141 resultados para Xyonysius californicus

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 167 represents the first time since 1978 that the North American Pacific margin was drilled to study ocean history. More than 7500 m of Quaternary to middle Miocene (14 Ma) sediments were recovered from 13 sites, representing the most complete stratigraphic sequence on the California margin. Diatoms are found in most samples in variable abundance and in a moderately well-preserved state throughout the sequence, and they are often dominated by robust, dissolution-resistant species. The Neogene North Pacific diatom zonation of Yanagisawa and Akiba (1998, doi:10.5575/geosoc.104.395) best divides the Miocene to Quaternary sequences, and updated ages of diatom biohorizons estimated based on the geomagnetic polarity time scale of Cande and Kent (1995, doi:10.1029/94JB03098) are slightly revised to adjust the differences between the other zonations. Most of the early middle Miocene through Pleistocene diatom datum levels that have been proven to be of stratigraphic utility in the North Pacific appear to be nearly isochronous within the level of resolution constrained by sample spacing. The assemblages are characterized by species typical of middle-to-high latitudes and regions of high surface-water productivity, predominantly by Coscinodiscus marginatus, Stephanopyxis species, Proboscia barboi, and Thalassiothrix longissima. Latest Miocene through Pliocene assemblages in the region of the California Current, however, are intermediate between those of subarctic and subtropical areas. As a result, neither the existing tropical nor the subarctic (high latitude) zonal schemes were applicable for this region. An interval of pronounced diatom dissolution detected throughout the Pliocene sequence apparently correspond to a relatively warmer paleoceanographic condition resulting in a slackening of the southward flow of the California Current.


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The occurrences of ten datum events for the Quaternary and top Pliocene nannofossils are identified at nine Leg 115 sites. A quantitative investigation of Paleogene nannofossils in 470 samples selected from 11 holes at 9 sites yielded 197 taxa, including one new species and 10 unidentified taxa that are likely to be new species. Regional differences in the timing of some biostratigraphically important events are recognized, and a set of datum events useful for biostratigra- phy in the tropical Indian Ocean is presented. Biogeographical differences are minor for Paleogene cores from the tropical sites (Sites 707-716); however, the Quaternary and late early Oligocene floras observed at the two subtropical sites (Sites 705 and 706) differ significantly from the corresponding floras of the tropical sites. Bathymetrically controlled dissolution is recognized by the reduction of species diversity in the Paleogene flora. Selective dissolution of nannofossils is also evidenced by the percentage reduction of three holococcolith taxa, Lanternithus minutus, Zygrhablithus bijugatus, and Holococcolith type A as well as by the increase of Coccolithus pelagicusand Cribrocentrum reticulatumin the deeper sites.


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The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, ~5 million years ago) was an interval of global warming and ocean acidification attributed to rapid release and oxidation of buried carbon. We show that the onset of the PETM coincided with a prominent increase in the origination and extinction of calcareous phytoplankton. Yet major perturbation of the surface-water saturation state across the PETM was not detrimental to the survival of most calcareous nannoplankton taxa and did not impart a calcification or ecological bias to the pattern of evolutionary turnover. Instead, the rate of environmental change appears to have driven turnover, preferentially affecting rare taxa living close to their viable limits.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 114 recovered nannofossil-bearing sediments from seven sites in the high latitudes of the South Atlantic Ocean. Cretaceous sections were recovered from Sites 698 and 700, located on the Northeast Georgia Rise and its lower flanks, respectively. These contain distinctive high-latitude nannofossil floras similar to those from high-latitude areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Most of the biostratigraphic datums used to date the upper Campanian to Maestrichtian interval appear to lie at approximately the same level in both hemispheres. The FAD of Nephrolithus frequens is confirmed to be diachronous with an earlier occurrence in high latitudes. The LAD of Monomarginatus primus n. sp. also appears to be diachronous with a later LAD in the high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Fossiliferous Paleocene to lowermost Miocene sediments were recovered at all seven sites, from the Northeast Georgia Rise in the west to the Meteor Rise in the east. These nannofossil floras, although restricted in diversity and only poorly preserved, are sufficiently distinctive to allow the recognition of 19 zones and three subzones, which are used to date and correlate the cores recovered. Only Site 704 on the Meteor Rise yielded a substantial section of Miocene to Quaternary nannofossil-rich sediments. The nannofossil floras of this section are of very low diversity, with usually fewer than eight species present. Some stratigraphic ranges of important biostratigraphic datum species are observed to be different in the high-latitude sections from those recorded from low-latitude areas. The LAD of Reticulofenestra bisecta, when calibrated by magnetostratigraphy, appears to occur earlier in Hole 699A (within Chron C6CR) than in Hole 703A and possibly Hole 704B and in other published accounts of lower latitude sites in the South Atlantic. The FAD of Nannotetrina fulgens/N. cristata appears to occur later in Hole 702B (Chron C20R) than it does in other published accounts of lower latitude sites in the South Atlantic. Diachroneity is also suspected in the stratigraphic ranges of Chiasmolithus solitus and Chiasmolithus oamaruensis, although poor magnetostratigraphic results through the critical interval prevent confirmation of this. Differences in the relative stratigraphic ranges of lsthmolithus recurvus and Cribrocentrum coenurumlC. reticulatum at Sites 699 and 703 are noted. These possibly suggest warmer surface waters on the eastern side (Site 703) of the middle to late Eocene South Atlantic than those on the western side (Site 699). The diversities of the nannofossil floras and the presence of the warm-water genera Discoaster, Sphenolithus, Helicosphaera, and Amaurolithus reflect the changing surface water temperatures throughout the Cenozoic. Warmer periods are inferred for the late Paleocene to early middle Eocene, late middle Eocene to late Eocene, latest Oligocene to earliest Miocene, and possibly the Pliocene. Colder periods are inferred for the middle Eocene, most of the Oligocene, and the Miocene. Dramatic changes in the nannofossil floras of the Pleistocene of Site 704 are thought to reflect a rapidly changing environment. Monomarginatus primus, a new species from the Upper Cretaceous strata of Hole 700B, is described.


