17 resultados para Port Campbell Region (Vic.) -- History

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy at DSDP-IPOD Leg 80 sites documents the existence of regionwide stratigraphic gaps in the Paleocene and middle Miocene. Episodes of carbonate dissolution also occurred during the Paleocene at several sites, particularly at Site 549, where destruction of foraminiferal tests may obscure evidence of an unconformity. The middle Miocene hiatus is apparent at each site where Neogene sediments were continuously cored. Upper Miocene sediments at Site 550 (the only abyssal site) are characterized by moderate to extensive dissolution of planktonic foraminifers, but they contain abundant specimens of Bolboforma that mark this stratigraphic interval (von Daniels and Spiegler, 1974, doi:10.1007/BF02986990; Roegl, 1976, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.35.133.1976; Murray, 1979, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.48.116.1979; Müller et al., 1985, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.80.117.1985). Although foraminiferal evidence is not conclusive, nannofossils indicate a widespread Oligocene unconformity (Müller, 1985). Several oceanographic factors, not just simple sea-level change, probably interacted to produce these regional unconformities. There are also dramatic differences in the Cenozoic sedimentary record among Leg 80 sites, indicating that each has had a distinct geologic history. The thickness of the Cenozoic section varies from 100 m at Site 551 to 471 m at Site 548. The thickness of individual chronostratigraphic units also varies, as do the number and stratigraphic position of unconformities other than those mentioned. Differences in the stratigraphic record from site to site across the continental slope result from (1) location in separate half-graben structures, (2) varying location across the developing margin, and (3) difference in position relative to the seaward edge of the enclosing half-graben. Except for turbidites, deposition at Site 550 (abyssal) was largely independent of developments on the continental slope; but it was affected by oceanographic events widespread in the North Atlantic.


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The Agulhas Bank region, south of Africa, is an oceanographically important and complex area. The leakage of warm saline Indian Ocean water into the South Atlantic around the southern tip of Africa is a crucial factor in the global thermohaline circulation. Foraminiferal assemblage, stable isotope and sedimentological data from the top 10 m of core MD962080, recovered from the western Agulhas Bank Slope, are used to indicate changes in water mass circulation in the southeastern South Atlantic for the last 450 kyr. Sedimentological and planktonic foraminiferal data give clear signals of cold water intrusions. The benthic stable isotope record provides the stratigraphic framework and indicates that the last four climatic cycles are represented (i.e. down to marine isotope stage (MIS) 12). The planktonic foraminiferal assemblages bear a clear transitional to subantarctic character with Globorotalia inflata and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (dextral) being the dominant taxa. Input of cold, subantarctic waters into the region by means of leakage through the Subtropical Convergence, as part of Agulhas ring shedding, and a general cooling of surface waters is suggested by increased occurrence of the subantarctic assemblage during glacial periods. Variable input of Indian Ocean waters via the Agulhas Current is indicated by the presence of tropical/subtropical planktonic foraminiferal species Globoquadrina dutertrei, Globigerinoides ruber (alba) and Globorotalia menardii with maximum leakage occurring at glacial terminations. The continuous presence of G. menardii throughout the core suggests that the exchange of water from the South Indian Ocean to the South Atlantic Ocean was never entirely obstructed in the last 450 kyr. The benthic carbon isotope record and sediment textural data reflect a change in bottom water masses over the core location from North Atlantic Deep Water to Upper Southern Component Water. Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and sediment composition indicate a profound change in surface water conditions over the core site approximately 200-250 kyr BP, during MIS 7, from mixed subantarctic and transitional water masses to overall warmer surface water conditions.


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The Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary record of Leg 71 and previously drilled sequences from the Southern Ocean reveal evidence of a major late Miocene change of oceanic and glacial conditions in the southern high latitudes during paleomagnetic Chron 9. The characteristics of late Miocene sedimentation and in particular the study of erosional patterns and ice-rafted debris suggest the following conclusions. 1) In the late Miocene, the Polar Front first migrated to the northern latitudes of the Southern Ocean and surface water temperatures became similar to those of today. 2) Extensive ice shelves or ice tongues were not present along the Antarctic margin until late Chron 9 (about 9.0 Ma). 3) Before Chron 9, West Antarctica was occupied by an archipelago and the West Antarctic Sea. 4) Extensive ice shelves formed in the West Antarctic region, eventually coalescing and thickening to form the grounded West Antarctic ice sheet by Chron 9. 5) The newly formed West Antarctic ice sheet was probably unstable and frequently became an ungrounded ice shelf, thus accounting for the scarcity of late Miocene ice-rafted debris. 6) Extensive erosion or nondeposition of sediment was probably the result of increased Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) formation in the West Antarctic region during the initial formation of extensive West Antarctic ice shelves and during periods when the West Antarctic ice sheet was ungrounded. 7) In the Southwest Atlantic, AABW velocity waned during the latest Miocene. During the late Gilbert Chron a major and permanent change occurred in the pattern of ice-rafting to the South Atlantic, and after 4.35 Ma the increased IRD accumulation rate and frequency of major episodes of IRD accumulation suggest increased stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet. In addition, radiolarian faunas of Hole 514 record at least eight migrations of the Polar Front to the north of the site during the past 4.07 m.y. An apparent increase in the frequency of Polar Front migrations occurred about 2.7-2.6 Ma, possibly in response to oceanic change induced by fluctuations in glacial conditions of the Northern Hemisphere.


