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A six-fold increase in the rate of accumulation of Al in north and central Atlantic and Pacific Ocean sediments indicates vastly increased denudation of the continents during the past 15 Ma. The increase is more apparent in hemipelagic than pelagic sites, demonstrating widely distributed local controls. Similarities in the rate of increase in the Atlantic and Pacific show that tectonic elevation is not responsible for the difference in sedimentation rate. Also, similarities in the difference at sites of low and high latitude suggest that glaciation is not the most significant source. A lack of correspondence between sedimentation rates and Vail's sea-level curve similarly rule out that effect. The conclusion drawn here is that worldwide climatic deterioration during the late Tertiary is the explanation for the striking increase in detrital sedimentation in the World ocean.


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Foraminiferal abundance, 14C ventilation ages, and stable isotope ratios in cores from high deposition rate locations in the western subtropical North Atlantic are used to infer changes in ocean and climate during the Younger Dryas (YD) and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The d18O of the surface dwelling planktonic foram Globigerinoides ruber records the present-day decrease in surface temperature (SST) of ~4°C from Gulf Stream waters to the northeastern Bermuda Rise. If during the LGM the modern d18O/salinity relationship was maintained, this SST contrast was reduced to 2°C. With LGM to interglacial d18O changes of at least 2.2 per mil, SSTs in the western subtropical gyre may have been as much as 5°C colder. Above ~2.3 km, glacial d13C was higher than today, consistent with nutrient-depleted (younger) bottom waters, as identified previously. Below that, d13C decreased continually to -0.5 per mil, about equal to the lowest LGM d13C in the North Pacific Ocean. Seven pairs of benthic and planktonic foraminiferal 14C dates from cores >2.5 km deep differ by 1100 ± 340 years, with a maximum apparent ventilation age of ~1500 years at 4250 m and at ~4700 m. Apparent ventilation ages are presently unavailable for the LGM < 2.5 km because of problems with reworking on the continental slope when sea level was low. Because LGM d13C is about the same in the deep North Atlantic and the deep North Pacific, and because the oldest apparent ventilation ages in the LGM North Atlantic are the same as the North Pacific today, it is possible that the same water mass, probably of southern origin, flowed deep within each basin during the LGM. Very early in the YD, dated here at 11.25 ± 0.25 (n = 10) conventional 14C kyr BP (equal to 12.9 calendar kyr BP), apparent ventilation ages <2.3 km water depth were about the same as North Atlantic Deep Water today. Below ~2.3 km, four YD pairs average 1030 ± 400 years. The oldest apparent ventilation age for the YD is 1600 years at 4250 m. This strong contrast in ventilation, which indicates a front between water masses of very different origin, is similar to glacial profiles of nutrient-like proxies. This suggests that the LGM and YD modes of ocean circulation were the same.


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Shallow- to deep-water environments are represented by the sediments and rocks recovered from the Walvis Ridge- Angola Basin transect. These calcareous oozes, chalks, limestones, and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks are used to define and correlate four lithostratigraphic units. The sediments were deposited in cycles which represent recurring tectonic or Oceanographic events and may be related to climatic fluctuations and orbital perturbations. Turbidites are the most common and easily identified sedimentary cycle. They are Late Cretaceous to Paleocene in age and are repeated in intervals ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of years. They are also found interbedded between basalt layers. Turbidites are easily distinguished from the other cycles present by their sedimentary structures, mineral composition, alteration products, and physical properties (GRAPE) data. Large-scale turbidites, debris, or slump breccias are found at or just above the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary and indicate an event of considerable energy possibly related to intense tectonic activity. Diagenetic cycles, interpreted as small-scale dissolution cycles or sequences produced by biogenic activity, occur in early Paleocene chalks. The recurrence intervals average -20,000 y. but have a wide range of values. Variations in CaCO3 content, color, gradational boundaries, and trace fossil content characterize these sediments. These cycles reflect bottom-water conditions. Ooze-chalk cycles occur in upper Oligocene to upper Paleocene sediments and represent conditions that once existed at the sediment/water interface where they obtained their diagenetic potential. These oscillations are repeated over tens of thousands of years and may have no modern analogs. Color variations in sediments at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary indicate local fluctuations in oxygen content within the sediments or the water column. This situation lasted for several hundred thousand years and is not repeated elsewhere in the sequence. Large dissolution cycles are recorded in the sediments at Site 527 that are of middle Miocene and early Oligocene to middle Eocene age. During this time the seafloor at this site appears to have been located at or subsided to a depth occupied by a fluctuating CCD and lysocline.


