Pollen record and age determinations on four sites from Taymyr Peninsula, Russia

Autoria(s): Andreev, Andrei A; Tarasov, Pavel E; Siegert, Christine; Ebel, Tobias; Klimanov, Vladimir A; Melles, Martin; Bobrov, Anatoly A; Dereviagin, Alexander Yu; Lubinski, David J; Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 74.521229 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 99.989700 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 74.473000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 98.636000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 74.546400 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 100.533300 * DATE/TIME START: 1995-05-23T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1995-05-23T00:00:00




Pollen data from a Levinson-Lessing Lake sediment core (74°28'N, 98°38'E) and Cape Sabler, Taymyr Lake permafrost sequences (74°33'N, 100°32'E) reveal substantial environmental changes on the northern Taymyr Peninsula during the last c. 32 000 14C years. The continuous records confirm that a scarce steppe-like vegetation with Poaceae, Artemisia and Cyperaceae dominated c. 32 000-10 300 14C yr BP, while tundra-like vegetation with Oxyria, Ranunculaceae and Caryophyllaceae grew in wetter areas. The coldest interval occurred c. 18 000 yr BP. Lateglacial pollen data show several warming events followed by a climate deterioration c. 10 500 14C yr BP, which may correspond with the Younger Dryas. The Late Pleistocene/Holocene transition, c. 10 300-10 000 14C yr BP, is characterized by a change from the herb-dominated vegetation to shrubby tundra with Betula sect. Nanae and Salix. Alnus fruticosa arrived locally c. 9000-8500 14C yr BP and disappeared c. 4000-3500 14C yr BP. Communities of Betula sect. Nanae, broadly distributed at c. 10 000-3500 14C yr BP, almost disappeared when vegetation became similar to the modern herb tundra after 3500-3000 14C yr BP. Quantitative climate reconstructions show Last Glacial Maximum summer temperature about 4°C below the present and Preboreal (c. 10 000 14C yr BP) temperature 2-4°C above the present. Maximum summer temperature occurred between 10 000 and 5500 14C yr BP; later summers were similar to present or slightly warmer.


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Supplement to: Andreev, Andrei A; Tarasov, Pavel E; Siegert, Christine; Ebel, Tobias; Klimanov, Vladimir A; Melles, Martin; Bobrov, Anatoly A; Dereviagin, Alexander Yu; Lubinski, David J; Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang (2003): Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation and climate on the northern Taymyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia. Boreas, 32(3), 484-505, doi:10.1111/j.1502-3885.2003.tb01230.x

Palavras-Chave #Abi; Abies; Age, 14C AMS; Age, comment; Age, dated; Age, dated, error to older; Age, dated, error to younger; Age, dated material; Age, dated standard deviation; Age dated; Age e -; Age e +; Age std dev; Aln; Aln.f; Aln.f-T; Alnus; Alnus fruticosa; Alnus fruticosa-type; And; Androsace; Apiaceae; Apiae; Art; Artemisia; Astae; Asteraceae; AWI_PerDyn; B. sect. Nanae/Frutic; Bet.Se.A; Bet.Se.N; Betula sect. Albae; Betula sect. Nanae; Betula sect. Nanae/Fruticosae; Borae; Boraginaceae; Bot; Botrychium; Botryococcus; Braae; Brassicaceae; Bryales; Bryes; Cal; Calluna; Cape Sabler, Taymyr Lake, Taymyr Peninsula, Krasnoyarsk, northern Russia; Caryophyllaceae; Castilleja; Cchae; Cheae; Chenopodiaceae; Chichoriaceae; Cichoriaceae; Comm; COMPCORE; Composite Core; Counting, palynology; Cphae; Cypae; Cyperaceae; d13C; Dated material; delta 13C; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Dipae; Dipsacaceae; Dry; Dryas; Eph.d; Ephedra distachya; Epilobium; Epilobium-type; Epl; Epl-T; Equ; Equisetum; Ericales; Ericales undifferentiated; Erl; Erl.ud; Fabaceae; Fabae; Genae; Gentianaceae; Geological profile sampling; GEOPRO; Helianthemum-type; Hel-T; Hip.r; Hippophae rhamnoides; Hup.s; Hup.s-T; Huperzia selago; Huperzia selago-type; Indet; Indeterminata; Jun; Juniperus; L. pungens; Lab no; Lamae; Lamiaceae; Lar; Larix; Led; Ledum; Lilae; Liliaceae; Lloydia; Lyc; Lyc.a; Lyc.a-T; Lyc.co; Lyc.co-T; Lyc.c-T; Lyc.in; Lyc.s; Lycopodium; Lycopodium alpinum; Lycopodium annotinum-type; Lycopodium clavatum-type; Lycopodium complanatum; Lycopodium complanatum-type; Lycopodium inundatum; Lycopodium pungens; Lycopodium selago; Lycopodium sp.; Menyanthes; Method; Method comment; Mey; Nup; Nuphar; Nym; Nymphaea; Nymphoides; Onaae; Onagraceae; Oxaleae; Oxalidaceae; Oxy; Oxyria; P. s/g Diplo-T; P. s/g Haplo-T; Pap; Papae; Papaver; Papaveraceae; Pdi; Ped; Ped.k; Pediastrum; Pediastrum kawraiskyi; Pediastrum sp.; Pedicularis; Periglacial Dynamics @ AWI; PG1228; Pic; Pic.b; Picea; Picea obovata; Pin; Pin.b; Pin.s; Pinaceae; Pinae; Pinus; Pinus s/g Haplo; Pinus sibirica; Pinus subgen. Diploxylon-type; Pinus subgen. Haploxylon; Pinus subgen. Haploxylon-type; Pinus sylvestris; Pla; Plaae; Plantaginaceae; Plantago; Pluae; Plumbaginaceae; Poac; Poaceae; Pocae; Poe; Pol; Pol.b; Pol.b-T; Pol.i-T; Polae; Polemonium; Polipod; Polipodiaceae; Pollen, redeposited; Pollen redep; Polygonaceae; Polygonum; Polygonum aviculare-type; Polygonum bistorta; Polygonum bistorta-type; Polypodiaceae; Polypodium; Pop; Populus; Pot; Potaea; Potamogeton; Potamogetonaceae; Potentilla; Ppd; Priae; Primulaceae; Ptd; Pteridium; Pti; Ranae; Ranunculaceae; Rosaceae; Rosaceae undifferentiated; Rosae; Rosae.ud; Rub.c; Rubae; Rubiaceae; Rubus chamaemorus; Rum; Rum/Ox-T; Rum/Oxy; Rumex; Rumex/Oxyria; Rumex/Oxyria-type; Rumex-type; Rum-T; S. borealis; Sal; Salix; Sample, optional label/labor no; Sampling/drilling in lake; San.o; Sanguisorba officinalis; SAO1; SAO4; Sax; Sax.n-T; Sax.ud; Saxae; Saxifraga; Saxifragaceae; Saxifraga nivalis-type; Saxifraga undifferentiated; Scoae; Scr.ud; Scrophulariaceae; Scrophulariaceae undifferentiated; Sel.r; Sel.s; Selaginella borealis; Selaginella rupestris; Selaginella selaginoides; Sieversia-T; Sieversia-type; Sparg/Potam-T; Sparganium/Potamogeton-type; Sparganium-type; Spa-T; Sph; Sphagnum; Taymyr; Taymyr95; Tha; Thalictrum; Urtae; Urticaceae; Val; Valae; Valeriana; Valerianaceae; Varia; Vioae; Violaceae; Ymp
