13 resultados para Experimental data

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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As a response to ocean warming, shifts in fish species distribution and changes in production have been reported that have been partly attributed to temperature effects on the physiology of animals. The Southern Ocean hosts some of the most rapidly warming regions on earth and Antarctic organisms are reported to be especially temperature sensitive. While cellular and molecular organismic levels appear, at least partially, to compensate for elevated temperatures, the consequences of acclimation to elevated temperature for the whole organism are often less clear. Growth and reproduction are the driving factors for population structure and abundance. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of long-term acclimation to elevated temperature on energy budget parameters in the high-Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii. Our results show a complete temperature compensation for routine metabolic costs after 9 weeks of acclimation to 4°C. However, an up to 84% reduction in mass growth was measured at 2 and 4°C compared with the control group at 0°C, which is best explained by reduced food assimilation rates at warmer temperatures. With regard to a predicted temperature increase of up to 1.4°C in the Ross Sea by 2200, such a significant reduction in growth is likely to affect population structures in nature, for example by delaying sexual maturity and reducing production, with severe impacts on Antarctic fish communities and ecosystems.


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Copepod fecal pellets are often degraded at high rates within the upper part of the water column. However, the identity of the degraders and the processes governing the degradation remain unresolved. To identify the pellet degraders we collected water from Øresund (Denmark) approximately every second month from July 2004 to July 2005. These water samples were divided into 5 fractions (<0.2, <2, <20, <100, <200 µm) and total (unfractionated). We determined fecal pellet degradation rate and species composition of the plankton from triplicate incubations of each fraction and a known, added amount of fecal pellets. The total degradation rate of pellets by the natural plankton community of Øresund followed the phytoplankton biomass, with maximum degradation rate during the spring bloom (2.5 ± 0.49 d**-1) and minimum (0.52 ± 0.14 d**-1) during late winter. Total pellet removal rate ranged from 22% d**-1 (July 2005) to 87% d**-1 (May). Protozooplankton (dinoflagellates and ciliates) in the size range of 20 to 100 µm were the key degraders of the fecal pellets, contributing from 15 to 53% of the total degradation rate. Free-living in situ bacteria did not affect pellet degradation rate significantly; however, culture-originating bacteria introduced in association with the pellets contributed up to 59% of the total degradation rate. An effect of late-stage copepod nauplii (>200 µm) was indicated, but this was not a dominating degradation process. Mesozooplankton did not contribute significantly to the degradation. However, grazing of mesozooplankton on the pellet degraders impacts pellet degradation rate indirectly. In conclusion, protozooplankton seems to include the key organisms for the recycling of copepod fecal pellets in the water column, both through the microbial loop and, especially, by functioning as an effective 'protozoan filter' for fecal pellets.


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The present dataset data contain source data for Figure 5a from Schilling et al., 2009. Cell fate decisions are regulated by the coordinated activation of signalling pathways such as the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade, but contributions of individual kinase isoforms are mostly unknown. The authors combined quantitative data from erythropoietin-induced pathway activation in primary erythroid progenitor (colony-forming unit erythroid stage, CFU-E) cells with mathematical modelling, in order to predict and experimentally confirmed a distributive ERK phosphorylation mechanism in CFU-E cells. The authors found evidences that double-phosphorylated ERK1 attenuates proliferation beyond a certain activation level, whereas activated ERK2 enhances proliferation with saturation kinetics. CFU-E cells were stimulated with the indicated Epo concentrations for 7 min and phosphorylation levels were determined by quantitative immunoblotting.


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The eastern Mediterranean is a hotspot of biological invasions. Numerous species of Indo-pacific origin have colonized the Mediterranean in recent times, including tropical symbiont-bearing foraminifera. Among these is the species Pararotalia calcariformata. Unlike other invasive foraminifera, this species has been discovered only two decades ago and is restricted to the eastern Mediterranean coast. Combining ecological, genetic and physiological observations, we attempt to explain the recent invasion of this species in the Mediterranean Sea. Using morphological and genetic data, we confirm the species attribution to P. calcariformata McCulloch 1977 and identify its symbionts as a consortium of diatom species dominated by Minutocellus polymorphus. We document photosynthetic activity of its endosymbionts using Pulse Amplitude Modulated Fluorometry and test the effects of elevated temperatures on growth rates of asexual offspring. The culturing of asexual offspring for 120 days shows a 30-day period of rapid growth followed by a period of slower growth. A subsequent 48-day temperature sensitivity experiment indicates a similar developmental pathway and high growth rate at 28°C, whereas an almost complete inhibition of growth was observed at 20°C and 35°C. This indicates that the offspring of this species may have lower tolerance to cold temperatures than what would be expected for species native to the Mediterranean. We expand this hypothesis by applying a Species Distribution Model (SDM) based on modern occurrences in the Mediterranean using three environmental variables: irradiance, turbidity and yearly minimum temperature. The model reproduces the observed restricted distribution and indicates that the range of the species will drastically expand westwards under future global change scenarios. We conclude that P. calcariformata established a population in the Levant because of the recent warming in the region. In line with observations from other groups of organisms, our results indicate that continued warming of the eastern Mediterranean will facilitate the invasion of more tropical marine taxa into the Mediterranean, disturbing local biodiversity and ecosystem structure.