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Abundance and species composition of copepods were studied during the expedition ANT XXI/1 on a latitudinal transect in the eastern Atlantic from 34°49.5' N to 27°28.1' S between 2-20 November 2002. Stratified zooplankton tows were carried out at 19 stations with a multiple opening-closing net between 300 m water depth and the surface. Cyclopoid and calanoid copepods showed similar patterns of distribution and abundance. Oithona was the most abundant cyclopoid genus, followed by Oncaea. A total of 149 calanoid copepod species were identified. Clausocalanus was by far the most abundant genus, comprising on average about 45% of all calanoids, followed by Calocalanus (13%), Delibus (9%), Paracalanus (6%), and Pleuromamma (5%). All other genera comprised on average less than 5% each, with 40 genera less than 1%. The calanoid copepod communities were distinguished broadly in accordance with sea surface temperature, separating the subtropical from the tropical stations, and were largely determined by variation in species composition and species abundance. Nine Clausocalanus species were identified. The most numerous Clausocalanus species was C. furcatus, which on average comprised half of all adult of this genus. C. pergens, C. paululus, and C. jobei, contributed an average of 19%, 9%, and 9%, respectively. The Clausocalanus species differed markedly in their horizontal and vertical distributions: C. furcatus, C. jobei, and C. mastigophorus had widespread distributions and inhabited the upper water layers. Major differences between the species were found in abundance. C. paululus and C. arcuicornis were biantitropical and were absent or occurred in very low numbers in the equatorial zone. C. parapergens was found at all stations and showed a bimodal distribution pattern with maxima in the subtropics. C. pergens occurred in higher numbers only at the southern stations, where it replaced C. furcatus in dominance. In contrast to the widespread species, the bulk of the C. paululus, C. arcuicornis, C. parapergens, and C. pergens populations was concentrated in the colder, deeper water layers below the thermocline, thereby avoiding the warm surface waters. C. lividus was found only at the most northern and C. ingens only at the most southern stations. Both species were found almost exclusively in the upper 50 m. The distinct differences in abundance and horizontal and vertical distribution suggest a strong ecological differentiation among the Clausocalanus species.


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Oxygen isotope measurements in Greenland ice demonstrate that a series of rapid warm-cold oscillations -called Dansgaard-Oeschger events- punctuated the last glaciation (Dansgard et al., 1993, doi:10.1038/364218a0). Here we present records of sea surface temperature from North Atlantic sediments spanning the past 90 kyr which contain a series of rapid temperature oscillations closely matching those in the ice-core record, confirming predictions that the ocean must bear the imprint of the Dansgaard-Oeschger events (Broecker et al., 1988, doi:10.1016/0033-5894(88)90082-8; 1990, doi:10.1029/PA005i004p00469). Moreover, we show that between 20 and 80 kyr ago, the shifts in ocean-atmosphere temperature are bundled into cooling cycles, lasting on average 10 to 15 kyr, with asymmetrical saw-tooth shapes. Each cycle culminated in an enormous discharge of icebergs into the North Atlantic (a 'Hein-rich event' (Bond et al., 1992, doi:10.1038/360245a0; Broecker et al., 1992, doi:10.1007/BF00193540), followed by an abrupt shift to a warmer climate. These cycles document a previously unrecognized link between ice sheet behaviour and ocean-atmosphere temperature changes. An important question that remains to be resolved is whether the cycles are driven by external factors, such as orbital forcing, or by inter-nal ice-sheet dynamics.


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Fossil manganese nodules and encrustations from seamount' and basin' localities in the Transdanubian Central Mountains of Hungary are lithologically, mineralogically and chemically similar to some modern marine ferromanganese oxide deposits, and show no evidence of postdepositional changes other than cementation. Five groups of deposits were encountered: Fe/Mn nodules, encrusted shells, pavements, stains, and Fe oxide encrusted intraclasts, the first three of which are specific to the 'seamount' environment and the last to the basins'. Optical and electron microprobe investigation of the samples shows them to exhibit many similarities with modern ferromanganese oxide deposits, and that many of the nodules are surrounded by a halo of dispersed ferromanganese oxides, strongly suggesting that they continued to accrete metals through the pore waters of unlithified sediments for a period after burial. By contrast, pavements which appear to have grown on hardgrounds at the sea floor show little or no evidence of derivation of metals from underlying sediments. Geochemical investigations on the deposits show the seamount' varieties to be closer in composition to most modern nodules and crusts than the basin' varieties, and that the latter are essentially manganese and trace-element-poor ferruginous deposits. Nevertheless, all can be more or less compositionally equated with modern ferromanganese oxide deposits forming in marginal Atlantic environments, which would be in accord with the proposed depositional environment of the Transdanubian Central Mountains based on other evidence.


