592 resultados para Age-determinations

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Radiocarbon-dated pollen, rhizopod, chironomid and total organic carbon (TOC) records from Nikolay Lake (73°20'N, 124°12'E) and a pollen record from a nearby peat sequence are used for a detailed environmental reconstruction of the Holocene in the Lena Delta area. Shrubby Alnus fruticosa and Betula exilis tundra existed during 10,300-4800 cal. yr BP and gradually disappeared after that time. Climate reconstructions based on the pollen and chironomid records suggest that the climate during ca. 10,300-9200 cal. yr BP was up to 2-3 °C warmer than the present day. Pollen-based reconstructions show that the climate was relatively warm during 9200-6000 cal. yr BP and rather unstable between ca. 5800-3700 cal. yr BP. Both the qualitative interpretation of pollen data and the results of quantitative reconstruction indicate that climate and vegetation became similar to modern-day conditions after ca. 3600 cal. yr BP. The chironomid-based temperature reconstruction suggests a relatively warm period between ca. 2300 and 1400 cal. yr BP, which corresponds to the slightly warmer climate conditions reconstructed from the pollen. Modern chironomid and rhizopod assemblages were established after ca. 1400 cal. yr BP.


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A wide variety of environmental records is necessary for analysing and understanding the complex Late Quaternary dynamics of permafrost-dominated Arctic landscapes. A NE Siberian periglacial key region was studied in detail using sediment records, remote sensing data, and terrain modelling, all incorporated in a geographical information system (GIS). The study area consists of the Bykovsky Peninsula and the adjacent Khorogor Valley in the Kharaulakh Ridge situated a few kilometres southeast of the Lena Delta. In this study a comprehensive cryolithological database containing information from 176 sites was compiled. The information from these sites is based on the review of previously published borehole data, outcrop profiles, surface samples, and our own field data. These archives cover depositional records of three periods: from Pliocene to Early Pleistocene, the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene. The main sediment sequences on the Bykovsky Peninsula consist of up to 50 m thick ice-rich permafrost deposits (Ice Complex) that were accumulated during the Late Pleistocene. They were formed as a result of nival processes around extensive snowfields in the Kharaulakh Ridge, slope processes in these mountains (such as in the Khorogor Valley), and alluvial/proluvial sedimentation in a flat accumulation plain dominated by polygonal tundra in the mountain foreland (Bykovsky Peninsula). During the early to middle Holocene warming, a general landscape transformation occurred from an extensive Late Pleistocene accumulation plain to a strongly thermokarst-dominated relief dissected by numerous depressions. Thermokarst subsidence had an enormous influence on the periglacial hydrological patterns, the sediment deposition, and on the composition and distribution of habitats. Climate deterioration, lake drainage, and talik refreezing occurred during the middle to late Holocene. The investigated region was reached by the post-glacial sea level rise during the middle Holocene, triggering thermo-abrasion of ice-rich coasts and the marine inundation of thermokarst depressions.


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The origin and development of the Phillipine Sea have been central issues in tectonic studies of a marginal sea: the deep-sea drilling project (DSDP), Leg 31, was primarily intended to resolve the question. Unfortunately, at only two of the Leg 31 sites (292 and 296) were microfossils indicating the age of the basement recovered, so the age of the ocean basin, had to be deduced by dating the drilled basement rocks.


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Pollen data from a Levinson-Lessing Lake sediment core (74°28'N, 98°38'E) and Cape Sabler, Taymyr Lake permafrost sequences (74°33'N, 100°32'E) reveal substantial environmental changes on the northern Taymyr Peninsula during the last c. 32 000 14C years. The continuous records confirm that a scarce steppe-like vegetation with Poaceae, Artemisia and Cyperaceae dominated c. 32 000-10 300 14C yr BP, while tundra-like vegetation with Oxyria, Ranunculaceae and Caryophyllaceae grew in wetter areas. The coldest interval occurred c. 18 000 yr BP. Lateglacial pollen data show several warming events followed by a climate deterioration c. 10 500 14C yr BP, which may correspond with the Younger Dryas. The Late Pleistocene/Holocene transition, c. 10 300-10 000 14C yr BP, is characterized by a change from the herb-dominated vegetation to shrubby tundra with Betula sect. Nanae and Salix. Alnus fruticosa arrived locally c. 9000-8500 14C yr BP and disappeared c. 4000-3500 14C yr BP. Communities of Betula sect. Nanae, broadly distributed at c. 10 000-3500 14C yr BP, almost disappeared when vegetation became similar to the modern herb tundra after 3500-3000 14C yr BP. Quantitative climate reconstructions show Last Glacial Maximum summer temperature about 4°C below the present and Preboreal (c. 10 000 14C yr BP) temperature 2-4°C above the present. Maximum summer temperature occurred between 10 000 and 5500 14C yr BP; later summers were similar to present or slightly warmer.


