42 resultados para Organic petrography

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The quantity, type, and maturity of organic matter of Quaternary and Tertiary sediments from the Philippine Sea (DSDP Leg 58; Sites 442-446) were determined. Hydrocarbons in lipid extracts were analyzed by capillary-column gas chromatography. Kerogen concentrates were investigated by microscopy for vitrinite reflectance values and maceral composition. In the Shikoku Basin sediments (Sites 442, 443, and 444), organic carbon values range between 0.03 and 0.44 per cent. The higher values in the younger sediments are interpreted as an indication of increasing deposition of eroded organic particles during the past 4 m.y. Microscopic analyses revealed a dominance of reworked organic matter. Primary material could not be distinguished readily; thus, no maturation trend could be established. Extract yields were low. TV-alkane distributions mostly show maxima at n-C29 and n-C31 and high odd-over-even predominances, typical of material which originated in terrigenous higher plants. The organic-carbon values of sediments of the Daito Ridge and Basin region (Sites 444 and 445) range from less than 0.01 to 0.05 per cent. TV-alkanes exhibit varying marine and terrigenous influences. Some carbonate-rich samples show a pronounced even-over-odd predominance. At least the older sediments contained less recycled organic matter than the Shikoku Basin samples. The maturity, where measurable, was low. None of the Philippine Sea samples indicates a significant hydrocarbon-generation potential.


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A lenticle of organic matter in a piece of dolomite rock embedded in Triassic sandy mudstone of Core 547B-35 (DSDP Leg 79) was identified as inertinite-rich coal by organic petrography and analytical pyrolysis. About 95% of the organic matter recognized under the microscope consists of pyrofusinite, degradofusinite, and inertodetrinite. Gaseous hydrocarbons evolved during pyrolysis are rich in methane and are characteristic of inertinitic material. The organic matter is suggested to be a piece of redeposited Permian Gondwana coal.


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Using methods of analysis from organic geochemistry and organic petrography, we investigated six Pliocene to Maestrichtian samples from DSDP Site 612 and five Pliocene to Eocene samples from DSDP Site 613 for the quantity, type, and thermal maturity of organic matter. At both sites, organic carbon content is low in the Eocene samples (0.10 to 0.20%) and relatively high in the Pliocene/Miocene samples (0.87 to 1.15%). The Maestrichtian samples from Site 612 contain about 0.6% organic carbon. The organic matter is predominantly terrigenous, as indicated by low hydrogen index values from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and the dominance of long-chain wax alkanes in the extractable hydrocarbons. The organic matter is at a low level of thermal maturity; measured vitrinite reflectance values were between 0.27 and 0.44%.


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Quantity, type, and maturity of the organic matter of middle Miocene to Quaternary sediments from the eastern North Pacific (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63) were determined. Hydrocarbons and fatty acids in lipid extracts were analyzed by capillary column gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Kerogens were investigated by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and microscopy, and vitrinite reflectance values were determined. At Site 467, in the San Miguel Gap of the outer California Continental Borderland, organic carbon contents range from 1.46% to 5.40%. Normalized to organic carbon, total extracts increase from about 10 to 36 mg/g Corg with depth. The organic matter is a mixture of both marine and terrestrial origin, with the marine organic matter representing a high proportion in some of the samples. Steroid hydrocarbons - sterenes and steradienes in the upper part of the section and steranes in the deepest sample - are the most abundant compounds in the nonaromatic hydrocarbon fractions. Perylene, alkylated thiophenes, and aromatic steroid hydrocarbons dominate in the aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of the shallower samples; increasing maturation is indicated by a more petroleumlike aromatic hydrocarbon distribution. Microscopy revealed a high amount of liptinitic organic matter and confirmed the maturation trend as observed from analysis of the extracts. The vitrinite reflectance may be extrapolated to a bottom-hole value of nearly 0.5% Ro. The liquid hydrocarbon potential of the sediments at higher maturity levels is rated to be good to excellent. At Site 471, off Baja California, organic carbon values are between 0.70% and 1.12%. Extract values increase with depth, as at Site 467. The investigation of the soluble and insoluble organic matter, despite some compositional similarities, consistently revealed a more terrigenous influx compared with Site 467. Thus the potential for liquid hydrocarbon generation is lower, the organic matter being more gas-prone. The deepest sample analyzed indicates the onset of hydrocarbon generation. At this site, frequent sand intercalations offer pathways for migration and possibly reservoir formation.