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A long-running interdisciplinary research project on the development of landscape, prehistoric habitation and the history of vegetation within a "siedlungskammer" (limited habitation areal from neolithic to modern times has been carried out in the NW German lowlands, The siedlungskammer Flögeln is situated between the rivers Weser and EIbe and comprises about 23.5 km^2. It is an isolated pleistocene area surrounded by bogs, the soils consisting mainly of poor sands. In this siedlungskammer large-seale archaeological excavations and mappings have been performed, parallel to pedological, historical and above all pollen analytical investigations. The aim of the project is to record the individual phases in time, to delimit the respective settlement areas and to reconstruct the conditions of life and economy for each time period. A dense network of 10 pollen diagrams has been constructed. Several of them derive from the marginal area and from the centre of the large raised bog north of the siedlungskammer. These diagrams reflect the history of vegetation and habitation of a large region; due to the large pollen source area the habitation phases in the diagrams are poorly defined. Even in the utmost marginal diagram of this woodless bog, a great village with adjoining fields, situated only 100 m away from it, is registered with only low values of anthropogenic indicators. In contrast to this, the numerous pollen diagrams from kettle-hole bogs inside the siedlungskammer yield an exact picture of the habitation of the siedlungskammer and their individual parts. Early traces of habitation can be identified in the pollen diagram soon after the elm decline (around 5190 BP). Some time later in the middle neolithic period there follows a marked habitation phase, which starts between 4500 and 4400 BP and reflects the immigration of the trichterbecher culture. It corresponds to the landnam phase of Iversen in Denmark and begins with a sharp decline of the pollen curves of lime and oak, followed by the increase of anthropogenic indicators pointing to arable and pastural farming. High values of wild grasses and Calluna witness extensive forest grazing. This middle to late neolithic habitation is also registered archaeologically by settlements and numerous graves. After low human activity during Bronze Age and Older Iron Age times the archaeological and pollen analytical records of Roman and Migration periods is again very strong. This is followed by a gap in habitation during the 6th and 7th centuries and afterwards in the western part of the siedlungskammer from about 700 AD until the 14th century by the activity of the medieval village of Dalem, that was also excavated and whose fields were recorded by phosphate mapping to a size of 117 hectares. This medieval settlement phase is marked by much cereal cultivation (mainly rye). The dense network of pollen diagrams offers an opportunity to register the dispersion of the anthropogenic indicators from the areas of settlement to different distances and thus to obtain quantitative clues for the assessment of these anthropogenic indicators in pollen diagrams. In fig. 4 the reflection of the neolithic culture in the kettle-hole bogs and the large raised bog is shown in 3 phases: a) pre landnam, b) TRB-landnam, c) post landnam. Among arboreal pollen the reaction of Quercus is sharp close to the settlement but is not found at more distant profiles, whilst in contrast to this Tilia shows a significant decline even far away from the settlements. The record of most anthropogenic indicators outside the habitation area is very low, in particular cereal pollen is poorly dispersed; much more certain as an indicator for habitation (also for arable farming!) is Plantago lanceolata. A strong increase of wild grasses (partly Calluna aswell) some distance from the habitation areas indicates far reaching forest grazing. Fig. 5 illustrates the reflection of the anthropogenie indicators from the medieval village Dalem. In this instance the field area could be mapped exactly using phosphate investigations, and it has been possible to indicate the precise distances of the profile sites from the medieval fields. Here also, there is a clear correlation between decreasing anthropogenic indicators and increasing distance. In a kettle-hole bog (FLH) a distance of 3000 m away this marked settlement phase is not registered. The contrast between the pollen diagrams SWK and FLH (fig. 2 + 3, enclosure), illustrates the strong differences between diagrams from kettlehole bogs close to and distant from the settlements, for the neolithic as well as for the medieval period. On the basis of the examples presented here, implications concerning the interpretation of pollen diagrams with respect to habitation phases are discussed.


