7 resultados para inorganic structure

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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A mesocosm experiment was conducted to quantify the effects of reduced pH and elevated temperature on an intact marine invertebrate community. Standardised faunal communities, collected from the extreme low intertidal zone using artificial substrate units, were exposed to one of eight nominal treatments (four pH levels: 8.0, 7.7, 7.3 and 6.7, crossed with two temperature levels: 12 and 16°C). After 60 days exposure communities showed significant changes in structure and lower diversity in response to reduced pH. The response to temperature was more complex. At higher pH levels (8.0 and 7.7) elevated temperature treatments contained higher species abundances and diversity than the lower temperature treatments. In contrast, at lower pH levels (7.3 and 6.7), elevated temperature treatments had lower species abundances and diversity than lower temperature treatments. The species losses responsible for these changes in community structure and diversity were not randomly distributed across the different phyla examined. Molluscs showed the greatest reduction in abundance and diversity in response to low pH and elevated temperature, whilst annelid abundance and diversity was mostly unaffected by low pH and was higher at the elevated temperature. The arthropod response was between these two extremes with moderately reduced abundance and diversity at low pH and elevated temperature. Nematode abundance increased in response to low pH and elevated temperature, probably due to the reduction of ecological constraints, such as predation and competition, caused by a decrease in macrofaunal abundance. This community-based mesocosm study supports previous suggestions, based on observations of direct physiological impacts, that ocean acidification induced changes in marine biodiversity will be driven by differential vulnerability within and between different taxonomical groups. This study also illustrates the importance of considering indirect effects that occur within multispecies assemblages when attempting to predict the consequences of ocean acidification and global warming on marine communities.


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Calcification and growth of crustose coralline algae (CCA) are affected by elevated seawater pCO2 and associated changes in carbonate chemistry. However, the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on population and community-level responses of CCA have barely been investigated. We explored changes in community structure and population dynamics (size structure and reproduction) of CCA in response to OA. Recruited from an experimental flow-through system, CCA settled onto the walls of plastic aquaria and developed under exposure to one of three pCO2 treatments (control [present day, 389±6 ppm CO2], medium [753±11 ppm], and high [1267±19 ppm]). Elevated pCO2 reduced total CCA abundance and affected community structure, in particular the density of the dominant species Pneophyllum sp. and Porolithon onkodes. Meanwhile, the relative abundance of P. onkodes declined from 24% under control CO2 to 8.3% in high CO2 (65% change), while the relative abundance of Pneophyllum sp. remained constant. Population size structure of P. onkodes differed significantly across treatments, with fewer larger individuals under high CO2. In contrast, the population size structure and number of reproductive structures (conceptacles) per crust of Pneophyllum sp. was similar across treatments. The difference in the magnitude of the response of species abundance and population size structure between species may have the potential to induce species composition changes in the future. These results demonstrate that the impacts of OA on key coral reef builders go beyond declines in calcification and growth, and suggest important changes to aspects of population dynamics and community ecology.


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Shells of the bivalve Arctica islandica are used to reconstruct paleo-environmental conditions (e.g. temperature) via biogeochemical proxies, i.e. biogenic components that are related closely to environmental parameters at the time of shell formation. Several studies have shown that proxies like element and isotope-ratios can be affected by shell growth and microstructure. Thus it is essential to evaluate the impact of changing environmental parameters such as high pCO2 and consequent changes in carbonate chemistry on shell properties to validate these biogeochemical proxies for a wider range of environmental conditions. Growth experiments with Arctica islandica from the Western Baltic Sea kept under different pCO2 levels (from 380 to 1120 µatm) indicate no affect of elevated pCO2 on shell growth or crystal microstructure, indicating that A. islandica shows an adaptation to a wider range of pCO2 levels than reported for other species. Accordingly, proxy information derived from A. islandica shells of this region contains no pCO2 related bias.


