18 resultados para Marine mammals

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Little is known about the prevalence of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii in the arctic marine food chain of Svalbard, Norway. In this study, plasma samples were analyzed for T. gondii antibodies using a direct agglutination test. Antibody prevalence was 45.6% among polar bears (Ursus maritimus), 18.7% among ringed seals (Pusa hispida) and 66.7% among adult bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) from Svalbard, but no sign of antibodies were found in bearded seal pups, harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), white whales (Delphinapterus leucas) or narwhals (Monodon monoceros) from the same area. Prevalence was significantly higher in male polar bears (52.3%) compared with females (39.3%), likely due to dietary differences between the sexes. Compared to an earlier study, T. gondii prevalence in polar bears has doubled in the past decade. Consistently, an earlier study on ringed seals did not detect T. gondii. The high recent prevalence in polar bears, ringed seals and bearded seals could be caused by an increase in the number or survivorship of oocysts being transported via the North Atlantic Current to Svalbard from southern latitudes. Warmer water temperatures have led to influxes of temperate marine invertebrate filter-feeders that could be vectors for oocysts and warmer water is also likely to favour higher survivorship of oocycts. However, a more diverse than normal array of migratory birds in the Archipelago recently, as well as a marked increase in cruise-ship and other human traffic are also potential sources of T. gondii.


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Recordings from the PerenniAL Acoustic Observatory in the Antarctic ocean (PALAOA) show seasonal acoustic presence of 4 Antarctic ice-breeding seal species (Ross seal, Ommatophoca rossii, Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddellii, crabeater, Lobodon carcinophaga, and leopard seal, Hydrurga leptonyx). Apart from Weddell seals, inhabiting the fast-ice in Atka Bay, the other three (pack-ice) species however have to date never (Ross and leopard seal) or only very rarely (crabeater seals) been sighted in the Atka Bay region. The aim of the PASATA project is twofold: the large passive acoustic hydrophone array (hereafter referred to as large array) aims to localize calling pack-ice pinniped species to obtain information on their location and hence the ice habitat they occupy. This large array consists of four autonomous passive acoustic recorders with a hydrophone sensor deployed through a drilled hole in the sea ice. The PASATA recordings are time-stamped and can therefore be coupled to the PALAOA recordings so that the hydrophone array spans the bay almost entirely from east to west. The second, smaller hydrophone array (hereafter referred to as small array), also consists of four autonomous passive acoustic recorders with hydrophone sensors deployed through drilled holes in the sea ice. The smaller array was deployed within a Weddell seal breeding colony, located further south in the bay, just off the ice shelf. Male Weddell seals are thought to defend underwater territories around or near tide cracks and breathing holes used by females. Vocal activity increases strongly during the breeding season and vocalizations are thought to be used underwater by males for the purpose of territorial defense and advertisement. With the smaller hydrophone array we aim to investigate underwater behaviour of vocalizing male and female Weddell seals to provide further information on underwater movement patterns in relation to the location of tide cracks and breathing holes. As a pilot project, one on-ice and three underwater camera systems have been deployed near breathing holes to obtain additional visual information on Weddell seal behavioural activity. Upon each visit in the breeding colony, a census of colony composition on the ice (number of animals, sex, presence of dependent pups, presence and severity of injuries-indicative of competition intensity) as well as GPS readings of breathing holes and positions of hauled out Weddell seals are taken.


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Temporal variations in concentrations of perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) and sulfonic acids (PFSAs), including perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) structural isomers, were examined in livers of pilot whale (Globicephala melas), ringed seal (Phoca hispida), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) and in muscle tissue of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus). The sampling spanned over 20 years (1984-2009) and covered a large geographical area of the North Atlantic and West Greenland. Liver and muscle samples were homogenized, extracted with acetonitrile, cleaned up using hexane and solid phase extraction (SPE), and analyzed by liquid chromatography with negative electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). In general, the levels of the long-chained PFCAs (C9-C12) increased whereas the levels of PFOS remained steady over the studied period. The PFOS isomer pattern in pilot whale liver was relatively constant over the sampling years. However, in ringed seals there seemed to be a decrease in linear PFOS (L-PFOS) with time, going from 91% in 1984 to 83% in 2006.


