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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Detailed organic geochemical investigations have been performed on sediment samples from upwelling Site 658 and nonupwelling Sites 657 and 659. The major objective of this study has been the relationship between organic carbon accumulation and paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conditions in the upwelling area off northwest Africa during late Cenozoic times. The study is based on results from organic carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen analyses, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, kerogen microscopy, gas chromatography, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In general, nonupwelling Sites 657 and 659 are characterized by low organic carbon values of less than 0.5%. At Site 657, four events of high organic carbon deposition (total organic carbon of 1%-3%) occur and represent turbidites and a slump interval. The upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sediments of upwelling Site 658 display high organic carbon contents of 0.5%-4%, with higher contents concentrated in the upper Pliocene. Accumulation rates of organic carbon vary between 0.1 and 0.5 gC/cm-**2/1000 yr, with maximum values between 3.5 and 3.1 Ma. Short-term cyclic ("Milankovitch-type") variations in organic carbon accumulation suggest climate-controlled mechanisms causing these fluctuations. The quality of organic matter at Site 658 is a mixture of kerogen type II and HI, with a dominance of the marine type. This is indicated by high hydrogen-index values of 200-400 mgHC/gC, low C/N ratios of 5-15, atomic H/C ratios of 1.0-1.5, and high amounts of marine macerals (alginite and liptodetrinite). We have estimated paleoproductivity for Sites 658 and 659 based on the amount of marine organic carbon. At open-marine Site 659, mean paleoproductivity varies between 20 and 50 gC/m**2/yr. At Site 658, mean paleoproductivity reaches high values of 160 to 320 gC/m**2/yr, very similar to those recorded in modern upwelling areas. The changes in productivity off northwest Africa are linked to changes in nutrient supply caused by both upwelling and fluvial input. The change from a dominantly humid climate to one characterized by fluctuations between humid and fully arid climates in northwest Africa occurs between 3.1 and 2.45 Ma.


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Triassic (Carnian-Rhaetian) continental margin sediments from the Wombat Plateau off northwest Australia (Sites 759, 760, 761, and 764) contain mainly detrital organic matter of terrestrial higher plant origin. Although deposited in a nearshore deltaic environment, little liptinitic material was preserved. The dominant vitrinites and inertinites are hydrogen-lean, and the small quantities of extractable bitumen contain w-alkanes and bacterial hopanoid hydrocarbons as the most dominant single gas-chromatography-amenable compounds. Lower Cretaceous sediments on the central Exmouth Plateau (Sites 762 and 763) farther south in general have an organic matter composition similar to that in the Wombat Plateau sediments with the exception of a smaller particle size of vitrinites and inertinites, indicating more distal transport and probably deposition in deeper water. Nevertheless, organic matter preservation is slightly better than in the Triassic sediments. Long-chain fatty acids, as well as aliphatic ketones and alcohols, are common constituents in the Lower Cretaceous sediments in addition to n-alkanes and hopanoid hydrocarbons. Thin, black shale layers at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, although present at several sites (Sites 762 and 763 on the Exmouth Plateau, Site 765 in the Argo Abyssal Plain, and Site 766 on the continental margin of the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain), are particularly enriched in organic matter only at Site 763 (up to 26%). These organic-matter-rich layers contain mainly bituminite of probable fecal-pellet origin. Considering the high organic carbon content, the moderate hydrogen indices of 350-450 milligrams of hydrocarbon-type material per gram of Corg, the maceral composition, and the low sedimentation rates in the middle Cretaceous, we suggest that these black shales were accumulated in an area of oxygen-depleted bottom-water mass (oceanwide reduced circulation?) underlying an oxygen-rich water column (in which most of the primary biomass other than fecal pellets is destroyed) and a zone of relatively high bioproductivity. Differences in organic matter accumulation at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary at different sites off northwest Australia are ascribed to regional variations in primary bioproductivity.