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Potassium permanganate oxidative degradations were conducted for kerogens isolated from Cretaceous black shales (DSDP Leg 41, Site 368), thermally altered during the Miocene by diabase intrusions and from unaltered samples heated under laboratory conditions (250-500°C). Degradation products of less altered kerogens are dominated by normal C4-C15 alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acids, with lesser amounts of n-C16 and n-C18 monocarboxylic acids, and benzene mono-to-tetracarboxylic acids. On the other hand, thermally altered kerogens show benzene di-to-tetracarboxylic acids as dominant degradation products, with lesser or no amounts (variable depending on the degree of thermal alteration) of alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acids. Essentially no differences between the oxidative degradation products of naturally- and artificially-altered kerogens are observed. As a result of this study, five indices of aromatization (total aromatic acids/kerogen; apparent aromaticity; benzenetetracarboxylic acids/total aromatic acids; benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid/benzenedicarboxylic acids; benzene-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid/benzenetricarboxylic acids) and two indices of aliphatic character (Total aliphatic acids/kerogen; Aliphaticity) are proposed to characterize the degree of thermal alteration of kerogens. Furthermore, a good correlation is observed between apparent aromaticity estimated by the present KMnO4 oxidation method and that from the 13C NMR method (Dennis et al., 1982; doi:10.1016/0016-7037(82)90046-1).


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Increasing amounts of data is collected in most areas of research and application. The degree to which this data can be accessed, analyzed, and retrieved, is a decisive in obtaining progress in fields such as scientific research or industrial production. We present a novel methodology supporting content-based retrieval and exploratory search in repositories of multivariate research data. In particular, our methods are able to describe two-dimensional functional dependencies in research data, e.g. the relationship between ination and unemployment in economics. Our basic idea is to use feature vectors based on the goodness-of-fit of a set of regression models to describe the data mathematically. We denote this approach Regressional Features and use it for content-based search and, since our approach motivates an intuitive definition of interestingness, for exploring the most interesting data. We apply our method on considerable real-world research datasets, showing the usefulness of our approach for user-centered access to research data in a Digital Library system.


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The oxygen isotopic composition (d18O) of calcium carbonate of planktonic calcifying organisms is a key tool for reconstructing both past seawater temperature and salinity. The calibration of paloeceanographic proxies relies in general on empirical relationships derived from field experiments on extant species. Laboratory experiments have more often than not revealed that variables other than the target parameter influence the proxy signal, which makes proxy calibration a challenging task. Understanding these secondary or "vital" effects is crucial for increasing proxy accuracy. We present data from laboratory experiments showing that oxygen isotope fractionation during calcification in the coccolithophore Calcidiscus leptoporus and the calcareous dinoflagellate Thoracosphaera heimii is dependent on carbonate chemistry of seawater in addition to its dependence on temperature. A similar result has previously been reported for planktonic foraminifera, supporting the idea that the [CO3]2- effect on d18O is universal for unicellular calcifying planktonic organisms. The slopes of the d18O/[CO3]2- relationships range between -0.0243 per mil/(µmol/kg) (calcareous dinoflagellate T. heimii) and the previously published -0.0022 per mil/(µmol/kg) (non-symbiotic planktonic foramifera Orbulina universa), while C. leptoporus has a slope of -0.0048 per mil/(µmol/kg). We present a simple conceptual model, based on the contribution of d18O-enriched [HCO3]- to the [CO3]2- pool in the calcifying vesicle, which can explain the [CO3]2- effect on d18O for the different unicellular calcifiers. This approach provides a new insight into biological fractionation in calcifying organisms. The large range in d18O/[CO3]2- slopes should possibly be explored as a means for paleoreconstruction of surface [CO3]2-, particularly through comparison of the response in ecologically similar planktonic organisms.