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The aim of this contribution is to supply summarized information on the distribution and numbers of marine mammals in the Antarctic. In relation to the topic of the workshop the question to be answered is: "Is there spatial or temporal variation in mammalian presence in the Antarctic area that has relevance to the operation of acoustic devices". If acoustic devices have impact on marine mammals, this does not stop at political borders. Nevertheless, since legal implementation of the Antarctic Environmental Protocol was the major stimulus behind the workshop, this contribution was asked to limit itself to the Antarctic Treaty area, that is south of 60°S.


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Long-term evolution is thought to take opportunities that arise as a consequence of mass extinction (as argued, for example, by Gould, 2002) and the following biotic recovery, but there is absolutely no evidence for this being the case. However, our study shows that eutrophication by oceanic mixing also played a part in the enhancement of several evolutionary events amongst marine organisms, and these results could indicate that the rates of oceanic biodiversification may be slowed if upwelling becomes weakened by future global warming. This paper defines three distinct evolutionary events of resting spores of the marine diatom genus Chaetoceros, to reconstruct past upwelling through the analysis of several DSDP, ODP and land-based successions from the North, South and equatorial Pacific as well as the Atlantic Ocean during the past 40 million years. The Atlantic Chaetoceros Explosion (ACE) event occurred across the E/O boundary in the North Atlantic, and is characterized by resting spore diversification that occurred as a consequence of the onset of upwelling following changes in thermohaline circulation through global cooling in the early Oligocene. Pacific Chaetoceros Explosion events-1 and -2 (PACE-1 and PACE-2) are characterized by relatively higher occurrences of iron input following the Himalayan uplift and aridification at 8.5 Ma and ca. 2.5 Ma in the North Pacific region. These events not only enhanced the diversification and increased abundance of primary producers, including that of Chaetoceros, other diatoms and seaweeds, but also stimulated the evolution of zooplankton and larger predators, such as copepods and marine mammals, which ate these phytoplankton and plants. Current thinking suggests new evolutionary niches open up after a mass extinction, but our study finds that eutrophication can also stimulate evolutionary diversification. Moreover, in the opposite fashion, our results show that as thermohaline circulation abates, global warming progresses and the ocean surface becomes warmer, many marine organisms will be affected by the environmental degradation.


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A selection of PBDE congeners was analyzed in pooled blubber samples of pilot whale (Globicephala melas), ringed seal (Phoca hispida), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) and Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus), covering a time period of more than 20 years (1986-2009). The analytes were extracted and cleaned-up using open column extraction and multi-layer silica gel column chromatography, and the analysis was performed on a GC-MS system operating in the NCI mode. The highest PBDE levels were found in the toothed whale species pilot whale and white-sided dolphin, and the lowest levels in fin whales and ringed seals. One-sided analyses of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey comparisons of means were applied to test for differences between years and sampling areas. Due to inter-year sampling variability, only general comparisons of PBDE concentrations between different sampling areas could be made. Differences in PBDE concentrations between three sampling periods, from 1986 to 2007, were evaluated in samples of pilot whales, ringed seals, white-sided dolphins and hooded seals. The highest PBDE levels were found in samples from the late 1990s or beginning of 2000, possibly reflecting the increase in the global production of technical PBDE mixtures in the 1990s. The levels of BDE #153 and #154 increased relative to the total PBDE concentration in some of the species in recent years, which may indicate an increased relative exposure to higher brominated congeners. In order to assess the effect of measures taken in legally binding international agreements, it is important to continuously monitor POPs such as PBDEs in sub-Arctic and Arctic environments.


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Changing patterns of sea-ice distribution and extent have measurable effects on polar marine systems. Beyond the obvious impacts of key-habitat loss, it is unclear how such changes will influence ice-associated marine mammals in part because of the logistical difficulties of studying foraging behaviour or other aspects of the ecology of large, mobile animals at sea during the polar winter. This study investigated the diet of pregnant bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) during three spring breeding periods (2005, 2006 and 2007) with markedly contrasting ice conditions in Svalbard using stable isotopes (d13C and d15N) measured in whiskers collected from their newborn pups. The d15N values in the whiskers of individual seals ranged from 11.95 to 17.45 per mil, spanning almost 2 full trophic levels. Some seals were clearly dietary specialists, despite the species being characterised overall as a generalist predator. This may buffer bearded seal populations from the changes in prey distributions lower in the marine food web which seems to accompany continued changes in temperature and ice cover. Comparisons with isotopic signatures of known prey, suggested that benthic gastropods and decapods were the most common prey. Bayesian isotopic mixing models indicated that diet varied considerably among years. In the year with most fast-ice (2005), the seals had the greatest proportion of pelagic fish and lowest benthic invertebrate content, and during the year with the least ice (2006), the seals ate more benthic invertebrates and less pelagic fish. This suggests that the seals fed further offshore in years with greater ice cover, but moved in to the fjords when ice-cover was minimal, giving them access to different types of prey. Long-term trends of sea ice decline, earlier ice melt, and increased water temperatures in the Arctic are likely to have ecosystem-wide effects, including impacts on the forage bases of pagophilic seals.


