40 resultados para power-law tori,analytic models,AGN,gas dynamics,stability

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The episodic occurrence of debris flow events in response to stochastic precipitation and wildfire events makes hazard prediction challenging. Previous work has shown that frequency-magnitude distributions of non-fire-related debris flows follow a power law, but less is known about the distribution of post-fire debris flows. As a first step in parameterizing hazard models, we use frequency-magnitude distributions and cumulative distribution functions to compare volumes of post-fire debris flows to non-fire-related debris flows. Due to the large number of events required to parameterize frequency-magnitude distributions, and the relatively small number of post-fire event magnitudes recorded in the literature, we collected data on 73 recent post-fire events in the field. The resulting catalog of 988 debris flow events is presented as an appendix to this article. We found that the empirical cumulative distribution function of post-fire debris flow volumes is composed of smaller events than that of non-fire-related debris flows. In addition, the slope of the frequency-magnitude distribution of post-fire debris flows is steeper than that of non-fire-related debris flows, evidence that differences in the post-fire environment tend to produce a higher proportion of small events. We propose two possible explanations: 1) post-fire events occur on shorter return intervals than debris flows in similar basins that do not experience fire, causing their distribution to shift toward smaller events due to limitations in sediment supply, or 2) fire causes changes in resisting and driving forces on a package of sediment, such that a smaller perturbation of the system is required in order for a debris flow to occur, resulting in smaller event volumes.


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Bedforms both reflect and influence shallow water hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics. A correct characterization of their spatial distribution and dimensions is required for the understanding, assessment and prediction of numerous coastal processes. A method to parameterize geometrical characteristics using two-dimensional (2D) spectral analysis is presented and tested on seabed elevation data from the Knudedyb tidal inlet in the Danish Wadden Sea, where large compound bedforms are found. The bathymetric data were divided into 20x20 m areas on which a 2D spectral analysis was applied. The most energetic peak of the 2D spectrum was found and its energy, frequency and direction were calculated. A power-law was fitted to the average of slices taken through the 2D spectrum; its slope and y-intercept were calculated. Using these results the test area was morphologically classified into 4 distinct morphological regions. The most energetic peak and the slope and intercept of the power-law showed high values above the crest of the primary bedforms and scour holes, low values in areas without bedforms, and intermediate values in areas with secondary bedforms. The secondary bedform dimensions and orientations were calculated. An area of 700x700 m was used to determine the characteristics of the primary bedforms. However, they were less distinctively characterized compared to the secondary bedforms due to relatively large variations in their orientations and wavelengths. The method is thus appropriate for morphological classification of the seabed and for bedform characterization, being most efficient in areas characterized by bedforms with regular dimensions and directions.


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Owing to their important roles in biogeochemical cycles, phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) have been the aim of an increasing number of ocean color algorithms. Yet, none of the existing methods are based on phytoplankton carbon (C) biomass, which is a fundamental biogeochemical and ecological variable and the "unit of accounting" in Earth system models. We present a novel bio-optical algorithm to retrieve size-partitioned phytoplankton carbon from ocean color satellite data. The algorithm is based on existing methods to estimate particle volume from a power-law particle size distribution (PSD). Volume is converted to carbon concentrations using a compilation of allometric relationships. We quantify absolute and fractional biomass in three PFTs based on size - picophytoplankton (0.5-2 µm in diameter), nanophytoplankton (2-20 µm) and microphytoplankton (20-50 µm). The mean spatial distributions of total phytoplankton C biomass and individual PFTs, derived from global SeaWiFS monthly ocean color data, are consistent with current understanding of oceanic ecosystems, i.e., oligotrophic regions are characterized by low biomass and dominance of picoplankton, whereas eutrophic regions have high biomass to which nanoplankton and microplankton contribute relatively larger fractions. Global climatological, spatially integrated phytoplankton carbon biomass standing stock estimates using our PSD-based approach yield - 0.25 Gt of C, consistent with analogous estimates from two other ocean color algorithms and several state-of-the-art Earth system models. Satisfactory in situ closure observed between PSD and POC measurements lends support to the theoretical basis of the PSD-based algorithm. Uncertainty budget analyses indicate that absolute carbon concentration uncertainties are driven by the PSD parameter No which determines particle number concentration to first order, while uncertainties in PFTs' fractional contributions to total C biomass are mostly due to the allometric coefficients. The C algorithm presented here, which is not empirically constrained a priori, partitions biomass in size classes and introduces improvement over the assumptions of the other approaches. However, the range of phytoplankton C biomass spatial variability globally is larger than estimated by any other models considered here, which suggests an empirical correction to the No parameter is needed, based on PSD validation statistics. These corrected absolute carbon biomass concentrations validate well against in situ POC observations.