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Compressional- and shear-wave velocity logs (Vp and Vs, respectively) that were run to a sub-basement depth of 1013 m (1287.5 m sub-bottom) in Hole 504B suggest the presence of Layer 2A and document the presence of layers 2B and 2C on the Costa Rica Rift. Layer 2A extends from the mudline to 225 m sub-basement and is characterized by compressional-wave velocities of 4.0 km/s or less. Layer 2B extends from 225 to 900 m and may be divided into two intervals: an upper level from 225 to 600 m in which Vp decreases slowly from 5.0 to 4.8 km/s and a lower level from 600 to about 900 m in which Vp increases slowly to 6.0 km/s. In Layer 2C, which was logged for about 100 m to a depth of 1 km, Vp and Vs appear to be constant at 6.0 and 3.2 km/s, respectively. This velocity structure is consistent with, but more detailed than the structure determined by the oblique seismic experiment in the same hole. Since laboratory measurements of the compressional- and shear-wave velocity of samples from Hole 504B at Pconfining = Pdifferential average 6.0 and 3.2 km/s respectively, and show only slight increases with depth, we conclude that the velocity structure of Layer 2 is controlled almost entirely by variations in porosity and that the crack porosity of Layer 2C approaches zero. A comparison between the compressional-wave velocities determined by logging and the formation porosities calculated from the results of the large-scale resistivity experiment using Archie's Law suggest that the velocity- porosity relation derived by Hyndman et al. (1984) for laboratory samples serves as an upper bound for Vp, and the noninteractive relation derived by Toksöz et al. (1976) for cracks with an aspect ratio a = 1/32 serves as a lower bound.


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Data on glacial erosion have been compiled and synthesised using a wide range of sediment budget and sediment yield studies from the Svalbard-Barents Sea region. The data include studies ranging in timescale from 1 to 10**6 yr, and in size of drainage basin from 101 to 105 km**2. They show a clear dependence of sediment yield on the mode of glacierization. Polar glaciers erode at rates comparable to those found in Arctic fluvial basins, or about 40 t/km**-2/ yr or 0.02 mm/yr. In contrast, rates of erosion by polythermal glaciers are 800-1000 t/km**2/ yr (or ca 0.3-0.4 mm/yr), while rates from fast-flowing glaciers are slightly more than twice this: 2100 t/km**2/yr (or 1 mm/yr). Similar rates are also found for large glacierized basins like those in the southwestern parts of the Barents Sea. In contrast to the situation in fluvial basins, in which sediment yield typically decreases with increasing basin size, the tendency in glacierized basins is for erosion to be independent of basin size. In studies of sediment yield from glaciers it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between material actually dislodged from the bedrock by glaciers and material dislodged by other processes in interglacial times and simply transported to a depocenter by a glacier. Our data suggest that pulses of sediment resulting from advance of a glacier over previously-dislodged material last on the order of 10**3 yr, and result in inferred erosion rates that are approximately 25% higher than long-term average rates of glacial erosion. The maximum sediment fluxes from the large Storfjorden and Bear Island drainage basins occurred in mid-Pleistocene. The onset of this period of high sediment yield coincided with the onset of the 100 kyr glacial cycle. We presume that this was the beginning of a period of increased glacial activity, but one in which glaciers still advanced and retreated frequently. During the last two to four 100 kyr cycles, however, sediment yields appear to have decreased. This decrease may be the result of the submergence of the Barents Sea. Glacier erosion would be much higher for a subaerial Barents Sea setting than it would be for a present day subsea Barents Sea. A classical question in Quaternary Geology is whether glaciers are more erosive than rivers. We surmise that if factors such as the lithology and the available potential energy (mgh) of the precipitation falling at a given altitude, whether in liquid or solid form, are held constant, then glaciers are vastly more effective agents of erosion than rivers.


