73 resultados para p-Type transparent oxide semiconductors

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The Cenozoic volcanic activity on Iceland has been recorded in North Atlantic sediments drilled during several Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)/Deep Sea Drilling Project legs (Legs 104, 151, 152, 162, and 163). Leg 162 (North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways II) recovered ash layers at Sites 982, 985, and 907 (Jansen, Raymo, Blum, et al., 1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.162.1996). The revisited Site 907 was first drilled during Leg 151, and the ash from this site has been described in detail by Lacasse et al. (1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.151.122.1996) and Werner et al. (1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.151.123.1996). Site 982 is located within the Hatton-Rockall Basin on the Rockall Plateau, which is situated west of the British Isles. Site 985 is located northeast of Iceland at the foot of the eastern slope of the Iceland Plateau, adjacent to the Norwegian Basin. Here we report chemical analyses of Neogene tephra layers from Holes 982A, 983B, 982C, 985A, and 985B. The sedimentary sequence at Site 982 spans the lower Miocene-Holocene; Site 985 recovered sediments spanning the upper Oligocene-Holocene. Twenty-two distinct ash layers and ash-bearing sediments were sampled in Holes 982A-982C (Cores 162-982A-16H through 24H, 162-982B-14H through 56X, and 162-982C-15H through 27H), and 59 ash layers were sampled in Holes 985A and 985B (Cores 162-985A-11H through 59X, and 162-985B-11H through 14H). Almost 50% of the sampled ash is strongly altered (predominantly from Site 985). A cluster of altered thin layers in the lower Pliocene of Site 985 (top of Unit III) is remarkable.


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Tungsten contents in iron-manganese nodules and crusts from different parts of the World Ocean, as well as its relationships with a number of chemical elements are under consideration. A trend to correlation of tungsten with Fe, Ti, W, Pb, and Co is noticed. Comparison of tungsten contents in the nodules and host sediments indicates its low geochemical mobility.


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Late Holocene laminated sediments from a core transect centred in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) impinging at the continental slope off Pakistan indicate stable oxygen minimum conditions for the past 7000 calendar years. High SW-monsoon-controlled biological productivity and enhanced organic matter preservation during this period is reflected in high contents of total organic carbon (TOC) and redox-sensitive elements (Ni, V), as well as by a low-diversity, high-abundance benthic foraminiferal Buliminacea association and high abundance of the planktonic species Globigerina bulloides indicative of upwelling conditions. Surface-water productivity was strongest during SW monsoon maxima. Stable OMZ conditions (reflected by laminated sediments) were found also during warm interstadial events (Preboreal, Bølling-Allerød, and Dansgaard-Oeschger events), as well as during peak glacial times (17-22.5 ka, all ages in calendar years). Sediment mass accumulation rates were at a maximum during the Preboreal and Younger Dryas periods due to strong riverine input and mobilisation of fine-grained sediment coinciding with rapid deglacial sea-level rise, whereas eolian input generally decreased from glacial to interglacial times. In contrast, the occurrence of bioturbated intervals from 7 to 10.5 ka (early Holocene), in the Younger Dryas (11.7-13 ka), from 15 to 17 ka (Heinrich event 1) and from 22.5 to 25 ka (Heinrich event 2) suggests completely different conditions of oxygen-rich bottom waters, extremely low mass and organic carbon accumulation rates, a high-diversity benthic fauna, all indicating lowered surface-water productivity. During these intervals the OMZ was very poorly developed or absent and a sharp fall of the aragonite compensation depth favoured the preservation of pteropods. The abundance of lithogenic proxies suggests aridity and wind transport by northwesterly or northeasterly winds during these periods coinciding with the North Atlantic Heinrich events and dust peaks in the Tibetan Loess records. The correlation of the monsoon-driven OMZ variability in the Arabian Sea with the rapid climatic fluctuations in the high northern latitudes suggests a close coupling between the climates of the high and low latitudes at a global scale.


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This paper reports results of petrographic and geochemical studies of Miocene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks that accompanied formation of deep-water basins of the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk. Geochemical types of these rocks, their geodynamic settings, and their derivation from different magmatic sources were determined. Marginal-sea basaltoids from the Sea of Japan are derivatives of fluid-enriched mantle (EMI), while volcanics from the Kuril basin were generated from mantle enriched in continental crust matter (EMU). In spite of different conditions of their genesis, they have some common geochemical features, in particular, their calc-alkaline signatures. These traces of influence of the sialic crust on magma generation confirm development of the basins of both these seas on the continental basement.


