854 resultados para marine sediments

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Long chain alkyl diols form a group of lipids occurring widely in marine environments. Recent studies have suggested several palaeoclimatological applications for proxies based on their distributions, but also revealed uncertainties about their applicability. Here we evaluate the use of long chain 1,14-alkyl diol indices for reconstruction of temperature and upwelling conditions by comparing index values, obtained from a comprehensive set of marine surface sediments, with environmental factors like sea surface temperature (SST), salinity and nutrient concentrations. Previous cultivation efforts indicated a strong effect of temperature on the degree of saturation and the chain length distribution of long chain 1,14-alkyl diols in Proboscia spp., quantified in the diol saturation index (DSI) and diol chain length index (DCI), respectively. However, values of these indices in surface sediments show no relationship with annual mean SST of the overlying water. It remains unknown what determines the DSI, although our data suggests that it may be affected by diagenesis, while the relationship between temperature and DCI may be different for different Proboscia species. In addition, contributions of algae other than Proboscia diatoms may affect both indices, although our data provide no direct evidence for additional long chain 1,14-alkyl diol sources. Two other indices using the abundance of 1,14-diols vs. 1,13-diols and C30 1,15-diols have previously been applied as indicators for upwelling intensity at different locations. The geographical distribution of their values supports the use of 1,14 diols vs. 1,13 diols [C28 + C30 1,14-diols]/[(C28 + C30 1,13-diols) + (C28 + C30 1,14-diols)] as a general indicator for high nutrient or upwelling conditions.


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Al, K, Sc and Ti concentrations of the terrestrial material-dominant sediments from ODP site 1144 were reported. Comparison between the bulk and the acid-leached sediments indicates that about 20~30% of the Al, K and Sc in the bulk sediments are not hosted in terrestrial detritus, rather they are of authigenic origin. However, authigenic Ti is negligible. The results indicate that Ti rather than Al is the best proxy for terrestrial materials. Significant climate controls are displayed in the Al/Ti, K/Ti and Sc/Ti variation patterns both for the bulk and the acid leached sediments. Such variation patterns can be mainly accounted for in terms of climate change in their provenance areas in South China. Elevated Al/Ti, K/Ti and Sc/Ti ratios during interglacial periods indicate that chemical weathering then was stronger than during glacial periods, which might be related to a more humid climate in interglacial periods.


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Observations of carbonate preservation in marine sediments have long been used to infer changes in ocean circulation or biogenic production. When combined with measures of organic carbon rain and calcite accumulation rates, quantitative estimates of changes in preservation can reveal variation in biogenic fluxes, the org. C to calcite flux ratio and saturation state of bottom waters. Here we develop quantitative dissolution proxies for mid to higher latitudes based on foraminiferal test fragmentation. Examining surface sediments, we find that fragmentation in G. bulloides and G. truncatulinoides is linear with increasing seabed dissolution rate and can be used to quantify changes in carbonate preservation. G. truncatulinoides shows a constant relationship of fragmentation to dissolution. However, we observe that, although linear to dissolution rate, the fragmentation in G. bulloides depends on which morphotype is present. Other species, such as G. inflata, have complex responses to increasing dissolution and are less direct preservation indicators.


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High-nutrient tropical carbonate systems are known to produce sediments that, in terms of skeletal composition, are reminiscent of their extra-tropical counterparts. Such carbonate systems and associated carbonate grain assemblages in the tropics are rare in the present-day world. Nonetheless, it is crucial to gain a better understanding of those ecosystems, including their drivers and players because such settings potentially represent models for ancient depositional systems as well as for predicted future environmental conditions. One of the modern occurrences of eutrophic tropical carbonate systems is the northern Mauritanian Shelf. The marine environment is characterized by an eastern boundary upwelling system that pushes cool and nutrient-rich intermediate waters onto a wide epicontinental platform (Golfe d'Arguin) where the waters warm up to tropical temperatures. The resulting facies is mixed carbonate-siliciclastic with a dominant foramol association grading into bimol and barnamol grain assemblages in the shallowest areas forming the Banc d'Arguin. Besides this cool water-related heterozoan association, the carbonate sediment is characterized by tropical molluskan species, while chlorozoan biota (e.g., corals and algal symbiont-bearing foraminifers) are entirely absent. We here present a first comprehensive facies analysis of this model example of eutrophic tropical carbonates. Furthermore, we reconstruct the loci of carbonate production and provide a conclusive depositional model of the Banc d'Arguin that received little attention to date due to its poorly accessible nature.


