793 resultados para Representative Core Samples


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This study quantitatively addresses the significance of porosity within radiolarian tests in the décollement zone at the toe of the northern Barbados accretionary prism. Quantification was accomplished using scanning electron microscope images of core samples taken from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 671 and 672, representing the décollement and proto-décollement, respectively. The décollement is localized to a radiolarian claystone, and its depth correlates with a low-density anomaly that has been attributed to high porosity at all relevant ODP drilling sites in the area (Moore, Klaus, et al., 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.171A.1998; Shipley, Ogawa, Blum, et al., 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.153.1995; Mascle, Moore, et al., 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.110.1988). Porosity in the décollement zone is presumably lost between Sites 672 and 671 because of shear enhanced consolidation (Moore et al., 1998, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0811:CPDIAE>2.3.CO;2).


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Analyses of extractable organic matter from selected core samples obtained at DSDP Site 535 in the eastern Gulf of Mexico show that the asphalt (or tar) and adjacent oil stains in Lower Cretaceous fractured limestones have a common origin and are not derived from the surrounding organic-matter-rich limestones. Organic matter indigenous to those surrounding limestones was shown to be thermally immature and incapable of yielding the hydrocarbon mixture discovered. In contrast, the oil-stained and asphaltic material appears to be a post-migration alteration product of a mature oil that has migrated from source rocks deeper in the section, or from stratigraphically equivalent but compositionally different source-facies down-dip from the drill site. Further, hydrocarbons of the altered petroleum residues were shown to be similar to Sunniland-type oils found in Lower Cretaceous rocks of South Florida. The results suggest that shallowwater, platform-type source-rock facies similar to those that generated Sunniland-type oils, or deeper-water facies having comparable oil-generating material, are present in this deep-water (> 3000 m) environment. These findings have important implications for the petroleum potential in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and for certain types of deep-sea sediments.


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Core samples of basalt collected from Hole 504B during Leg 137 were investigated regarding their mechanical behavior. The rock samples were measured for hardness, compression strength, and modulus of elasticity. Abrasion loss of weight and Shore sclerometer methods were used for determining hardness. Static and dynamic methods were used for calculating modulus of elasticity. Test results were compared with shipboard measurements of ultrasonic velocity and dry-bulk density. Test results were interpreted statistically to provide data not only on mechanical behavior changes of the rock but also on the precision of the methods used.


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Pyrolysis assay, bitumen analysis, and elemental analysis of kerogen were used to characterize the organic matter of selected core samples from Hole 534A (Leg 76) and Hole 391C (Leg 44) on the Blake-Bahama Plateau. The organic matter throughout the stratigraphic section appears to be principally of a terrestrial origin. The data from several isolated horizons in the Hatteras and Blake-Bahama Formations imply the presence of significant quantities of autochthonous marine organic matter. However, these horizons appear so limited that they cannot be considered potential liquid hydrocarbon source rocks. All the analyzed samples are immature and have not evolved sufficiently to enter into the main stage of hydrocarbon generation. The temporal and spatial restrictions of strata rich in marine organic matter suggest that they do not represent major expansions and contractions of anoxic bottom-water masses, but represent limited occurrences of anoxic conditions.


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The voluminous volcanic eruptions in the Nauru Basin, Western Pacific, have long been regarded as important research targets for tectonic history of the Pacific Plate and for the widespread Cretaceous volcanic activity in the Western Pacific. The Nauru Basin volcanic rocks were recovered at Site 462 by Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Legs 61 and 89, where more than 600 m of lavas and sills were drilled, thereby making it the deepest penetration into crust of Cretaceous age in the Pacific Ocean. For paleomagnetism, this section represents a unique possibility for averaging out secular variation to obtain a reliable paleolatitude estimate. However, previous paleomagnetic studies have only been subjected to alternating field (AF) demagnetization on several core samples, thus, unable to provide comprehensive understanding on the paleolatitude of the basin. The work reported here aims to determine the Cretaceous paleomagnetic paleolatitude for the Pacific Plate and define the magnetostratigraphy for the basaltic sections drilled in the Nauru Basin. A total of 391 basaltic rock samples were carefully re-sampled from DSDP Sites 462 and 462A. Stepwise thermal and AF demagnetizations have isolated characteristic components in the majority of the samples. The most important findings from this study include: (1) Two normal and one reversed polarity intervals are identified in Site 462, and six normal and six reversed polarity intervals are found in Site 462A, although possible erroneous markings of the opposite azimuth for some reversed polarity cores during the DSDP coring cannot be completely ruled out. (2) Based on previous radiometric ages, the magnetostratigraphic correlations with the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) indicate that the lower-basaltic flow unit in Site 462A began to erupt at least before 130 Ma. No correlation is available for the upper-sill unit. (3) Paleosecular variation for the lower-flow unit has been sufficiently averaged out; whereas bias may exist for that of the upper-sill unit; (4) The calculated mean inclination of ~50° for the lower-flow unit yields a paleolatitude of 30.8°S for the Nauru Basin at the time of emplacement. This value is well to the north of suggested location in plate reconstruction models, suggesting that there has been a significant amount of apparent polar wander of the Nauru Basin and Pacific plate since 130 Ma. In addition, the paleolatitude for the Nauru Basin is ~7° further south and the basin's age is more than 10 my older than those of the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP), which suggest that the volcanic eruptions of the lower flows in the Nauru Basin are unlikely related to the emplacement of the Ontong Java Plateau.