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The sediment temperature distribution at mud volcanoes provides insights into their activity and into the occurrence of gas hydrates. If ambient pressure and temperature conditions are close to the limits of the gas hydrate stability field, the sediment temperature distribution not only limits the occurrence of gas hydrates, but is itself influenced by heat production and consumption related to the formation and dissociation of gas hydrates. Located in the Sorokin Trough in the northern Black Sea, the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (DMV) was in the focus of detailed investigations during the M72/2 and M73/3a cruises of the German R/V Meteor and the ROV Quest 4000 m in February and March 2007. A large number of in-situ sediment temperature measurements were conducted from the ROV and with a sensor-equipped gravity corer. Gas hydrates were sampled in pressurized cores using a dynamic autoclave piston corer (DAPC). The thermal structure of the DMV suggests a regime of fluid flow at rates decreasing from the summit towards the edges of the mud volcano, accompanied by intermittent mud expulsion at the summit. Modeled gas hydrate dissociation temperatures reveal that the gas hydrates at the DMV are very close to the stability limits. Changes in heat flow due to variable seepage rates probably do not result in changes in sediment temperature but are compensated by gas hydrate dissociation and formation.


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Acetate and hydrogen concentrations in pore fluids were measured in samples taken at seven sites from southern Hydrate Ridge (SHR) offshore Oregon, USA. Acetate concentrations ranged from 3.17 to 2515 µM. The maximum acetate concentrations occurred at Site 1251, which was drilled on a slope basin to the east of SHR at depths just above the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR) that marks the boundary of gas hydrate stability. Acetate maxima and localized high acetate concentrations occurred at the BSR at all sites and frequently corresponded with areas of gas hydrate accumulation, suggesting an empirical relationship. Acetate concentrations were typically at a minimum near the seafloor and above the sulfate/methane interface, where sulfate-reducing bacteria may consume acetate. Hydrogen concentrations in pressure core samples ranged from 16.45 to 1036 parts per million by volume (ppmv). In some cases, hydrogen and acetate concentrations were elevated concurrently, suggesting a positive correlation. However, sampling of hydrogen was limited in comparison to acetate, so any relationships between the two analytes, if present, were difficult to discern.


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Three sites were drilled in the Izu-Bonin forearc basin during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 126. High-quality formation microscanner (FMS) data from two of the sites provide images of part of a thick, volcaniclastic, middle to upper Oligocene, basin-plain turbidite succession. The FMS images were used to construct bed-by-bed sedimentary sections for the depth intervals 2232-2441 m below rig floor (mbrf) in Hole 792E, and 4023-4330 mbrf in Hole 793B. Beds vary in thickness from those that are near or below the resolution of the FMS tool (2.5 cm) to those that are 10-15 m thick. The bed thicknesses are distributed according to a power law with an exponent of about 1.0. There are no obvious upward thickening or thinning sequences in the bed-by-bed sections. Spaced packets of thick and very thick beds may be a response to (1) low stands of global sea level, particularly at 30 Ma, (2) periods of increased tectonic uplift, or (3) periods of more intense volcanism. Graded sandstones, most pebbly sandstones, and graded to graded-stratified conglomerates were deposited by turbidity currents. The very thick, mainly structureless beds of sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and pebble conglomerate are interpreted as sandy debris-flow deposits. Many of the sediment gravity flows may have been triggered by earthquakes. Long recurrence intervals of 0.3-1 m.y. for the very thickest beds are consistent with triggering by large-magnitude earthquakes (M = 9) with epicenters approximately 10-50 km away from large, unstable accumulations of volcaniclastic sand and ash on the flanks of arc volcanoes. Paleocurrents were obtained from the grain fabric of six thicker sandstone beds, and ripple migration directions in about 40 thinner beds; orientations were constrained by the FMS images. The data from ripples are very scattered and cannot be used to specify source positions. They do, however, indicate that the paleoenvironment was a basin plain where weaker currents were free to follow a broad range of flow paths. The data from sandstone fabric are more reliable and indicate that turbidity currents flowed toward 150? during the time period from 28.9 to 27.3 Ma. This direction is essentially along the axis of the forearc basin, from north to south, with a small component of flow away from the western margin of the basin.


