraphic resolution of these high deposition rate cores make it clear that the peaks of the terrigenous input off this part of the northwest African continental margin occur simultaneously with times of rapid sea level fluctuations resulting from large volume changes of the large Glacial ice sheets.


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A limiting factor in the accuracy and precision of U/Pb zircon dates is accurate correction for initial disequilibrium in the 238U and 235U decay chains. The longest-lived-and therefore most abundant-intermediate daughter product in the 235U isotopic decay chain is 231Pa (T1/2 = 32.71 ka), and the partitioning behavior of Pa in zircon is not well constrained. Here we report high-precision thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) U-Pb zircon data from two samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 735B, which show evidence for incorporation of excess 231Pa during zircon crystallization. The most precise analyses from the two samples have consistent Th-corrected 206Pb/238U dates with weighted means of 11.9325 ± 0.0039 Ma (n = 9) and 11.920 ± 0.011 Ma (n = 4), but distinctly older 207Pb/235U dates that vary from 12.330 ± 0.048 Ma to 12.140 ± 0.044 Ma and 12.03 ± 0.24 to 12.40 ± 0.27 Ma, respectively. If the excess 207Pb is due to variable initial excess 231Pa, calculated initial (231Pa)/(235U) activity ratios for the two samples range from 5.6 ± 1.0 to 9.6 ± 1.1 and 3.5 ± 5.2 to 11.4 ± 5.8. The data from the more precisely dated sample yields estimated DPazircon/DUzircon from 2.2-3.8 and 5.6-9.6, assuming (231Pa)/(235U) of the melt equal to the global average of recently erupted mid-ocean ridge basaltic glasses or secular equilibrium, respectively. High precision ID-TIMS analyses from nine additional samples from Hole 735B and nearby Hole 1105A suggest similar partitioning. The lower range of DPazircon/DUzircon is consistent with ion microprobe measurements of 231Pa in zircons from Holocene and Pleistocene rhyolitic eruptions (Schmitt (2007; doi:10.2138/am.2007.2449) and Schmitt (2011; doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-040610-133330)). The data suggest that 231Pa is preferentially incorporated during zircon crystallization over a range of magmatic compositions, and excess initial 231Pa may be more common in zircons than acknowledged. The degree of initial disequilibrium in the 235U decay chain suggested by the data from this study, and other recent high precision datasets, leads to resolvable discordance in high precision dates of Cenozoic to Mesozoic zircons. Minor discordance in zircons of this age may therefore reflect initial excess 231Pa and does not require either inheritance or Pb loss.


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A detailed record of the strontium-87 to strontium-86 ratio in seawater during the last 100 million years was determined by measuring this ratio in 137 well-preserved and well-dated fossil foraminifera samples. Sample preservation was evaluated from scanning electron microscopy studies, measured strontium-calcium ratios, and pore water strontium isotope ratios. The evolution of the strontium isotopic ratio in seawater offers a means to evaluate long-term changes in the global strontium isotope mass balance. Results show that the marine strontium isotope composition can be used for correlating and dating well-preserved authigenic marine sediments throughout much of the Cenozoic to a precision of +/- 1 million years. The strontium-87 to strontium-86 ratio in seawater increased sharply across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, but this feature is not readily explained as strontium input from a bolide impact on land.