em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Fifteen lengths of Leg 59 cores (primarily from Hole 451 as well as from Holes 447A and 448A) exhibiting macroscopic faults were selected by Dr. R. B. Scott (Co-Chief Scientist, Leg 59) to help us initiate this petrofabric analysis. We proposed to (1) determine what dynamically useful deformation features might be associated with the faults, and (2) infer from these features as much as possible about the physical environment of the deformation (effective pressure, differential stress, temperature, and strain rate), the orientation and relatively magnitudes of the principal stresses at the time of deformation, and the degree of induration of the rocks at the time of deformation. The cores, mainly from Hole 451, had been slabbed on board ship with respect to the trace of bedding so that each cut surface contains the true bedding dip-direction. In general, the cores from Hole 451 are largely calcareous, lithic and vitric, brecciated tuffs, whereas those from Holes 447A and 448A are basalts or basalt breccias.


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Deformation features within the cores are studied with a view towards elucidating the structure of the Middle America Trench along the transect drilled during Leg 67. Where possible, inferences are made as to the physical environment of deformation. Extensional tectonics prevails in the area of the seaward slope and trench. Fracturing and one well-preserved normal fault are found mostly within the lower Miocene chalks, at the base of the sedimentary section. These chalks have high porosities (40%-60%) and water content (30%-190%, based on % dry wt.). Experimental triaxial compression tests conducted on both dry and water-saturated samples of chalk from Holes 495 and 499B show that only in the saturated samples is more brittle behavior observed. Brittle failure of the chalks is greatly facilitated by pore fluid pressures that lead to low effective pressures. Additional embrittlement (weakening) can take place as a result of the imposed extensional stress resulting from bending of a subducting elastic oceanic plate. The chalks exhibit, in a landward direction, an increase in density and mechanical strength and a decrease in water content. These changes are attributed to mechanical compaction that may have resulted from tectonic horizontal compression. The structure of the landward slope is not well understood because the slope sites had to be abandoned due to the presence of gas hydrate. The relationship of the chaotic, brittle deformation (observed in the cores from Hole 494A) at the base of the landward slope to tectonic processes remains unclear. The deformation observed on the slope sites (Holes 496 and 497) is mostly fracturing and near-vertical sigmoidal veinlets. These are interpreted as being the result of gas/fluid overpressurization due to the decomposition of the gas hydrate, and not due to tectonic loading of accreted sediments. Aside from four small displacement (less than 1cm) reverse faults observed in the lower Miocene chalks (which may be the product of soft-sediment deformation), there is a noticeable absence of structures reflecting a dominance of horizontal (tectonic) compression along the transect drilled. The absence of such features, the lack of continuity of sediment types across the trench-landward slope, and the normal stratigraphic sequence in Hole 494A do not support any known accretionary model.