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A high-resolution sedimentological and geochemical study was performed on a 20 m long core from the alpine Lake Anterne (2063 m a.s.l., NW French Alps) spanning the last 10 ka. Sedimentation is mainly of minerogenic origin. The organic matter quantity (TOC%) as well as its quality (hydrogen (HI) and oxygen (OI) indices) both indicate the progressive onset and subsequent stabilization of vegetation cover in the catchment from 9950 to 5550 cal. BP. During this phase, the pedogenic process of carbonate dissolution is marked by a decrease in the calcium content in the sediment record. Between 7850 and 5550 cal. BP, very low manganese concentrations suggest anoxic conditions in the bottom-water of Lake Anterne. These are caused by a relatively high organic matter (terrestrial and lacustrine) content, a low flood frequency and longer summer stratification triggered by warmer conditions. From 5550 cal. BP, a decrease in TOC, stabilization of HI and higher sedimentation rates together reflect increased erosion rates of leptosols and developed soils, probably due to a colder and wetter climate. Then, three periods of important soil destabilization are marked by an increased frequency and thickness of flood deposits during the Bronze Age and by increases in topsoil erosion relative to leptosols (HI increases) during the late Iron Age/Roman period and the Medieval periods. These periods are also characterized by higher sedimentation rates. According to palynological data, human impact (deforestation and/or pasturing activity) probably triggered these periods of increased soil erosion.


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Seventeen sediment samples of Albian-Cenomanian to early Pliocene age from DSDP Hole 530A in the Angola Basin and six sediment samples of early Pliocene to late Pleistocene age from the Walvis Ridge were investigated by organic geochemical methods, including organic carbon determination, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of extractable hydrocarbons, and kerogen microscopy. The organic matter in all samples is strongly influenced by a terrigenous component from the nearby continent. The amount of marine organic matter present usually increases with the total organic carbon content, which reaches an extreme value of more than 10% in a Cenomanian black shale from Hole 530A. At Site 530 the extent of preservation of organic matter in the deep sea sediments is related to mass transport down the continental slope, whereas the high organic carbon contents in the sediments from Site 532 reflect both high bioproductivity in the Benguela upwelling regime and considerable supply of terrigenous organic matter. The maturation level of the organic matter is low in all samples.


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Organic geochemical and sedimentological investigations have been performed on sediments from ODP Sites 798 and 799 in order to reconstruct the depositional environment in the Japan Sea through late Cenozoic times. The Miocene to Quaternary sediments from Site 798 (Oki Ridge) and Site 799 (Kita-Yamato Trough) are characterized by high organic carbon contents of up to 6%. The organic matter is mainly a mixture of marine and terrigenous material. The dominant factors controlling marine organic carbon enrichment in the sediments of Hole 798A are probably an increased surface-water productivity and/or an increased preservation rate of organic carbon under anoxic deep-water conditions. In lower Pliocene sediments at Site 798 and Miocene to Quaternary sediments at Site 799, rapid burial of organic matter in turbidites may have been important, too. Remarkable cycles of dark, laminated sediments distinctly enriched in (marine) organic carbon by up to 5% and light, bioturbated to homogeneous sediments with reduced organic carbon contents indicate dramatic short-term paleoenvironmental variation.


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A distinct Pliocene eastern Mediterranean sapropel (i-282), recovered from three Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 160 Sites, has been investigated for its organic and inorganic composition. This sapropel is characterized by high organic carbon (Corg) and trace element contents, and the presence of isorenieratene derivatives. The latter suggests that the base of the photic zone was sulphidic during formation of the sapropel. Combined with evidence of bottom water anoxia (preservation of laminae, high redox-sensitive trace element contents, and the abundance and isotopic composition of pyrite) this leads to the tentative conclusion that almost the entire water column may have been anoxic. This anoxia resulted from high productivity and not from stagnation, because an approximation of the trace element budget during sapropel formation shows that water exchange with the western Mediterranean is needed. Entire water column anoxia has been suggested earlier for several black shales. With regard to the depositional environment and the Corg content, however, only the Cenomanian=Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) black shales appear to be comparable to this sapropel. The proposed trace element removal mechanism of scavenging and (co-)precipitation in an anoxic water column, is thought to be similar for both types of deposits. The ultimate trace element source for the sapropel, however, is seawater, whereas it is hydrothermal and fluvial input for CTBE black shales (because they have a larger temporal and spatial distribution). Nonetheless, the Corg-rich eastern Mediterranean Pliocene sapropel discussed here may be considered to be a younger analogue of CTBE black shales.