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Interstitial water and sediment samples of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) expedition 313 "New Jersey Shallow Shelf" were analyzed for chemical composition and stable isotope ratios. A total of 222 water samples were collected from the cores by Rhizon samplers and squeezing of fresh core material. Water was analyzed for its stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry (d2H and d18O) at sites M0027A and M0029A, and the carbon isotope composition of the dissolved inorganic carbon (d13CDIC) (all sites). In addition, organic material (Corg) and inorganic carbonates from sediments were analyzed for their carbon ratios (d13Corg and d13Ccarb), and in case of the carbonates also for oxygen (d18Ocarb). Carbon isotopes were also analyzed in samples containing enough methane gas (d13Cmeth). Pore fluids from site M0027A were analyzed for the sulfur isotope composition of dissolved sulfate (d34S). The combination of isotope analyses of all phases (interstitial water, sediment, and gas) with pore water chemistry is expected to enable a better understanding of processes in the sediment and will help to identify the origin of fluids under the New Jersey shelf.


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Copper porphyrins have been recognized as natural constituents of marine sediments only within the past 5 years (Palmer and Baker, 1978, Science201, 49-51). In that report it was suggested that these pigments may derive from and be markers for oxidized terrestrial organic matter redeposited in the marine environment. In the present study we describe the distribution of copper porphyrins in sediments from several north Pacific and Gulf of California DSDP/IPQD sites (Legs 56,63,64). These allochthonous pigments have now been found to be accompanied by identical arrays of highly dealkylated nickel etioporphyrins. Evaluation of data from this and past studies clearly reveals that there is a strong carbon-number distribution similarity betweeen coincident Cu and Ni etioporphyrins. This homology match is taken as reflecting a common source for the tetrapyrrole ligands of this population of Cu and Ni chelates. Predepositional generation of these highly dealkylated etioporphyrins is concluded from the occurrence of these pigments in sediments continuing essentially all stages of in situ chlorophyll diagenesis (cf. Baker and Louda, 1983). That is, their presence is not regulated by the in situ diagenetic continuum. Thus, the highly dealkylated Cu and Ni etioporphyrins represent an 'allochthonous' background over which 'autochthonous' (viz. marine produced) chlorophyll derivatives are deposited and are undergoing in situ diagenesis.


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A method was developed to measure porosity and dissolved interstitial silicate at millimeter intervals or less in a sediment core. In cores from Emerald Basin (Scotian Shelf), interstitial concentrations near the sediment surface did not drop rapidly to bottom-water concentrations as measured in bottle casts (28 µM) but remained as high as 166 µM in the upper 0.5 mm of sediment High rates of benthic silicate release were measured which could not be accounted for by interstitial concentration gradients or by ventilation of macro-invertebrate burrows. The silicate discontinuity observed between the sediments and water column suggests that a diffusive sublayer exists in a zone of viscous flow above the sediment surface. This is possible only if a surface reaction is primarily responsible for silicate release. By assuming a linear concentration gradient across this diffusive sublayer, the silicate release rates were used to estimate the thickness of the sublayer to be about 2 mm.


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We present initial isotopic ratios of lead for Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian) sections from Shatsky Rise (Pacific) and Gorgo a Cerbara (Italy). Our Pb isotopic data track an interval representing Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE)-1a, which is characterized by quasi-global deposition of organic carbon-rich black shale. Pb isotopic compositions of sediments from Shatsky Rise decrease at the end of Barremian time, from radiogenic continental values to unradiogenic values, and subsequently remained less radiogenic until the end of early Aptian time. We explain the isotopic shift by a significant increase in supply rate of unradiogenic Pb, most likely due to massive volcanism. In contrast, the Pb isotopic compositions from the Italian section, which was situated at the western end of Tethys, are mostly identical to those of upper continental crust, showing no significant change in supply rate of unradiogenic Pb. The discrepancy between two sites is attributed to quiescent deep-submarine eruptions of Pacific large igneous provinces (LIPs) such as the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP), which severely limited dispersion of Pb-carrying particles out of the Pacific Ocean. Published Os isotopic data from the Italian section indicate two episodes of massive eruptions of OJP or contemporaneous Manihiki and Hikurangi plateaus starting from earliest Aptian time, slightly later than that indicated by the sedimentary Pb isotopic record from Shatsky Rise. Differences in isotopic variations between Pb and Os likely reflect differences in their chemical behaviors in the oceans, i.e., Pb isotopic compositions would have varied in response to local or regional changes in sediment provenances, whereas large-scale changes in Os inputs are required to explain variations in seawater Os isotopic compositions. Our Pb isotopic data, together with the published Os isotopic record, provide new evidence for the eruptive history of OJP together with contemporaneous Pacific plateaus and its environmental consequences, starting from end-Barremian time and extending through early Aptian time.