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The presented thesis was written in the frame of a project called 'seepage water prognosis'. It was funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Science (BMBF). 41 German institutions among them research institutes of universities, public authorities and engineering companies were financed for three years respectively. The aim was to work out the scientific basis that is needed to carry out a seepage water prognosis (Oberacker und Eberle, 2002). According to the Federal German Soil Protection Act (Federal Bulletin, 1998) a seepage water prognosis is required in order to avoid future soil impacts from the application of recycling products. The participants focused on the development of either methods to determine the source strength of the materials investigated, which is defined as the total mass flow caused by natural leaching or on models to predict the contaminants transport through the underlying soil. Annual meetings of all participants as well as separate meetings of the two subprojects were held. The department of Geosciences in Bremen participated with two subprojects. The aim of the subproject that resulted in this thesis was the development of easily applicable, valid, and generally accepted laboratory methods for the determination of the source strength. In the scope of the second subproject my colleague Veith Becker developed a computer model for the transport prognosis with the source strength as the main input parameter.


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Invasive species allow an investigation of trait retention and adaptations after exposure to new habitats. Recent work on corals from the Gulf of Aqaba (GoA) shows that tolerance to high temperature persists thousands of years after invasion, without any apparent adaptive advantage. Here we test whether thermal tolerance retention also occurs in another symbiont-bearing calcifying organism. To this end, we investigate the thermal tolerance of the benthic foraminifera Amphistegina lobifera from the GoA (29° 30.14167 N 34° 55.085 E) and compare it to a recent "Lessepsian invader population" from the Eastern Mediterranean (EaM) (32° 37.386 N, 34°55.169 E). We first established that the studied populations are genetically homogenous but distinct from a population in Australia, and that they contain a similar consortium of diatom symbionts, confirming their recent common descent. Thereafter, we exposed specimens from GoA and EaM to elevated temperatures for three weeks and monitored survivorship, growth rates and photophysiology. Both populations exhibited a similar pattern of temperature tolerance. A consistent reduction of photosynthetic dark yields was observed at 34°C and reduced growth was observed at 32°C. The apparent tolerance to sustained exposure to high temperature cannot have a direct adaptive importance, as peak summer temperatures in both locations remain <32°C. Instead, it seems that in the studied foraminifera tolerance to high temperature is a conservative trait and the EaM population retained this trait since its recent invasion. Such pre-adaptation to higher temperatures confers A. lobifera a clear adaptive advantage in shallow and episodically high temperature environments in the Mediterranean under further warming.


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From the experimental data on stepwise thermal release of neutron induced 39Ar (39K (n, p) 39Ar) from rocks and minerals, Arrhenius plots were constructed, which gave activation energies for the thermal release process. The activation energies for DSDP Leg 58 and Leg 60 submarine volcanic rocks range from 12 to 20 kcal/mol, whereas those for granodiorites and the K-feldspar separates have activation energies ranging from 37 to 48 kcal/mol. The smaller activation energies for the submarine volcanic rocks reflect the grain boundary diffusion process, while the thermal diffusion of 39Ar from granodiorites and K-feldspar is essentially controlled by a volume diffusion. The grain boundary diffusion for the submarine volcanic rocks suggests that K resides essentially in the grain boundaries.


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The uptake of anthropogenic CO2 by the oceans has led to a rise in the oceanic partial pressure of CO2, and to a decrease in pH and carbonate ion concentration. This modification of the marine carbonate system is referred to as ocean acidification. Numerous papers report the effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and communities but few have provided details concerning full carbonate chemistry and complementary observations. Additionally, carbonate system variables are often reported in different units, calculated using different sets of dissociation constants and on different pH scales. Hence the direct comparison of experimental results has been problematic and often misleading. The need was identified to (1) gather data on carbonate chemistry, biological and biogeochemical properties, and other ancillary data from published experimental data, (2) transform the information into common framework, and (3) make data freely available. The present paper is the outcome of an effort to integrate ocean carbonate chemistry data from the literature which has been supported by the European Network of Excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis (EUR-OCEANS) and the European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA). A total of 185 papers were identified, 100 contained enough information to readily compute carbonate chemistry variables, and 81 data sets were archived at PANGAEA - The Publishing Network for Geoscientific & Environmental Data. This data compilation is regularly updated as an ongoing mission of EPOCA.