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During the ARCTIC '91-Expedition with RV 'Polarstern', several Multicorer and Kastenlot-cores were recovered along a profile crossing the eastern part of the Arctic Ocean. The investigated cores consist mainly of clayey-silty sediments, and some units with a higher sand content. In this thesis, detailed sedimentological and organic-geochemical investigations were performed. In part, the near surface sediments were AMS-14C dated making it possible to Interpret the results of the organic-geochemical investigations in terms of climatic changes (isotopic stage 2 to the Holocene). The more or less absence of foraminifers within the long cores prevented the development of an oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Only the results of core PS2174-5 from the Amundsen-Basin could be discussed in terms of the climatic change that could be dated back to oxygen isotope stage 7. Detailed organic-geochemical investigations in the central Arctic Ocean are rare. Therefore, several different organic-geochemical methods were used to obtain a wide range of data for the Interpretation of the organic matter. The high organic carbon content of the surface sediments is derived from a high input of terrigenous organic matter. The terrigenous organic material is most likely entrained within the sea-ice On the Siberian shelves and released during ice-drift over the Arctic Ocean. Other factors such as iceberg-transport and turbidites are also responsible for the high input of terrigenous organic matter. Due to the more or less closed sea-ice Cover, the Arctic Ocean is known as a low productivity system. A model shows, that only 2 % of the organic matter in central Arctic Ocean sediments is of a marine origin. The influence of the West-Spitsbergen current increases the marine organic matter content to 16 %. Short chain n-alkanes (C17 and C19) can be used as a marker of marine productivity in the Arctic Ocean. Higher contents of short chain n-alkanes exist in surface sediments of the Lomonosov-Ridge and the Makarov-Basin, indicating a higher marine productivity caused by a reduced sea-ice Cover. The Beaufort-Gyre and Transpolar-Drift drift Patterns could be responsible for the lower sea-ice distribution in this region. The sediments of Stage 2 and Stage 3 in this region are also dominated by a higher content of short chain-nalkanes indicating a comparable ice-drift Pattern during that time. The content and composition of organic carbon in the sediments of core PS2174-5 reflect glaciallinterglacial changes. Interglacial stages 7 and 5e show a low organic carbon content (C 0,5 %) and, as indicated by high hydrogen-indices, low CIN-ratios, higher content of n-alkanes (C17 and C19) and a higher opal content, a higher marine productivity. In the Holocene, a high content of foraminifers, coccoliths, ostracodes, and sponge spicules indicate higher surface-water productivity. Nevertheless, the low hydrogenindices reveal a high content of terrigenous organic matter. Therefore, the Holocene seems to be different from interglacials 7 and 5e. During the glacial periods (stages 6, upper 5, and 4), TOC-values are significantly higher (0.7 to 1.3 %). In addition, low hydrogen-indices, high CIN-ratios, low short chain n-alkanes and opal contents provide evidence for a higher input of terrigenous organic matter and reduced marine productivity. The high lignin content in core sections with high TOC-contents, substantiates the high input of terrigenous organic matter. Changes in the content and composition of the organic carbon is believed to vary with the fluctuations in sea-level and sea-ice coverage.