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Fission product (90Sr-90Y, 137Cs, total beta) and 21OPb-210Po activities were measured in core samples from the temperate vernagtferner (3150 m altitude, Oetztal Alps, Austria). The results show that the investigated fission products are transported with water resulting from melting processes, and are sorbed on dust or dirt horizons. These products are, therefore, not suited for dating temperate glaciers. 210Pb is also transported with water and displaced from its original deposition. However, despite large fluctuations, the specific activity of 210Pb decreases with depth, and can be used to estimate accumulation rates and the age of the ice. The average annual accumulation rate amounts to about 80 cm water equivalent, and the deepest sample (81 m i.e. ab. 65 m w. e.) was deposited in the beginning of this century. These results agree with data obtained from other observations on this glacier and show that the 210Pb_method is suitable to date temperate glaciers, if the ice cores cover a time interval of about 100 years (i.e. ab. 4 half-lives of 210Pb). The surface activity of 210Pb was found to be 5 ± 1 dpm per kg of ice in agreement with other locations in the Alps and with measurements of fresh snow.


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Distribution, accumulation and diagenesis of surficial sediments in coastal and continental shelf systems follow complex chains of localized processes and form deposits of great spatial variability. Given the environmental and economic relevance of ocean margins, there is growing need for innovative geophysical exploration methods to characterize seafloor sediments by more than acoustic properties. A newly conceptualized benthic profiling and data processing approach based on controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) imaging permits to coevally quantify the magnetic susceptibility and the electric conductivity of shallow marine deposits. The two physical properties differ fundamentally insofar as magnetic susceptibility mostly assesses solid particle characteristics such as terrigenous or iron mineral content, redox state and contamination level, while electric conductivity primarily relates to the fluid-filled pore space and detects salinity, porosity and grain-size variations. We develop and validate a layered half-space inversion algorithm for submarine multifrequency CSEM with concentric sensor configuration. Guided by results of modeling, we modified a commercial land CSEM sensor for submarine application, which was mounted into a nonconductive and nonmagnetic bottom-towed sled. This benthic EM profiler Neridis II achieves 25 soundings/second at 3-4 knots over continuous profiles of up to hundred kilometers. Magnetic susceptibility is determined from the 75 Hz in-phase response (90% signal originates from the top 50 cm), while electric conductivity is derived from the 5 kHz out-of-phase (quadrature) component (90% signal from the top 92 cm). Exemplary survey data from the north-west Iberian margin underline the excellent sensitivity, functionality and robustness of the system in littoral (~0-50 m) and neritic (~50-300 m) environments. Susceptibility vs. porosity cross-plots successfully identify known lithofacies units and their transitions. All presently available data indicate an eminent potential of CSEM profiling for assessing the complex distribution of shallow marine surficial sediments and for revealing climatic, hydrodynamic, diagenetic and anthropogenic factors governing their formation.