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In order to understand the driving forces for Pleistocene climate change more fully we need to compare the timing of climate events with their possible forcing. In contrast to the last interglacial (marine isotope stage (MIS) 5) the timing of the penultimate interglacial (MIS 7) is poorly constrained. This study constrains its timing and structure by precise U-Th dating of high-resolution delta18O records from aragonite-rich Bahamian slope sediments of ODP Leg 166 (Sites 1008 and 1009). The major glacial-interglacial cycles in delta18O are distinct within these cores and some MIS 7 substages can be identified. These sediments are well suited for U-Th dating because they have uranium concentrations of up to 12 ppm and very low initial 230Th contributions with most samples showing 230Th/232Th activity ratio of >75. U and Th concentrations and isotope ratios were measured by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry and multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, with the latter providing dramatically better precision. Twenty-nine of the 41 samples measured have a delta234U value close to modern seawater suggesting that they have experienced little diagenesis. Ages from 27 of the 41 samples were deemed reliable on the basis of both their U and their Th isotope ratios. Ages generally increase with depth, although we see a repeated section of stratigraphy in one core. Extrapolation of constant sedimentation rate through each substage suggests that the peak of MIS 7e lasted from ~237 to 228 ka and that 7c began at 215 ka. This timing is consistent with existing low precision radiometric dates from speleothem deposits. The beginning of both these substages appears to be slightly later than in orbitally tuned timescales. The end of MIS 7 is complex, but also appears to be somewhat later than is suggested by orbitally tuned timescales, although this event is not particularly well defined in these cores.


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Terrestrial organic matter (OM) in pelagic sediments is discussed with regard to depositional processes and land-sea interactions in the modern and past glacial/interglacial Equatorial Atlantic. Special emphasis is placed on a critical evaluation of different analytical approaches (C/N, Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, stable carbon isotopes, palynology, organic petrology, and selected biomarkers) which are currently used for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of terrigenous organic carbon. If binary mixing equations are used to calculate terrestrial and marine proportions of organic carbon, we consider the definition of endmember values to be most critical since these values may be biased by a great number of independent controls. A combination of geochemical methods including optical studies (organic petrology and palynology) is therefore suggested to evaluate each individual proxy. Organic geochemical analyses performed on sediments from the modern and Late Quaternary Equatorial Atlantic evidence fluctuations in eolian supply of terrigenous OM related to changes in intensity of the trade winds. Quantification of this organic fraction leads to differing proportions depending on the approach applied, i.e. the organic carbon isotopic composition or maceral analyses. Modern distribution of terrigenous OM reveals a decrease in supply towards the basin contributing less than a fifth of the total OM in pelagic areas. Organic geochemical data indicate that sedimentation in the modern northeastern Brasil Basin is affected by lateral advection of reworked OM probably from southern source areas. Glacial/interglacial deposits from the pelagic Equatorial Atlantic (ODP Site 663), covering isotopic stages 12 and 11, reveal that deposition of terrigenous OM was higher under past glacial conditions, in correspondence to generally enhanced dust fluxes. Proportions of terrigenous OM, however, never exceed 50% of the total OM according to maceral analyses. Other estimates, recently proposed by Verardo and Ruddiman (1996), are considered to be too high probably for analytical reasons. Palynological records in the Equatorial Atlantic parallel dust records. Increased portions of grass pollen suggest the admixture of C4-plant material under modern and past glacial conditions. It is therefore assumed, as one possible interpetation, that C4-plant debris has an effect on sedimentary d13Corg and might explain differences between isotopic and microscopic quantitative estimates. Using the difference between these two records, we calculate that maximum supply of C4-material remains below 20% of the total OM for the deep modern and past glacial/interglacial Equatorial Atlantic.


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The fluorescence of porewaters from marine sediment cores from six different areas was measured. In most cases, fluorescence was affected primarily by the diagenesis of organic carbon first through sulfate reduction and subsequently by methane generation. Typically, fluorescence, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), absorbance, alkalinity, and ammonium ion concentrations correlate quite well, increasing in the upper sections of anoxic sediments and co-varying in deeper sections of these cores. The good correlation of DOC with fluorescence in the three cores in which DOC was measured indicates that fluorescence can be used to make a first order estimate of DOC concentration in anoxic porewaters. Data are consistent with a model in which labile organic matter in the sediments is broken down by sulfur reducing bacteria to low molecular weight monomers. These monomers are either remineralized to CO2 or polymerize to form dissolved, fluorescent, high molecular weight molecules. The few exceptions to this model involve hydrothermally generated hydrocarbons that are formed in situ in the Guaymas Basin or are horizontally advected along the decollement in the Nankai Trench.