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Data on the amount and composition of organic carbon were determined in sediment cores from the Kara and Laptev Sea continental margin, representing oxygen isotope stages 1-6. The characterization of organic matter is based on hydrogen index (HI) values, n-alkanes and maceral composition, indicating the predominance of terrigenous organic matter through space and time. The variations in the amount and composition of organic carbon are mainly influenced by changes in fluvial sediment supply, Atlantic water inflow, and continental ice sheets. During oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 6, high organic carbon contents in sediments from the Laptev Sea and western East Siberian Sea continental margin were probably caused by the increased glacial erosion and further transport in the eastward-flowing boundary current along the continental margin. During OIS 5 and early OIS 3, some increased amounts of marine organic matter were preserved in sediments east of the Lomonosov Ridge, suggesting an influence of nutrient-rich Pacific waters. During OIS 2, terrigenous organic carbon supply was increased along the Barents and western Kara Sea continental margin caused by extended continental ice sheets in the Barents Sea (Svalbard to Franz Josef Land) area and increased glacial erosion. Along the Laptev Sea continental margin, on the other hand, the supply of terrigenous (organic) matter was significantly reduced due to the lack of major ice sheets and reduced river discharge. Towards the Holocene, the amount of total organic carbon (TOC) increased along the Kara and Laptev Sea continental margin, reaching average values of up to 0.5 g C/cm**2/ky. Between about 8 and 10 ka (9 and 11 Cal ka), i.e., during times when the inner shallow Kara and Laptev seas became largely flooded for the first time after the Last Glacial Maximum, maximum supply of terrigenous organic carbon occurred, which is related to an increase in coastal erosion and Siberian river discharge. During the last 8000 years, the increased amount of marine organic carbon preserved in the sediments from the Kara and Laptev Sea continental margin is interpreted as a result of the intensification of Atlantic water inflow along the Eurasian continental margin.


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C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations (about 35 compounds identified, including saturated, aromatic, and olefinic compounds) from 27 shipboard-sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Hole 603B off the east coast of North America were determined by a gas-stripping/thermovaporization method. Total yields representing the hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed on the mineral surfaces of the sediments vary from 22 to 2400 ng/g of dryweight sediment. Highest yields are measured in the two black shale samples of Core 603B-34 (hydrogen index of 360 and 320 mg/g Corg, respectively). In organic-carbon-normalized units these samples have hydrocarbon contents of 12,700 and 21,500 ng/g Corg, respectively, indicating the immaturity of their kerogens. Unusually high organic-carbonnormalized yields are associated with samples that are extremely lean in organic carbon. It is most likely that they are enriched by small amounts of migrated light hydrocarbons. This applies even to those samples with high organic-carbon contents (1.3-2.2%) of Sections 603B-28-4, 603B-29-1, 603B-49-2, and 603B-49-3, because they have an extremely low hydrocarbon potential (hydrogen index between 40 and 60 mg/g Corg). Nearly all samples were found to be contaminated by varying amounts of acetone that is used routinely in large quantities on board ship during core-cutting procedures. Therefore, 48 samples from the original set of 75 collected had to be excluded from the present study.


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The quantity and quality of organic carbon of Eocene to Holocene sediments from ODP Sites 645, 646, and 647 were investigated to reconstruct depositional environments. Results were based on organic-carbon and nitrogen determinations, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and kerogen microscopy. The sediments at Site 645 in Baffin Bay are characterized by relatively high organic-carbon values, most of which range from 0.5% to almost 3%, with maximum values in the middle Miocene. Distinct maxima of organic-carbon accumulation rates occur between 18 and 12.5 Ma and between 3.4 and 0 Ma. At Sites 646 and 647 in the Labrador Sea, organic-carbon contents vary between 0.1% and 0.75%. Cyclic 'Milankovitch-type' changes in organic-carbon deposition imply climate-controlled mechanisms that cause these fluctuations. The composition of organic matter at Site 645 is dominated by terrigenous components throughout the entire sediment sequence. An increased content of marine organic carbon was recorded only in the late-middle Miocene. At Sites 646 and 647, the origin of the organic matter most probably is marine. Oceanic paleoproductivity values were estimated, based on the amount of marine organic carbon. During most of the Neogene time interval at Site 645, productivity was low, i.e., similar or less than that measured in Baffin Bay today. Higher values of up to 150 (200) gC/m**2/y may have occurred only in the Miocene. At Sites 646 and 647, mean paleoproductivity values vary between 90 and 170 gC/m**2/y; i.e., these are also similar to those measured in the Labrador Sea today. Lower values of 40 to 70 gC/m**2/y were estimated for the early Eocene and (middle) Miocene.