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Expedition 311 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) to northern Cascadia recovered gas-hydrate bearing sediments along a SW-NE transect from the first ridge of the accretionary margin to the eastward limit of gas-hydrate stability. In this study we contrast the gas gas-hydrate distribution from two sites drilled ~ 8 km apart in different tectonic settings. At Site U1325, drilled on a depositional basin with nearly horizontal sedimentary sequences, the gas-hydrate distribution shows a trend of increasing saturation toward the base of gas-hydrate stability, consistent with several model simulations in the literature. Site U1326 was drilled on an uplifted ridge characterized by faulting, which has likely experienced some mass wasting events. Here the gas hydrate does not show a clear depth-distribution trend, the highest gas-hydrate saturation occurs well within the gas-hydrate stability zone at the shallow depth of ~ 49 mbsf. Sediments at both sites are characterized by abundant coarse-grained (sand) layers up to 23 cm in thickness, and are interspaced within fine-grained (clay and silty clay) detrital sediments. The gas-hydrate distribution is punctuated by localized depth intervals of high gas-hydrate saturation, which preferentially occur in the coarse-grained horizons and occupy up to 60% of the pore space at Site U1325 and > 80% at Site U1326. Detailed analyses of contiguous samples of different lithologies show that when enough methane is present, about 90% of the variance in gas-hydrate saturation can be explained by the sand (> 63 µm) content of the sediments. The variability in gas-hydrate occupancy of sandy horizons at Site U1326 reflects an insufficient methane supply to the sediment section between 190 and 245 mbsf.


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Sediments at the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge display two distinct modes of gas hydrate occurrence. The dominant mode is associated with active venting of gas exsolved from the accretionary prism and leads to high concentrations (15%-40% of pore space) of gas hydrate in seafloor or near-surface sediments at and around the topographic summit of southern Hydrate Ridge. These near-surface gas hydrates are mainly composed of previously buried microbial methane but also contain a significant (10%-15%) component of thermogenic hydrocarbons and are overprinted with microbial methane currently being generated in shallow sediments. Focused migration pathways with high gas saturation (>65%) abutting the base of gas hydrate stability create phase equilibrium conditions that permit the flow of a gas phase through the gas hydrate stability zone. Gas seepage at the summit supports rapid growth of gas hydrates and vigorous anaerobic methane oxidation. The other mode of gas hydrate occurs in slope basins and on the saddle north of the southern summit and consists of lower average concentrations (0.5%-5%) at greater depths (30-200 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) resulting from the buildup of in situ-generated dissolved microbial methane that reaches saturation levels with respect to gas hydrate stability at 30-50 mbsf. Net rates of sulfate reduction in the slope basin and ridge saddle sites estimated from curve fitting of concentration gradients are 2-4 mmol/m**3/yr, and integrated net rates are 20-50 mmol/m**2/yr. Modeled microbial methane production rates are initially 1.5 mmol/m**3/yr in sediments just beneath the sulfate reduction zone but rapidly decrease to rates of <0.1 mmol/m**3/yr at depths >100 mbsf. Integrated net rates of methane production in sediments away from the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge are 25-80 mmol/m**2/yr. Anaerobic methane oxidation is minor or absent in cored sediments away from the summit of southern Hydrate Ridge. Ethane-enriched Structure I gas hydrate solids are buried more rapidly than ethane-depleted dissolved gas in the pore water because of advection from compaction. With subsidence beneath the gas hydrate stability zone, the ethane (mainly of low-temperature thermogenic origin) is released back to the dissolved gas-free gas phases and produces a discontinuous decrease in the C1/C2 vs. depth trend. These ethane fractionation effects may be useful to recognize and estimate levels of gas hydrate occurrence in marine sediments.


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Detailed information about the sediment properties and microstructure can be provided through the analysis of digital ultrasonic P wave seismograms recorded automatically during full waveform core logging. The physical parameter which predominantly affects the elastic wave propagation in water-saturated sediments is the P wave attenuation coefficient. The related sedimentological parameter is the grain size distribution. A set of high-resolution ultrasonic transmission seismograms (ca. 50-500 kHz), which indicate downcore variations in the grain size by their signal shape and frequency content, are presented. Layers of coarse-grained foraminiferal ooze can be identified by highly attenuated P waves, whereas almost unattenuated waves are recorded in fine-grained areas of nannofossil ooze. Color-encoded pixel graphics of the seismograms and instantaneous frequencies present full waveform images of the lithology and attenuation. A modified spectral difference method is introduced to determine the attenuation coefficient and its power law a = kfn. Applied to synthetic seismograms derived using a "constant Q" model, even low attenuation coefficients can be quantified. A downcore analysis gives an attenuation log which ranges from ca. 700 dB/m at 400 kHz and a power of n = 1-2 in coarse-grained sands to few decibels per meter and n ? 0.5 in fine-grained clays. A least squares fit of a second degree polynomial describes the mutual relationship between the mean grain size and the attenuation coefficient. When it is used to predict the mean grain size, an almost perfect coincidence with the values derived from sedimentological measurements is achieved.