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Two of five holes drilled at two separate sites during Leg 123 of the Ocean Drilling Program intersected thick and relatively complete sections of Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene nannofossiliferous sediments. Although dominated by turbidite deposition in the upper part, Hole 765C contains a thick and relatively complete Albian-Oligocene section, including a particularly thick Aptian interval, with abundant and fairly well-preserved nannofossils. Several unconformities are confidently interpreted in this section that span much of the Santonian, late Campanian, Maestrichtian, late Eocene, and early Oligocene. Hole 766A contains a thick and relatively complete Albian-lower Eocene section having generally abundant and well-preserved nannofossils. Several unconformities also have been identified in this section that span much of the Coniacian, early Campanian, Maestrichtian, and late Eocene through early Pliocene. The chronostratigraphic position and length of all these unconformities may have considerable significance for reconstructing the sedimentary history and for interpreting the paleoceanography of this region. A particularly thick section of upper Paleocene-lower Eocene sediments, including a complete record across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, also was cored in Hole 766A that contains abundant and diverse nannofossil assemblages. Although assemblages from this section were correlated successfully using a standard low-latitude zonation, difficulties were encountered that reduced biostratigraphic resolution. Several lines of evidence suggest a mid-latitude position for Site 766 during this time, including (1) high assemblage diversity characteristic of mid-latitude zones of upwelling and (2) absence of certain ecologically controlled markers found only in low latitudes.


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Cores from Sites 1135, 1136, and 1138 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183 to the Kerguelen Plateau (KP) provide the most complete Paleocene and Eocene sections yet recovered from the southern Indian Ocean. These nannofossil-foraminifer oozes and chalks provide an opportunity to study southern high-latitude biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic events, which is the primary subject of this paper. In addition, a stable isotope profile was established across the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary at Site 1138. An apparently complete K/T boundary was recovered at Site 1138 in terms of assemblage succession, isotopic signature, and reworking of older (Cretaceous) nannofossil taxa. There is a significant color change, a negative carbon isotope shift, and nannofossil turnover. The placement of the boundary based on these criteria, however, is not in agreement with the available shipboard paleomagnetic stratigraphy. We await shore-based paleomagnetic study to confirm or deny those preliminary results. The Paleocene nannofossil assemblage is, in general, characteristic of the high latitudes with abundant Chiasmolithus, Prinsius, and Toweius. Placed in context with other Southern Ocean sites, the biogeography of Hornibrookina indicates the presence of some type of water mass boundary over the KP during the earliest Paleocene. This boundary disappeared by the late Paleocene, however, when there was an influx of warm-water discoasters, sphenoliths, and fasciculiths. This not only indicates that during much of the late Paleocene water temperatures were relatively equable, but preliminary floral and stable isotope analyses also indicate that a relatively complete record of the late Paleocene Thermal Maximum event was recovered at Site 1135. It was only at the beginning of the middle Eocene that water temperatures began to decline and the nannofossil assemblage became dominated by cool-water species while discoaster and sphenolith abundances and diversity were dramatically reduced. One new taxonomic combination is proposed, Heliolithus robustus Arney, Ladner, and Wise.