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This study focuses on the analysis of lake sediments retrieved from the deepest part of Lake Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau). One gravity core of 115 cm length, covering the last ~ 4000 cal BP, was analyzed for geochemical and biological parameters. High organic content at ~ 4000 cal BP and the coinciding presence of pyrite framboids until ~ 2000 cal BP point to hampered decomposition of organic material due to anoxic conditions within the lake sediments. At the same time sedimentological and biological proxies suggest a rather high lake level, but still ~ 5 m below the recent one, with less saline lake water due to enhanced monsoonal activity. During this time a change in the source of organic matter to lowered input of terrestrial components is observed. A rather quick shift to a dry environment with less monsoonal influence and a lake level ~ 15 m lower than today at ~ 2000 cal BP lead to the oxygenation of sediment, the degradation of organic matter and the absence of pyrite. Oscillations of the lake level thereafter were of minor amplitude and not able to establish anoxia at the lake bottom again. A wet spell between ~ 1500 cal BP and ~ 1150 cal BP is visible in proxies referring to catchment hydrology and the ostracod-based water depth transfer function gives only a slightly elevated lake level. The last ~ 300 years are characterized by low TOC and rising TN values reflecting enhanced nutrient supply and hence an advancing influence of human activity in the catchment. Decreasing TOC/TN values point to a complete shift to almost solely aquatic biomass production. These results show that hydrological variations in terms of lake level change based on monsoonal strength can be linked to redox conditions at the lake bottom of Nam Co. Comparison with other archives over larger parts of the Tibetan Plateau and beyond exhibits a rather homogeneous climatic pattern throughout the late Holocene.


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Studies of interstitial waters obtained from DSDP Leg 64 drill sites in the Gulf of California have revealed information both on early diagenetic processes in the sediments resulting from the breakdown of organic matter and on hydrothermal interactions between sediments and hot doleritic sill intrusions into the sediments. In all the sites drilled sulfate reduction occurred as a result of rapid sediment accumulation rates and of relatively high organic carbon contents; in most sites methane production occurred after sulfate depletion. Associated with this methane production are high values of alkalinity and high concentrations of dissolved ammonia, which causes ion exchange processes with the solid phases leading to intermediate maxima in Mg++, K+, Rb+, and Sr++(?). Though this phenomenon is common in Leg 64 drill sites, these concentration reversals had been noticed previously only in Site 262 (Timor Trough) and Site 440 (Japan Trench). Penetrating, hot dolerite sills have led to substantial hydrothermal alteration in sediments at sites drilled in the Guaymas Basin. Site 477 is an active hydrothermal system in which the pore-water chemistry typically shows depletions in sulfate and magnesium and large increases in lithium, potassium, rubidium, calcium, strontium, and chloride. Strontium isotope data also indicate large contributions of volcanic matter and basalt to the pore-water strontium concentrations. At Sites 478 and 481 dolerite sill intrusions have cooled to ambient temperatures but interstitial water concentrations of Li+, Rb+, Sr++ , and Cl- show the gradual decay of a hydrothermal signal that must have been similar to the interstitial water chemistry at Site 477 at the time of sill intrusion. Studies of oxygen isotopes of the interstitial waters at Site 481 indicate positive values of d18O (SMOW) as a result of high-temperature alteration reactions occurring in the sills and the surrounding sediments. A minimum in dissolved chloride at about 100-125 meters sub-bottom at Sites 478, 481, and particularly Site 479 records a possible paleosalinity signal, associated with an event that substantially lowered salinities in the inner parts of the Gulf of California during Quaternary time.