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Acetate and hydrogen concentrations in pore fluids were measured in samples taken at seven sites from southern Hydrate Ridge (SHR) offshore Oregon, USA. Acetate concentrations ranged from 3.17 to 2515 µM. The maximum acetate concentrations occurred at Site 1251, which was drilled on a slope basin to the east of SHR at depths just above the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR) that marks the boundary of gas hydrate stability. Acetate maxima and localized high acetate concentrations occurred at the BSR at all sites and frequently corresponded with areas of gas hydrate accumulation, suggesting an empirical relationship. Acetate concentrations were typically at a minimum near the seafloor and above the sulfate/methane interface, where sulfate-reducing bacteria may consume acetate. Hydrogen concentrations in pressure core samples ranged from 16.45 to 1036 parts per million by volume (ppmv). In some cases, hydrogen and acetate concentrations were elevated concurrently, suggesting a positive correlation. However, sampling of hydrogen was limited in comparison to acetate, so any relationships between the two analytes, if present, were difficult to discern.


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This paper presents a geotechnical characterization of the glacigenic sediments in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, based on the shipboard physical properties data obtained during Leg 119, combined with results of land-based analyses of 24 whole-round core samples. Main emphasis is placed on the land-based studies, which included oedometer consolidation tests, triaxial and simple shear tests for undrained shear strength, permeability tests in oedometer and triaxial cell, Atterberg limits, and grain-size analyses. The bulk of the tested sediments comprise overconsolidated diamictites of a relatively uniform lithology. The overconsolidation results from a combination of glacial loading and sediment overburden subsequently removed by extensive glacial erosion of the shelf. This leads to downhole profiles of physical properties that have been observed not to change as a function of the thickness of present overburden. A number of fluctuations in the parameters shows a relatively systematic trend and most likely results from changes in the proximity to the ice sheet grounding line in response to variations in the glacial regime. Very low permeabilities mainly result from high preconsolidation stresses (Pc'). Pc' values up to 10,000 kPa were estimated from the oedometer tests, and empirical estimates based on undrained shear strengths (up to 2500 kPa) indicate that the oedometer results are conservative. The diamictites generally classify as inactive, of low to medium plasticity, and they consolidate with little deformation, even when subjected to great stresses. This is the first report of geotechnical data from deep boreholes on the Antarctic continental shelf, but material of similar character can also be expected in other areas around the Antarctic.


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Twenty-six core samples from Leg 64, Holes 474, 474A, 477, 478, 479, and 481A in the Gulf of California, were provided by the Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES) Advisory Panel on Organic Geochemistry for analysis. The high heat flow characteristic of the basin provides an opportunity to study the effect of temperature on the diagenesis of organic matter. The contents and carbon isotope compositions of the organic matter and bitumen fractions of different polarity, isoprenoid and normal alkane distributions, and the nature of tetrapyrrole pigments were studied. Relative contents of hydrocarbons and bitumens depend on the thermal history of the deposits. Among other criteria, the nature and content of tetrapyrrole pigments appear to be most sensitive to thermal stress. Whereas only chlorins are present in the immature samples, porphyrins, including VO-porphyrins, appear in the thermally altered deposits, despite the shallow burial depth. Alkane distributions in thermally changed samples are characterized by low values of phytane to 2-C18 ratios and an odd/even carbon preference index close to unity. The thermally altered samples show unusual carbon isotope distributions of the bitumen fractions. The data also provide some evidence concerning the source of the organic matter and the degree of diagenesis.


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Nontronite, the main metalliferous phase of the Galapagos mounds, occurs at subsurface depths of about 2 to 20 meters; Mn-oxide material is limited to the upper 2 meters of the mounds. The nontronite forms intervals of up to a few meters' thickness, consisting essentially of 100% nontronite granules, which alternate with intervals of normal pelagic sediment. Electron microprobe analyses of nontronite granules from different core samples indicate that: (1) there is little difference in major element composition between nontronites from varying locations within the mounds, with adjacent granules from a given sample having very similar compositions; (2) individual granules show little internal variation in composition. This indicates that the granules are composed of a single mineral of essentially constant composition, consistent with relatively uniform conditions of Eh and composition during nontronite formation. Mn-oxide crusts have very low Fe contents, a feature characteristic of rapidly deposited Mn-oxide crusts formed under hydrothermal influences. The rare-earth element (REE) abundances of the nontronites are generally extremely low, totalling less than several ppm. Two samples have the negatively Ce anomaly typical of authigenic precipitates formed relatively rapidly from seawater. A Mn-oxide crust sample has low REE contents, typical of Mn-oxide crusts formed under hydrothermal influences, but no negative Ce anomaly. A sample of unusual Mn-Fe-oxide mud has relatively high REE concentrations and a seawater-type pattern; both of these features are also found for metalliferous sediments from the East Pacific Rise. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of the nontronites define a restricted field within a d18O-dD plot. In manganiferous sediments, d18O and dD appear to decrease with increase in the Mn-oxide content of the sediment. From the d18O values of the nontronites, formation temperatures in the range of about 20-30°C have been estimated. By comparison, temperatures of up to 11.5 °C at a 9-meter depth have been directly measured within the mounds (Corliss et al., 1979), and heat-flow data suggest present basement/sediment interface temperatures of 15-25°C. In a plot of Fe + Mn vs. d18O, the Mn-oxide crust and Mn-Fe-ooze plot near the tie-lines for authigenic Mn nodules and silicate phases, implying that they have formed in isotopic equilibrium with seawater at or close to bottom-water temperatures.


