Effects of ocean acidification on population dynamics and community structure of crustose coralline algae

Autoria(s): Ordoñez, Alexandra; Doropoulos, Christopher; Diaz-Pulido, Guillermo

LATITUDE: 23.442310 * LONGITUDE: 151.912750 * DATE/TIME START: 2010-12-05T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2011-02-15T00:00:00




Calcification and growth of crustose coralline algae (CCA) are affected by elevated seawater pCO2 and associated changes in carbonate chemistry. However, the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on population and community-level responses of CCA have barely been investigated. We explored changes in community structure and population dynamics (size structure and reproduction) of CCA in response to OA. Recruited from an experimental flow-through system, CCA settled onto the walls of plastic aquaria and developed under exposure to one of three pCO2 treatments (control [present day, 389±6 ppm CO2], medium [753±11 ppm], and high [1267±19 ppm]). Elevated pCO2 reduced total CCA abundance and affected community structure, in particular the density of the dominant species Pneophyllum sp. and Porolithon onkodes. Meanwhile, the relative abundance of P. onkodes declined from 24% under control CO2 to 8.3% in high CO2 (65% change), while the relative abundance of Pneophyllum sp. remained constant. Population size structure of P. onkodes differed significantly across treatments, with fewer larger individuals under high CO2. In contrast, the population size structure and number of reproductive structures (conceptacles) per crust of Pneophyllum sp. was similar across treatments. The difference in the magnitude of the response of species abundance and population size structure between species may have the potential to induce species composition changes in the future. These results demonstrate that the impacts of OA on key coral reef builders go beyond declines in calcification and growth, and suggest important changes to aspects of population dynamics and community ecology.


text/tab-separated-values, 130378 data points









Lavigne, Héloise; Epitalon, Jean-Marie; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre (2014): seacarb: seawater carbonate chemistry with R. R package version 3.0. https://cran.r-project.org/package=seacarb


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Ordoñez, Alexandra; Doropoulos, Christopher; Diaz-Pulido, Guillermo (2014): Effects of ocean acidification on population dynamics and community structure of crustose coralline algae. Biological Bulletin, 226(3), 255-268, doi:10.1086/BBLv226n3p255

Palavras-Chave #abundance; Abundance; Abundance per area; algae; Alkalinity, total; Alkalinity, total, standard error; Aragonite saturation state; Area in square milimeter; Bicarbonate ion; Bicarbonate ion, standard error; BRcommunity; Calcite saturation state; Calcite saturation state, standard error; Calculated using CO2SYS; Calculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010); Carbon, inorganic, dissolved; Carbonate ion; Carbonate ion, standard error; Carbonate system computation flag; Carbon dioxide; community composition; Coverage; EXP; Experiment; Figure; Fugacity of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air); Heron_Island_OA; Identification; laboratory; morphology; OA-ICC; Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre; other process; Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air); Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air), standard error; pH; pH, standard error; Potentiometric; Potentiometric titration; reproduction; Salinity; Salinity, standard error; South Pacific; Species; Temperature, water; Temperature, water, standard error; Treatment