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Sediments undergoing accretion in trench-forearc systems are subjected to conditions of large lateral thrusting. This stress regime controls the mechanism of faulting as well as the yield and strength properties of the sediment. Understanding them is therefore crucial for the construction of quantitative models of sediment dynamics in convergent margin settings. For this purpose triaxial and oedometer tests were performed on six whole-round core samples recovered from Site 808 from depths between 173 and 705 mbsf. Samples from five depth intervals were subjected to a triaxial test program that was primarily designed to define yield and strength behavior. Test specimens were cut parallel and normal to the core axis. Additional five oedometer tests with similarly prepared specimens were performed on samples from four depth intervals to evaluate the directional state and degree of sediment compaction. Test results show that the degree of sediment compaction is higher than expected from overburden. This overcompaction increases with depth. A well-developed mechanical anisotropy is evident in all samples tested, regardless of their depth and lithology. Values of yield limit, stiffness, and shear strength are up to 40% higher in the horizontal direction compared to the vertical direction. In addition the test data demonstrate that the axis of the volumetric yield loci have rotated into extensional stress field. This verifies that the mechanical state of sediment in the accretionary wedge is controlled by in-situ stress conditions of extensional nature. The coefficients of lateral stress inferred suggest that the extensional stress regime becomes increasingly effective with depth.


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The metabolic rate of organisms may either be viewed as a basic property from which other vital rates and many ecological patterns emerge and that follows a universal allometric mass scaling law; or it may be considered a property of the organism that emerges as a result of the organism's adaptation to the environment, with consequently less universal mass scaling properties. Data on body mass, maximum ingestion and clearance rates, respiration rates and maximum growth rates of animals living in the ocean epipelagic were compiled from the literature, mainly from original papers but also from previous compilations by other authors. Data were read from tables or digitized from graphs. Only measurements made on individuals of know size, or groups of individuals of similar and known size were included. We show that clearance and respiration rates have life-form-dependent allometries that have similar scaling but different elevations, such that the mass-specific rates converge on a rather narrow size-independent range. In contrast, ingestion and growth rates follow a near-universal taxa-independent ~3/4 mass scaling power law. We argue that the declining mass-specific clearance rates with size within taxa is related to the inherent decrease in feeding efficiency of any particular feeding mode. The transitions between feeding mode and simultaneous transitions in clearance and respiration rates may then represent adaptations to the food environment and be the result of the optimization of tradeoffs that allow sufficient feeding and growth rates to balance mortality.


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We report and discuss molecular and isotopic properties of hydrate-bound gases from 55 samples and void gases from 494 samples collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 204 at Hydrate Ridge offshore Oregon. Gas hydrates appear to crystallize in sediments from two end-member gas sources (deep allochthonous and in situ) as mixtures of different proportions. In an area of high gas flux at the Southern Summit of the ridge (Sites 1248-1250), shallow (0-40 m below the seafloor [mbsf]) gas hydrates are composed of mainly allochthonous mixed microbial and thermogenic methane and a small portion of thermogenic C2+ gases, which migrated vertically and laterally from as deep as 2- to 2.5-km depths. In contrast, deep (50-105 mbsf) gas hydrates at the Southern Summit (Sites 1248 and 1250) and on the flanks of the ridge (Sites 1244-1247) crystallize mainly from microbial methane and ethane generated dominantly in situ. A small contribution of allochthonous gas may also be present at sites where geologic and tectonic settings favor focused vertical gas migration from greater depth (e.g., Sites 1244 and 1245). Non-hydrocarbon gases such as CO2 and H2S are not abundant in sampled hydrates. The new gas geochemical data are inconsistent with earlier models suggesting that seafloor gas hydrates at Hydrate Ridge formed from gas derived from decomposition of deeper and older gas hydrates. Gas hydrate formation at the Southern Summit is explained by a model in which gas migrated from deep sediments, and perhaps was trapped by a gas hydrate seal at the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). Free gas migrated into the GHSZ when the overpressure in gas column exceeded sealing capacity of overlaying sediments, and precipitated as gas hydrate mainly within shallow sediments. The mushroom-like 3D shape of gas hydrate accumulation at the summit is possibly defined by the gas diffusion aureole surrounding the main migration conduit, the decrease of gas solubility in shallow sediment, and refocusing of gas by carbonate and gas hydrate seals near the seafloor to the crest of the local anticline structure.