Abundance of mesozooplankton in the north-eastern Black Sea during SESRU01 cruise in April 2008

Autoria(s): Arashkevich, Elena G; Nikishina, Anastasia; Timonin, Alexander G

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 43.553511 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 38.073227 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 42.491830 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 36.990170 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 44.536670 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 39.680000 * DATE/TIME START: 2008-04-19T16:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2008-09-13T04:20:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, water: 5 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, water: 145 m




The SESRU01_mesozooplankton dataset contains data collected in April 2008 at 19 stations located between 37°E and 39.5°E and between 42.4°N and 44.5°N in the north-eastern Black Sea. Samples were collected with a Juday net (mesh size 180 ?m, mouth area 0.1 m**2). Integrated samples were taken from the lower boundary of the oxic zone to the surface, stratified samples were taken according to CTD-profiles: samples were taken from the following depth strata: 1) the upper mixed layer (UML); 2) the layer of high temperature gradients (from the upper boundary of thermocline to the depth of 8 deg C temperature); 3) cold Intermediate layer (CIL) - the layer with the T< 8 deg C; 4) from the depth of sigma theta = 15.8 (oxycline) to the lower boundary of CIL; 5) from the depth of sigma theta = 16.2 to the depth of sigma theta = 15.8. Samples were analysed for zooplankton species and stage composition and abundance. Juday net: Vertical tows of a closing Juday net, with mouth area 0.1 m**2, mesh size 180µm. Samples were taken from different layers. Towing speed: 1m/s. Samples were preserved by a 4% formaldehyde sea water buffered solution. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area by the wire length. The entire sample or an aliquot (1/2 to1/4) was analyzed under the binocular microscope. Mesozooplankton species and stages were identified and enumerated; meroplankton were identified and enumerated at higher taxonomic level. Taxonomic identification was done at Shirshov Institute of Oceanology using the relevant taxonomic literature (Rose, 1933, Brodsky, 1950, and Internet resources).


text/tab-separated-values, 1124 data points









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Palavras-Chave #Acartia clausi, c1-c2; Acartia clausi, c3-c4; Acartia clausi, c5; Acartia clausi, female; Actinopterygii, larvae; Akvanavt; Amphipoda; Balanidae, cypris; Balanidae, nauplii; Bivalvia, larvae; Black Sea; Calanoida, nauplii; Calanus euxinus, c1; Calanus euxinus, c2; Calanus euxinus, c3; Calanus euxinus, c4; Calanus euxinus, c5; Calanus euxinus, female; Calanus euxinus, male; Calanus euxinus, nauplii; Calculated; Centropages ponticus, c1-c3; Centropages ponticus, c4-c5; Centropages ponticus, female; Centropages ponticus, male; Computed/Converted; Counting; Date/Time of event; Decapoda, larvae; Depth, bottom/max; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; Evadne spinifera; Event label; Gastropoda, larvae; Isopoda; JUDAY; Juday net; Latitude of event; Longitude of event; Mesozooplankton; Noctiluca scintillans; Oikopleura dioica; Oithona similis; Paracalanus parvus, c1-c3; Paracalanus parvus, c4-c5; Paracalanus parvus, female; Paracalanus parvus, male; Parasagitta setosa; Penilia avirostris; Pleopis polyphaemoides; Pleurobrachia pileus; Polychaeta; Polychaeta, larvae; Pseudevadne tergestina; Pseudocalanus elongatus, c1-c2; Pseudocalanus elongatus, c3-c4; Pseudocalanus elongatus, c5; Pseudocalanus elongatus, female; Pseudocalanus elongatus, male; Sample volume; SESAME; SESRU01; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-1; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-10; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-11; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-12; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-13; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-14; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-15; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-16; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-17; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-18; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-19; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-2; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-20; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-21; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-22; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-23; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-24; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-25; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-26; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-27; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-28; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-29; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-3; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-30; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-4; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-5; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-6; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-7; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-8; SESRU01_mesozooplankton-9; SESRU01-01; SESRU01-02; SESRU01-03; SESRU01-04; SESRU01-05; SESRU01-06; SESRU01-07; SESRU01-08; SESRU01-09; SESRU01-10; SESRU01-11; SESRU01-12; SESRU01-13; SESRU01-14; SESRU01-15; SESRU01-16; SESRU01-17; SESRU01-18; SESRU01-19; Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes