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Cores from Sites 689 and 690 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 113 provide the most continuous Paleocene and Eocene sequence yet recovered by deep sea drilling in the high latitudes of the Southern Ocean. The nannofossil-foraminifer oozes and chalks recovered from Maud Rise at 65°S in the Weddell Sea provide a unique opportunity for biostratigraphic study of extremely high southern latitude carbonate sediments. The presence of warm water index fossils such as the discoasters and species of the Tribrachiatus plexus facilitate the application of commonly used low latitude calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic zonation schemes for the upper Paleocene and lower Eocene intervals. In the more complete section at Site 690, Okada and Bukry Zones CP1 through CP10 can be identified for the most part with the possible exception of Zone CP3. Several hiatuses are present in the sequence at Site 689 with the most notable being at the Cretaceous/Tertiary and Paleocene/Eocene boundaries. Though not extremely diverse, the assemblage of discoasters in the upper Paleocene and lower Eocene calcareous oozes is indicative of warm, relatively equable climates during that interval. A peak in discoaster diversity in uppermost Paleocene sediments (Zone CP8) corresponds to a negative shift in 5180 values. Associated coccolith assemblages are quite characteristic of high latitudes with abundant Chiasmolithus, Prinsius, and Toweius. Climatic cooling is indicated for middle Eocene sediments by assemblages that contain very abundant Reticulofenestra, lack common discoasters and sphenoliths and are much less diverse overall. Two new taxa are described, Biscutum? neocoronum n. sp. and Amithalithina sigmundii n. gen., n. sp.


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Paleocene and Eocene nannofossil flora from Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 25 and 40 were analyzed in order to provide a basis of comparison with DSDP Legs 36 and 71 and with other South Atlantic assemblages. A mid-latitude biostratigraphic zonation, using previously described zonal markers, was adopted for the southwest Indian Ocean. Various diagenetic effects were noted in the sedimentary sequences. Some of these mask to some extent paleoecologic signals, particularly those generated by the Discoaster/Chiasmolithus ratio.


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Lower Eocene calcareous nannofossil limestone cored at DSDP Site 612 on the middle slope off New Jersey represents an almost complete biostratigraphic sequence; only the lowest biozone (CP9a; NP10*) was not recovered. The thickness of the strata (198 m), the good preservation of the nannofossils, and the lack of long hiatuses justify the acceptance of this section as a lower Eocene reference for the western North Atlantic margin. The widely recognized and very similar nannofossil zonations of Martini (NP zones) and Bukry-Okada (CP zones) are emended slightly to make their lower Eocene biozones coeval; in addition, five new subzones are erected that subdivide zones CP10 and CPU (NP12 and NP13). Established biozone names are retained as they are altered little in concept, but alphanumeric code systems are changed somewhat by appending an asterisk (*) to identify zones that are emended. Zone CP10* (NP12*) is divided into two parts, the Lophodolithus nascens Subzone (CP10*a; NP12*a) and the Helicosphaera seminulum Subzone (CP10*b; NP12*b). Zone CPU* (NP13*) is divided into three parts, the Helicosphaera lophota Subzone (CP11*a; NP13*a), the Cyclicargolithuspseudogammation Subzone (CP11*b; NP13*b), and the Rhabdosphaera tenuis Subzone (CP11*c; NP13*c). At Site 612, a time-depth curve based on nannofossil datums dated in previous studies reveals a smoothly declining sediment accumulation rate, from 4.9 cm/10**3yr in CP10* (NP12*) to 2.8 cm/103 yr. in CP12* (NP14*). The ages of first-occurrence datums not previously dated are approximated by projection onto this timedepth curve and are as follows: Helicosphaera seminulum, 55.0 Ma; Helicosphaera lophota, 54.5 Ma; Cyclicargolithus pseudogammation, 53.7 Ma; Rhabdosphaera tenuis, 52.6 Ma; and Rhabdosphaera inflata, 50.2 Ma. At nearby Site 613 on the upper rise, strata of similar age, 139 m thick, contain an unconformity representing Subzone CPll*b (NP13*b) and a hiatus of approximately 1.1 m.y. duration. The sediment accumulation rate in the lower part of this section (9.7 cm/10**3yr.) is twice that observed for equivalent strata at Site 612. The hiatus and the heightened sediment accumulation rate at Site 613 probably represent the effects of episodic mass wasting on the early Eocene continental slope and rise.


