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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Amounts of aerosols transported to the shelf surface were calculated on the basis of in situ measurements of concentrations of eolian matter (insoluble aerosol fraction) and vertical fluxes of settling dust in five areas of the Black Sea shelf from the Danube delta to the Inguri River mouth. More than 8.3 mln t of eolian matter are annually transported from the land over the shelf of the former USSR. At the same time more than 5.4 mln t are supplied to the northwestern shelf area, 1.7 mln t are supplied to the Crimean area, about 0.8 mln t are supplied to the Kerch-Taman' area, and about 0.45 mln t are supplied to the Caucasian area.
According to the World Ocean Program in the northeastern part of the continental slope of the Black Sea geothermal, seismologic and seismic studies were carried out. An analysis of heat flow distribution allowed to distinguish a negative geothermal anomaly near the Dzhubga area, where the Russia-Turkey pipeline was being constructed. During seismological observations (August-September 1999, September 2001) more than 1200 seismic events were recorded. They proved high tectonic activity of the region under study, which stimulates gravitational sediment transport on the continental slope. The seismo-acoustic survey carried out in the area of the geothermal anomaly revealed no reflecting horizons within the sedimentary cover. This may be related to turbidite-landsliding processes. Results of modeling of the heat flow anomaly showed that it had originated approximately 1000 years ago due to a powerful landslide. This also suggests a possibility of an avalanche displacement of sedimentary masses in the area of the pipeline at present.
Antarctic glacier forefields are extreme environments and pioneer sites for ecological succession. Increasing temperatures due to global warming lead to enhanced deglaciation processes in cold-affected habitats, and new terrain is becoming exposed to soil formation and microbial colonization. However, only little is known about the impact of environmental changes on microbial communities and how they develop in connection to shifting habitat characteristics. In this study, using a combination of molecular and geochemical analysis, we determine the structure and development of bacterial communities depending on soil parameters in two different glacier forefields on Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Our results demonstrate that deglaciation-dependent habitat formation, resulting in a gradient in soil moisture, pH and conductivity, leads to an orderly bacterial succession for some groups, for example Cyanobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Deltaproteobacteria in a transect representing 'classical' glacier forefields. A variable bacterial distribution and different composed communities were revealed according to soil heterogeneity in a slightly 'matured' glacier forefield transect, where Gemmatimonadetes, Flavobacteria, Gamma- and Deltaproteobacteria occur depending on water availability and soil depth. Actinobacteria are dominant in both sites with dominance connected to certain trace elements in the glacier forefields.
The monograph focuses on the analysis of data addressing the problem of H2S contamination and oxic-anoxic interface in the Black Sea. Regularities of the fine structure of vertical distribution of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, biogenic elements, organic substances, suspended matter, and metals of the iron-manganese group in the area of contact of aerobic and anaerobic waters have been revealed. Also effects of biochemical, physico-chemical and dynamic processes on their vertical distribution have been examined. Sulfate reduction in seawater and bottom sediments has been studied. Quantitative estimates of H2S fluxes at the water - bottom sediment and O2-H2S interfaces have been done. Features of H2S oxidation have been studied, its budget in the Black Sea has been calculated. Multiyear spatial-temporal variability of the oxic-anoxic interface has been investigated.
Abundance of macrozooplankton in the north-eastern Black Sea during SESRU02 cruise in September 2008
The SESRU02_macrozooplankton dataset contains data collected in September 2008 at 15 stations located between 37°E and 39.5°E and between 42.4°N and 44.5°N in the north-eastern Black Sea. Samples were collected with a Ring net. Vertical tows of a Ring net, with mouth area 0.5 m**2, mesh size 400?m. Sample was taken from the layer 0-45 m. Towing speed: 0.8m/s. Samples were analyzed on board without preservation. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area by the wire length. The entire sample was analyzed on board. Macrozooplankton species were identified and enumerated.
The SESRU01 macrozooplankton dataset contains data collected in April 2008 at 19 stations located between 37°E and 39.5°E and between 42.4°N and 44.5°N in the north-eastern Black Sea. Samples were collected with a Ring net. Vertical tows of a Ring net, with mouth area 0.5 m**2, mesh size 400µm. Sample was taken from the layer 0-40 m. Towing speed: 0.8m/s. Samples were analyzed on board without preservation. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area with the wire length. Macrozooplankton species were identified and enumerated.
The SESRU_02_mesozooplankton dataset contains data collected in September 2008 at 15 stations located between 37°E and 39.5°E and between 42.4°N and 44.5°N in the north-eastern Black Sea. Samples were collected with a Juday net. Juday net: Vertical tows of a closing Juday net, with mouth area 0.1 m**2, mesh size 180 µm. Samples were taken from different layers. Towing speed: 1m/s. Samples were preserved by a 4% formaldehyde sea water buffered solution. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area with the wire length. Integrated samples were taken from the lower boundary of the oxic zone to the surface, stratified samples were taken according to CTD-profiles: samples were taken from the following depth strata: 1) the upper mixed layer (UML); 2) the layer of high temperature gradients (from the upper boundary of thermocline to the depth of 8 deg C temperature); 3) cold Intermediate layer (CIL) - the layer with the T< 8 deg C; 4) from the depth of sigma theta = 15.8 (oxycline) to the lower boundary of CIL; 5) from the depth of sigma theta = 16.2 to the depth of sigma theta = 15.8. Samples were analysed for zooplankton species and stage composition and abundance. The entire sample or an aliquot (1/2 to ¼) was analyzed under the binocular microscope. Mesozooplankton species and stages were identified and enumerated; meroplankton were identified and enumerated at higher taxonomic level. Taxonomic identification was done at Shirshov Institute of Oceanology using the relevant taxonomic literature (Rose, 1933, Brodsky, 1950 and Internet resources).
The SESRU01_mesozooplankton dataset contains data collected in April 2008 at 19 stations located between 37°E and 39.5°E and between 42.4°N and 44.5°N in the north-eastern Black Sea. Samples were collected with a Juday net (mesh size 180 ?m, mouth area 0.1 m**2). Integrated samples were taken from the lower boundary of the oxic zone to the surface, stratified samples were taken according to CTD-profiles: samples were taken from the following depth strata: 1) the upper mixed layer (UML); 2) the layer of high temperature gradients (from the upper boundary of thermocline to the depth of 8 deg C temperature); 3) cold Intermediate layer (CIL) - the layer with the T< 8 deg C; 4) from the depth of sigma theta = 15.8 (oxycline) to the lower boundary of CIL; 5) from the depth of sigma theta = 16.2 to the depth of sigma theta = 15.8. Samples were analysed for zooplankton species and stage composition and abundance. Juday net: Vertical tows of a closing Juday net, with mouth area 0.1 m**2, mesh size 180µm. Samples were taken from different layers. Towing speed: 1m/s. Samples were preserved by a 4% formaldehyde sea water buffered solution. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area by the wire length. The entire sample or an aliquot (1/2 to1/4) was analyzed under the binocular microscope. Mesozooplankton species and stages were identified and enumerated; meroplankton were identified and enumerated at higher taxonomic level. Taxonomic identification was done at Shirshov Institute of Oceanology using the relevant taxonomic literature (Rose, 1933, Brodsky, 1950, and Internet resources).