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AMS-14C dated sediment cores from the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and the adjacent inner Kara Sea were investigated to determine the siliclastic and organic carbon fluxes and their relationship to paleoenvironmental changes. The variability of sediment fluxes during Holocene times is related to the post-glacial sea-level rise and changes in river discharge and coastal erosion input. Whereas during the late/middle Holocene most of the terrigenous sediments were deposited in the estuaries and the areas directly off the estuaries, huge amounts of sediments accumulated on the Kara Sea shelf farther north during the early Holocene before about 9 Cal. kyrs. BP. The maximum accumulation at that time is related to the lowered sea level, increased coastal erosion, and increased river discharge due to the final stage of mountain deglaciation of the Putoran Massif. Increased supply of Yenisei-derived material indicated by peak magnetic susceptibility values probably occurred in climate-related pulses culminating near 11, 10, and 9 Cal. kyrs. BP. As sea level rose, the main Holocene depocenter migrated southward. Based on hydrogen index values and n-alkanes, the organic matter is predominantly of terrigenous origin. Maximum accumulation rates of 1.5 to more than 6 g/cm**2/y occurred in the early Holocene sediments, suggesting more humid climatic conditions with an increased vegetation cover in the source area at that time. In general, high organic carbon accumulation rates characterize the estuaries and the inner Kara Sea as important sink for terrigenous organic carbon. A high-resolution record of Holocene variability of magnetic susceptibility (MS) in an AMS14C-dated sediment core from the northern Yenisei estuary may indicate natural variability of Arctic climate change and river discharge on a centennial to millenial time scale. Short-term maxima in MS probably related to warmer climate, enhanced precipitation, intensified weathering/erosion and increased river discharge, display a frequency of about 300 to 700 years.


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This paper is based on Santonian-Campanian sediments of Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1257 (2951 mbsl) and 1259 (2353 mbsl) from Demerara Rise (Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic, off Surinam). According to its position, Demerara Rise should have been influenced by the early opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway and the establishment of a bottom-water connection between the central and South Atlantic Oceans during the Late Cretaceous. The investigated benthic foraminiferal faunas demonstrate strong fluctuations in bottom-water oxygenation and organic-matter flux to the sea-floor. The Santonian-earliest Campanian interval is characterised by laminated black shales without benthic foraminifera in the lowermost part, followed by an increasing number of benthic foraminifera. These are indicative of anoxic to dysoxic bottom waters, high organic-matter fluxes and a position within the oxygen minimum zone. At the shallower Site 1259, benthic foraminifera occurred earlier (Santonian) than at the deeper Site 1257 (Early Campanian). This suggests that the shallower site was characterised by fluctuations in the oxygen minimum zone and that a re-oxygenation of the sea-floor started considerably earlier at shallower water-depths. We speculate that this re-oxygenation was related to the ongoing opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway. A condensed glauconitic chalk interval of Early Campanian age (Nannofossil Zone CC18 of Sissingh) overlies the laminated shales at both sites. This interval contains benthic foraminiferal faunas reflecting increasing bottom-water oxygenation and reduced organic-matter flux. This glauconitic chalk is strongly condensed and contains most of the Lower and mid-Campanian. Benthic foraminiferal species indicative of well-oxygenated and more oligotrophic environments characterise the overlying mid- to Upper Campanian nannofossil chalk. During deposition of the nannofossil chalk, a permanent deep-water connection between the central and South Atlantic Oceans is proposed, leading to ventilated and well-oxygenated bottom waters. If this speculation is true, the establishment of a permanent deep-water connection between the central and South Atlantic Oceans terminated Oceanic Anoxic Event 3 "black shale" formation in the central and South Atlantic marginal basins during the Early Campanian (Nannofossil Zone CC18) and led to well-oxygenated bottom waters in the entire Atlantic Ocean during the Late Campanian (at least from Nannofossil Zone CC22 onwards).


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The mass-accumulation rate (MAR) of the non-authigenic, inorganic, crystalline component of deep-sea sediments from the Pacific aseismic rises apparently reflects influx of eolian sediment. The eolian sediment usually is dominated by volcanic material, except during glacial times. Sediments from Hess Rise provide a discontinuous record of eolian MARs. During Albian to Cenomanian time, the influx of volcanic material was fairly high (0.35-0.6 g/cm**2/10**3 yr), recording the latest stages of the Albian volcanism that formed Hess Rise. From the Campanian through the Paleocene, influx of eolian sediment was low, averaging 0.03 g/cm**2/10**3 yr. None of the four Hess Rise drill sites show evidence of the Late Cretaceous volcanic episode recorded at many sites now in the equatorial to subtropical Pacific. Pliocene to Pleistocene samples record a peak in volcanic influx about 4 to 5 m.y. ago, which has been well documented elsewhere. The several-fold increase in eolian accumulation rates elsewhere which are correlated with the onset of severe northernhemisphere glaciation 2.5 m.y. ago is not obvious in the Hess Rise data.