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Thirty sediment samples from Tortonian to Pleistocene age of five ODP locations (Holes 650A, 651A, and 652A, and Sites 654 and 655) in the Marsili Basin, Vavilov Basin, and Sardinia Margin (Tyrrhenian Sea) were studied by organic geochemical methods including total organic carbon determination, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, bitumen extraction, pyrolysis-gas chromatography, and organic petrography. Six organic facies, including open ocean anoxia with variable terrestrial input, oxic open ocean, oxic tidal flat, mildly oxic lagoon, and anoxic lacustrine algal-bacterial mat environments, have been recognized in these sediments. The sediments below 500 m in Sardinia Margin are mature for significant hydrocarbon generation. Possible mature source-rock (Type I and IIB/III kerogen) and migrated bitumen occur in the deeper part of the section in Vavilov Basin and Sardinia Margin sediments. Sporadic sapropel formation observed in the studied Pliocene-Pleistocene sediment section is probably controlled by organic productivity due to nutrient supply by the rivers and terrestrial input associated with open ocean anoxia or anoxia caused by the material balance between rate of organic matter supplied by turbidites and organic matter consumption. Pliocene and Pleistocene sapropels are mostly immature and lie within Type II-III (precisely as IIA-IIB and IIB source rocks) kerogen maturation path.


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In the framework of a multidisciplinary research program, an organic geochemical study was carried out on a drill core which comprises a 245 m thick sequence of light-colored, Upper Albian marlstones that were deposited in the central part of the Lower Saxony basin (northern Germany). For part of the Upper Albian sequence, high-resolution measurements of carbonate contents reveal cycles which can be related to earth orbital forcing. Based on these data, sediment accumulation rates were calculated to be in the order of 15 g/m**2/yr. These high accumulation rates contrast with very low organic carbon contents and an extremely poor preservation of the autochthonous organic matter. Most of the sedimentary organic matter is of terrigenous origin and mainly derived from the erosion of older sedimentary rocks. Organic petrography reveals only a very small fraction of marine organic particles. Carbon/sulphur ratios, pristane/phytane ratios as well as the predominance of resedimented organic particles over autochthonous organic particles suggest that aerobic degradation processes rather than anaerobic processes (sulphate reduction) were responsible for the degradation of the organic matter. Furthermore, the scarcity of terrigenous organic particles (vitrinite) indicates that there was little vegetation on nearby land areas. To explain these analytical results, a depositional model was developed which could explain the scarcity of organic matter in the Upper Albian sediments. This model is based on downwelling of oxygen-rich, saline waters of Tethyan origin, which reduces the nutrient content of surface waters and thus primary bioproductivity while degradation of primary organic matter in the water column is enhanced at the same time. These conditions contrast to those which existed in Barremian and early Aptian times in this basin, when limited water exchange with adjacent oceans caused oxygen deficiency and the deposition of numerous organic carbon-rich black shales. The thick, organic matter-poor Upper Albian sequence of northern Germany also contrasts with comparatively thin, time-equivalent, deep-sea black shales from Italy. This discrepancy indicates that local and regional oceanographic factors (at least in this case) have a greater influence on organic matter deposition than global events.


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A series of upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sediment samples from DSDP Sites 582 and 583 (Nankai Trough, active margin off Japan) were investigated by organic geochemical methods including organic carbon determination, Rock- Eval pyrolysis, gas chromatography of extractable hydrocarbons, and kerogen microscopy. The organic carbon content is fairly uniform and moderately low (0.35 to 0.77%) at both sites, although accompanied by high sedimentation rates. The low organic matter concentrations are the result of the combined effect of several factors: low bioproductivity, oxic depositional environment, and dilution with lithogenic material. Organic petrography revealed a mixture of three maceral types: (1) fresh, green fluorescent alginites of aquatic origin probably transported by turbidites from the shelf edge, (2) gelified huminites and paniculate liptinites derived from the erosion of unconsolidated peat, and (3) highly reflecting inertinites derived from continental erosion. By a combination of organic petrography and Rock-Eval pyrolysis results, the organic matter is characterized as mainly type III kerogen with a slight tendency to a mixed type II-III. During Rock-Eval pyrolysis, a mineral matrix effect on the generated hydrocarbons was observed. The organic matter in all sediments has a low level of maturity (below 0.45% Rm) and has not yet reached the onset of thermal hydrocarbon generation according to several geochemical maturation parameters. This low maturity is in contrast to anomalously high extract yields at both sites and large hydrocarbon proportions in the extracts at Site 583. This contrast may be due to early generation of polar compounds and perhaps redistribution of hydrocarbons caused by subduction tectonics. Carbon isotope data of the interstitial hydrocarbon gases indicate their origin from bacterial degradation of organic matter, although only very few bacterially degraded maceral components were detected.