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Sedimentological, geochemical and paleomagnetic records were employed to reconstruct the history of East Asian Monsoon variability in the South China Sea (SCS) on orbital- and millennial-to-sub-decadal time scales. A detailed magnetostratigraphy for the southern central SCS was established as well as a stable isotope stratigraphy for ODP Site 1144 for the last 1.2 million years in the northern South China Sea. Furthermore a volcanic tephra layer from the southern central SCS could be identified as the Youngest Toba Ash, which thus re-presents an important age marker and was used to reconstruct paleo wind directions during the eruption 74 ka. Special attention was paid to the high- and ultrahigh-frequency variability in the last glacial-interglacial cycle and the Holocene, and to a precise age control of climate changes in general.


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Three marine sediment cores distributed along the Norwegian (MD95-2011), Barents Sea (JM09-KA11-GC), and Svalbard (HH11-134-BC) continental margins have been investigated in order to reconstruct changes in the poleward flow of Atlantic waters (AW) and in the nature of upper surface water masses within the eastern Nordic Seas over the last 3000 yr. These reconstructions are based on a limited set of coccolith proxies: the abundance ratio between Emiliania huxleyi and Coccolithus pelagicus, an index of Atlantic vs. Polar/Arctic surface water masses; and Gephyrocapsa muellerae, a drifted coccolith species from the temperate North Atlantic, whose abundance changes are related to variations in the strength of the North Atlantic Current. The entire investigated area, from 66 to 77° N, was affected by an overall increase in AW flow from 3000 cal yr BP (before present) to the present. The long-term modulation of westerlies' strength and location, which are essentially driven by the dominant mode of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), is thought to explain the observed dynamics of poleward AW flow. The same mechanism also reconciles the recorded opposite zonal shifts in the location of the Arctic front between the area off western Norway and the western Barents Sea-eastern Fram Strait region. The Little Ice Age (LIA) was governed by deteriorating conditions, with Arctic/Polar waters dominating in the surface off western Svalbard and western Barents Sea, possibly associated with both severe sea ice conditions and a strongly reduced AW strength. A sudden short pulse of resumed high WSC (West Spitsbergen Current) flow interrupted this cold spell in eastern Fram Strait from 330 to 410 cal yr BP. Our dataset not only confirms the high amplitude warming of surface waters at the turn of the 19th century off western Svalbard, it also shows that such a warming was primarily induced by an excess flow of AW which stands as unprecedented over the last 3000 yr.


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Apatite fission track (FT) ages and length characteristics of samples obtained from Cambrian to Paleocene-aged sandstones collected along the margin of Nares Strait in Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago are dominated by a thermal history related to Paleogene relative plate movements between Greenland and Ellesmere Island. A preliminary inverse FT thermal model for a Cambrian (Archer Fiord Formation) sandstone in the hanging wall of the Rawlings Bay thrust at Cape Lawrence is consistent with Paleocene exhumational cooling, likely as a result of erosion of the thrust. This suggests that thrusting at Cape Lawrence occurred prior to the onset of Eocene compression, likely due to transpression during earlier strikeslip along the strait. Models for samples from volcaniclastic sandstones of the Late Paleocene Pavy Formation (from Cape Back and near Pavy River), and a sandstone from the Late Paleocene Mount Lawson Formation (at Split Lake, near Makinson Inlet) are also consistent with minor burial heating following known periods of basaltic volcanism in Baffin Bay and Davis Strait (c. 61-59 Ma), or related tholeiitic volcanism and intrusive activity (c. 55-54 Ma). Thermal models for samples from sea level dykes from around Smith Sound suggest a period of Late Cretaceous - Paleocene heating prior to final cooling during Paleocene time. These model results imply that Paleocene tectonic movements along Nares Strait were significant, and provide limited support for the former existence of the Wegener Fault. Apatite FT data from central Ellesmere Island suggest however, that cooling there occurred during Early Eocene time (c. 50 Ma), which was likely a result of erosion of thrusts during Eurekan compression. This diachronous cooling suggests that Eurekan deformation was partitioned at discrete intervals across Ellesmere Island, and thus it is likely that displacements along the strait were much less than the 150 km that has been previously suggested for the Wegener Fault.