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The response of phytoplankton assemblages to hydrographical forcing across the southern Brazilian shelf was studied based on data collected during wintertime (June/2012), complemented with MODIS-Aqua satellite imagery. The in situ data set was comprised by water column structure properties (derived from CTD casts), dissolved inorganic nutrients (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate) and phytoplankton biomass [chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration] and composition. Phytoplankton assemblages were assessed by both microscopy and HPLC-CHEMTAX approaches. A canonical correspondence analysis associating physical, chemical and phytoplankton composition data at surface evinced a tight coupling between the phytoplankton community and hydrographic conditions, with remarkable environmental gradients across three different domains: the pelagic, outer shelf Tropical Water (TW); the mid shelf domain under influence of Subtropical Shelf Water (STSW); and the inner shelf domain mainly under influence of riverine outflow of the Plata River Plume Water (PPW). Results showed that intrusion of low salinity and nutrient-rich PPW stimulated the phytoplankton growth and diversity within the inner shelf region, with enhanced Chl a levels (>1.3 mg/m**3) and a great abundance of diatoms, ciliates, dinoflagellates, raphidophyceans and cryptophytes. Conversely, other diatoms (e.g. Rhizosolenia clevei), tiny species of prochlorophytes and cyanobacteria and a noticeable contribution of dinoflagellates and other flagellates associated with lower Chl a levels (<0.93 mg/m**3), characterized the TW domain, where low nutrient concentrations and deep upper mixed layer were found. The transitional mid shelf domain showed intermediate levels of both nutrients and Chl a (ranging 1.06-1.59 mg/m**3), and phytoplankton was mainly composed by dinoflagellates, such as Dinophysis spp., and gymnodinioids. Results have shown considerable phytoplankton diversity in winter at that section of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean.


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1. On the cruises 3 and 15 of R.V. "Meteor" 6 grab samples, and 6 hauls with the 6 m Agassiztrawl were taken and at 2 stations the deep sea camera was lowered. This material gave quantitative results on the meiofauna and minimum counts of the macrofauna. 2. The nematodes constitute nearly 95% of the meiofauna, the copepoda only 2%. With increasing sediment depth the density of animals decrease gradually. In the uppermost centimeter of sediment 42.6% of the meiofauna are found while only 3.7% live in layer 6-7 cm. Meiofauna weight ranges from 0.6-5.7 mg/25 m**2 surface i.e. 0.24-2.8 g/m**2. 3. Mean numbers of individuals and weights show standard errors of 20-30 %. As an approximate average values for further considerations the weight of the meiofauna in the area was taken as 1 g/m**2 4. Quantitative information on the macrofauna is derived from the trawls and the photographs for the actinia Chitonanthus abyssorum only, which is found in the rate of 1 individual/36-72 m**2, but seems to be less abundant generally. 5. Animal density does not decrease steadily from nearshore to offshore biocoenoses, i.e. generally with increasing depth. The decrease is more pronounced for macro- than for meiofauna. For the deep sea the weight proportion of macrofauna : meiofauna is of the order of 1 : 1. 6. With the assumption, that adaptation of metabolism to deep sea conditions is similar in macro- and meiofauna total metabolism of invertebrates is ascribed to meiofauna to more than 80%. 7. The structure of the biocoenosis of the deep sea floor is characterized by the meiofauna living on and in the sediment and by the dominance of sediment feeders in the macrofauna. 8. Considering the large numbets and high partition rates of bacteria a comparative large part of the metabolism in the deep sea sediment must be ascribed to bacteria. This favours the hypothesis, that with increasing depth and decreasing addition of organic material to the sediment, the importance of meiofauna and microorganisms for total metabolism increases. 9. Considering the different modes of food transport to the deep sea environment, i.e. sinking of dead particles, transport by vertical migration of organisms, aggregation of organic particles, adsorption of dissoloved organic substance to inorganic particles, and heterotrophy, the sediment may be assumed to contain more food for invertebrates than the water above the bottom. 10. Suspensions feeders of macrofauna are fixed to hard substrates in the sediment surface. Some of them are shown to bend themselves down to the bottom in underwater photographs. This suggests the idea that some deep sea suspension feeders partly depend on food from the sediment surface, on which they feed directly.