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Based on the data of synchronous observations of hydrophysical and biogeochemical parameters in the near-mouth and shallow-water areas of the northern Caspian in 2000-2001, the scale of spatiotemporal variability in the following characteristics of the water-bottom system was estimated (1) flow velocity and direction within vortex structures formed by the combined effect of wind, discharge current, and the presence of higher aquatic plants; (2) dependence of the spatial distribution of the content and composition of suspended particulate matter on the hydrodynamic regime of waters and development of phytoplankton; (3) variations in the grain-size, petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical compositions of the upper layer of bottom sediments at several sites in the northern Caspian related to the particular local combination of dominant natural processes; and (4) limits of variability in the group composition of humus compounds in bottom sediments. The acquired data are helpful in estimating the geochemical consequences of a sea level rise and during the planning of preventive environmental protection measures in view of future oil and gas recovery in this region.


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A high-MgO andesite which is texturally similar to boninite and a variolitic basalt collected from Site 458, about 100 km west of the Mariana Trench, have been studied through microprobe analyses and melting experiments at high water pressures. The boninite-type andesite is very similar in composition and texture to a boninite from Bonin Islands, except that the former is more calcic than the latter. The variolitic basalt contains magnesian pigeonite (Ca12Mg74Fe14) in cores of augite microphenocrysts. This pigeonite crystallized at temperatures above 1200°C. In the melting experiments of the boninite-type rock, clinopyroxene crystallizes as a liquidus phase at pressures at least above 8 kbar. No olivine crystallizes near the liquidus temperatures, indicating that the magma of this rock cannot be in equilibrium with the upper mantle periodotite (lherzolite) at depths at least greater than 25 km. The boninite-type rock is probably a product of fractional crystallization of a more primitive magma (e.g., olivine-bearing boninite magma) by separation of olivine and orthopyroxene. The magma of the variolitic basalt also cannot be in equilibrium with the upper mantle peridotite, and may be a product of fractional crystallization of a more primitive basaltic magma.


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The monograph presents results of comprehensive geological and geophysical studies carried out in 1973 and 1976 during Cruises 54 and 58 of R/V "Vityaz" in the Eastern Indian Ocean. On the base of obtained data a description of topography, magnetic and gravity fields, structure of the sedimentary series and deep crustal structure of the East Indian Ridge, Central, West Australian and Cocos Basins, the Sunda Trench has been done. Materials on petrography, petrochemistry and geochemistry of igneous rocks in the region have been summarized. New geological and geophysical information has been compared with with DSDP materials. Tectonics and geological history of the Eastern Indian Ocean are under consideration.


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At Ocean Drilling Program Site 1256 (6°44.2'N, 91°56.1'W), during Leg 206, a thick massive unit was cored in two neighboring penetrations of the uppermost basement, Holes 1256C and 1256D. This thick massive lava flow, commonly referred to as the "Lava Pond," is identified as Unit 18 (>30 m thick) in Hole 1256C and Unit 1 (>74.2 m thick) in Hole 1256D (Wilson et al., 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.206.2003). In the coarse-grained basalt that comprises this lithological unit, low-temperature "background" alteration events are present. This report provides microprobe analyses of both primary and secondary minerals present in this massive lava pond. The analyses of typically magmatic minerals (titanomagnetite, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene) are given for comparison with secondary minerals.


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Two cores from the southern South China Sea contain discrete ash layers that mainly consist of rhyolithic glass shards. On the basis of the SPECMAP time scale, the ash layers were dated to ca. 74 ka, the age of the youngest Toba eruption in northern Sumatra. This link is supported by the chemical composition of the glass, which is distinct from volcanic glass supplied from the Philippines and the northern South China Sea, but is almost identical with the chemistry of the Toba ash. The youngest Toba ash layers in the South China Sea expand the previously known ash-fall zone over more than 1800 km to the east. The dispersal of ashes from Sumatra in both western and eastern directions indicates two contrasting wind directions and suggests that (1) the Toba eruption probably happened during the Southeast Asian summer monsoon season, and (2) the volume of erupted magma was larger than previously interpreted.


