966 resultados para 040202 Inorganic Geochemistry

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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This chapter summarizes the principal results of drilling at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 595, where the Ngendei Seismic Experiment and the emplacement of DARPA's Marine Seismic System (MSS) were carried out. Background and objectives for this work are presented in the introductory chapter to this volume. Interpretation of the seismic experiment and drilling results are presented in subsequent parts of this volume. The chapter also provides a detailed operational summary of the successful deployment of the MSS during Leg 91.


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Originally, we had planned to piston core at Site 595 in order to meet the sedimentologic and biostratigraphic objectives outlined in the introductory chapter. However, consultation with our colleagues, Thomas Jordan and John Orcutt on board Melville, indicated that coring near the ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) array around Hole 595B could alter the programmed signal to noise ratio above which teleseisms trigger recording in the OBSs. They requested that we core no closer than about 8 km from three OBSs nearest Hole 595B, and selected a target for us about that distance to the west. Since a new beacon was required at this distance, a new site number, 596, was designated. Briefly, we planned to obtain oriented hydraulic piston cores to the top of the cherts, then core through the cherts using the extended core barrel (XCB) to basement. With improved recovery, we hoped to reach the sediment/basalt contact, and thus obtain a reliable biostratigraphic determination of the basement age. We planned to obtain at least one core in basement, perhaps more, with time permitting. We planned no geophysical program for the hole.


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During Leg 65, 15 holes were drilled at four sites located on young crust in the mouth of the Gulf of California. Quaternary to upper Pliocene hemipelagic sediments above and interlayered within the young basaltic basement were cored. The influence of hot lava, high temperature gradients, and hydrothermal activity on the mineralogy and geochemistry of the terrigenous sediments near contacts with basalts might therefore be expected. The purpose of the present study was to determine the mineralogy and inorganic geochemistry of these sediments and to analyze the nature and extent of low temperature alteration. To this end we studied the mineralogy and inorganic geochemistry of 75 sediment samples, including those immediately overlying uppermost basalts and those from layers alternating with basalts within the basement. We separated three size fractions - <2 µm (clay), 2-20 µm (intermediate), and >20 µm (coarse) - and applied the following mineralogical determinations: x-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, and optical microscopy (for coarse fractions, using thin sections and smear slides). We calculated the percentages of clay minerals using Biscaye's (1964) method, and used routine wet chemical analyses to determine bulk composition and quantitative spectral analyses for trace elements.


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Among the most extreme habitats on Earth, dark, deep, anoxic brines host unique microbial ecosystems that remain largely unexplored. As the terminal step of anaerobic degradation of organic matter, methanogenesis is a potentially significant but poorly constrained process in deep-sea hypersaline environments. We combined biogeochemical and phylogenetic analyses as well as incubation experiments to unravel the origin of methane in hypersaline sediments of Orca Basin in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Substantial concentrations of methane (up to 3.4 mM) coexisted with high concentrations of sulfate (16-43 mM) in two sediment cores retrieved from the northern and southern parts of Orca Basin. The strong depletion of 13C in methane (-77 to -89 per mill) pointed towards a biological source. While low concentrations of competitive substrates limited the significance of hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis, the presence of non-competitive methylated substrates (methanol, trimethylamine, dimethyl sulfide, dimethylsulfoniopropionate) supported the potential for methane generation through methylotrophic methanogenesis. Thermodynamic calculations demonstrated that hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis were unlikely to occur under in situ conditions, while methylotrophic methanogenesis from a variety of substrates was highly favorable. Likewise, carbon isotope relationships between methylated substrates and methane supported methylotrophic methanogenesis as the major source of methane. Stable isotope tracer and radiotracer experiments with 13C bicarbonate, acetate and methanol as well as 14C-labeled methylamine indicated that methylotrophic methanogenesis was the predominant methanogenic pathway. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, halophilic methylotrophic methanogens related to the genus Methanohalophilus dominated the benthic archaeal community in the northern basin but also occurred in the southern basin. High abundances of methanogen lipid biomarkers such as intact polar and polyunsaturated hydroxyarchaeols were detected in sediments from the northern basin, with lower abundances in the southern basin. Strong 13C-depletion of saturated and monounsaturated hydroxyarchaeol were consistent with methylotrophic methanogenesis as the major methanogenic pathway. Collectively, the availability of methylated substrates, thermodynamic calculations, experimentally determined methanogenic activity as well as lipid and gene biomarkers strongly suggested methylotrophic methanogenesis as predominant pathway of methane formation in the presence of sulfate in Orca Basin sediments.