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Long-term evolution is thought to take opportunities that arise as a consequence of mass extinction (as argued, for example, by Gould, 2002) and the following biotic recovery, but there is absolutely no evidence for this being the case. However, our study shows that eutrophication by oceanic mixing also played a part in the enhancement of several evolutionary events amongst marine organisms, and these results could indicate that the rates of oceanic biodiversification may be slowed if upwelling becomes weakened by future global warming. This paper defines three distinct evolutionary events of resting spores of the marine diatom genus Chaetoceros, to reconstruct past upwelling through the analysis of several DSDP, ODP and land-based successions from the North, South and equatorial Pacific as well as the Atlantic Ocean during the past 40 million years. The Atlantic Chaetoceros Explosion (ACE) event occurred across the E/O boundary in the North Atlantic, and is characterized by resting spore diversification that occurred as a consequence of the onset of upwelling following changes in thermohaline circulation through global cooling in the early Oligocene. Pacific Chaetoceros Explosion events-1 and -2 (PACE-1 and PACE-2) are characterized by relatively higher occurrences of iron input following the Himalayan uplift and aridification at 8.5 Ma and ca. 2.5 Ma in the North Pacific region. These events not only enhanced the diversification and increased abundance of primary producers, including that of Chaetoceros, other diatoms and seaweeds, but also stimulated the evolution of zooplankton and larger predators, such as copepods and marine mammals, which ate these phytoplankton and plants. Current thinking suggests new evolutionary niches open up after a mass extinction, but our study finds that eutrophication can also stimulate evolutionary diversification. Moreover, in the opposite fashion, our results show that as thermohaline circulation abates, global warming progresses and the ocean surface becomes warmer, many marine organisms will be affected by the environmental degradation.


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According to the drilling probes of the Deep Waier Drilling Project, Neogene sediments in a tropical area of the Pacific Ocean are divided into 15 zones based on diatoms. The author shows that a unique zonation may be applied for the entire region. Identification of diatoms zones boundaries was conducted through their direct correlation with nannoplancton, radiolarian and foraminiferal zonal sceals. Their ultra-structure and morphological relationship are being analysed. The mode of siliceous accumulation within the equatorial belt differed through the western central and eastern region since the early Miocene and the difference become more evident from the end of Middle Miocene. The distribution of Neogene diatomaceous silt in the tropical area is controlled by the character of gyre-water circulation and agrees with the modern geographical zonation.