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Sr, Nd, and Os isotopic data are presented for sediments from diverse locations in the Bay of Bengal. These data allow the samples to be divided into three groups, related to their sedimentary contexts. The first group, mainly composed of sediments from the shelf off Bangladesh and the currently active fan, has Sr and Nd characteristics consistent with a dominantly Himalayan source. Their 187Os/188Os ratios (~1.2-1.5) show that the average detrital material delivered by the Ganga-Brahmaputra (G-B) river system is not unusually radiogenic. A large difference in 187Os/188Os ratio exists between these Bengal Fan sediments and Ganga bedloads (187Os/188Os ~2.5, Pierson-Wickmann et al. (2000, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(00)00003-0)). This difference mainly reflects addition of a less radiogenic Brahmaputra component, though mineralogical sorting and loss of radiogenic Os during transport may also play some role. The second sample group contains sediments from elsewhere in the Bay, particularly those located on the continental slope. They display Os isotopic compositions (0.99-1.11) similar to that of present seawater and higher Os and Re concentrations. These characteristics suggest the presence of a large hydrogenous contribution, consistent with the lower sedimentation rate of these samples. Sr and Nd ratios indicate that a significant fraction of these sediments is derived from erosion of non-Himalayan sources, such as the Indo-Burman range. These observations could be explained by the deflection of sediments from the G-B river system by westward currents in the head of the Bay. The third group contains only one sample, but shows that in addition to a Himalayan source, sediment discharge from Sri Lanka may influence the detrital component in the distal part of the fan. The similarity between the isotopic compositions of the group I R/V Sonne samples and those of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 116 (France-Lanord et al., 1993; Reisberg et al., 1997, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(00)00003-0) suggests that the material eroding in the Himalayas has been roughly constant since the Miocene. The high Os isotopic ratios of leachates of both Sonne group I and Miocene Leg 116 sediments imply that much of the leachable highly radiogenic Os component was conserved during transport through the estuary or interaction with seawater. In constrast, samples with lower, but still relatively high, sedimentation rates (Sonne groups II and III and Pliocene Leg 116) seem to have significantly adsorbed or exchanged Os and Re with seawater. This suggests that in some cases the Os isotopic ratios of leachates of detrital sediments can be used to constrain the ancient marine Os record, or conversely, to date unfossiliferous sediments.


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The Th content of the sediment samples from "Meteor" core GIK12310-4 (3080 m water depth, off NW Africa) on a carbonate-free basis lies around the average of 12.4 ppm and is similar to the average content of the earth crust. On the contrary, uranium was found to be up to 3.5-fold enriched in the core section between 60 and 330 cm (within the Wuerm Glacial) where reducing conditions occur, due to deposition of authigenic uranium (9 µg/cm**2 1000 yrs.). The authigenic uranium content is correlated to the organic matter content (U/Corg ratio = 6 * 10**4). On the basis of the uranium content of the oxidized section uranium was split into a detritic and an authigenic component and the amount of supported ionium was calculated. From the profile of the specific Io-cxcess activity (= Io-total - Io-supported) with depth, average sedimentation rates of 3.3 ± 0.6 cm/1000 yrs. for the warmer stages and of 5 ± 1 cm/l000 yrs. for the cooler periods were estimated.


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The redox stratification of bottom sediments in Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea, is characterized by elevated concentrations of Mn (3-5%) and Fe (7.5%) in the uppermost layer, which is two orders of magnitude and one and a half times, respectively, higher than the average concentrations of these elements in the Earth's crust. The high concentrations of organic matter (Corg = 1-2%) in these sediments cannot maintain (because of its low reaction activity) the sulfate-reducing process (the concentration of sulfide Fe is no higher than 0.6%). The clearest manifestation of diagenesis is the extremely high Mn2+ concentration in the silt water (>500 µM), which causes its flux into the bottom water, oxidation in contact with oxygen, and the synthesis of MnO2 oxy-hydroxide enriching the surface layer of the sediments. Such migrations are much less typical of Fe. Upon oxygen exhaustion in the uppermost layer of the sediments, the synthesized oxyhydroxides (MnO2 and FeOOH) serve as oxidizers of organic matter during anaerobic diagenesis. The calculated diffusion-driven Mn flux from the sediments (280 µM/m**2 day) and corresponding amount of forming Mn oxyhydrate as compared to opposite oxygen flux to sediments (1-10 mM/m**2 day) indicates that >10% organic matter in the surface layer of the sediments can be oxidized with the participation of MnO2. The roles of other oxidizers of organic matter (FeOOH and SO4**2-) becomes discernible at deeper levels of the sediments. The detailed calculation of the balance of reducing processes testifies to the higher consumption of organic matter during the diagenesis of surface sediments than it follows from the direct determination of Corg. The most active diagenetic redox processes terminate at depths of 25-50 cm. Layers enriched in Mn at deeper levels are metastable relicts of its surface accumulation and are prone to gradual dissemination.