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Sediment samples collected at DSDP Leg 96 Mississippi Fan Sites 615, 616, 620, 621, and 623, Orca Basin Site 618, and Pigmy Basin Site 619 were analyzed for 22 major, minor, and trace elements. This study was undertaken to document the downhole variability in inorganic geochemistry between sites. The mineralogy of the clays, including those from Sites 614, 617, and 622 on the fan, was determined by X-ray diffraction to define the principal clay minerals present at the sites, examine any downhole trends in clay mineralogy, and aid in the interpretation of the geochemical signature of the sediments. Clay mineral composition at all the sites is smectite:illite:chlorite:kaolinite in the approximate percentage ratio 50:20:20:10. Geochemical results indicate only slight variation between and within the sites, with the exception of a discrete unit of carbonates that occurs near the bottom of Site 615. Variation in the major, minor, and trace element composition can be explained by a change in the relative abundance of quartz, clay minerals, and carbonates.


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Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 302 (Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX) recovered a unique sediment record from the central Arctic Ocean, revealing that this region underwent major environmental fluctuations since the Late Cretaceous. Major and trace element composition of 1,300 samples were determined using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The results show significant compositional variability of the sediments with depth that can be attributed to changes in (a) provenance and pathways of detrital material, (b) paleoenvironmental conditions and depositional processes, and (c) diagenetic overprint of the primary record. In addition to existing lithological units, we introduce new geochemical units for a more process-related approach interpreting the ACEX record. In detail, via the geochemical signature of Siberian flood basalts we are able to reconstruct the discontinuous rifting and deepening of the central Lomonosov Ridge during the Paleogene, accompanied by changing current regimes and the onset of sea ice. Eocene biosiliceous sedimentation took place in a relatively shallow setting under predominantly anoxic bottom water conditions, causing a positive anoxia-productivity feedback, although water column stratification was repeatedly interrupted by ventilation events. Anoxic to sulfidic conditions were even more extreme after biosilica production ceased, and significant amounts of pyrite were deposited on the Lomonosov Ridge. Especially in organic matter-rich Paleogene deposits, diagenetic processes obscured the paleoenvironmental signals. Fundamental environmental changes occurred in the Middle Eocene, but geochemical and micropaleontological proxies point not to the identical sediment depth. After approximately 26 Ma of non-deposition or erosion, the Middle Miocene record shows the transition to dominantly oxic bottom water conditions, although suboxic diagenesis seemingly affected these deposits.


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Samples of sediments and rocks collected at DSDP Sites 530 and 532 were analyzed for 44 major, minor, and trace elements for the following purposes: (1) to document the downhole variability in geochemistry within and between lithologic units; (2) to document trace-element enrichment, if any, in Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich black shales at Site 530; (3) to document trace-element enrichment, if any, in Neogene organic-carbon-rich sediments at Site 532; (4) to document trace-element enrichment, if any, in red claystone above basalt basement at Site 530 that might be attributed to hydrothermal activity or weathering of basalt. Results of the geochemical analyses showed that there are no significant enrichments of elements in the organic-carbon-rich sediments at Site 532, but a number of elements, notably Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn, are enriched in the Cretaceous black shales. These elements have different concentration gradients within the black-shale section, however, which suggests that there was differential mobility of trace elements during diagenesis of interbedded more-oxidized and less-oxidized sediments. There is little or no enrichment of elements from hydrothermal activity in the red claystone immediately overlying basalt basement at Site 530, but slight enrichments of several elements in the lowest meter of sediment may be related to subsea weathering of basalt


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A total of 191 samples was collected for inorganic geochemical analyses from DSDP Holes 463, 464, 465, 465A, and 466. These samples were collected with two main goals. First, at least one sample was collected from each core, whenever possible, to document the general geochemical variability within lithologic units. Unfortunately, several lithologic units were inadequately sampled because of poor recovery, mostly due to the presence of chert. The least-sampled units are Units III in Hole 464 and Units IB and II in Hole 466. The second goal was to look for geochemical differences between contrasting lithologies within main lithologic units, particularly between cyclic interbeds of red and green limestone in Lithologic Unit II, Hole 463, and between olive, laminated limestone and gray, massive limestone in Lithologic Unit II, Hole 465A.