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Maestrichtian to Holocene calcareous nannofossils from two closely spaced sites on the upper continental rise some 100 miles (161 km) southeast of Atlantic City, New Jersey, were zoned in order to help date a major canyon-cutting event in the late Miocene and to delineate and correlate other hiatuses with seismic stratigraphy. Mid-middle Eocene through middle Miocene sediments (Zones CP14 to CN6) were not recovered in these holes, but nearly all other zones are accounted for. The Eocene section is described in a companion chapter (Applegate and Wise, 1987, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.93.118.1987). Nannofossils are generally sparse and moderately preserved in the clastic sediments of Site 604. Sedimentation rates are extremely high for the upper Pleistocene (201 m/m.y. minimum) above a hiatus calculated to span 0.44 to 1.1 Ma. The associated disconformity is correlated with local seismic reflection Horizon Pr . Sedimentation rates continue to be high (93 m/m.y.) down to a second hiatus in the upper Pliocene dated from about 2.4 to 2.9 (or possibly 3.3) Ma. The disconformity associated with this hiatus is correlated with local seismic reflection Horizon P2 and regional Reflector Blue, which can be interpreted to mark either the onset of Northern Hemisphere continental glaciation or circulation changes associated with the closure of the Central American Seaway. Sedimentation rates in the pre-glacial lower Pliocene are only about a third those in the glacial upper Pliocene. A prominent disconformity in the upper Miocene marks a major lithologic boundary that separates Messinian(?) glauconitic claystones above from lower Tortonian conglomeratic debris flows and turbidites below. The debris flows recovered are assigned to nannofossil Zones CN8a and CN7, but drilling difficulties prevented penetration of the bottom of this sequence some 100 m below the terminal depth of the hole. Correlation of the lower bounding seismic reflector (M2/Merlin?) to a drift sequence drilled on the lower rise at DSDP Site 603, however, predicts that the debris flows began close to the beginning of the late Miocene (upper Zone CN6 time) at about 10.5 Ma. The debris flows represent a major canyon-cutting event that we correlate with the beginning of the particularly severe late Miocene glaciations believed to be associated with the formation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The existence of these spectacular debris flows strongly suggest that the late Miocene glacio-eustatic low stand occurred during Vail Cycle TM3.1 (lower Tortonian) rather than during Vail Cycle TM3.2 (Messinian) as originally published. Beneath a set of coalesced regional disconformities centered upon seismic reflection Horizon Au, coccoliths are abundant and in general are moderately preserved at Site 605 in a 619-m carbonate section extending from the middle Eocene Zone CP13b to the upper Maestrichtian Lithraphidites quadratus Zone. Sedimentation rates are 37 m/m.y. in the Eocene down to a condensed interval near the base (Zone CP9). A disconformity is suspected near the Eocene/Paleocene boundary. Sedimentation rates for the upper Paleocene Zone CP8 are similar to those of the Eocene, but Zones CP7 and CP6 lie within another condensed interval. The highest Paleocene rates are 67 m/m.y. down through Zones CP5 and CP4 to a major disconformity that separates the upper Paleocene from the Danian. This hiatus spans about 2.6 m.y. (upper Zone CP3 to lower Zone CP2) and corresponds to the major sea-level drop at the base of Vail Cycle TE2.1. As the most prominent break in this Paleogene section, it may correspond to seismic reflection Horizon A* of the North American Basin. Sedimentation rates from this point to the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary drop to 11 m/m.y., still high for a Paleocene DSDP section. No major break in deposition could be detected at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary.


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Study of DSDP Sites 71, 77, and 495 has allowed the development of a refined diatom biostratigraphy for the latest Oligocene through early middle Miocene of the eastern tropical Pacific which is well correlated to the low-latitude zonations for planktonic foraminifers, coccoliths, and radiolarians. Six zones and 7 subzones are proposed, and correlation with high-latitude diatoms zonations for the North Pacific, the Norwegian Sea, and the Southern Ocean is suggested by the discovery of selected diatoms in these tropical sediments which were previously thought to be restricted to high latitudes. Six new species and one new variety of diatoms which are stratigraphically useful are proposed : Actinocyclus hajosiae, n. sp., A. radionovae, n. sp., Coscinodiscus blysmos, n. sp., C. praenodulifer, n. sp., Craspedodiscus rydei, n. sp., Thalassiosira bukryi, n. sp., and Coscinodiscus lewisianus var. robustus n. var.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 125, a thick sequence of middle Eocene to Pleistocene pelagic sediments, volcanogenic sediments, and predominantly extrusive volcanic rocks was recovered. Calcareous nannofossils were examined from 15 holes at nine sites, but Eocene to Miocene calcareous nannofossils were found only from Holes 782A, 784A, 786A, and 786B. In portions of Holes 786A and 786B, datable nannofossil oozes were found intercalated among volcanic flows. The nannofossil biostratigraphy of these holes indicates the presence of three well-defined hiatuses: within the lower Oligocene, between the upper Oligocene and middle Miocene, and between the middle and upper Miocene. An attempt was made to correlate the magnetochronological data with the first or last occurrences of the following species: Sphenolithus distentus, Reticulofenestra bisecta, Reticulofenestra reticulata, and Cyclicargolithus floridanus abisectus n. comb. The results indicate that the FO of Sphenolithus distentus can extend down to Zone CP16 (34.7 Ma), the LO of Reticulofenestra bisecta best defines the boundary between CP19a and CP19b (23.5 Ma), and the LO of Cyclicargolithus f. abisectus n. comb, can extend up to Subzone CN5a (12.5 Ma). No latest Oligocene Cyclicargolithus f. abisectus n. comb, acme was observed. Cyclicargolithus abisectus is considered a subspecies or variant of Cyclicargolithus floridanus because their LOs coincide. As a consequence of these observations, we have modified the definitions of Bukry's Subzones CP14a, CP14b, and CNla. Analyses of sediment-accumulation rates indicate that the rates increased gradually from the Eocene to Miocene. This is especially evident since the late Miocene in Hole 782A. In different parts of the Izu-Bonin forearc basin, however, the rate is not everywhere the same and appears to vary according to the import of volcanogenic materials.