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Marine mammals forage in dynamic environments characterized by variables that are continuously changing in relation to large-scale oceanographic processes. In the present study, behavioural states of satellite-tagged juvenile southern elephant seals (n = 16) from Marion Island were assessed for each reliable location, using variation in turning angle and speed in a state-space modelling framework. A mixed modelling approach was used to analyse the behavioural response of juvenile southern elephant seals to sea-surface temperature and proximity to frontal and bathymetric features. The findings emphasised the importance of frontal features as potentially rewarding areas for foraging juvenile southern elephant seals and provided further evidence of the importance of the area west of Marion Island for higher trophic-level predators. The importance of bathymetric features during the transit phase of juvenile southern elephant seal migrations indicates the use of these features as possible navigational cues.


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A selection of PCN congeners was analyzed in pooled blubber samples of pilot whale (Globicephala melas), ringed seal (Phoca hispida), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) and Atlantic whitesided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus), covering a time period of more than 20 years (1986-2009). A large geographical area of the North Atlantic and Arctic areas was covered. PCN congeners 48, 52, 53, 66 and 69 were found in the blubber samples between 0.03 and 5.9 ng/g lw. Also PCBs were analyzed in minke whales and fin whales from Iceland and the total PCN content accounted for 0.2% or less of the total non-planar PCB content. No statistically significant trend in contaminant levels could be established for the studied areas. However, in all species except minke whales caught off Norway the lowest Sum PCN concentrations were found in samples from the latest sampling period.


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Anthropogenic CO2 is progressively acidifying the ocean, but the responses of harmful algal bloom species that produce toxins that can bioaccumulate remain virtually unknown. The neurotoxin domoic acid is produced by the globally-distributed diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia. This toxin is responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning, which can result in illness or death in humans and regularly causes mass mortalities of marine mammals and birds. Domoic acid production by Pseudo-nitzschia cells is known to be regulated by nutrient availability, but potential interactions with increasing seawater CO2 concentrations are poorly understood. Here we present experiments measuring domoic acid production by acclimatized cultures of Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta that demonstrate a strong synergism between projected future CO2 levels (765 ppm) and silicate-limited growth, which greatly increases cellular toxicity relative to growth under modern atmospheric (360 ppm) or pre-industrial (200 ppm) CO2 conditions. Cellular Si:C ratios decrease with increasing CO2, in a trend opposite to that seen for domoic acid production. The coastal California upwelling system where this species was isolated currently exhibits rapidly increasing levels of anthropogenic acidification, as well as widespread episodic silicate limitation of diatom growth. Our results suggest that the current ecosystem and human health impacts of toxic Pseudo-nitzschia blooms could be greatly exacerbated by future ocean acidification and 'carbon fertilization' of the coastal ocean.


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A selection of MeO-BDE and BDE congeners were analyzed in pooled blubber samples of pilot whale (Globicephala melas), ringed seal (Phoca hispida), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), and Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus), covering a time period of more than 20 years (1986-2009). The analytes were extracted and cleaned-up using open column extraction and multi-layer silica gel column chromatography. The analysis was performed using both low resolution and high resolution GC-MS. MeO-PBDE concentrations relative to total PBDE concentrations varied greatly between sampling periods and species. The highest MeO-PBDE levels were found in the toothed whale species pilot whale and white-sided dolphin, often exceeding the concentration of the most abundant PBDE, BDE-47. The lowest MeO-PBDE levels were found in fin whales and ringed seals. The main MeO-BDE congeners were 6-MeO-BDE47 and 2'-MeO-BDE68. A weak correlation only between BDE47 and its methoxylated analog 6-MeO-BDE47 was found and is indicative of a natural source for MeO-PBDEs.