em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
The decomposition rate of organic, Compounds, following the death of a plant, is dependent on several external factors. Assimilatory pigments generally undergo a rapid degradation. In certain condition, however, their decomposition may be considerably retarded; e.g. compounds similar to chlorophyll and some carotenoids, as a and ß-carotene, lutein and others, may persist several thousand years in marine and lake Sediments (Vallentyne 1960). Derivatives of chlorophyll were also found in the surface layer of wood soil (Gorham 1959). In this connection the question arises, in what a way a still different environment, namely peat, influences the decomposition rate of pigments. The starting point in these investigations was the fact observed by one of the co-authors, that many subfossil fir needles from various depths of the peat bog in Cergowa Gora were bright yellow green pigmented. Macroscopic otoservations have already suggested that, at least, a part of the pigments did not undergo decomposition. A study was undertaken with the aim to determine the quantitative and qualitative changes in assimilatory pigments, occurring in fir needles in dependence on the pexiod of time they were lying in the peat bog.
While the R.V. "Meteor" was in the eastern Persian Gulf, during the time between March 31 and April 14, 1965, bacteriological investigations of the water and sediment were performed. The content of saprophytic bacteria in the water decreases from the coasts outward to the middle of the gulf. This shows a good correlation with the turbidity values. In a sediment core from the southern part of the gulf, the bacterial counts in all the horizonts were much higher than those from the northern part of the Persian Gulf. This agrees with the findings of the geologists, according to which the proportion of carbon compounds in the sediments decreases from south to north. Luminous bacteria were found in many samples of water. Their proportion of the saprophytic flora becomes less from south to north. Most of the water samples also contained pigmented bacteria. On freshwater medium, relatively few bacteria were able to develop. The proportion of these non-halophilic forms amounted up to 7 % (average about 1 %) of the total saprophytic count, in 22 samples examined. In this group the pigmented forms played a very large role. A comparison of the distribution of saprophytic bacteria in the eastern Persian Gulf with that in other inland seas such as the North Sea and the Baltic Sea shows, that the saprophytic counts in the subtropical Persian Gulf (arid region) lie clearly below those in corresponding sea areas of the temperate zones (humid region). This is to be attributed above all to the greater flow of organic nutrients into the latter.