158 resultados para fresh water fish
Stable isotope, foraminifera and ice rafted detritus (IRD) records covering the last interglacial (the Eemian) from 7 sediment cores in a transect from the Norwegian to the Greenland Sea are presented. The percentages of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s.) and Globigerina quinqueloba, foraminiferal content, and to some extent planktonic stable isotope records, demonstrate marked, regional changes in surface water conditions. Importantly, the variability in the abundances of subpolar foraminifera and foraminiferal content are not coherent, implying that these two types of proxies fluctuated independently of each other and most likely reflect changes in sea surface temperature and surface water carbonate productivity, respectively. Paleoceanographic reconstructions demonstrate significant movements of the oceanographic fronts. At the warmest periods, the Arctic front was located far west of the present-day location, at least within the Iceland Sea region. At 126-125 ka, this was most probably due to a stronger or more westerly located Norwegian current. Within the later warm intervals, higher heat flux to the western part of the basin reflects a combination of a stronger Irminger current and/or a weaker east Greenland current. During the main cold spell at ~124 ka, a diffuse Arctic front had a more southeasterly location than today, and intrusion of Atlantic surface waters was probably limited to a narrow corridor in the Eastern Norwegian Sea. A general correspondence between minima in sea surface temperatures and light benthic delta18O may indicate enhanced influx of freshwater to the basin within the cold events. At least in the Norwegian Sea, we find some evidence that the changes in surface water conditions are associated with changes in deep water ventilation. The majority of the fluctuations may be related to occasional breakdown or reduction of the thermohaline circulation within the Nordic seas. In the earliest Eemian, this could result from meltwater forcing. During the remaining part of the last interglacial the fine balance between temperature and salinity, which the deep water formation is depending on, may have been disturbed by periodic increases in fresh water supply or variable influx of warm Atlantic surface waters.
We measured the concentrations of redox-sensitive trace metals (Mn, V, Mo, U, Cd and Re) in sediments from ODP Leg 169S Hole 1033B in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, to determine changes in redox conditions associated with the onset of laminated sediments at ~12.5 kyr. The most striking result is a large peak in authigenic Re along with detrital levels of Mo at the glacial terrigenous clay-diatomaceous sediment transition. In contrast, the underlying glacial terrigenous clay, which extends throughout the bottom section of the core, is chemically similar to detrital concentrations, either Cowichan River particulates or average shale values. These data suggest a period of oxic bottom waters but reducing pore-waters. This could be due to the dramatic transformation of Saanich Inlet during the late deglaciation from an open bay to an inlet, which restricted circulation and slowed bottom water oxygen renewal. A peak and gradual increase in authigenic Mn in younger sediments subsequent to the Re peak suggests that increasingly oxic conditions followed the authigenic enrichment in Re. These conditions could be connected to the Younger Dryas cooling period, which was coincident with an increase in well oxygenated upwelled waters on the west coast of North America that form the bottom waters of Saanich Inlet. Metal concentrations in a gray clay bed (~11 kyr) are similar to their concentrations in the glacial terrigenous clay, implying that they have a common source. Authigenic enrichments of Re with little authigenic Mo and Cd suggest that before the deposition of this bed, bottom waters were oxic and pore-water oxygen was consumed in the top centimeter or less. Laminations above the clay layer suggest anoxic conditions, which are also indicated by higher authigenic Mo and Cd and slightly lower Re/Mo ratios in these sediments. The basin remained mostly anoxic after the gray clay was emplaced, as seen by continuous authigenic enrichment of the redox-sensitive trace metals. These results are consistent with increased stratification of the water column, brought about by an influx of fresh water to the basin by a large flood.
Benthic d13C values (F. wuellerstorfi), kaolinite/chlorite ratios and sortable silt median grain sizes in sediments of a core from the abyssal Agulhas Basin record the varying impact of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) during the last 200 ka. The data indicate that NADW influence decreased during glacials and increased during interglacials, in concert with the global climatic changes of the late Quaternary. In contrast, AABW displays a much more complex behaviour. Two independent modes of deep-water formation contributed to the AABW production in the Weddell Sea: 1) brine rejection during sea ice formation in polynyas and in the sea ice zone (Polynya Mode) and 2) super-cooling of Ice Shelf Water (ISW) beneath the Antarctic ice shelves (Ice Shelf Mode). Varying contributions of the two modes lead to a high millennial-scale variability of AABW production and export to the Agulhas Basin. Highest rates of AABW production occur during early glacials when increased sea ice formation and an active ISW production formed substantial amounts of deep water. Once full glacial conditions were reached and the Antarctic ice sheet grounded on the shelf, ISW production shut down and only brine rejection generated moderate amounts of deep water. AABW production rates dropped to an absolute minimum during Terminations I and II and the Marine Isotope Transition (MIS) 4/3 transition. Reduced sea ice formation concurrent with an enhanced fresh water influx from melting ice lowered the density of the surface water in the Weddell Sea, thus further reducing deep water formation via brine rejection, while the ISW formation was not yet operating again. During interglacials and the moderate interglacial MIS 3 both brine formation and ISW production were operating, contributing various amounts to AABW formation in the Weddell Sea.