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Rangitawa Tephra is an important stratigraphic marker in mid-Pleistocene marine and terrestrial sequences in New Zealand and adjacent ocean basins. Zircon fission track ages (ZFTA) on Rangitawa Tephra from five sites in the southern North Island yield mean site ages in the range 0.34 to 0.40 Ma with a weighted mean of 0.35 + 0.04 Ma (1 sigma). On the basis of glass shard major-element chemistry, ferromagnesian mineralogy, ZFTA and similarity of paleomagnetic dates of proposed tephra correlalives in deep-sea cores, it is concluded that Rangitawa Tephra represents a major eruptive event in the Taupo Volcanic Zone most probably associated with eruption of the Whakamaru-group ignimbrites (0.35 0.39 Ma) or less likely the Paeroa Range Group Ignimbrites (0.36 -0.38 Ma). Pollen analyses from two onshore sites, together with regional loess stratigraphy, show that Rangitawa Tephra was erupted during a glacial period. The ZFTA and previously reported oxygen isotope data from DSDP Site 594 indicate that Rangitawa Tephra was erupted near the end of oxygen isotope stage 10.


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A hitherto unknown distal volcanic ash layer has been detected in a sediment core recovered from the southeastern Levantine Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Radiometric, stratigraphical and sedimentological data show that the tephra, here termed as S1 tephra, was deposited between 8,970 and 8,690 cal yr BP. The high-silica rhyolitic composition excludes an origin from any known eruptions of the Italian, Aegean or Arabian volcanic provinces but suggests a prevailing Central Anatolian provenance. We compare the S1 tephra with proximal to medial-distal tephra deposits from well-known Mediterranean ash layers and ash fall deposits from the Central Anatolian volcanic field using electron probe microanalyses on volcanic glass shards and morphological analyses on ash particles. We postulate a correlation with the Early Holocene 'Dikkartin' dome eruption of Erciyes Dag volcano (Cappadocia, Turkey). So far, no tephra of the Central Anatolian volcanic province has been detected in marine sediment archives in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The occurrence of the S1 tephra in the south-eastern part of the Levantine Sea indicates a wide dispersal of pyroclastic material from Erciyes Dag more than 600 km to the south and is therefore an important tephrostratigraphical marker in sediments of the easternmost Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent hinterland.


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ODP Hole 801C penetrates >400 m into 170-Ma oceanic basement formed at a fast-spreading ridge. Most basalts are slightly (10-20%) recrystallized to saponite, calcite, minor celadonite and iron oxyhydroxides, and trace pyrite. Temperatures estimated from oxygen isotope data for secondary minerals are 5-100°C, increasing downward. At the earliest stage, dark celadonitic alteration halos formed along fractures and celadonite, and quartz and chalcedony formed in veins from low-temperature (<100°C) hydrothermal fluids. Iron oxyhydroxides subsequently formed in alteration halos along fractures where seawater circulated, and saponite and pyrite developed in the host rock and in zones of restricted seawater flow under more reducing conditions. Chemical changes include variably elevated K, Rb, Cs, and H2O; local increases in FeT, Ba, Th, and U; and local losses of Mg and Ni. Secondary carbonate veins have 87Sr/86Sr = 0.706337 - 0.707046, and a negative correlation with d18O results from seawater-basalt interaction. Carbonates could have formed at any time since the formation of Site 801 crust. Variable d13C values (-11.2? to 2.9?) reflect the incorporation of oxidized organic carbon from intercalated sediments and changes in the d13C of seawater over time. Compared to other oceanic basements, a major difference at Site 801 is the presence of two hydrothermal silica-iron deposits that formed from low-temperature hydrothermal fluids at the spreading axis. Basalts associated with these horizons are intensely altered (60-100%) to phyllosilicates, calcite, K-feldspar, and titanite; and exhibit large increases in K, Rb, Cs, Ba, H2O, and CO2, and losses of FeT, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, and Sr. These effects may be common in crust formed at fast-spreading rates, but are not ubiquitous. A second important difference is that the abundance of brown oxidation halos along fractures at Site 801 is an order of magnitude less than at some other sites (2% vs. 20-30%). Relatively smooth basement topography (<100 m) and high sedimentation rate (8 m/Ma) probably restricted the access of oxygenated seawater. Basement lithostratigraphy and early low-temperature hydrothermal alteration and mineral precipitation in fractures at the spreading axis controlled permeability and limited later flow of oxygenated seawater to restricted depth intervals.