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We detected authigenic clinoptilolites in two core samples of tuffaceous, siliceous mudstone in the lower Miocene section of Hole 439. They occur as prismatic and tabular crystals as long as 0.03 mm in various voids of dissolved glass shards, radiolarian shells, calcareous foraminifers, and calcareous algae. They are high in alkalies, especially Na, and in silica varieties. There is a slight difference in composition among them. The Si : (Al+ Fe3+) ratio is highest (4.65) in radiolarian voids, intermediate (4.34) in dissolved glass voids, and lowest (4.26) in voids of calcareous organisms. This difference corresponds to the association of authigenic silica minerals revealed by the scanning electron microscope: There are abundant opal-CT lepispheres in radiolarian voids, low cristobalite and some lepispheres in dissolved glass voids, and a lack of silica minerals in the voids of calcareous organisms. Although it contains some silica from biogenic opal and alkalies from trapped sea water, clinoptilolite derives principally from dissolved glass. Although they are scattered in core samples of Quaternary through lower Miocene diatomaceous and siliceous deposits, acidic glass fragments react with interstitial water to form clinoptilolite only at a sub-bottom depth of 935 meters at approximately 25°C. Analcimes occur in sand-sized clasts of altered acidic vitric tuff in the uppermost Oligocene sandstones. The analcimic tuff clasts were probably reworked from the Upper Cretaceous terrain adjacent to Site 439. Low cristobalite and opal-CT are found in tuffaceous, siliceous mudstone of the middle and lower Miocene sections at Sites 438 and 439. Low cristobalite derives from acidic volcanic glass and opal-CT from biogenic silica. Both siliceous organic remains and acidic glass fragments occur in sediments from the Quaternary through lower Miocene sections. However, the shallowest occurrence is at 700 meters subbottom in Hole 438A, where temperature is estimated to be 21°C. The d(101) spacing of opal-CT varies from 4.09 to 4.11 Å and that of low cristobalite from 4.04 to 4.06 Å. Some opal-CT lepispheres are precipitated onto clinoptilolites in the voids of radiolarian shells at a sub-bottom depth of 950 meters in Hole 439. Sandstone interlaminated with Upper Cretaceous shale is chlorite- calcite cemented and feldspathic. Sandstones in the uppermost Oligocene section are lithic graywacke and consist of large amounts of lithic clasts grouped into older sedimentary and weakly metamorphosed rocks, younger sedimentary rocks, and acidic volcanic rocks. The acidic volcanic clasts probably originated from the volcanic high, which supplied the basal conglomerate with dacite gravels. The older sedimentary and weakly metamorphosed rocks and green rock correspond to the lithologies of the lower Mesozoic to upper Paleozoic Sorachi Group, including the chert, limestone, and slate in south-central Hokkaido. However, the angular shape and coarseness of the clasts and the abundance of carbonate rock fragments indicate a nearby provenance, which is probably the southern offshore extension of the Sorachi Group. The younger sedimentary rocks, including mudstone, carbonaceous shale, and analcime-bearing tuff, correspond to the lithologies of the Upper Cretaceous strata in south-central Hokkaido. Their clasts were reworked from the southern offshore extension of the strata. Because of the discontinuity of the zeolite zoning due to burial diagenesis, an overburden several kilometers thick must have been denuded before the deposition of sediments in the early Oligocene.