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The high-altitude lake Tso Moriri (32°55'46'' N, 78°19'24'' E; 4522 m a.s.l.) is situated at the margin of the ISM and westerly influences in the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh. Human settlements are rare and domestic and wild animals are concentrating at the alpine meadows. A set of modern surface samples and fossil pollen from deep-water TMD core was evaluated with a focus on indicator types revealing human impact, grazing activities and lake system development during the last ca. 12 cal ka BP. Furthermore, the non-pollen palynomorph (NPP) record, comprising remains of limnic algae and invertebrates as well as fungal spores and charred plant tissue fragments, were examined in order to attest palaeolimnic phases and human impact, respectively. Changes in the early and middle Holocene limnic environment are mainly influenced by regional climatic conditions and glacier-fed meltwater flow in the catchment area. The NPP record indicates low lake productivity with high influx of freshwater between ca. 11.5 and 4.5 cal ka BP which is in agreement with the regional monsoon dynamics and published climate reconstructions. Geomorphologic observations suggest that during this period of enhanced precipitation the lake had a regular outflow and contributed large amounts of water to the Sutlej River, the lower reaches of which were integral part of the Indus Civilization area. The inferred minimum fresh water input and maximum lake productivity between ca. 4.5-1.8 cal ka BP coincides with the reconstruction of greatest aridity and glaciation in the Korzong valley resulting in significantly reduced or even ceased outflow. We suggest that lowered lake levels and river discharge on a larger regional scale may have caused irrigation problems and harvest losses in the Indus valley and lowlands occupied by sedentary agricultural communities. This scenario, in turn, supports the theory that, Mature Harappan urbanism (ca. 4.5-3.9 cal ka BP) emerged in order to facilitate storage, protection, administration, and redistribution of crop yields and secondly, the eventual collapse of the Harappan Culture (ca. 3.5-3 cal ka BP) was promoted by prolonged aridity. There is no clear evidence for human impact around Tso Moriri prior to ca. 3.7 cal ka BP, with a more distinct record since ca. 2.7 cal ka BP. This suggests that the sedimentary record from Tso Moriri primarily archives the regional climate history.


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Sedimentary sections recovered from the Tonga platform and forearc during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 provide a record of the sedimentary evolution of the active margin of the Indo-Australian Plate from late Eocene time to the Present. Facies analyses of the sediments, coupled with interpretations of downhole Formation MicroScanner logs, allow the complete sedimentary and subsidence history of each site to be reconstructed. After taking into account the water depths in which the sediments were deposited and their subsequent compaction, the forearc region of the Tofua Arc (Site 841) can be seen to have experienced an initial period of tectonic subsidence dating from 35.5 Ma. Subsidence has probably been gradual since that time, with possible phases of accelerated subsidence, starting at 16.2 and 10.0 Ma. The Tonga Platform (Site 840) records only the last 7.0 Ma of arc evolution. However, the increased accuracy of paleowater depth determinations possible with shallow-water platform sediments allows the resolution of a distinct increase in subsidence rates at 5.30 Ma. Thus, sedimentology and subsidence analyses show the existence of at least two, and possibly four, separate subsidence events in the forearc region. Subsidence dating from 35.5 Ma is linked to rifting of the South Fiji Basin. Any subsidence dating from 16.2 Ma at Site 841 does not correlate with another known tectonic event and is perhaps linked to localized extensional faulting related to slab roll back during steady-state subduction. Subsidence from 10.0 Ma coincides with the breakup of the early Tertiary Vitiaz Arc because of the subduction polarity reversal in the New Hebrides and the subsequent readjustment of the plate boundary geometry. More recently, rapid subsidence and deposition of a upward-fining cycle from 5.30 Ma to the Present at Site 840 is thought to relate to rifting of the Lau Basin. Sedimentation is principally controlled by tectonic activity, with variations in eustatic sea level playing a significant, but subordinate role. Subduction of the Louisville Seamount Chain seems to have disrupted the forearc region locally, although it had only a modest effect on the subsidence history and sedimentation of the Tonga Platform as a whole.


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Palynological investigations of sediments from northern Bavaria (Rhön, Grabfeld, Lange Berge) reveal the Late Glacial and Postglacial history of the regional vegetation. The older sedirnents were found in the Rhön (Schwarzes Moor) and date back into the Bölling Period. At the end of that period pine spread into the Grabfeld. In both areas Lacher Tuff has been found. A radiocarbon date of 10,300 BP was found for the Late Glacial - Postglacial transition and one of 9300 BP for the Preboreal - Boreal transition. Hazel reached its highest values in the Rhön around 7,400 BP. During the Atlanticum a deciduous mixed oak forest covered the Rhön and Grabfeld regions. Beech dominated since the Subatlanticum. In the Lange Berge region, however, a mixed forest with Fagus, Picea, Pinus and Abies developed. In the Rhön first anthropogenic influence was found during the Latene Period. The boundary between zone IX and X has been dated at 820 A.D., and the start of extensive forest clearances at 1000 A. D. A culmination of landuse was found for the Medieval Period. At the end of that period however the Rhön was deserted. New forest clearances started around 1500 A.D., but were interrupted by the 'Thirty Years War'. Afterwards the Rhön got its present appearance.