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We carried out an experiment to estimate in-situ stresses at ODP Hole 794C (water depth: 2809 m) from the basaltic core samples by deformation rate analysis (DRA). Site 794 is located at the northern end of the Yamato Basin and 70 km west of the eastern Japan Sea intraplate or interplate convergent zone. Stress previously applied to a rock specimen is identified in the inelastic strain behavior of the specimen under uniaxial compression by the method used. Natural remanent magnetization of the sample was also measured to get a reference for the orientation of the horizontal stresses. The vertical, maximum, and minimum horizontal in-situ stresses estimated at a depth of 582 mbsf are 36.4, 43.1, and 31.2 MPa, respectively. The average of the largest and the least horizontal stresses is nearly equal in value to the vertical stress. This suggests that the site is in the stress field of the strike slip regime at the depth, while the stress field of the reverse fault regime has been estimated from the focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes whose hypocenters are located near or on the convergent boundary. The directions of the largest and the least horizontal stress are estimated to be northeast-southwest and in northwest-southeast, respectively, in taking account of rotation tectonics of the Japan Sea since its formation. The directions of the largest and the least horizontal stresses are opposite to those determined from the earthquakes. These discrepancies of our results with those from earthquakes may be due mainly to the fact that the site is not in the convergent zone.


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One hundred and sixty core samples were analyzed from Hole 832B to evaluate planktonic foraminiferal datum levels, and to zone and correlate the borehole succession. A total of 32 biostratigraphic events were recognized in the interval from Core 134-832B-59R through 134-832B-73R (702.49 through 846.4 meters below seafloor [mbsf]). These include 17 first appearance datum levels (FAD), 10 last appearance datum levels (LAD), and 5 coiling-change events in trochospiral species. The studied succession has been subdivided into nine planktonic foraminiferal zones (viz. downsequence N.22, N.21, N.20, N.19, N.18, N.17B, N.17A-N.16, N.15, N.8). The zonal index species occur in the expected stratigraphic order for zonal correlation, but some of the zonal boundaries may be diachronous compared to other localities in the western Pacific region. The FAD of Globorotalia (Truncorotalia) truncatulinoides (d' Orbigny) at 714.10 mbsf defines the boundary between the Zone N.22 and N.21; the boundary between Zones N.21 and N.20 at 741.73 mbsf is marked by the FAD of Globorotalia (Truncorotalia) tosaensis Takayanagi and Saito. The lower boundary of Zone N.20 is placed at 747.65 mbsf, based on the FAD of Globorotalia (Truncorotalia) crassaformis s.s. (Galloway and Wissler); the FAD of Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (Parker and Jones) at 756.61 mbsf defines the boundary between Zones N.18 and N.19. The FAD of Globorotalia (Globorotalia) tumida tumida (Brady) at 811.15 mbsf marks the boundary between Zones N.18 and N.17B. The boundary between Zones N.17B and N.17Ais placed at 843.52 mbsf, based on the FAD of Pulleniatina primalis Banner and Blow. A change in depositional conditions occurs at 846.4 mbsf just below the Zone N.17B lower boundary and is marked by the first appearance of abundant planktonic foraminifers in the region. The interval between 849.13 and 856.1 mbsf is placed in undifferentiated Zones N.17A and N.16, based on the rare occurrence of Neogloboquadrina acostaensis (Blow). The sparsely fossiliferous volcanic sandstone unit between 934.19 and 955.67 mbsf is positioned within Zone N.15 based on the presence of Globigerina (Zeaglobigerina) nepenthes Todd and Globigerinoides (Zeaglobigerina) druryi Arkers, and absence of N. acostaensis and Globorotalia (Jenkinsella) siakensis LeRoy. An unconformity between 955.67 and 971.80 mbsf may explain the absence of Zones N.14 through N.9. Basal Zone N.8 is recognized at 971.80 to 1008.60 mbsf by the presence of Globigerinoides sicanus De Stefani and the absence of Praeorbulina and Orbulina spp. The age of the succession between 702.49 and 1008.6 mbsf extends from the latest Pliocene or earliest Pleistocene (Zone N.22) to the earliest middle Miocene (Zone N.8). Among the datum levels evaluated here, the following events are considered to be the most reliable for time correlation in the studied region: the FADs of G. (T.) truncatulinoides, G. (T.) tosaensis, G. (T.) crassaformis, S. dehiscens, G. conglobatus (Brady), G. (G.) tumida tumida, and P. primalis; and the LADs of Globorotalia (Menardella) multicamerata Cushman and Jarvis, and Dentoglobigerina altispira altispira (Cushman and Jarvis). Application of a chronometric scale to part of the succession, suggests that the interval of calcareous sediment between 702.49 and 846.4 mbsf accumulated at about 30 m/m.y.